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When will you Poles give back German land and the cities which you robbed?

POLENGGGs  2 | 150  
3 Aug 2010 /  #1
you Polish always bragging how you hate communists and all that,
why dont you give back the eastern German lands which you stole

yes, that is right you stole it, you complain about communists yet you co-operated with
the russian beasts and brutalized the German people and drove them out of their eastern lands, having no regard even for religious buildings such as churches; converting them to rubble or to storage houses for potatoes at the very least.

NOT to mention what you and your soviet-friends did to the people when they got trapped (and this is civilians from the cities and farmers I am talking about).

German lands you ought to give back you thieving traitor soviet-allies, you ally with anyone, raise the England flag before the war, then roll with the Soviet beasts afterwards;you're not really people are you.

Hinterpommern & Stettin-936-1945
Danzig - 1244-1454/1793-1918/1939-1945

gregy741  5 | 1226  
3 Aug 2010 /  #2
POLENGGGsThreads: 2
Posts: 118
Joined: Apr 26, 10
Gender: Male

jezzzzz what a idiot!!!!!!
do you have any education system in germany?or you are just plain stiupid
wildrover  98 | 4430  
3 Aug 2010 /  #3
Had the Germans won the war , i suspect they would not have given back any of the lands that they took over...!

If you start a war , and lose it , then you can,t complain too much about the end result...

Its sad that so many innocent Germans were forced out of their homes , but thats what happens in a war...

I myself live in a farm that was built by a German family , in a part of Poland thar used to be Germany...I am happy to say the family that lived here survived the war , and later came back to live here , i met the daughter of the family that lived in my house...
gregy741  5 | 1226  
3 Aug 2010 /  #4
Had the Germans won the war , i suspect they would not have given back any of the lands that they took over...!

this land was not stolen by Poles-it was merely compensation for land we lost in the east....decided in yalta by western powers and russia-not by Poland

beside Poland AFTER WAR were lobbying for restoring pre war borders
about RUSSIAN and communist poland crimes.Commies were not elected by polish popluation ,communism was installed in Poland,often brutally
Crow  154 | 9535  
3 Aug 2010 /  #5
When will you give back German land and the cities which you robbed


who dared to ask?

what German land? Is it joke? provocation maybe?

Please, there are Serbians (very nervous people) on this forum, too. Don`t upset them without reason. We all know that even today`s Eastern Germany (minimum) isn`t German but Slavic land. Not to mention how all sensible people familiar with historic facts see German nation- biggest joke of Europe.
Stu  12 | 515  
3 Aug 2010 /  #6
biggest joke of Europe

If you live in a glass house, it's a bad idea to start throwing stones, Crow.
Crow  154 | 9535  
3 Aug 2010 /  #7

Yes, i agree. Situation in Germany is very volatile
Ironside  50 | 12946  
3 Aug 2010 /  #8
why dont you give back the eastern German lands which you stole

stole ? maybe is your job in other to buy stimulants, stole my ass, sucker !

When ? When they give us royal insignia stolen by them!

why PF members do it all the time? can't you just talk like normal people?
who is normal here ?

you are right ! I guess you know that as a troll!
sobieski  106 | 2111  
3 Aug 2010 /  #9
I think it would be best to leave this Pandora box closed... How mean, how far back would you go? To the first partition of Poland? To the 30-year war?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Aug 2010 /  #10
Sobieski is right here. You cannot go down that road. Land passes hands during times of war.
jasinski  10 | 62  
26 Aug 2010 /  #11
didnt the teutonic knights take polish northern lannds in the first place. like the 12th century? then of course poland took it back under the hand of boleslaw chrobry.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
26 Aug 2010 /  #13
Poland can't return the lands in the West without cooperation about the lands in the East ,from Ukraine and Belarus. Fat chance!
peterweg  37 | 2305  
26 Aug 2010 /  #14
come and take it

Quite frankly the Germans should be glad that the soviets let them exist. Its not a future Hitler had for the Jews and Poles.

Poland would be a much happier place if its neighbours were France, we could make day trips to Paris , the Alps and the Cote d'Azure and discuss 'what if germany still existed?' on PF.
plk123  8 | 4119  
26 Aug 2010 /  #15
you don't read anything other people write

he actually does

crow is right, most of those lands weren't german anyway.. Gdansk definitely wasn't ever solely german either.
ender  5 | 394  
26 Aug 2010 /  #16

tomorrow is alright?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
26 Aug 2010 /  #17
Poland would be a much happier place if its neighbours were France, we could make day trips to Paris , the Alps and the Cote d'Azure and discuss 'what if germany still existed?' on PF.

