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Poles in the Napoleonic era

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
29 Mar 2009 /  #1

Link for info about Polish soldiers during Napoleon's era
Crow  154 | 9463  
30 Mar 2009 /  #2
Poles in the Napoleonic era

same as Serbians, Poles were also cannon fodders
Cenowski  - | 63  
30 Mar 2009 /  #3
O maybe its becuase they would get the job done, its not really that the french are anykind of warriors is it, so they needed to emply some
Filios1  8 | 1336  
30 Mar 2009 /  #4
Somosierra: the Charge of the Polish Light Horse


A good example of Poles being used, literally as cannon fodder, because of Napoleon's impatience and arrogance.

O maybe its becuase they would get the job done, its not really that the french are anykind of warriors is it, so they needed to emply some

I'm confused... what exactly are you trying to say?
Crow  154 | 9463  
30 Mar 2009 /  #5
if you ask me, Napoleon was same as Hitler that come some time after him

They both were on the same job... its all fu***** `drang nach osten` and `divide and conquer` policy (using Slavs against Slavs to steal their resources and to exterminate and to assimilate as much as possible of their children).
Filios1  8 | 1336  
30 Mar 2009 /  #6
Napoleon was same as Hitler

Well, Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, Napoleon, Hitler, all the same in my mind, in the most general sense. However, Napoleon did not have the same race based ideology as Hitler had, and he never had it in his mind to exterminate whole peoples...

divide and conquer policy

Of course. But brother, Poles listened well to him, as he promised them an independent country. Duchy of Warsaw can hardly be called that, but it was a start. He most likely would never have followed through with this promise.

When Napoleon began invading Russia, and the cold set in, many Poles deserted and melted into the environment, later to return home. Many realized their mistake.
Crow  154 | 9463  
30 Mar 2009 /  #7
Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, Napoleon, Hitler, all the same in my mind

no they had many differences,... for example:

Alexander the Great was homosexual

Charlemagne was complete moron

Napoleon was schisofrenic

Hitler was maniac
George8600  10 | 630  
1 Apr 2009 /  #8
Alexander the Great wasn't a homosexual. Alexander married two women: Roxana, daughter of a Bactrian nobleman, Oxyartes; and Stateira, a Persian princess and daughter of Darius III of Persia. There is also an accepted tradition of a third wife – Parysatis – whom he is supposed to have married in Persia, though nothing else is known about her. Another personage from the court of Darius III with whom he was intimate was the male eunuch Bagoas. His son by Roxana, Alexander IV of Macedon, was killed after the death of his father, before he reached adulthood.

As for him, he never did anything to the slavic's. His operation were based in Africa, Persia, and India...
Filios1  8 | 1336  
1 Apr 2009 /  #9

George, have you ever heard of the 'Companion Cavalry' of Alexander the Great?
Crow  154 | 9463  
1 Apr 2009 /  #10
Alexander the Great wasn't a homosexual.

well, maybe you could be right. He is portraited as homosecsual in last movie about him so, information isn`t absolutely trusworthy

As for him, he never did anything to the slavic's.

you know, some say that he was Slavic and that Alexander was able to talk (understand) to Boii Celtic warriors (volunteers to his army in preparation for assault on Perssia) using his maternal language (his mother wasn`t Greek, some say Slavic). In any case Greaks didn`t like him and they considered him as barbarian

'Companion Cavalry'

in fact, it was heavy Sarmatian (Slavic) cavalry
Filios1  8 | 1336  
1 Apr 2009 /  #11
in fact, it was heavy Sarmatian (Slavic) cavalry

Could be. But many of these men were gay, because during their travelling together on campaign, they would not be able to find a woman. They became closer because they fought together, and many resorted to male companionship, rather than woman. In fact, they could be called bi-sexual, rather than homosexual.
Crow  154 | 9463  
1 Apr 2009 /  #12
again, could be

take for example Napoleon`s conquest on Russia. Looking those expiriances one can found that animals were also sexualy useful for Franch soldiers
1 Apr 2009 /  #13
They should have just followed the example of the Serbian heroes in the Balkan wars of the 1990s: just rape as many of the local women as possible.
George8600  10 | 630  
1 Apr 2009 /  #14
Yes, I'm currently reading a book on rhe Russian empire and how they cotnrolled Poland. Both in the classical era and in the post-modern era. It is them who have committed the most historical fallacies against this nation I beleive.
Crow  154 | 9463  
1 Apr 2009 /  #15
as a nation, Russians aren`t that diquisting. It was their ruling elite that accepted to collaborate with anti-Slavs from so called west and stubbed other Slavs in back. First victim of Russian anti-Slavs was Russian people, its a great truth

They should have just followed the example of the Serbian heroes in the Balkan wars of the 1990s: just rape as many of the local women as possible.

why you repeating NATO war propaganda against Serbians? NATO was in war with Serbs and demonized them in media, its well known fact today. Just see how Polish media exposing facts...

