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What do Poles owe to Russians?

OP pawian  226 | 27817  
16 Jun 2011 /  #91
Pawian, you're talking about stereotypes of others but you're making the same mistake by saying that we (means all of us) don't know anything about Poland.

I am not making any mistakes, my friend. I just know what Westerners know and think about Poland. A few guys here and there fascinated with Poland don`t make a summer yet.

As long as we won't learn how to discuss, nothing will ever change my friend (I hope you don't mind me calling you that).

My friend, you don`t need to tell me this. Tell it to others.
District12a  2 | 12  
5 Sep 2011 /  #92
we owe nothing, they owe us 2 million people
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
5 Sep 2011 /  #93
we owe nothing,

Really? What about the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw?
That wonderful construction was built by Russians as a gift to Poland.

Look at its futuristic shape:
It plays a very important role in Warsaw.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
6 Sep 2011 /  #94
What do Poles owe to Russians? nothing, Russian owes fruit of our labor as all the millions of people that were sent to Siberia they owe us apology at least they can do that.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2136  
6 Sep 2011 /  #95
That wonderful construction was built by Russians as a gift to Poland.

You can put your pałac kultury in your arse!
Stalin gave the Polish commies the plans and then they had to make Poles build it. What a gift!
On the ruins of Warsaw he didn't want to save... Ironic?

I can have an conversation with an Russian no problemo, but if the Russian state would crumble I wouldn't shed a tear
legend  3 | 658  
6 Sep 2011 /  #96
I can have an conversation with an Russian no problemo, but if the Russian state would crumble I wouldn't shed a tear

I would be saddened if the people in Russia were killed. Because I still consider them many of them slavic people.
Poland, Germany and Russia had negative past with each other but that doesnt mean we should stone them to death today with hatred.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
6 Sep 2011 /  #97
=Mr Grunwald]You can put your pałac kultury in your arse!

Do you desire to see my death?

=Mr Grunwald]Stalin gave the Polish commies the plans and then they had to make Poles build it. What a gift!

Check your sources. :):):)
Mr_Chips  - | 12  
9 Sep 2011 /  #98
Yes, it is true. But you can`t deny the fact that Russians liberated us from Nazis in 1944-45.

Where did you get this nonsense?
This is right out of the Soviet NKVD Playbook.
Germany made several olive branch offerings to the Poles, even up to the very last minutes before being forced to intervene militarily.
Peace offerings which the Poles rejected, primarily due to empty promises from Britain.
I have a strong hunch that the partisans you are referring to are actually Jews, not Poles.
Poles had little love for the invading Red Army, so it's hard to imagine them fighting side by side against Germany.

Is there any unbiased source for your offerings?

What true Poles owe the Soviets is 50 years of occupation and its associated losses.
Technology, trade, growth, and world standing just to name a few.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
9 Sep 2011 /  #99
Germany made several olive branch offerings to the Poles, even up to the very last minutes before being forced to intervene militarily.

Wow we got a new neonazi to replace BratwurstBoy.
legend  3 | 658  
9 Sep 2011 /  #100
Germany made several olive branch offerings to the Poles, even up to the very last minutes before being forced to intervene militarily.

Lol. Germany was forced to intervene? Are you drunk or insane?
Gdansk was the only access to a big water source (Baltic Sea).
Hitlers demands were ridiculuos.
Even if Poland had allied with Germany against Russia the Nazis would come back to kill all Slavs and Poles.
jwojcie  2 | 762  
9 Sep 2011 /  #101
Germany made several olive branch offerings to the Poles, even up to the very last minutes before being forced to intervene militarily.

Wow... olive branch offering from Nazist Germany in 1939:
"First give us some land to connect with Prussia, let us take Gdansk also on that occassion. Secondly let us in and let us to expel/kill your Jews (about 10% of the population). Thirdly lets together conquer SU and kill all the Jews over there. Last but not least what we don't tell you but it is obvious, when we conquer SU, we will also occupy some more of your territory and use some of Untermenschen to slave work"

What a bargain! Why, oh why Poland didn't comply...

Anyway back to the topic: Poles of course owe a lot to Russian Dmitrij Mendelejew ;)
Teffle  22 | 1318  
9 Sep 2011 /  #102
What is worse, they are not interested to find out what Poland/Poles are like.

Maybe not - but why should they be? Reasonably educated people arguably should be, yes, at least a little.

But what do you think the average Pole thinks about Latvia for example? I'd say they couldn't give two sh1tes about the country.

By and large, the average western European on the street just considers Poland as "one of those countries, y'know, like Lithuania, Estonia or wherever"

For many people they almost all blend into one nondescript mass of former Soviet, bleak, relatively poor countries with cold winters.

I'm not critcising Poland, I'm just saying that you're right, quite a lot of people aren't actually interested at all.

Or as I said, maybe about as interested as the average Pole is in Latvia.

