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WWII - who really was the first to help Poland?

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134  
1 Apr 2010 /  #241
If you didn't know nations attitude change also...
IvanMazeppa  - | 7  
17 Apr 2010 /  #242
Well, to be sure there were Polish formations of troops (divisions...lots of troops) that fought and were supplied by the British. Polish pilots fought in the Battle of Britain and contributed to the British War Effort. Tank Divisions, Infantry Divisions, Paratroopers (see Battle of Arnhem), I believe even some polish ships made it to England to continue the war.

Polish underground supplied the allies with the V-2 Plans, the codebook for the Enigma machine.

But near the end of WW2, Stalin wanted Poland for his own "Eastern Bloc". The allies weary of war gave in and Poland along with all those who fought for the British Army (If I recall correctly it was over 100,000 men) were sold out.

Several leaders of the Polish Army in exile were unfortunately killed in plane accidents after the war....



The real answer to your question, is in the end no one. They started with good intentions....but....
17 Apr 2010 /  #243
all those who fought for the British Army (If I recall correctly it was over 100,000 men) were sold out.

You mean that they were given homes, jobs, passports, the chance to have their families brought over and all the rest, yes they were sold out. Quite unlike the soldiers of Poland's 1920s ally, Western Ukraine, those guys were locked up in internment camps after their country was sold to the Soviets for 120 million roubles.
Prusakowski  - | 25  
17 Apr 2010 /  #244
WWII - who really was the first to help Poland.

The Danzig corridor towns were the first to fall under German invasion. My father's home town was captured by the invaders within 30 minutes of WW2 starting.

Afterwards a bizarre helper of the resident Poles in the Danzig corridor was Gauleiter Albert Forster who provided a lifeline for many Polish families by allowing them to register as 'Volks Deutsche' which enabled many Poles to avoid deportation and to survive the worst of the disgusting butchery of the Hans Frank regime in the rest of German occupied Poland.

Albert Forster. A most unusual Nazi en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Forster
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Apr 2010 /  #245
Albert Forster. A most unusual Nazi

Most unusual in his participation in massacres of Pleśnica or in sending people to Stutthoff?
georgie  - | 1  
5 May 2010 /  #246
I hope this will clear your doubts of every single commentaries you have heard before but the botton line is who really was the first to help Poland in ww2,,,IT WAS THE RED ARMY (RUSSIA) in 1944,,,the need to liberate Poland from the Naziz for them to continue as they plan...but honest truth,,,It was the red army who got there first and also the polish resistance helped a lot and the russians didnt join them,,,hope this will take all your doubts and everything else you hear maybe truth , maybe not but the fact is ,,,the russians where the first to help poland,,have a nice day,,,a friend,,,george
Drac90  1 | 74  
5 May 2010 /  #247
i didnt read whole topic so sorry if this was said already but
first to help us were hungarians, :D not in the military way tho
but they help us only for sole purpose of helping
Thanks Huns!!
PolishPatriot  - | 3  
4 Jun 2010 /  #248
I love how everyone here is stating opinions. First off I hear all of this "Poland blaming everyone" ********. Well considering that France and Germany had a pact with Poland stating that if Germany were to attack Poland France and Britain would come to her aid, and that Poland would only have to fight a defensive war for 2 weeks. Britain and France were also idiots for idolizing appeasement, not taking advantage of the fact that they had 72 divisions in the West whilst the Germans only had 36. So I think that is a MAJOR reason for Germany being able to expand its borders. Germany wasn't some kind of ultra superpower, Hitler preyed on the UK's and France's lack of determination and courage. All this crap I hear about France and UK fighting so honorably HAHA, they only fought when they were attacked. Whoever says Russia helped Poland must be completely retarded. If not for the Soviet offensive into Poland on September 17th the Poles would be able to carry out a long defense of the Romanian bridgehead. Ever hear of the Katyn massacre, one of many? Yea that should explain just how much the Soviets "helped" Poland. The U.S helped Poland how exactly? Not one American soldier fought in Poland. They sold Poland along with the rest of Eastern Europe to the Soviets setting the stage for the Cold War. The reason Germany even BECAME a power is because of the allied powers'(from world war 1) failure to enforce the Treaty of Versaille. Germany was rearming for YEARS and France, Britain, and the U.S had failed to do anything. If only they had sent troops and forced Germany to stop rearming world war 2 would never have even happened. It's funny how you call this "blaming" people, it's fact that the allies failed to enforced the Treaty of Versaille. Eastern Europe is where the war was really the worst. In comparison to the Eastern Front the West had so-called "scraps". The Americans praise a 10-day Battle of the Bulge. HAHA, ever hear of Stalingrad or the 1944 Warsaw Uprising. I am in no way praising Russia either.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
4 Jun 2010 /  #249
they only fought when they were attacked

