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When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed?

3 Nov 2016 /  #511
The different West Germanic language regions in the Old-German period (around the year 962 when Otto I was emperor)
Crow  154 | 9541  
3 Nov 2016 /  #512
Freedom to Lusatia and not that Germany thinks to grab more!
land of thunder  
4 Nov 2016 /  #513
@ Crow - Thank you Crow for your unstinting work. You set a fine example for all of us. Your outstanding sheer determination and extraordinary dedication to finishing your labor and achieving your goal is staggering to observe. No matter the obstacles, no matter who stands in your way, you soldier on to your inevitable victory. I, for one, salute you. Not for your courage alone, which is plain for all to see. But, for your talent at completely bamboozling me about whatever the fook you are going on about. For sheer effin', mind bending mystery, you are the tops. Thank you.

I read your posts after I've read the others, because I need to lie down thereafter and recover from feelings of insecurity.
@ the germans, [>g], these illiterate cretins are always going on about some lost land that belonged to some make believe greatness of theirs which never was. Their moronic agro is a constant theme in West Nationalist forums. They are pathetic. They don't have the motivation to attack their own Muz invaders right in their bedrooms, yet they go on about Prussia and Silesia in which Slavs outnumbered krauts 8/2 in some places. These cowardly ubermenschen are like all bullies. Show them a fist and they cry to mummy.

They were always fighting each other until unification, 1860s. IF it is true that the land belonged to them, because they lived there, THEN it must still belong to Polish People, because the german thieves stole it in the 1st partition, + 2nd & 3rd. 4th time - WWII.

The Third Reich and St Adolph are great favorites in WN big talk, and Nat Soc is the best thing. They always avoid Poland if they can. I always enjoy reminding them to explain Poland = it confuses them & shuts them up.

Nearly all Right Nat sites which push Hitleranity are CIA spook sites or affiliates. Disinformation is IN.
Map of Polonia 1047 AD =
The History Of Europe Every Year
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
4 Nov 2016 /  #514
"Illiterate cretins"????!

One can be cultured, that is, aesthetically cultivated, without being necessarily enlightened, can't they?

Wagner for instance was from all contemporary accounts a toxic dirt bag as a person, yet only a genius touched by the divine could pen the overture to 'Tannhaeuser' or the prelude to 'Lohengrin', among numerous other works:-)
Crow  154 | 9541  
4 Nov 2016 /  #515
Beautiful things like overture to 'Tannhaeuser' and prelude to 'Lohengrin' coming when one civilization grabbed a lot of, harmed others a lot of, don`t have deep history, have nothing to lose, etc, etc... and have time for contemplation.

See, Poles and Serbians also were sometimes inspired to create overture or prelude but, not that often, due to obvious reasons. But, at least, Germans were inspired by our destines.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
4 Nov 2016 /  #516
Crow, you're missing the point once again, namely, that the entire profound tragedy of German history is, as both Plessner and later on Dr. Mitscherlich, point out, that the Germans have never been able to conceive of existence in terms of "halves"; it's been all or nothing! We see this is their language, their literature, their artistic achievements.

German history has been one of absolutism, a sort of eternal, i.e. FAUSTIAN, pursuit of perfection, coupled with a deeply ingrained absence of ego for which they have had to aggressively overcompensate!

As the Poles have been less than achievement oriented throughout their long history, by contrast, the Germans have been the classic OVERachievers, in nearly any area one can think of.

For the Poles, it was enough to survive as serfs to their neighboring overlords, and yet they DID rebel as soon as they had a fighting chance, thus proudly proclaiming their independence from the Russian yoke in 1918.

The Germans' overweening need to compensate for feelings of inadequacy led them to seek overall domination of their surrounding, when and wherever they could:-)

Please, don't let's generalize!
Crow  154 | 9541  
4 Nov 2016 /  #517
I am exactly on point here. German nation is elitistic, considering being formed from assimilated Slavs (ie Sarmatians). Assimilated masses needed to be convinced, needed new elite- omipotent and omnipresent. So, to keep its base assimilated long enough to complete process of germanization elitism was necessary. Elitism then led to absolutism.

For the Poles, it was enough to survive as serfs to their neighboring overlords, and yet they DID rebel as soon as they had a fighting chance, thus proudly proclaiming their independence from the Russian yoke in 1918.

You mean, from Russian and Austro-Hungarian yoke. Plus, you forgot to mention that Serbians created that fighting chance to Poles.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
4 Nov 2016 /  #518
Well, at long last, I not only agree with you to a certain extent, I actually UNDERSTOOD what you were trying to say; it's a language breakthrough, YEEAAAAA! LOL

Elitism is though only part of the whole story, Crow. The histories of both Poland and Germany, even if geographically intertwined, are completely different in terms of their world view:-)
Crow  154 | 9541  
4 Nov 2016 /  #519
A question as an answer to the question of this thread - What German land?
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
4 Nov 2016 /  #520
Historically, from the banks of the Western Rhone/Rhine, from present-day Alsace, once 'Elsass-Lothringen, extending up through where the former East Prussia (Ostpreussen) "ended" and the borders between Russia and Poland "begin":-)
7 Nov 2016 /  #521
hopefully soon
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
7 Nov 2016 /  #522
Hopefully soon what?? If you mean whether or not so-called "German land" will be somehow "returned" to Poland, ahemm, it ain't gonna happen, matey! At least within MY life time (and I'm fifty-seven)LOL
Crow  154 | 9541  
7 Nov 2016 /  #523
soon fart on Germany.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
7 Nov 2016 /  #524
Think there's a language-interference joke in there someplace.
First German (speaking to partner in English): Do your French friend make many farts (meaning "Fahrten") to Germany?
Second German: Yes, he farts often into Germany!