Polish press on false reporting from Kosovo

WARSAW - Commenting on the recent wave of violence in Kosovo, the Polish daily "Trybuna" published a feature article entitled "The victory of lies" in which it criticizes what is calls the false portrayal of the situation in the province in the past.

Emphasizing that information regarding "ethnic cleansing" (of ethnic Albanians by Serbs) was based on false and frequently dressed up reports, "Trybuna" reminds that for years the non-Albanian population of Kosovo has been forced to flee from its home and that "the Yugoslav Army and police were forced to confront massive attacks by international terrorist groups".

"The majority of Polish media uncritically rebroadcast news about 100,000 victims of Serb genocide, as well as the disappearance of one million Albanian males and 70,000 Albanian women, reportedly raped by Yugoslav soldiers," writes "Trybuna" and emphasizes that this so-called information was never officially denied.

George8600  10 | 630  
2 Apr 2009 /  #16
Oh I know. A citizen of a republic isn't represented by his government, especially when that government is fallacy. I'm not sure if Russians are all slavic, however there was anti-russian for those whom broke out, and didn't follow the state's doctrine (a doctrine which became ridiculous by the end of the Stalin-era). Millions of Russian's died and rotted in Stalin's gulags, purges, and torturing administered by the State.
2 Apr 2009 /  #17
why you repeating NATO war propaganda against Serbians?

Because it is not propaganda: it is truth. Until you Serbs can start to face up to what you did in the 1990s, instead of just claiming that everything is lies and that you are the injured party, you will remain the pariahs of Europe. When you do things like denying the Srebrenica massacre or claiming that the real Srebrenica massacre was carried out against Serbs, you just make it clear that you are pathetic, contemptable people who have no more right to a place in civilised society than a rabid dog has.
Cenowski  - | 63  
2 Apr 2009 /  #18
good load of rubbish you are moaning on with there, no thanx for you unput....

maybe for deniying srebenica or not who cares, but fact is there was lot of lies and west was fully intentially against Serbs from the outset, they is plenty of fact and docs to proove it all..... and ofcourse the worst ones from all proberly are the others, its just how it is.... lets see if nato ever put down clusters on isreal shall we or would it be that they are ok for making a war becuase jews and amerikans are mixed in power.....
2 Apr 2009 /  #19
maybe for deniying srebenica or not who cares,

Yes, who cares about the massacre of 8,372 civilians? Who cares about genocide? Who cares about ethnic cleansing? What really matters is that the Serbs are poor innocent angels who never hurt anybody and have been unfairly ganged up on by the rest of the world!
Cenowski  - | 63  
2 Apr 2009 /  #20
yes.....civillians on whose accounts and numbers on whose accounts, western investigations, i dont deniy people was on ethnic war, everyside was.....but no one else gets blame.... and to top it a while ago they even found listed dead at the Srebenica even voted in elections in bosnia years later, so ofcourse they were dead too i guess....and they never fight in uniform, civillian clothing, so im sure the numbers are huge compared to relatiy, but what ever got the nieve westen community to the support against Serbs i guess was good enough for the west...... same reason people dont know how many Russian, Polish and Serbs died in ww2 against germans, people only blow on about the poor old jews like its worth.... boohooo
2 Apr 2009 /  #21
civillians on whose accounts and numbers on whose accounts, western investigations, i dont deniy people was on ethnic war, everyside was.....

Right, and the 5,800 bodies which have been identified through DNA analysis are actually a western plot.

If you're going to be a dribbling moron, kindly go and sit in the pariah corner with our Serbian posters.
Cenowski  - | 63  
2 Apr 2009 /  #22
the fact that im not a drubbkling moran like yourself is why your so upset, you just dont liek the Serbs.....so your full of anything that you can cling to to attack them behind your computer screen..... either than or you have some ex yu devient ancestry.... and you dont designate any Serbs who any corner, if words say is Polish forum then they are more welcome.....
2 Apr 2009 /  #23
you just dont liek the Serbs.....

I do like some Serbs, I just don't like the murdering raping ones or the ones who make excuses for the murdering rapists.

either than or you have some ex yu devient ancestry....

