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If Poles were antisemitic, would they ...?

OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #181
to have their photos taken and posted on the internet to further your Zionist agenda? No?

I didn`t have to because I copied them from official Polish school sites. If they were published there, it means that all rights were protected. If you knew Polish, you would be able to find them on your own.

This Krakow school specialises in teaching foreign languages, has a Hebrew class and runs exchanges with Israel.

  • polishforums16.JP.jpg
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Feb 2019 /  #182
@Pawian, the question here is: are there language schools in Israel which teaches Polish language or it this exchange purely asymmetrical?
Shitonya Brits  
24 Feb 2019 /  #183
I offered you quotes from Israeli press about Polin Museum which proved you lied.

You didn't prove anything. Like a good Shabbos goy you sidestepped everything I outlined and used ad hominem to defend your commitment to Zionism.

I originally referenced more than the POLIN museum and then backed it up to show that it's location and other locations across Poland have been subject to frequent and heavy criticism in Israel which is a foreign country which should have no say in what goes on in Poland.

Rather than re-post the entire internet on here I provided one article which addressed the angst in the foreign nation Israel about the intent and location of all these memorial sites in Poland. And it all of it goes back several years.

Let the record show that:

- You didn't respond if you are being paid or getting other compensation for pushing Zionist propaganda.

- You didn't respond to your use of children to promote Zionist propaganda.

Your manipulations can be seen from a mile away even when you pretend like no one noticed.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
24 Feb 2019 /  #184
Can somebody here explain why we hear and read so much about antisemitism but nothing about anti-Latvianism, anti-Bulgarianism, anti-Frenchism or anti-Germanism?
Shitonya Brits  
24 Feb 2019 /  #185
Because some groups have deeper pockets than others and there are too many PRL-era Poles on the take.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
24 Feb 2019 /  #186
Israeli Jews distrust American Jews, even considering them to be wimps.
Much as in the Old West, Israel similarly feels, if yer leavin' yer home at any time, better bring a "friend" aka a semi-automatic with ya!

Israelis on average leave the negotiating or brain work to those whom they mistakenly believe possess the luxury of talking:-)

But like the homesteaders or sod busters of old, Israel too might one day turn civilized.
It'll take time though, and a lot of sacrifices.

Heck, ol PM Rabin once tried the latter and got himself killed.
Slavictor  6 | 193  
24 Feb 2019 /  #187
Zionist indoctrination

Many myths must be maintained to produce the willing human shields to feed the aims of the zionist thirst. The more mouths that whimper "anti-semite" on cue, the better it is for ziory. So many jews have been duped by this protection racket and never saw it coming because the ruse was from their own.

Zionists propagandize the youth by setting the hook early. These kids have had their lifepath set for them by gangsters. They might just as well been born in Platos' Cave.

Let an israeli* jew indicate the brainwashing process;


*"israel" doesn't exist.
Shitonya Brits  
24 Feb 2019 /  #188
These kids have had their lifepath set for them by gangsters.

Bravo Slavictor! Glad there are others coming forward to stand up against the Zionist manipulation!
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #189
are there language schools in Israel which teaches Polish language or it this exchange purely asymmetrical?

They have it at the Jerusalem university. Why? Is it important?

I originally referenced more than the POLIN museum and then backed it up

No, you didn`t really do anything logical here, you only manipulated. :)

- You didn't respond if you are being paid or getting other compensation for pushing Zionist propaganda.

It is my secret. :):) And I certainly won`t tell you how much! :):)

But, why do you want to know? What would it change if I was paid or not? I am going to post in this thread in the same style (until it is closed), regardless of your rants, or even on the contrary, to get more of them because they are funny. :) Are you spitting on the screen while writing to me? Are you breaking furniture in the room? :):)

- You didn't respond to your use of children to promote Zionist propaganda.

You see, silly manipulations again. Why are you talking about children if it is clearly visible they are high school students and we can read about it on school sites.

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
24 Feb 2019 /  #190
Glad there are others coming forward to stand up against the Zionist manipulation!

