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How Polish history is viewed by other countries textbooks

23 Jan 2011 /  #92
Chopin was 100% French, if that makes you happy, Harry. I don't give that much of a f*ck, really.

No, Chopin was no more 100% French than Copernicus was 100% German! Chopin was French-Polish (or perhaps Polish-French would be a better way of putting it).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
23 Jan 2011 /  #93
No, Chopin was no more 100% French than Copernicus was 100% German!


I bet Choppi had some German in him some down the line too....if we look deep enough...hmmm


(or perhaps Polish-French would be a better way of putting it)

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
23 Jan 2011 /  #94
Yea and Marie Sklodowska-Curie was French too, not.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
23 Jan 2011 /  #95
No matter where she was from , anyone who invents

In July 1898, Skłodowska–Curie and her husband published a paper together, announcing the existence of an element which they named "polonium", in honor of her native Poland.

Will Harry bore someone in to submission again?

I will do the pre-emptive defense and give in before it sends me to sleep and say she was not Polish because nobody Polish ever did notin for noone :)
23 Jan 2011 /  #96
Yea and Marie Sklodowska-Curie was French too, not.

Thank you for sharing the Septic view, we'll let you know when anybody cares what a turncoat traitor has to say about this topic.

The simple fact is that Sklodowska-Curie most certainly was Polish-French: she became a French citizen by choice. This explains why she was able to be a professor at the Sorbonne at a time when only French people were allowed to be professors there.
George8600  10 | 630  
23 Jan 2011 /  #97
I wonder what Crow would say if he was here:

Chopin is 100% Serbian!!!!!!!!!!!
23 Jan 2011 /  #98
If you can play some Chopin on the piano, is it easier for you to play, knowing that he was French or Polish? A stupid question? I need a wise answer!

Well, it's easier for the average Englishman to say 'Fantaisie Impromptue' in a crap French accent than it is for him to say it in a crap Polish accent...
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
23 Jan 2011 /  #99

turncoat traitor

What are you talking about, are you feeling well?

she became a French citizen by choice

SO she was a traitor too, ohh you sick sick child.

The simple fact is that Sklodowska-Curie most certainly was Polish-French

No not really, since she was full Polish, we're talking about blood here, Chopin was from a mixed Polish/French background, Marie wasn't.
puella  4 | 170  
23 Jan 2011 /  #100
Really? Got any proof of any of that? Judging from the coat of arms which her family used, they were originally from Silesia. And if she was so Polish, why did she take a foreign husband? No true Pole would voluntarily become a member of another nation!

It's not funny but pathetic. I see we have a war for the art of a war here. Harry doesn't like Torq and Sokrates (actually no one like Sokrates) and that's why he keep on with this pointless discussion. What does he want to prove? That Poles are talentless, stupid nation who did never contributed anything to world's science and culture? I guess he will also say that Maria Curie Skłodowska wasn't Polish as well ("No true Pole would voluntarily become a member of another nation!"). Is this the thing you want to say? Is Harry another Pole-hater on this forum??? I just can't understand how pathetic must one be to sit in front of the computer for hours just to put down other nation members. I think Harry must carry really sad life... I just hope he is not forced to live in Poland. If he does, probably no one likes him in real life. Harry are you a BNP supporter as well? I see you as another British imperialist (but I heard you're just an Aussie with not so far British descent... still possible)
23 Jan 2011 /  #101
What are you talking about, are you feeling well?

Perfectly well, thank you Septic.

SO she was a traitor too, ohh you sick sick child.

No, she never renounced all allegiance to Poland. You, on the other hand, did, traitor.

No not really, since she was full Polish, we're talking about blood here,

So by accident of birth she was Polish and by deliberate choice she was French. That most certainly makes her Polish-French.

What does he want to prove? That Poles are talentless, stupid nation who did never contributed anything to world's science and culture? I guess he will also say that Maria Curie Skłodowska wasn't Polish as well ("No true Pole would voluntarily become a member of another nation!"). Is this the thing you want to say?

It is so much easier for you to argue against what I don't say than to try to discuss what I actually do say. Perhaps you'd like to try to discuss what I actually say rather than lying about what I say? Or would that be too difficult for you?
puella  4 | 170  
23 Jan 2011 /  #102
Perhaps you'd like to try to discuss what I actually say rather than lying about what I say?

Oh, and it comes again. The only argument which Harry knows is that someone is lying.No, it's not a lie to guess other people intentions. SO I'M GUESSING I HIT THE NAIL with your intentions. If not, prove it! Tell 10 things you like in Poles.

As it goes for the offtopic in Poland we don't understand nationality in category of citizenship. It's not Australia. You don't become a Pole because you accquired a Polish citizenship. Poland was a country for years under partitions. According to your way of thinking our great granparents should think of themselves as: German, Russian or Austrohungarian(???)... no Poles here! Also the multuculturalism of pre-war Poland led to this kind of perceiving of nation. We had many nations within borders of Poland, which hate each other. Could you even though of some Ukrainian born in Volynia in 1930s to call himself Polish?! That's why I consider your way of thinking as truly stupid. Sorry. Citizenship doesn't count.
23 Jan 2011 /  #103
actually no one like Sokrates

Hey - I like Sokrates! :)

If not, prove it! Tell 10 things you like in Poles.

Now, that's too hard a task. Even I couldn't find 10 things I like in Poles :D
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
23 Jan 2011 /  #104
Oh, and it comes again. The only argument which Harry knows is that someone is lying. No, it's not a lie to guess other people intentions. SO I'M GUESSING I HIT THE NAIL with your intentions. If not, prove it! Tell 10 things you like in Poles.