Tell me, who declared war on whom at the beginning of WW2?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
4 Jun 2010 /  #250
Well considering that France and Germany had a pact with Poland stating that if Germany were to attack Poland France and Britain would come to her aid,


i didnt read whole topic so sorry if this was said already but
first to help us were hungarians, :D not in the military way tho
but they help us only for sole purpose of helping
Thanks Huns!!

Huns were allies of the other huns, ya know? In BOTH wars! ;)
They didn't came to Polands rescue...
4 Jun 2010 /  #251
Ja, ja - you know that they really did help us, BB - you read my threads/post about
it on this forum. In case you missed the one in Polish-speaking section, use some
online translator and check it...


...Long Live The Eternal Polish - Hungarian Brotherhood!

Lengyel, magyar - két jó barát, együtt harcol, s issza borát!
Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki, i do szabli, i do szklanki!

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
4 Jun 2010 /  #252
Ja, ja - you know that they really did help us, BB -

Yeah...but he *points to poster* didn't know my statement yet...so you see...I had to! ;)
4 Jun 2010 /  #253
Ha! I've noticed that you are trying to empty the endless Ocean of Polish-Hungarian
Friendship with a German teaspoon - you, my Teutonic friend, are doomed to fail :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
4 Jun 2010 /  #254
Don't I know it...*takes surrogate helmet and slinks out of thread* :(
PolishPatriot  - | 3  
5 Jun 2010 /  #255
Tell me, who declared war on whom at the beginning of WW2?

HAHAHAHAHAH, this is your argument? Yes they declared war but they didn't do **** to help the Poles as they agreed to do. Not one British or French soldier took part in the September campaign. Just declaring war didn't help save millions of people. As I said, if Britain and France had taken advantage of the fact that they outnumbered the ?Germans greatly in the West then Germany would have to halt its invasion of Poland to defend its borders, and the Soviet Union would probably not attack. Now of course WW2 is Germany's fault, however Britain, France, and the U.S allowed Germany to grow to such a strength. I said they only FOUGHT when they were attacked. They didn't actually send troops until they were attacked you dumb****.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Jun 2010 /  #256

hahaha,this is your argument..[

now,let me see my Polish chum.

Not one British or French soldier took part in the September campaign.

No,really? Is that because the British soldiers were in,well,Britain and even in 2010 you couldn't get a brigade to Poland in less than 2 weeks never mind an army still mobilising faced with steam trains and paddle steamers as transport.

Which route would you suggest then for the British in 1939? Through the straits of Denmark into the Baltic(where your own navy had buggered out of before the war started) or straight through Nazi Germany??

How about the French then,a nation devastated in a war with Germany 20 years earlier also mobilising its forces,do you think Hitler would maybe have let the French use the German railways for a small commission?...

As I said, if Britain and France had taken advantage of the fact that they outnumbered the ?Germans greatly in the West then Germany would have to halt its invasion of Poland to defend its borders

Doesn't matter how many times you say it,doesn't make it true on paper or in reality. No significant British forces were in continental Europe on sept 1st so you can only count the French forces who themselves,like Poland's forces ,were only just mobilising.Any pre German invasion mobilisations were discouraged so as not to provoke an invasion....

however Britain, France, and the U.S allowed Germany to grow to such a strength.

erm,Poland is and was a hell of a lot closer to Germany than Britain and the US,WTF did you lot do to prevent the rise of Hitlers pseudo military dictatorship? Oh yes,had a right wing Dictatorship of your own largely staffed by pro German anti communists. Go on,tell us again how Poland cracked the enigma code,please do........( Poland helped crack one specific type of basic code with the invention of the bombe de cyphering machine,the great leaps in actually breaking the more important codes came with joint Polish British French code breakers working together.By the time of ww2 however the originally cracked code was well out of date and no longer in use by the Germans....but why burden you with the truth,like "patriots" everywhere you dont do truth you do a mix of arrogant swagger and mawkish self pity,get a life(and a few good history books.)

I said they only FOUGHT when they were attacked. They didn't actually send troops until they were attacked you dumb****.