That "Zionist manipulation" is supposed to be bad thing, I assume. Well, Darwin would respectfully disagree. Especially when the manipulated so outnumber the manipulators. Then, the shame is on the stupid who, having all the power and the numbers on their side, are weak and girlie enough to be "manipulated".
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #191
Can somebody here explain why we hear and read so much about antisemitism

Because some groups have deeper pockets than others and there are too many PRL-era Poles on the take.

No, dear guys, we are talking about alleged antisemitism of Poles in this thread because :

1/ I started this thread.
2./ I did it because I am interested in the subject.
3/ I am not interested in the subject of anti-Bulgarianism etc yet.
4/ If anybody is, go and start another thread.
5/ If you do, I might even visit it and contribute a few posts, because I easily become interested in many things if they are discussed by intelligent learned people..

6/ That would be generally all about my attitude to this thread and its content.
7/ I can only promise I will continue it like a blitzed London shop owner who put a notice Business as usual on the bags of sand outside his premises.

How simple, isn`t it? :):):) Thank you, stay tuned, soon another contribution from the series: If Poles were antisemitic...... :):)
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Feb 2019 /  #192
Why? Is it important?

It is very important. One cannot call it an exchange if it is one sided [asymmetrical].

Like in that communist era joke about Polish-USSR economic exchange:

"We're giving them meat and for exchange they also take potatoes from us"
Shitonya Brits  
24 Feb 2019 /  #193
No, you didn`t really do anything logical here, you only manipulated.

Nope, if you have a limited understanding of English (the language of this forum) then you can't be helped and it's not my problem to fix for you.

But it is clear what I wrote even if you can't bear to admit you wrongly focused on the POLIN museum only. I used that as only one example among several. And I proved it's location and that of other memorial sites around Poland has been giving Zionist Israelis chronic heartburn and constipation for years.

But, why do you want to know? What would it change if I was paid or not?

Posters and the operators of this forums should know if they are dealing with ordinary people or paid agents of a foreign power or other lobbying group.

This forum has a section if you want to advertise: https://polishforums.com/advertising/

Why should you get paid to promote Zionism and then pass the expense of pushing your propaganda on the owners of this site? This forum was created to talk about Poland and not broadcast official Israeli or Zionist policies and positions.

You see, silly manipulations again.

Yes I do see. The original two photos you posted are not on any of these links you provided.

More manipulation on your part. More misdirection so you can avoid answering your use of children to promote Zionist propaganda.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Feb 2019 /  #194
Posters and the operators of this forums should know if they are dealing with ordinary people or paid agents of a foreign power

Unfortunately for you Bieganski, you don't run the forum, nor do you make the rules. Pawian can post what he likes, and he most certainly doesn't have to defend himself to a fat Canadian teenager that can't even get out of his parents basement.

Interesting article here - jpost.com/Israel-News/Holocaust-education-improved-for-future-generation-of-Polish-students-488651

HOLOCAUST EDUCATION IMPROVED FOR...POLISH STUDENTS - Polish educators, together with their Israeli counterparts, have formed friendships, broken stereotypes and developed lesson plans and curricula

Good, good. That's what we like to hear.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #195
It is very important. One cannot call it an exchange if it is one sided

Exchange is fair when equal numbers of students take part. It is not important for them to learn the other group`s language. There are other schools in Poland which have exchanges and they don`t teach Hebrew to their students like this Krakow school above.

I have no idea where you took it from.
Shitonya Brits  
24 Feb 2019 /  #196
^Like I said before. I read your posts sunshine. You are a narcissist and you don't run this forum either. Your schizophrenia over who posts on here can be attributed to you being an Ashkenazi Jew.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #197
Unfortunately for you Bieganski, you don't run the forum, nor do you make the rules.

It is really funny. This member attacks me for showing examples of Poles who are not biased against Jews. Only this, but it seems too much for him/her as well as other posters. And it is enough to call it Zionist propaganda.

People`s logic is really incredible at times. ':):)

And I proved it's location and

No, you proved nothing logical here. Thank you, it wasn`t nice talking to you, mr manipulator. :):)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Feb 2019 /  #198
People`s logic is really incredible at times. ':):)

It's always, always worth remembering that these posters are in North America and have zero real connection to Poland. These aren't the words of Poles, but rather people claiming to be Polish. Those of us in Poland are well aware that Poland's good name often gets used to further certain agendas, after all.

