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Posts by gumishu  

Joined: 6 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 14 Jan 2025
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 6228 / In This Archive: 3025
From: Poland, Opole vicinity
Speaks Polish?: yes

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24 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

While you and I as well as many others think there's better alternstives you can't explain that to a pl miner with mouths to.feed.

the so-called better alternatives are all more expensive than coal Dirk - thanks to coal (and lignite) Poland has one of the cheapest electricity prices in Europe
23 Sep 2017
Real Estate / Renting flat in Wroclaw, Poland for family with 2 small children [4]


smog is seldom a problem in Wrocław and mostly in areas where there are plenty of small houses that still use coal for heating during the winter (i lived in Wrocław for several years in various parts)

the most important thing is how much you can spend on rent (or how much are you willing to spend on it)

the easiest way for you to find a place that fulfills your conditions is to look for someone/ a real estate agency that would check the things for you - this of course requires spending some money

I could do it for you but not for free, as it requires quite a deal of research and a lot of phone calls - my price is say 400 PLN and 50 PLN in advance for phone calls

if you are not interested in my offer I can try to direct you to real estate agencies (but I think their services will cost you at least double that than mine) - real estate agency is agencja nieruchości in Polish - you can try using this term for searching them on your own (just search for "agencja nieruchomości, Wrocław") - in most agencies there will be people able to communicate in English
23 Sep 2017
Food / Herb used in Polish rosol (chicken soup)? [88]

As for dill, I add it to cucumber soup and new potatoes.

new potatoes and dill - mmmhm yummy - and some zsiadłe mleczko to accompany them - i'm melting right now ;)
22 Sep 2017
Study / Hairstyling Academies in Warsaw? [5]

I have looked up hairdressing schools for foreingers in Polish - but found nothing - I guess we don't have such a thing in Poland
22 Sep 2017
Food / Herb used in Polish rosol (chicken soup)? [88]

Same with dill

Dill is very good with tomato soup especially if the tomato soup is served with boiled rice - not surprisingly tomato soup is often made frome the leftover Sunday's rosół

but I wouldn't add dill to rosół itself
20 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

PiS regime and their vrony capitalists.

PiS and crony capitalists is really news to me - I suspect it is a figment of your imagination - most of Puszcza Białowieska was a comodity forest for most of the PRL time

I posted a link to a scientific paper all about it. You don;t seem to have understood it

I understand you cannot explain it in your own words - quite telling if you ask me
20 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

I'm grouping you and gumishu

oh I'm so flattered - so how is in your own words spruce suppressing fires?

and remember you said all conifers promote wildfires first :) mister educated type
20 Sep 2017
Food / Herb used in Polish rosol (chicken soup)? [88]

She calls it 'maggie'

you are after lubczyk(English name lovage) - it is generally grown in peoples gardens and seldom found in grocery shops
20 Sep 2017
News / Berlin terrorist attack -- Poland's ethnic homogeneity a true blessing [436]

Poland is still not contributing to the EU budget, but actually its' largest recepient so it has a weak hand in this matter.

Poland is the biggest net recipient - when it comes to EU funds per capita Poland receives more only than Bulgaria and Romania - so there you go
20 Sep 2017
Language / Phonetics' Question Regarding the Production of the 'r' sound in Polish. [9]

If a Pole hears another Polish speaker (not necessarily a native) pronounce a uvular aka French 'r', they'll probably think that indeed the other person is a foreigner,

that's an exaggaration - most Polish people are aware of the fact that some of us Poles have problems with pronouncing trilled R's
20 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

Yes, it's reliable.

yeah winds are reliable - omg - just listen to yourself

no need for huge battery stacks in coal powered energy system my friend
20 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

clean and safe technology now

and not reliable - if the wind blows you have a lot of energy - even more than our grid can handle (even more than German grid can handle hence their insistence of us letting their energy surpluses into our grid) - if it stops blowing oh well: you should buy big lithium battery stacks or otherwise you have no energy (20-sty stopień zasilania)
20 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

Once it's gone, it's gone.

we still have enough coal for the next 50 years if not more

by that time new technologies will be discovered that will enable tapping to the energy of the vacuum - and it will be a bright era in the history of humankind
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

That is what it is all about, and that is science

maybe this is science - but it's hardly maths where you can prove things based on axioms

How the hell would you know, you've never been?! You still haven't said where you are getting your information from.

from aerial photos - where large swaths of the forest is dead - you have your photos i have mine
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]


It bends over and whacks the flames with its branches did babcia never tell you this.

hhahaha good joke :)

it really sounds like you are both PIS supporters but I am sure even if this were the case it wouldn't cloud your judgement.....

have you seen the picture from the Bavarian Forest - there are places in Puszcza Białowieska that are almost pure spruce stands - they will look like this if no measures are taken - I wouldn't go to see such a 'forest'
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]


this is how Bayrisher Wald national park looks like - do you want the same thing in Białowieża?

Las Bawarski


It bends over and whacks the flames with its branches did babcia never tell you this.

hhahaha good joke :)
19 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]


the article does not explain how does spruce suppress fires it only states it can be shown it does from ancient samples - so please in your own words how does spruce suppress widlfires?
19 Sep 2017
News / Berlin terrorist attack -- Poland's ethnic homogeneity a true blessing [436]

If Poland has no desire to follow simple rules..., it should consider if it has any future in the EU.

what if most European countries vote that Poland should abandon coal in a span of a year - should we abide? - because you know climate change?

remark to mods and the admin: te nowe reguły odnośnie cytowania ( zwłaszcza ten drakoński limit który często nie pozwala zacytować trzech niedługich kluczowych zdań) są PO- PiER- DO-LO - NE