Oh deary me.....so lets see the RAF raids on heiligoland bight etc etc,the French incursions into the Saar etc,all pre may 1940, you know,1940 when France,Belgium and Holland were attacked(note,not Britain,but you know what,thousands of British troops fought the Germans then) ooh,or Norway,where French and British troops fought the Germans.....

So,in summery,I think its safe to say that if anyone here deserves the title

you dumb****.

it would be ,er,you.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Jun 2010 /  #257
Without the Brits declaring war on Germany, Poland most likely wouldn't exist today.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Jun 2010 /  #258
Dont forget the French. "We" wouldn't have declared war without the French doing so too,albeit a few hours after Britain,but hey,its 71 years ago now and we're all friends again.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
19 Jun 2010 /  #259
Brits declaring war on Germany

If you can call it it that.. they lost damn near every ground battle against the Wehrmacht. They did win the battle of FDR's liquor cabinet though.

Poland would've been fine like it is today. Brits did nothing.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
19 Jun 2010 /  #260
Just imagine that both the UK and France would've ignored the hostile actions of Germany and the USSR against Poland. Do you really think that Poland would've survived as a country? I have my doubts.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Jun 2010 /  #261
Brits did nothing.

Im sorry Yank,when exactly did the US join the fight against the nazis,Oh yes,AFTER hitler declared war on you AFTER the japs had attacked you.

they lost damn near every ground battle against the Wehrmacht

hhmm,lets see,
Arras( brits1,germany nil)
Dunkirk campaign(score draw,forced rematch next season)
USA not competing
Tobruk(brits 1,germany nil)
Tobruk ,re match (germany 1,brits nil)
USA not competing.
Alamain(brits 1,germany nil)
Kasserine pass (Germany 1,USA nil)
Salerno(Brits 1,germany nil)
Anzio(Germany 1,USA nil)
Brits v Hitlers finest SS ,panzer truupen etc
US v hitlers second line infantry...
Walcheren (Brits 1,germanynil)
Bulge (Germany 1,USA nil( cept the battered basta rds"Rendevous with destany!")
Bit immature aint you pete ole buddy,guess you aint a Harvard man....
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
19 Jun 2010 /  #262
LOL, sure about that, brown tooth? Probably Cambridge doesn't invite you back for tea and scones either.

Im sorry Yank,when exactly did the US join the fight against the Nazis

Yawwwnn.. Uhhh. .. WE DON'T LIVE IN EUROPE, Limey. For the 600th time. You got enough of us killed in WWI. WE DIDN'T WANT TO DIE FOR YOU AGAIN. Yet another time.. your glorious EMPIRE needed bailed out by colonials. It's not our fault you can't get along.. as soon as we leave Europe , you'll be doing the same stuff to each other. Just like you've done for centuries and centuries. Still want to lecture me on "swathe of destruction"?? **cough.. ** cough.. .

Look, I know you've been drunk since breakfast.. in your smelly little flat.. but c'mon with this crap. Please the Wehrmacht kicked you a$$es up and down the forest.. heather and glen.

Battle of FDR's Liquor Cabinet 1939:

Churchill - 57 US - 0
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Jun 2010 /  #263
You got enough of us killed in WWI

clearly we didnt....
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
19 Jun 2010 /  #264
The hell you didn't , clown. As a European??
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Jun 2010 /  #265
And a more perfect example of yanks inability to understand subtle humour you couldnt ask for.

You got enough of us killed in WWI.

clearly we didnt....

followed by the,didnt get the implication that clearly we didnt get enough yanks killed to wipe out petes family line before it degraded into him...

The hell you didn't , clown. As a European??

ho hum,bless,stick to adam sandlar and fart jokes.....
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
19 Jun 2010 /  #266
.. or Benny Hill smacking an old man's head? Queer spam song from MP?

You aesthete you.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Jun 2010 /  #267
erm,Benny hill hasn't been shown in this country for at least 25 years now,however I understand its still very popular in the US....hhmmm.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
19 Jun 2010 /  #268
Benny hill hasnt been shown in this country for atleast 25 years

Probably because it hasn't been overdubbed in Urdu.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Jun 2010 /  #269
Poland was the first to help itself.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
20 Jun 2010 /  #270
Without the Brits declaring war on Germany, Poland most likely wouldn't exist today.

Without Brits giving guarantee to Poland which clearly they wouldn't been able to fulfil - Germans most likely wouldn't attack Poland.

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