I remembered just now about reading this in Rzepa a while ago - rp.pl/Biznes/180619153-Izrael-ma-pomoc--polskim-startupom.html -

Startup Nation Central - one of the most active and most recognisable groups in the world that support the development of startups - has launched a pilot programme in Poland. The aim is to find young and innovative companies

Certainly if Poles were anti-semitic, they wouldn't be embracing Polish-Israeli cooperation as they are.
Shitonya Brits  
24 Feb 2019 /  #199
zero real connection to Poland

How are you connected to Poland when in your posts you admit that you rely on DeepL and Google maps?

You also claim frequently to be Polish but I'm yet to see any native Pole endorse you as one.

Certainly if Poles were anti-semitic, they wouldn't be embracing Polish-Israeli cooperation as they are.

Certainly. And in one sentence you proved this multi page thread has no point other than to flog Poland with baseless cricisim for never doing enough to satisfy Zionists like the OP who admitted to being paid to post.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Feb 2019 /  #200
Exchange is fair when equal numbers of students take part (...) It is not important for them to learn the other group`s language

So I understand that this is only about numbers [and statistics] and not exchanging values and experiences between students since they don't learn the language of the other group?
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #201
these posters are in North America and have zero real connection to Poland.

Of course, we know about it. Also, those Am Poles are so anti Jewish because once they could be abused by bad Jews in America and now they want to retaliate.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Feb 2019 /  #202
There's actually a former poster here (who now shills for TVP, thus proving our point) who made an entire career out of writing about bad Jews for the Polonia. Most of it wasn't true, but it was in line with the narrative being pushed after 1968 here.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #203
not exchanging values and experiences between students since they don't learn the language of the other group?

Come on, stop creating problems where they don`t exist. The language of communication is English of course, and you don`t need anything else to exchange values and experiences between students. Students may learn a few words from the other language,, of course, to see the difference.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Feb 2019 /  #204
If anything, it's a good thing to use English, as it's the international language of communication.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #205
You also claim frequently to be Polish but I'm yet to see any native Pole endorse you as one.

As an unregistered user, you have no right to question any other member about his/her nationality or whatever. Currently you are nobody.

Delph reasons and acts like a decent Pole, so he is one. :)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
24 Feb 2019 /  #206
Also, those Am Poles are so anti Jewish because once they could be abused by bad Jews in America and now they want to retaliate.

Are you saying this just to check if your keyboard still works?
Anti-Semitism is, like all those other isms, a European invention. We benefit from Jews as movie directors, composers, singers, and TV personalities. Individual idiots who would spray paint on their temples or graves are so few that it does not rise to the level anti-Semitism in the classical form as practiced in Europe.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Feb 2019 /  #207
Delph reasons and acts like a decent Pole, so he is one. :)

The ID card in my wallet also attests to that ;)

Strange though, I organise plenty of exchange rips between the UK/Ireland/USA and Poland, and no-one has ever accused me of being paid by some shadowy group.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Feb 2019 /  #208
Come on, stop creating problems where they don`t exist.

Since when asking honest questions is about creating problems? I thought the we've put that era behind us :-)

This Krakow school specialises in teaching foreign languages, has a Hebrew class and runs exchanges with Israel.

So this Cracow's school has Hebrew class yet they communicate in English with Israeli students? I would assume that they would speak Hebrew together. And by the same logic when Polish student's go for exchange to Israel Israeli students would speak Polish with them. Am I mistaken?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Feb 2019 /  #209
So this Cracow's school has Hebrew class yet they communicate in English with Israeli students?

Which is logical, as they will have had more hours of English than Hebrew by the time they take part in such an exchange. English is taught from kindergarten in Poland, Hebrew isn't.
Shitonya Brits  
24 Feb 2019 /  #210
since they don't learn the language of the other group?

They don't need to speak the same language when money talks.

And all that matters for the cameras is the "correct" pale skin colour, Israeli nationalist flags to hold, and pre-printed Zionist posters above their heads.

I asked earlier about Palestinians and other oppressed minorities in Israel and other Holocaust survivors like Roma being being included in these exchanges.

The OP never provided a response to that either. Another case of silence equaling complicity. Very sad.

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