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Shafting The Poles - article by Ralph Peters NYP

enkidu  6 | 611  
8 Mar 2011 /  #1
The decisive turning point in the West's long struggle against Islamic conquerors came on the afternoon of Sept. 12, 1683, during the last Turkish siege of Vienna. Severely outnumbered Polish hussars - the finest cavalry Europe ever produced - charged into the massed Ottoman ranks with lowered lances and a wild battle cry.

Full text: forums.ealinggazette.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=81&sid=d4fb317555f e1c62876712ad69a22f16
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2122  
9 Mar 2011 /  #2
I like the article ALOT :)
9 Mar 2011 /  #3
Very nice indeed. You can't find anything like this in a mainstream press these days.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
9 Mar 2011 /  #4
Great article indeed. I can't find a link to the article on NYP's website though? Was it titled "Shafting the Poles" or did Gazette.co.uk writer rename it?
rychlik  41 | 372  
9 Mar 2011 /  #5
I read it. It' March 2011. What the f'uck has Poland received from the Yanks in supporting them in the middle east?? Why do they continue to be there?!
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Mar 2011 /  #6
Self interest?

Enlighten us on what the deal was?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
9 Mar 2011 /  #7
Very nice indeed.

Pissing on the wind ? That all it is, nobody needs Poles nor will appreciate them :)
Selfish little pricks !:)

Self interest?

ha ha ha
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
10 Mar 2011 /  #8
I like that Ralph Peters.

He is one of my favorite German Americans. Well he's half German at least. :)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
14 Mar 2011 /  #9
Peters praises the bravery of the Poles...Well & good...But he is not a very smart man...He still believes in the anti-Islamic mythology, and the charade of the 'War on Terror'...This genius asks 'Will Obama Lose Iraq?'...WE NEVER WON IRAQ, WE JUST DESTROYED IT'S SOCIETY BECAUSE THE ISRAELIS WANTED IT...This man, in truth, is sad...He's a FOX News 'Strategic Analyst' also...Lord have mercy.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
14 Mar 2011 /  #10
This man, in truth, is sad.

Not nearly as sad as someone who believes:


MediaWatch  10 | 942  
14 Mar 2011 /  #11
Peters praises the bravery of the Poles...Well & good...But he is not a very smart man...He still believes in the anti-Islamic mythology, and the charade of the 'War on Terror'...This genius asks 'Will Obama Lose Iraq?'...WE NEVER WON IRAQ, WE JUST DESTROYED IT'S SOCIETY BECAUSE THE ISRAELIS WANTED IT...This man, in truth, is sad...He's a FOX News 'Strategic Analyst' also...Lord have mercy.

No Joe, America did not go into Iraq because of Israel. It was more for securing oil supplies for the West.

Also there is a war on Islamic terror going on. Crazy Islamists are growing in strength and we have an increasing amount of crazy Islamists in America, the West and in Israel attacking Israel.

There was an African American who testified to congress that Islamic crazies brain-washed his son to become a muslim terrorist. There was also a Muslim American sergeant who killed fellow American soldiers last year in a base in the US.

This is happening increasingly in Western countries.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
15 Mar 2011 /  #12

Thanks, unfortunately all I get is

"An error occurred"

Probably waited too long?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
29 Mar 2011 /  #13
I must take issue here: Saddam Hussein would give US plenty of oil if we wanted it, but most Iraqi oil went to Europe, parts of Asia, etc...Now, Israelis get this oil for next to nothing...Saddam would never sell Israelis oil.

Israel still have dreams of 'Eretz Yisrael' from Nile to Euphrates...In fact, Israeli contractors and killers very active in occupied Iraq, Kurdistan especially...Goal was to splt into pieces the most affluent SECULAR Arab nation.

Forget this "Islamo-fascista-mania'...All completely bullsh*t...You would never have any so-called 'Islamic terrorism' nor mass Muslim immigration to Europe and West if the US/Zionist axis hadn't attacked Muslim nations...The Gulf War I ended effectively on Purim of that year with the coalition slaughter of tens of thousands of Arabs on the so-called Iraqi 'highway of death' (retreating troops slaughtered'...Gulf War II start on Purim 2003...No coincidence.