"Fart ON Germany"?? Why, not?
land of thunder  
12 Nov 2016 /  #525
"The Polish Captivity", by Henry Rutherford Edwards
an English Traveler in mid 19C partitioned Poland, his observations @ moral unity despite great persecutions.
This is an easy read, and is worth looking into by Nationalists and Patriots everywhere.
Free download _ pdf _ 8.53MB _ at _ archive.org
In library? -'Iron Kingdom; the rise & downfall of Prussia', by Christopher Clark
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
12 Nov 2016 /  #526
it's a language breakthrough, YEEAAAAA! LOL

It's something you will never achieve in Polish though. You are so far from being understood by Polish speakers that the distance units used to describe it are light years.

Additionally you're fifty-seven.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
12 Nov 2016 /  #527
My Polish is grammatically superior to Crow's English and while MY Polish surely won't surpass that of a Polish native speaker, neither will YOUR English ever surpass that of an educated native English speaker, rest assured of that:-)

As far though as the return of German territory to Poland, as they say in Italian, "Sta freddo!", or, keep dreamin' kids!
Crow  154 | 9541  
13 Nov 2016 /  #528
Never mind my English. Who gives a sh**.

But, most important thing, in the context of this thread, is that with election of Trump, Germany (at the moment when threaten Russia`s interests) got one more middle finger when it comes to German appetites on Poland. All their dreams, about return of territories that Poles and Slavs in general ``took`` from Germany ever, are in vain. Not only that Poland isn`t in question but, how things stand, if Germany just tries something openly there won`t be another Germany. Finally that historical circumstances aren`t against Poles.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
13 Nov 2016 /  #529
Who cares???? Literate people interested in CLEAR communication do:-)

I seriously doubt Trump gives a tinker's damn about German territories "purloined" by the PolesLOL
Crow  154 | 9541  
14 Nov 2016 /  #530
Exactly, dobri pane brate Lyzko.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
14 Nov 2016 /  #531
Well, finally we agree about something at any rate:-)
26 Nov 2016 /  #532
Well, actually Pomerania, Silesia and East Prussia were Germanized during the 12th-13th century. There were German immigrant communities in most medieval Polish cities. Same thing with the Sudetenland. Even in Southern Poland there were German settlements, just fewer of them, who were later Polonized (cf. GÅ‚uchoniemcy).

BTW, all of Europe between the Rhine and Vistula rivers were inhabited by Germanic peoples before the Great Migrations in the 3rd-4th centuries AD...long before the Slavs came from Asia (Satem laguages = Asia).

Thus: with Central European geography you can prove all territorial claims ... or none at all. Wouldn't be surprised if Poles and Germans turned out to be genetically closely related than many other peoples. Research on this topic is, however, not PC, I suppose...
27 Nov 2016 /  #533
Sorry, wanted to say: "...genetically more closely related..." Sorry about the typo :-)
Crow  154 | 9541  
27 Nov 2016 /  #534
Wouldn't be surprised if Poles and Germans turned out to be genetically closely related than many other peoples.

Sorry, wanted to say: "...genetically more closely related..." Sorry about the typo :-)

but they must be. Modern day Germans are nothing but romanized and then germanized Slavs (ie Sarmatians). Today`s German population constantly mixed with what we today know as western Slavic population. Plus, Germans (in general) must have identical genes with Lusatian Serbs and clear genetic connection with Balkan/Central European Serbs being direct offspring of core Slavic (Sarmatian) population that was situated in `Balkan Ice age refugium` what is now Serbia and other Serbian lands on Balkan.
Crow  154 | 9541  
27 Nov 2016 /  #535
You know, there is even significant possibility that Slavic and Polish genetics could be found in bearers of Clovis culture in northern America. That could qualify Slavs among natives of America. See.
mafketis  38 | 11149  
28 Nov 2016 /  #536
You know, there is even significant possibility that Slavic and Polish genetics could be found in bearers of Clovis culture in northern America

No. There is not.
Crow  154 | 9541  
28 Nov 2016 /  #537
I said `possibility`. See, there are many opened questions in science in case with Clovis culture and people. But, if science confirms `European migration hypothesis`, Proto-Slavs could prove to be only available European ethos, at the time, which was able to give migratory wave that resulted in Clovis, what would mean that it was branch of Proto-Slavs that following mammoths across the ice founded themselves in what we now know as northern America. Interesting, isn`t it.
mafketis  38 | 11149  
28 Nov 2016 /  #538
branch of Proto-Slavs that following mammoths across the ice founded themselves in what we now know as northern America

Wow. The crazy just never stops with you, does it?
Crow  154 | 9541  
28 Nov 2016 /  #539
mafketise, you don`t understand. You are narrow. You better stay wide open for every possibility.
mafketis  38 | 11149  
28 Nov 2016 /  #540
But, if science confirms `European migration hypothesis`, Proto-Slavs could prove to be only available European ethos

Proto-Indo-European is estimated to have been spoken no more than 6000 years ago while Clovis culture items are dated about 6000 years before that.

Even if the mad hypothesis were true they wouldn't be proto-slavs they'd be proto-proto-proto-Indo-Europeans and not Serbian at all.

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