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When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed?

Crow  154 | 9541  
28 Nov 2016 /  #541
Proto-Indo-European is estimated to have been spoken no more than 6000 years ago while Clovis culture items are dated about 6000 years before that.

Actually, Pre-Clovis culture existed 20-30.000 years ago, while the Clovis culture appears some 13.500 years ago. At the same time, by the prominent linguists Anton Perdih and Petr Jandáček, Slavophonic Homo Sapiens Sapiens co-existed with Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis. So, 30.000 years ago what also means that preceded or overlapped with Clovis culture. Not to mention that by same authors, formation of early Proto Slavic language occurred some 70-55.000 years ago.

This just to show you that Proto Slavs qualifies as potential givers of Clovis culture. It doesn`t meant that they give it. Its possibility in the light of opened scientific question in case with eventual `European migration hypothesis` when it comes to origin of north-American cultures and natives.

As for term `Proto-Indo-European`, it is by same authors term that should be replaced in all literature with its more precise synonymous - `Proto-Slavic`.
mafketis  38 | 11149  
28 Nov 2016 /  #542
formation of early Proto Slavic language occurred some 70-55.000 years ago.

No. That is completely insane. That's like saying gravity tastes like chocolate or that time has polka dots....
Crow  154 | 9541  
28 Nov 2016 /  #543
No. That is completely insane

See, its not insane. Anyway you should complaint to Anton Perdih and Petr Jandáček.
Crow  154 | 9541  
2 Dec 2016 /  #544
People, you all know that I had my germanized phases. Its over now. It must be. I must be cured. Most probably is that future of Slavic world isn`t to become one more assimilated part of Germany.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
2 Dec 2016 /  #545
What in heaven's name are you talking about?

Do you ever proofread the stuff you post?
Crow  154 | 9541  
2 Dec 2016 /  #546
Clinton`s are down. Germany lost its guidance. Dream of new reich turn to be just that- a dream. Assimilation of Slavs won`t be allowed. So, I feel free like a horse on the meadow. See, its not Germany and Britain who shall remodel Europe. Others would finish what fanny people started.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
2 Dec 2016 /  #547
Crow's at it again, writing gibberish

I find he can be quite isightful at times, he is also fanny when he wishes.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
2 Dec 2016 /  #548
Insightful in a twisted sort of way, I suppose.
Crow  154 | 9541  
3 Dec 2016 /  #549

One very important thing what Poles needs to know, in order to understand Serbians.

For example, in parade march Serbians using old Prussian army parade march step. This was/is on suggestion from Lusatian Serbs who served in Serbian (later Yugoslavian) royal army. Logic is to keep memory on assimilated Serbs/Slavs, to underline that Prussians in fact were Slavs. Keep memory on ancestors, no matter that their descendants failed. We Serbians rehabilitating them, save their souls from germanization, keeps them for Slavdom. Nothing to vermin. Not even those who failed, in honor of their eternal ancestors, our common ancients.


This is from parade march in China, where Serbians were guests on a grand military parade, to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.

Keep to the topic of the thread please
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
4 Dec 2016 /  #550
you all know that I had my germanized phases. Its over now. It must be.

Can you tell in more detail what they were, these 'germanizatation' phases of yours, please?

Prussians in fact were Slavs. Keep memory on ancestors, no matter that their descendants failed.

I have recently come across an article saying the the Oder-Neisse line is a vey old distinct genetic border in Europe. And it not only the result of post-war movement of people, but it would have existed well before 1945. I'll let you know about it as soon as I finish reading it.

Are there any seriouis scientific or science-based popular literature on the Polabian Slavs available in the Serbian language, Crow? And I don't mean blogs or texts full of conspiracy theories on the internet of which there are plenty in Polish.
Crow  154 | 9541  
4 Dec 2016 /  #551
There is the interesting online Rastko Project, sponsored by Serbian Academy of Science and Arts. There is entire section dedicated to Lusatian Serbs and Slavs of the region. Texts of Lusatian intelligentsia there, too.

> rastko.rs/rastko-lu/jezik/euromosaic-sorbian_eng.html
24 Nov 2017 /  #552
Uh, boys. I think you have to stop quibbling about supposed land claims and take a hard look that 10 nuclear warheads will slam into Berlin should they even think about starting another world War. Remember, the almighty germans were duped by an ignorant, uneducated Austrian liar and fool. Hindenberg and the north germans hated that power hungry, fool madman. So did pilsudski and the northern tier germans. But I tell you....best to knock off Berlin and other major german cities, flatten them like bohemian boy hitler did to warsaw and other great polish cities, with quick nuclear strikes in an afternoon. A few million dead germans and piles of rubble is a better option than 67 million ww2 dead by the little bohemian boy hand. So get your kitchen knives out and lay your claim. Kiss your family goodbye because those missiles will go off in an instant. No way Germany should ever possess any nuclear weapons....not to mention fool Merkel let all the Muslims in
johnny reb  49 | 7927  
24 Nov 2017 /  #553
take a hard look that 10 nuclear warheads

Where would you suggest that I look to find these 10 nuclear warheads since to my knowledge Poland possesses none.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
24 Nov 2017 /  #554
There is entire section dedicated to Lusatian Serbs and Slavs of the region

A most interesting site. Thank you very much! Have you read the : The Conversion and Destruction of the Wends (1980) by E. L. Skip Knox provided in one of the links under the "History" section?

The book clearly states that for: [the] three centuries of alternating advances and retreats left the [north-eastern] frontier of the [Holy Roman] Empire in 1100 almost exactly where it had been in 800.

Thus the Western Slavs of Polabia (or the Wends) had managed to keep the Elbe-Saale line as a frontier between the Germanic and Slavic worlds for three hundred years until their culture and language vanished almost completely from the world!

So the real question should be: when will the Germans give back Slavic land and the cities which they robbed [among others: Halle, Leipzig, Dresden, Rostock and Berlin] ?

these 10 nuclear warheads since to my knowledge Poland possesses none

This is our wunderwaffe which is kept in great secret. Even the US doesn't know where those warheads are.
johnny reb  49 | 7927  
24 Nov 2017 /  #555
1. I bet the U.S.A. would if they do if exist.
2. Poland does not have the capability to produce them and I doubt like hell Israel sold them to Poland.
3. It certainly would not take ten of them to destroy Berlin in any case.
And if Poland did destroy Berlin then who would support Poland economically ?
I think someone is pulling the old Rebs leg here.
Sylvio  19 | 154  
27 Nov 2017 /  #556
Borders were set by Roosvelt, Churchil and Stalin, For all the "robbing" that went on in Europe during, and after WWII, Poland was left holding the bag.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
27 Nov 2017 /  #557
I think it's clear that Germany did the plundering and pillaging of her neighbors, NOT the other way round:-)

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