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Posts by Nickidewbear  

Joined: 17 Sep 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 10 Sep 2023
Threads: Total: 23 / In This Archive: 20
Posts: Total: 609 / In This Archive: 308
From: United States, Baltimore
Speaks Polish?: I do not speak Polish; but I understand some basics about Polish pronounciation and transliteration.
Interests: Genealogy (My dad's paternal granddad was a Jewish-Polish Russian who immigrated to Pennsylvania.), history, and other interests

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28 Jun 2012
Genealogy / How common is it for other people of Polish origin to discover they are actually Jewish? [127]

But Matrilineal Jewishness was recognized only by Ezra. And anyway, banot-Aharon HaKohen are called "kohenet" in the singular. To answer your question, by the way, plenty of "Poles" find out that they're Jewish through DNA or like John Kerry HaKohen found out that he's Jewish--granted that John Kerry is Austrian-Hungarian American, nonetheless.
28 Jun 2012
Genealogy / How common is it for other people of Polish origin to discover they are actually Jewish? [127]

My maternal grandmother was an proper anti-Semite she realy hated zyds, but Iv'e just discovered her mother's maiden name was Kaplan and was actauly Jewish and therefore technically I'm also Jewish. How common is it for other people of Polish origin to discover they are actually Jewish?

So, you're a kohenet--Kaplan means "priest" or "bishop". By the way, the Matrilineal Jewishness thing wasn't recognized until 586 BC-70 AD. Read the studies by J.R. Wilheim and Nehemia Gordon.
27 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

Let's just focus on Lustiger. Anyway, he was born in Paris to Będzin-born Jews and became Catholic after Evangelical Protestants (not, as I incorrectly remembered, Catholics. Anyway, Protestants) saved him during the Holocaust. He then became Catholic after reading the Bible.
27 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

It's a debate, though. Now for a Polish Jew who really experienced Anti Semitism and actually became Messianic because of Evangelical Catholics who saved him--Aaron Jean-Marie Lustiger.
27 Jun 2012
News / Polish Primate condemns EU's anti-Christianity [29]

Actually, YeshuatYisrael has an interesting study on this. The EU may well be part of the one-world government alluded to in Daniel 7:23-28.

They are the sneaky creeps. The Roman Catholic Church are masters at political deception.

Thank G-d that you can say that on a Polish forum. I'm big-time Anti Roman Catholicism myself, and the only reason that my Anusi great-great-grandparents converted to it is because they lived in Lipsk nad Biebrzą and had more of an aversion to Russian Byzantine Catholicism. In fact, one Andrulewicz even became a Congregationalist in the generation born in America (He was an Andrulewicz-Yudicki cousin.).
27 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

Nickidewbear: Edith Stein was a Polish Messianic Jew, born in Wrocław.
she was a German Jew born in Breslau. (I know. I'm splitting hairs)

But Breslau is still Wrocław.
27 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

One famous Polish Messianic Jew was Edith Stein.

One does not have to practice Jewish ritual and ceremonial rites to be a Messianic Jew.
27 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

Nickidewbear: I cannot tell you how emphatically and angrily my granddad denies being a Jew and claims to be a Polish Lithuanian who is related to the infamous Anti Semite Stefan Czarniecki

What proof (i.e. hard facts) do you have to support the claim that your family were ever Jewish? Just curious. Czarnecki is a typical Polish surname, so you can't go by that.

First, I'm a Messianic Jew. Second, to yehudi, I'm not here to proselytize; so knock off the Antimissionarism--I'm not forcing you or anyone else to believe in Jeszua. Thirdly, Ashkenazim were the first Anusim--look it up on Wikipedia. Fourthly, back to Magdalena, I've done my homework and have even made several references to it on various threads here. Fifthly, darn right that I'm Protestant, Grzegorz; and I'm not a redneck looking to cause Armaggedon--but I am a "fundamentalist". By the way, quite a few of my Polish-Jewish relatives became Protestants here in America.
26 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

Yeah; and that's part of why I know that my Jewish great-great-grandparents were not ethnic Poles or Polish Lithuanians. In fact, Great-Great-Grandma got very angry when Great-Granddad wanted to marry a Jew with a Kacwin-born, gentile Catholic dad--he married her, anyway.
26 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

Yes; but if a Pole converts to Judaism or, in the case of Messianic Jews, Christianity; then he or she can marry a Jew. Remember that Rakhav the Caananite and Ruth the Moabite converted to Judaism.
26 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

Rybnik,lol I have to admit I'm clueless in this discussion.