Yes, because all people from the former Yugoslavia apart from the Serbs are deviants; in fact they are not even real people, so how can the brave Serbs possibly have committed genocide against non-people?

and you dont designate any Serbs who any corner, if words say is Polish forum then they are more welcome.....

As I've already said, kindly join the dribbling morons in the pariah corner.
Cenowski  - | 63  
2 Apr 2009 /  #24
As I've already said, kindly join the dribbling morons in the pariah corner.

like i said no thanx, and all the corners are taking with morans like yourself so i couldnt even if so.....

i dont honor any rapists so for that fact you dont know anything, and rape reports are as uneasy as anything to go by..... the women were coached out of Srebenica, fact, even the un saw that, so how any women got killed there is amazment to me.....
Crow  154 | 9463  
2 Apr 2009 /  #25

you Brits are tottaly twisted

you know, Britain is famous for `actions from behind`. France, too. You all like to see that Slavs are divided.... that way you rule, togather with your muja friends
osiol  55 | 3921  
2 Apr 2009 /  #26
Napoleon was a great humanist

It started to fall down with Napoleon when he decided to style himself as Emperor, thus losing the respect of many people in his day, including Beethoven.

Hello Crow. I'm going to set my muja friends on you. We're going to divide and rule you with our margarine. It was actually under Napoleon III that the French invented margarine, but surely a few facts like that are not important. Like the fact that not everyone of one nationality think the same way.

So either you like Napoleon and everything he did for Europe or you don't. If you want to complain about the British counterbalance of Napoleon's empirical plans, then you may be saying that Napoleon using Poles as cannon-fodder and the Poles' farm animals as sexual playthings must be okay.

All you are into is breeding roses.

Now there's a subject about which I know slightly more. Plant breeding, including that of Roses, occurs in many parts of the world, including Britain (although not amongst royalty - they either talk to their plants or just wave at them and ask them what they do for a living), France (where all roses believe in liberty, egality and fraternity - especially fraternity as we are talking about the old gene pool), the Netherlands where Napoleon insisted that everyone had a silly surname and now they also give their plants silly names, Rosa "Golden Showers" being a great example.

Didn't Napoleon once seek asylum in Britain? Not when he was caught and exiled, but earlier in his interesting career. They used different terminology back then - for plants and self-styled despotic warmongering emperors. I'm not saying the British back then were much better - one of the countries that still lives with the anachronism of monarchy and is the country guilty of naming a Himalayan bramble Rubus cockburnianus. Hmmmm.

Still, you had fun in Moscow?
Crow  154 | 9463  
2 Apr 2009 /  #27
Hello Crow. I'm going to set my muja friends on you. We're going to divide and rule you with our margarine. It was actually under Napoleon III that the French invented margarine

so what?

Serbians invented hand machine for hair cut. You now maybe suggests that Serbs needs to invade British islands or France armed with hair cut machine and to use it on Brits/Franch. How strange post from you
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
2 Apr 2009 /  #28
Napoleon was a great humanist

The whole (well nearly) of Europe build an alliance to get rid of this "great humanist".

Well...he had one good influence in Germany...the strenghtening of the german nationalism as the Germans decided to break free from his yoke (wars of liberation).

"Great humanist" my a$$s!

Nappi and friends got trashed!

Battle of the Nations monument Leipzig

Location Leipzig, Saxony
Result Decisive Coalition victory

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
2 Apr 2009 /  #29
The whole (well nearly) of Europe build an alliance to get rid of this "great humanist".

The whole of Europe was basically a bunch of bloodthirsty royal tyrants at that time.

Well...he had one good influence in Germany...the strenghtening of the german nationalism as the Germans decided to break free from his yoke (wars of liberation).

He hated prussian king for a stiff twat said king was, Napoleon was a soldier but he despised militaristic arseholes.

"Great humanist" my ass!

He was a hundred times more humane than any royal of the time, especially Prussia or Russia.

Nappi and friends got trashed!

No he did not, he trashed himself with bad decisions, in a stand up fight no one could beat him, the fact is that if not for Russian winter and the Grand Army freezing the guy would be completely unbeatable.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
2 Apr 2009 /  #30
Yeah...we know...Poles decided to side with this "great humanist" and got trashed by Europe...no need to apologize! :)

You know Sokrates...often people and countries just see history differently...that's a fact!
For you Bismarck was an idiot, for Germans he was the founder of our nation.
For you Napoleon was a great man, for many Europeans he was a violent conqueror, a tyrant, someone who brought war and destruction. Germans fighted to liberate themselves of him, you think he was a nice guy...that's history for you!

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