But you are doing yourselves a disservice by assuming the unruly barbarian image - I really don't think Poles are seen this kind of way at all, really, it's just basic indifference/non-interest.
Mr_Chips  - | 12  
9 Sep 2011 /  #103
I see there is some much needed re-education here, but it can be saved for another thread.
As far as the Poles owing Russia?
That seems to imply that Russia somehow did anything beneficial towards Poland.
Did they?
Sasha  2 | 1083  
9 Sep 2011 /  #104
Somewhat of a black page in Polish history. When one generation of Poles owes to the further ones...

Alexander Newsky Cathedral in Poland

Destroyed by the Poles after 1918.

Polish remnants

And here's what you've got there now...

PKiN Warszawa Poland

Exchanging God to stalin.

As for the topic, I'm sure there're lots of occasions when we owe each other whether it was at Stalin times or earlier but I don't think I want rip up old wounds.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
9 Sep 2011 /  #105
Thru no reason to open old wounds but we need to understand that people from all nations want the same thing, to live in peace and rise their family then die in dignity, we need to release the evil is done by ruling class of any country.

So to borrow phrase from old country

All Good people around the world unite
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Sep 2011 /  #106
A vodka exchange. Smirnoff for Żubrówka :) :) I'm sure relations would improve overnight.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
9 Sep 2011 /  #107
Or.....get a whole lot worse! lol
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Sep 2011 /  #108
Well, that possibility exists when some lose their control and out comes the bile. Fair point!
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
9 Sep 2011 /  #109
For many people they almost all blend into one nondescript mass of former Soviet, bleak, relatively poor countries with cold winters.

This comparison isn`t too correct.

If I don`t give a shet about Latvia and I am not interested in it, at least I don`t assume apriori it is a bleak poor country with cold winters. I am just perfectly neutral , like most Poles.

What an average Westerner thinks about Poland is exactly that - poor dull country with polar bears walking streets in winter.

Or as I said, maybe about as interested as the average Pole is in Latvia.

I have just explained the difference.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
9 Sep 2011 /  #110
You are missing the point a bit Pawian.

...a bleak poor country with cold winters.

You should assume it, because it is, sort of.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
9 Sep 2011 /  #111
I see there is some much needed re-education here, but it can be saved for another thread.

Can your reeducation of us be saved for another forum at all? :):):):) It is mental fast food, Chips. :):):):)


I have a strong hunch that the partisans you are referring to are actually Jews, not Poles.

Are you talking about this?
The town of Skalbmierz to the north of Krakow was one of many Polish settlements which experienced the horror of pacification during WW2. It was raided by joint German-Ukrainian forces (about 900 men) on 5 August 1944 while the Eastern front was close. Germans wanted to punish the town for its too close ties with partisans. Actually, the whole region of Pińczów was partisan infested. It is the land known for tough people, in the rest of Poland they are called Penknives, almost as tough as Highlanders.

I have a strong hunch that you watched too many Hollywood movies about Jewish partisans... :):):)

Simply speaking, don`t be silly. I have just started a new school year, gonna work really hard, I won`t have time to deal with such idiots who have never read a good history book in their miserably idiotic lives and their knowledge comes from Mel Gibson movies. :):):)

Simply speaking, can you spare us your idiocy?

You should assume it, because it is, sort of.

Why are you telling me what I should assume? :):):):)

Look, average Pole`s knowlegde of Latvia is zero.

So, how can a Pole assume that Latvia is a poor bleak country?

Latvia is completely neutral to an average Pole while Poland`s image in Westerner`s eyes is mostly negative.

Can`t you still see the difference? ):):)

Teffle]You are missing the point a bit Pawian.

I think it is the opposite. :):):):):)

Somewhat of a black page in Polish history.


Bleak, rather. Look at that bleak picture of the Orthodox church again
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 Sep 2011 /  #112
The people can work it out amongst themselves. Niet prablejm :) :)
Mr_Chips  - | 12  
10 Sep 2011 /  #113
I have just started a new school year, gonna work really hard

And everyone is supposed to believe you because...?
Skalbmierz had a large pre-war Jewish community (35% of the population), many of whom joined the Underground. It is a well known fact that the Jewish were offering their services to the Red Army upon their arrival and turned on their former Polish neighbors, or are you going to imply that Poles and Jews fought merrily side by side?

Here is a first person history of a Jewish woman in the Underground from that region.


This being the case, my comment that the Partisans were probably Jewish is valid, your ridiculous reply is not.
By all means do well in school but try to look beyond the politically correct nonsense they force upon you.
We can take up conversations on Polish German relations on another thread if you wish.
10 Sep 2011 /  #114
Poland owns Russia Katyń, doesn't it?
and palace of stalin is gorgeously ugly. but at least Russian workers that build this abdomination left whole estate of barracks/houses where they were living, and they are still there and people are still living in them. old fashioned wooden houses, there is a chance they will outlive this pfuj palace.

and this other guy is right, Germans had to intervene.
I mean, come on , you can't have those polish soldiers oversleepping in train, only to wake up on the other side of border, and to start shooting German soldiers. Everybody knows that it was this guy, Franek Dolas, who provoked Germans and started war.

and actually Hitler was only saving animals from those brute polish beasts.
they were still driving horses? in war? you can't harm animals while making films and they were taking horses on war ?!!? and they were attacking those gentle Germans with dog?! Russian dog, l must add, named Sharik. well, Russian, haha, Russian German shepherd fighting for Poles. what were they thinking?? that Germans will be happy? they had to intervene.

and Russian couldn't leave those poor retarded Polish bastards alone, after half of their elites left country, and second half left this world using Katyń as one of exit gates. it was act of brotherhood.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
10 Sep 2011 /  #115
Look at that bleak picture

The picture is, indeed. For it's a prerevolutionary postcard sent from Warsaw to Spb.
How this would look nowadays no one could say.