Nah...where would you steal all the nice cars from???

Gdansk definitely wasn't ever solely german either.

Well, if a population of 98 percent German and a history as a town of the german Hanseatic League since 1358 doesn't convince you the long number of german VIP's stemming from this german town won't probably either!

Nothing polish about Danzig for many centuries.

And the same is for many other now polish towns...a visitor can see it with their own eyes...the whole architecture is germanic.

But then...your denial is getting ridiculous as even polish travel agencies advertise with the german heritage of polish towns, offering guided tours... ;)


But then...if 600 years of german history isn't enough for a town to become fully german in your eyes, then 60 years of being polish is nothing...easily reversable...isn't it?

Well Peugeot and Citroen is enough ;)

No it isn't!
It definitely has to be Mercs or Beamers...everything "Made in Germany" actually;)
"Made in France" has not the same ring to it for Poles it seems (besides stockings and parfums that is).
Ironside  50 | 12946  
26 Aug 2010 /  #18
then 60 years of being polish is nothing...easily reversable...isn't it?

well, considering that large chunks of cities and towns had to be rebuild by Poles, I would say that you are wrong.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
26 Aug 2010 /  #19
Thank you for rebuilding Breslau and Danzig the german way mostly...that was nice of you! :)
But now you can show them off as the gems they once were and deserve your tourist monies! ;)


In Szczecin, Haken Terrace has been named after Hermann Haken, the city's German mayor from 1878 to 1907. And inhabitants of the Masurian, formerly East Prussia, village of Eichmedien attracted attention last year when a two-thirds majority backed a monument in honour of Otto von Bismarck. Prussia's "Iron Chancellor" was known, among other things, for his Germanisation policies and attempts to subject the Roman Catholic Church to state controls.
More than six decades since WWII ended, people throughout previously German-ruled Poland are thinking pragmatically, for the most part. German tourists visiting the region often want to see traces of Germany, so the Poles are happy to oblige - even if it means showing off Bismarck. In Danzig, there are organised walking tours that trace the haunts of Germany's Nobel literature laureate Guenter Grass, its native son. Sopot commemorates the late German actor Klaus Kinski, who was born there.
Now the municipal government of the Silesian town of Swidnica wants to get into the act too. It has decided to remind visitors that German WWI ace Manfred von Richthofen, the "Red Baron," once lived there....

convex  20 | 3928  
26 Aug 2010 /  #20
Thank you for rebuilding Breslau and Danzig the german way mostly...that was nice of you! :)

Renovation work going on in Wroclaw is awesome. They are doing quite a few of the old facades. It's just a shame that you have a beautiful late 19th century building standing next to Kruschev era cubed up building. At least Stalin had some taste (even if it was mostly plaster).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
26 Aug 2010 /  #21
Renovation work going on in Wroclaw is awesome.

In eastern Germany we renovated for twenty years the old League towns too...they are now really, really beautiful again! :)
That they belong together wherever the modern borders are is now plainly to see...the same style of architecture....
Ironside  50 | 12946  
26 Aug 2010 /  #22
Otto von Bismarck.

except that fuker and Prussa have nothing against commemorating people, they were born where they were born - nothing more nothing less.

In eastern Germany we

It must be really wee we, as mostly western Germany paid the bill!
Where do you fit there BB?:P
David_18  65 | 966  
26 Aug 2010 /  #23
And the same is for many other now polish towns...a visitor can see it with their own eyes...the whole architecture is germanic.

Yes indeed they can, but "germanic" is a kinda big word you know. We had plenty of Dutch people scottish people etc etc building up gdansk you know...

But then...your denial is getting ridiculous as even polish travel agencies advertise with the german heritage of polish towns, offering guided tours... ;)

Ofc they do, good for business ;) more germans comming with big wallets!!!

But then...if 600 years of german history isn't enough for a town to become fully german in your eyes, then 60 years of being polish is nothing...easily reversable...isn't it?