Please note, Polack 'master of disaster' Zbigniew Bzezinski started so-called 'al-Quida' by recruiting Arab mujahadeen to fight Soviets in Afghanistan during that war...All financed by CIA money...This sociopathetic Canadian Pole was Jimmy Carter's National Security advisor, and he start chain of events that lead to Islamic revolution in the Shah's Iran...Shah's secret police, SAVAK, trained by Israelis...This lead to Carter's downfall...Of course, Carter was a Christian man, had no taste for murder, but he played with the wrong boys who have no such compunctions.

Let me be clear: USA run by Jewish fifth column, and I want to see these traitors hung by the neck from the yardarm.

US foreign policy completely insane: Our national reputation is ruined in the eyes of most civilized nations, and certainly in the eyes of a graet portion of the 1 billion Muslims in the world...And for what?
1jola  14 | 1875  
30 Mar 2011 /  #14
Joe, I don't think the terms Wars for Jews or More Wars for Jews mean anything to posters here. We are mainstream here. We believe what our governments and their press tell us, critical thinking is highly discouraged, and any talk of Israel's security being the number one priority for U.S. foreign policy will be met with charges of antisemitism. In your case, the labels will proceed immediately to Reductio ad Hitlerum.

BTW, have you followed the neocon rebirth and calls for Libya, Iran, and Syria invasions? Same crew.
31 Mar 2011 /  #15
BTW, have you followed the neocon rebirth and calls for Libya, Iran, and Syria invasions? Same crew.

Let's roll
chichimera  1 | 185  
31 Mar 2011 /  #16
But he is not a very smart man...He still believes in the anti-Islamic mythology, and the charade of the 'War on Terror'...

I agree on that one :(

Actually I think that the Polish naive ideals of heroism and honour are something what have easily been taken advantage of.

Here's a video with the authentic speech of Stefan StarzyƄski, president of Warsaw in 1939

Penguins Fan  - | 2  
2 Apr 2011 /  #17
I must take issue here:

You are nuts.

Poland has traditionally been shafted by the West. That is nothing new.

Go back to the 2004 US Presidential election. John FARC Kerry (I call him FARC because Kerry praised the Marxist narcoterrorist FARC causing trouble in my wife's native Colombia) ripped on Bush for having "only" England as an ally. Bush corrected him, not that it did any good.

I have a letter from former US Senator Rick Santorum. I asked the Senator about the Polish visa waiver situation. Santorum had introduced a bill allowing Poles to enter the US with only a passport. An unknown Senator put a hold on the bill and it remains frozen to this day. I suspect that Senator is some spineless leftist like Charlie Schumer who was pissed off at Poland's assistance to the US in Iraq.

Compare and contrast to the situation involving the US southern border.

In early 1945, FDR was a dying man. He had no ability or strength to stand up to Stalin and insist on Poland being returned to its 1939 borders. FDR and Churchill gave in to Stalin. Why? FDR wanted Stalin's help in defeating Japan. At any rate, the US Government was far more concerned with ending the war as quickly as possible and saving American lives, not standing up for any other ally. Disgusting, but true. General Patton would have gladly declared war on the USSR and steamrolled to Moscow, but there was no way that was ever going to happen.

Then there was Whacko Baracko the Kenyan shafting Poland on September 17, 2009. F'in Marxist, he is.

Poland was an ally and a valuable ally during WWII. Germany and Japan were enemies. Because Germany and Japan were occupied by the US, they made out fine after the war. Poland got the shaft, again. Poland lost millions of its citizens and much of its territory, which will never be recovered.

As for how England treated Poles after WWII, why would anyone expect different? Examine history. Look at how England treated English Catholics and the Irish for centuries.

It is worth noting that there have been two US presidents during the past 100 years that have been a friend to Poland. Woodrow Wilson was never a popular president and his decision to enter WWI is criticized here even today. Forgotten in his Fourteen Points for Peace was the call for the reestablishment of a free Poland. Wilson was a major supporter of the Polish cause, even though France and England could hardly be bothered.

I have a copy of Paul Kengor's book, Crusader. Kengor is a professor at Grove City College in western Pennsylvania, 60 miles north of Pittsburgh. Ronald Reagan dedicated his adult life to the defeat of Communism. In his book, Kengor documents the initiatives, directives and actions the Reagan Administration made to assist Solidarity and bring the USSR to its knees economically. Reagan was labeled as a dunce - usally by people who were wrong then and are wrong now. Reagan paid more than lip service to Solidarity. Organizational assistance, fax machines, phones, radios, printing presses and paper and money were funneled to Solidarity to help keep the movement alive.

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