For me these things are incomparable, the first is an art of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon_Benois and the second is...the Soviet tryouts.

Some leftovers are still available at Baranowici.

10 Sep 2011 /  #116
I am soooooooooo glad this monstrosity is gone!!!! Perhaps the PKiN will be gone one day as well!!!
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
10 Sep 2011 /  #117
=Mr_Chips]Here is a first person history of a Jewish woman in the Underground from that region.

Hey, when you give sources, would you be so kind as to read them first?

You gave a link to the report of a jewish man, not woman.
What is worse, he didn`t work for the Underground in the region of Skalbmierz but in Kraków where he pretended to be Polish.

Yes, according to what he wrote, he was in the Polish underground because he was blond and could be easily taken for an Aryan. How many Jews were so lucky? Do you think Jews were able to form a successful guerilla resistance near Skalbmierz in 1944? That they defended the town in which the Holocaust had taken place in 1943 and no local Jews were spared?

Skalbmierz is about 60 kilometers from Krakow and the partisans who fought Germans there were from AK and BCh.

=Mr_Chips]Jewish community, many of whom joined the Underground.

Many? So far, we have one. More sources, please. :):):):)

=Mr_Chips]This being the case, my comment that the Partisans were probably Jewish is valid, your ridiculous reply is not.

After my explanation, do you see how valid it is? :):):):)

Read more about Republika Pińczowska.

=Mr_Chips]We can take up conversations on Polish German relations on another thread if you wish.

I`d rather not. As I said, I don`t have time to educate you. :):):):)

=RetroDog]Poland owns Russia Katyń, doesn't it?

I thought Katyn Massacre was ordered by Stalin who was Georgian, wasn`t it? And his communist assistants of various origin.

Do you know that the oldest mass graves in Katyń were from early 1930s when communists organised first purges in Soviet Russia? I don`t remember the exact numbers which I once read about Katyn but a few thousand for sure.
10 Sep 2011 /  #118
so, since Stalin was from Georgia, and his fellow communists weren't Russian we yVes all sorted out. as I understand since Hitler was Austrian Jew, and he had Nazi, Germans aren't to be blame for ww2 and holocaust.

now I understand, there were no Russians or Germans involved, only communists and Nazi (probably Polish nazi and communists, he?)
everything sorted out.
who are we blaming for napoleons wars? costaricans?
Teffle  22 | 1318  
10 Sep 2011 /  #119
Latvia is completely neutral to an average Pole while Poland`s image in Westerner`s eyes is mostly negative.

Don't agree. Whilst I agree that most Poles seem to know very little about e.g. Latvia they have still formed an opinion, an impression. All the Poles I know are quite dismissive of Latvia (and Belarus, Lithuania) based on very little knowledge. I'm not saying it's right or fair, it's just the way it is in my experience.

Same thing with "westerners" and Poland, I agree, a lot of the time the attitude could be described as negative but not nearly as negative as you might think (e.g. the barbarian comment). They just aren't interested and have vague notions of bleakness and relative poverty.

But really, what I'm saying is that I find it strange that you seem to think westerners should care about Poland. Maybe I have you wrong but it appears that you have an exaggerated opinion of the significance of Poland.

Look, I'm Irish and I am under no illusions - most of Europe probably knows very little about us and cares even less - I expect and accept that though.

Do you think the average Dane gives a sh1te about Portugal? Or the average Spaniard knows or cares one iota about the Czech Republic? Nope.

It's not just "the west" v Poland - everyone does it.

But in fairness, to the average westerner, yes, Poland and her neighbours feature even lower on the radar which is unfortunate but it will change.

But sorry, off topic, so in a very broad answer to the thread question I would say that on balance, the Poles owe very little to any country. Yes there's what about this & that but so far in her history, Poland seems to have had a fairly raw deal from many sources. So there. Nothing owed. Clean sheet

: )
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
10 Sep 2011 /  #120
Sasha, let me pull your shapely leg a bit longer. :):):)

For me these things are incomparable, the first is an art of Benois and the second is...the Soviet tryouts.
Some leftovers are still available at Baranowici.

What about the Palace`s art?

who are we blaming for napoleons wars? costaricans?

Hmm, interesting.

It would be even more interesting to hear/read who do you blame for the expulsion of Jews from Poland in 1968? Or, for the massacre of Jews in Kielce in 1946? Communists or Poles in general are to blame?

PS. Let`s not forget Polish participation in the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968!

=Teffle]But sorry, off topic, so in a very broad answer to the thread question I would say that on balance, the Poles owe very little to any country.

Well, yes, but even this little can be discussed and compared, e.g., German and Russian contribution.

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