He won't do the homework to figure out what Poles and Jews mostly intramarried. I gave him Deuteronomy 7:1-5 and Numbers 36.
26 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

Nickidewbear: Deuteronomy 7:1-5 and Numbers 36.
Oh I get it. You yourself don't have a clue ;)

Believe me; I have a clue. My Andrulewicz-Chernetski great-great-grandmother married a Daniłowicz-Chernetski cousin.
26 Jun 2012
Travel / Do you have Ethiopian restaurants in Poland ? [16]

I went to an Ethiopian or similar restaurant once. I doubted, meanwhile, that many Ethiopians (Kuszim) would come where many Jews were (and still are, though more in the cities now)--Jews and Ethiopians have had a contentious history.
26 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]


Ironside: Hallo big guy ! What about an apology from you for your racist anti-Polish post ?
Don't hold your breath Ironside. (he really let it all out didn't he?)

Anyway, though, it could've been judgment for Polinjah's Anti Semitism--share the same fate with the Żydowskiego, and you'll hopefully learn to never curse Israel again. Sharing such a fate did change Polish minds pretty quickly.
26 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

What's funny (not in the "ha ha" way) is that my great-great-grandparents and great-granddad did learn and speak Polish--whether they spoke Yiddish, my granduncle Tony wouldn't know, and my granddad will (unless G-d wills otherwise) never tell me. But I did ask Granduncle Tony if he even ever heard words like "Żydowski". He said that he didn't. I guess that in assimilating, they had to learn not even say "Żydowski" or similar words.
26 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

You have to imagine that some Bolshevik had their Polish and Polish Vicinity counterparts in mind when they became Bolsheviks--Daŭhinava (Dolhinov) and Suwałki (Case in point, Lipsk nad Biebrzą) had plenty of their oppressed fellow countrymen, for example.
26 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

You have to remember that Russia had a good chunk of Poland and its vicinities (e.g., Wołyń), so many Polish Żydowskiego were affected. Case in point, the unknown Chernetski known as "Antoni Jan Czarniecki" was affected. Will I ever know his birth name? Only G-d knows. All I know is that he was born in Cumań, Wołyń on the way to visit his Kiew Gubernia-residing cousin, Vilgelm Andrulevich, and resided in Lipsk nad Biebrzą until his parents converted during the pogroms.
26 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

I saw the excerpt during the search. Anyway, we're Jews who spelled our name "Chernetski"; and Monica Lewinsky is a Levite woman (Lewit) who has no regard for Torah--and incidentally, we immigrated to Sugar Notch, Swoyersville (and we were not in touch with the Polish Foczkos as far as I know), etc. as Anusim.
25 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]


He's a fool. He hated Jeszua first; he'll certainly hate me.

Nikidewbear,have you read the the thread that Ironside is referring to?

I thought that it was this thread. My apologies if it wasn't this thread. In no way do I condone any prejudice.
25 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

I feel honored that a fool like you would consider me in need of a brain transplant. To Ironside, what was Anti Polish about Jason's post? You don't like that a fellow Pole is standing up for the people who were chosen to bless all nations, including Polinjah?
25 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]


I think that I'm making alijah as soon as I can, G-d willing. How about that? And there's nothing cartoonish about Anti Semitism in any way, shape, or form.
25 Jun 2012
History / Poland and Polish Anti-Semitism, c. 1918-1939 [148]

Case in point, my own family. We hid because of Anti Semites like grubas and legend. I cannot tell you how emphatically and angrily my granddad denies being a Jew and claims to be a Polish Lithuanian who is related to the infamous Anti Semite Stefan Czarniecki--the Czarnecki variant of whose last name we took, when we were originally Chernetskis in Lipsk nad Biebrzą. Meanwhile, I pray (when I think about it at least; and maybe every day, since I don't know everything that the Holy Spirit prays for and through me) that my Chernetski, Daniłowicz, Laczinsky, Focko (Foczko), Monka, and other Jewish-Polish and Jewish-Polish-Slovak, and other Jewish family contacts me every day. I love my miszpakha, even though many of them hate me--maybe that I'd even be cut off for them, though I can't imagine giving up my salvation (I obviously don't have a heart like Paul did.).