Can somebody here explain why we hear and read so much about antisemitism
Because some groups have deeper pockets than others and there are too many PRL-era Poles on the take.
No, dear guys, we are talking about alleged antisemitism of Poles in this thread because :
1/ I started this thread.
2./ I did it because I am interested in the subject.
3/ I am not interested in the subject of anti-Bulgarianism etc yet.
4/ If anybody is, go and start another thread.
5/ If you do, I might even visit it and contribute a few posts, because I easily become interested in many things if they are discussed by intelligent learned people..
6/ That would be generally all about my attitude to this thread and its content.
7/ I can only promise I will continue it like a blitzed London shop owner who put a notice
Business as usual on the bags of sand outside his premises.
How simple, isn`t it? :):):) Thank you, stay tuned, soon another contribution from the series: If Poles were antisemitic...... :):)