Seriously when will you understand that the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth were a Multi Culti state with many different aspects. Poland don't really has its own "architecture". Polish cities and towns reflect the whole spectrum of European styles. Poland's Eastern frontiers used to mark the outermost boundary of the influences of Western architecture on the continent. . It was influenced with architecture from all over the world. Italian/German/Dutch/French/Armenian/Scottish/English Even Turkish and Chinese etc etc etc

And the "Germanic" people didn't complain under Polish rule, they loved it and helped to build the polish towns.

No it isn't!
It definitely has to be Mercs or Beamers...everything "Made in Germany" actually;)
"Made in France" has not the same ring to it for Poles it seems (besides stockings and parfums that is).

Sorry but i rather go for french stuff!!!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
26 Aug 2010 /  #24
Sorry but i rather go for french stuff!!!

You prefer stockings to Mercs??? Ooookaaaaay!

except that fuker and Prussa have nothing against commemorating people, they were born where they were born - nothing more nothing less.

And Poles are now proud of him as Germans are...building a monument in his honor....now that I call reconciliation! :):):)

It must be really wee we, as mostly western Germany paid the bill!
Where do you fit there BB?:P

All Germans paid for the rebuilding...the unification tax was paid by Ossies too, you know?
And they did all the work but the West of course helped...a beautiful town is so much nicer to have in your neighbourhood! ;)

Ofc they do, good for business ;) more germans comming with big wallets!!!

Yeah...so much for polish patriotism...german wallets can buy you!

And the "Germanic" people didn't complain under Polish rule, they loved it and helped to build the polish towns.

Well...the Poles were even more glad to have the smart, hard working, thrifty Germans to build up and resettle towns again after the Mongol hordes devastated the lands. Look back into your beloved Krakows history for example...

The city was almost entirely destroyed during the Mongol invasions of 1241, 1259 and 1287.[7] It was rebuilt and incorporated in 1257, based on the Magdeburg law, with tax benefits and trade privileges for its citizens.[8] These citizens were German settlers who moved in during the Ostsiedlung and who constituted a majority of burghers in contemporary Polish and Bohemian towns.[9]
The 1257 foundation decree issued by Bolesław V the Chaste was unusual in that it explicitly excluded the local population.[9] The older royal fort Wawel was connected to the new town, built on its northern side around the market square, by its former suburbium (Okol).[10] Germans constituted the majority during the 14th century and became Polonized by the 16th century.[11]

For the longest time the german history of much of Poland was a taboo in polish history lessons...but now it's getting better! Poles come to learn about it and to embrace it :)
Ironside  50 | 12946  
26 Aug 2010 /  #25
And Poles are now proud of him as Germans are.

I wouldn't said proud, they just consider Prussia as the past done with ......in a way it is history of both nations!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
26 Aug 2010 /  #26

And that's the way these territories and towns should be seen, as part of our both nations history. Denying one people is denying history and just wrong!
Crow  154 | 9535  
26 Aug 2010 /  #27
Denying one people is denying history and just wrong!

i agree. German state should be dissolute and most of today`s German territories should be rightfully returned to Mother Slavija, particularly to Poland.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
26 Aug 2010 /  #28
As I said before Germans will always want so called their land back and if some Germans say they do not want it back they are lying.

This time Poland has modern weapons in par with German weapons so Poland will have their victory parade in Berlin as Poland has the best weapon of all

Polish soldier
All you Germans come and get some
irishlodz  1 | 135  
26 Aug 2010 /  #29
POLENGGGs+BB what about Alsace-Lorraine, do you think the French will give that back? Simple fact is that the borders of Europe today are very unlikely to change ever again (not in my lifetime anyway). Even the Irish have accepted partition in order to prevent bloodshed.

It would take the complete collapse of NATO and the EU for it to happen.

The Poles were the least complicit nation in re-drawing borders after WWII, all the major powers used and betrayed her. When you get Alsace-Lorraine and Kaliningrad from these powers, then come looking for Western Poland and the Sudetenland.

when will Poland give back the eastern German lands which you stole

Short answer: NEVER
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
26 Aug 2010 /  #30
POLENGGGs+BB what about Alsace-Lorraine, do you think the French will give that back?

No need to....we are joint at the hip now. Regions which were mixed before become mixing again...
Why do you think they put one of the main center of the newly build EU in Strasbourg/Straßburg???

Short answer: NEVER

...no need to as it will happen with those eastern regions too! :)

All things get cleared peacefully and patiently...

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