That's true about Harry. He likes to accuse other people of "lying" while he lies and defames people with half-truths all the time.
puella  4 | 170  
23 Jan 2011 /  #105
Now, that's too hard a task. Even I couldn't find 10 things I like in Poles :D

Nie zniechęcaj go Torq!

So let him tell as many as he can ;)

That's true about Harry. He likes to accuse other people of "lying" while he lies and defames people with half-truths all the time.

Just in case I wanna state clearly that I have nothing to do with the whole PF right wing. So Harry just accused of lying a balanced person.
23 Jan 2011 /  #106
Even I couldn't find 10 things I like in Poles

I think my world view just lurched six feet to the right :)
puella  4 | 170  
23 Jan 2011 /  #107
Harry has hidden... 10 min and still no answer... or maybe he is writing... he sees sooo many good things in Poles ;)
23 Jan 2011 /  #108
Harry has hidden... 10 min and still no answer... or maybe he is writing...

Doing a bit of work actually.

Although must admit I do see absolutely no reason to spend time writing a particular post simply because somebody who insults me and lies about what I say demands that I do. Perhaps if you would apologise for lying about what I say, I might change my mind.
23 Jan 2011 /  #109
Although must admit I do see absolutely no reason to spend time writing a particular post simply because somebody who insults me and lies about what I say demands that I do.

Er, that's your MO, Hal. You got a patent out on it or something?
puella  4 | 170  
23 Jan 2011 /  #110
lies about what I say

Where??? I did not write anything about things you've said or not. I just made assumtions about your motivation/intentions. Just a simple observation. You can do something with it than mindlessly accuse someone of lying. Everyone will agree with me.
23 Jan 2011 /  #111
Where??? I did not write anything about things you've said or not.

Looks like you are lying again.

I said in this post: "The simple fact is that Sklodowska-Curie most certainly was Polish-French" But in this post puella says "I guess he will also say that Maria Curie Skłodowska wasn't Polish as well."

Clearly puella is a liar: she's shown that twice on this very page.
puella  4 | 170  
23 Jan 2011 /  #112
Perhaps if you would apologise for lying about what I say, I might change my mind.

Ok if I make an apology (but not for lying... rather wrong assumptions) will you tell what things you like in Poles?

"The simple fact is that Sklodowska-Curie most certainly was Polish-French" But in this post puella says "I guess he will also say that Maria Curie Skłodowska wasn't Polish as well." Clearly puella is a liar.

That's because I haven't read that post. I was reffering to post I quoted and have not read the rest posts. It's obvious if you can read...

I guess he will

what does it mean? A FUTURE TENSE! Don't be manipulative it doesn't help you at all to gain any credibility. Actually everyone sees that your manipulative here.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
23 Jan 2011 /  #113
No, she never renounced all allegiance to Poland.

That's only because French law doesn't require it when getting French citizenship. Besides if Poland took some silly statement seriously they wouldn't allow Dual Citizenships.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
23 Jan 2011 /  #114
will you tell what things you like in Poles?

Other than bullets, knives, viral infections, stakes, tapeworms.....
puella  4 | 170  
23 Jan 2011 /  #115
Don't give him hints. He have to come up with it on his own ;)
23 Jan 2011 /  #116
That's because I haven't read that post.

Nice try at covering up your lie but you'll have to do a bit better than that.

what does it mean? A FUTURE TENSE!

Yes, clearly I will go on to say the exact opposite of what I have already said.

That's only because French law doesn't require it when getting French citizenship.

Don't judge other people by your own traitorous standards, Septic.

Besides if Poland took some silly statement seriously they wouldn't allow Dual Citizenships.

Not that you'd care: you've already shown that you're perfectly happen to break the law when it comes to citizenship.
puella  4 | 170  
23 Jan 2011 /  #117
Nice try at covering up your lie but you'll have to do a bit better than that.

I've just lost all respect for you! IT'S OBVIOUS FROM MY POST THAT I HAVEN'T READ THE REST OF IT. I was on previous page and posted the post. I'm sure that everyone sees it.

Harry I thought that you might be really intelligent guy (everyone tells me that). You made shut up all those antisemitic maniacs (whish I really appreciate) but I see that those maniacs are sometimes right when calling you a manipulative guy. And you've just prove it. A real drama queen!

Now show other people that at heart you like Poles (that's why you're here) by saying 10 good things about Poles. If not be so brave and tell us what Poles have done to you that you hate them so much! Ignoring it would mean I had right about everything I was supposing.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
23 Jan 2011 /  #118
Don't judge other people

You don't judge other people when you know nothing pu**y.

you've already shown that you're perfectly happen to break the law

What are you talking about you delusional f**k?
Natasa  1 | 572  
24 Jan 2011 /  #119
Chopin is 100% Serbian!!!!!!!!!!!

It seems that Crow loves Poland more than average Pole :)), so I think that he would give his serbian kidney if necessary (market price falling at the moment) to prove that Chopin was nothing else but Polish (100% at least), because on the end it would lead to the conclusion that he was 100 % Slavic, and you know what that means. ;)

For me he was Polish. That is how we learned about him in school. The French part was mentioned but in a blurry way.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138  
24 Jan 2011 /  #120
Chopin is 100% Serbian!!!!!!!!!!!

He is not that stupid he would say 100% Slav, I bet he would be happy! ;)

(actually no one like Sokrates)

Ey ey ey I "kinda" like him! He isn't bad with Polish history

He is just a quite a lot rough around the edges :)

I've just lost all respect for you!

New? Welcome to PF! :)

because on the end it would lead to the conclusion that he was 100 % Slavic, and you know what that means. ;)

Heheh think alike no? ;p

If it's any helpfull I found in one of my "marketing" books at school about Poland doing well and progressing but also having big proportions between poor and "wealthy"

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