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Archives - 2010-2019
Archive Profile of: "Gruffi_Gummi"
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2 Jul 2011
Last Post
16 Nov 2012
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/ In This Archive:
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Co zrobić z "mądrym inaczej", którego zachowanie przejawia się antypolonizmem?
- Po polsku
The Mystery of Polish Sausage - Interesting kiełbasa link
- Food
Shipping a piano from Poland to the U.S.
- USA, Canada
Typical for the Poloniandists
- Life
Individualism in Polish culture...Is it almost Nonexistant?
- Life
"Quiet Hero" a book on Polish Survivors rarely heard - by Rita Cosby
- History
Which type of sausage in Poland is closest to an American kielbasa?
- Food
my Polish Grandfather in Hitler Youth? HOW?
- Genealogy
Marriage certificate required for Polish passport (I'm a Polish-American)
- USA, Canada
A new Poland's war - the poor vs the rich
- Life
Polish war cries/battle sayings
- Language
Poland worst off as a result? (life in German Prussia vs. Russian communism)
- History
Why have Poles contributed so little to Academics? (Particularly Science)
- History
My friend is looking for a job in Poland with a physics degree
- Work
Is there a legal requirement for us to support aging parents in Poland?
- Law
Was the Polish/ Lithuanian commonwealth a European power?
- History
Good places to live in Krakow
- Real Estate
Lithuanians hate Poles?
- History
Polish pride. PL stickers, flags and the white eagle! Where does our obsession come from?
- Life
Where can i find Spirytus Rektyfikowany in the USA?
- USA, Canada
Why is Prostitution still legal in Poland?
- Life
Malaysian Girl with Polish Guy... any chance together?
- Love
Amnesty to Illegal immigrants in Poland
- News
In Memory of victims, who had their lives cruelly taken at Treblinka Death Camp in Poland
- History
Polish is an official language in the UK?
- UK, Ireland
Borscht - Zurek / Bialy barszcz recipe
- Food
Is parity the answer for Polish women?
- Life
Do Polish women fight about everything?
- Love
Question about land of former Poland/modern Belarus
- History
Where do most Polish-Americans identify on the political spectrum?
- USA, Canada
Polish Doctor Burzynski finds a cure for incurable cancer
- News
Why are Polish people so obsessed with race?
- Life
Racism in Czestochowa? I'm a black student from France.
- Study
(English and teaching in Poland) Help needed urgently re a VISA
- Work
Are there still communists in Poland?
- History
Amount of money for gift (I have a girlfriend in Poland)
- Love
EU presidency to cost Poland 110 million euro
- News