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WWII - who really was the first to help Poland?

Ironside  51 | 13086  
12 Aug 2009 /  #181
No by trans locating its army into Poland and establishing what now is eastern Polish border, it took them six years to establish western Polish border.

Didn't you know about it?
Pan Kazimierz  1 | 195  
12 Aug 2009 /  #182
The Poles will continue to speak Polish/the Germans will continue to speak German and the officials will have to use both....from bilingual kindergartens onwards etc...:)

Our education system/s could more than handle such a mandate.
Too bad the politicians, at least the existing ones, would never go for the idea. I honestly think it could be awesome...
(sorry, Crow!)
Nathan  18 | 1349  
12 Aug 2009 /  #183
You worry me brate Natane

Germans are anyway Germanized Serbs, Poles, Obodrotes, etc, etc Slavs.

I know, bro, I am not feeling well recently. But still, why do you have to bring Germans under powerful wing of Panslavia? Isn't it in a way damaging thing to do? Sort of a weakness, I dare to say.Their presence in our brotherhood will only lead to lots of misunderstanding. We can't save lost sheep - let them roam and fall off the cliff eventually. When it is dying somewhere in the abyss, we will come over to skin it and make a feast. Panslavia will rejoice then in its purity, without any Germanic sediments.
Crow  155 | 9700  
13 Aug 2009 /  #184
I know, bro, I am not feeling well recently.

nothing what hot woman can`t heal, i`m sure

But still, why do you have to bring Germans under powerful wing of Panslavia?

i know, they are weaklings and confused people. It simple generate mixed feelings in me. They don`t have a lot of choices- Slavija or Eurabia. That`s it

Sort of a weakness, I dare to say.

yes, yes

Their presence in our brotherhood will only lead to lots of misunderstanding.

and additional idiotism

We can't save lost sheep - let them roam and fall off the cliff eventually.

cliff is guaranteed to them

When it is dying somewhere in the abyss, we will come over to skin it and make a feast.

sound resonable

Panslavia will rejoice then in its purity, without any Germanic sediments.

wise words, eventualy

Our education system/s could more than handle such a mandate.
Too bad the politicians, at least the existing ones, would never go for the idea. I honestly think it could be awesome...
(sorry, Crow!)

why sorry? no need for sorry.... You are robot for sure and i don`t expect any `sorry` from you
Pan Kazimierz  1 | 195  
13 Aug 2009 /  #185
Haha, okay.

Crow, I think I'd honestly much rather see Poland in a formal union with Germany than with the rest of the Slavic world... does that make me a traitor?
Sasha  2 | 1083  
13 Aug 2009 /  #186
Oh... Crow boiled everything down to mother Slavija again? :)
Think Poland is free to pick the hubby. Russia or Germany or any else... In the current state of affairs Germany seems to be by far more reliable ally than Rossija at any span (but of course first and foremost I mean economical cooperation). I should bitterly admit that...
scrappleton  - | 829  
13 Aug 2009 /  #187
current state of affairs Germany seems to be by far more reliable

I hate to admit it but Germany will have a lot of muscle in coming years. Even the US will try and draw more manufacturing jobs from them in the coming decade. It will be Germany and Japan in a real slug fest.
Darun  1 | 55  
27 Oct 2009 /  #188

Some of you complained about the lack of gratitude shown by Germans and Austrians considering your help in the battle of Wien, yet you show the same short memory of gratitude.

Now, depends what you understand by help. Pilsudski and Gafencu realised what was to happen and tried to form an alliance that would actually back itself. However, in the alliance of Poland and Hungary, Hungary didn't want Rumunia, in the alliance of Little Entante, Czechoslovakia didn't want Poland thus those states couldn't bring themselves to a bigger alliance.

You asked who helped? The Romanian bridge was prepared, troups were stationed to help or take in refugees, the Romanian ports were open and ready to receive Polish navy. When Nazi Germany invaded, there was an offer to help with troops, but the Polish politicians blinded by their trust in a near future military help from Britain and France especially, refused, thus Romania remained neutral. It was this neutrality that helped abrid Polish refugees, the government and the thesaurus of your country.

and for those that want source, since I am not a fan you wikipedia and also that you could search for yourselves, how about that:


(It is a small resume of the Polish Embassy in Bucharest - unfortunatelly it isn't in English, so at best you could use a Google translation, or you could just take my word for it).

But you know what? With regret I see a tendency in all countries from the Eastern Europe to forget about close allies and to look upon West and US as some sort of saviours.

If Poland, Romania, Hungary and if possible others countries would have managed to actually have a working alliance the things would have stood somewhat different.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134  
28 Oct 2009 /  #189
Yep the only option is Germany-Poland or many minor-large states going together.

That's why I am an unionist I believe in a better tomorrow with a united Northern Europe.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
28 Oct 2009 /  #190
Help Poland? No one. Allied countries helped shelter Polish citizens but even that was often grudgingly but Poland was throught the course of the war completely alone.

There were countries symphatetic like Hungary or Italy, those helped Polish citizens on the run out of pure good will but as far as Russia and Western Allies Poland was being sold like a monopoly token.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134  
28 Oct 2009 /  #191
Well Romania helped a bit? I don't know how much it was because of a deal or out of sympathy
29 Oct 2009 /  #192
as far as Russia and Western Allies Poland was being sold like a monopoly token.

I do enjoy hearing Poles whine about Poland being sold by Britain but strangely they always go quiet when asked a simple question: what was the price?
1jola  14 | 1875  
29 Oct 2009 /  #193
I forgot exactly how many pieces of silver.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
29 Oct 2009 /  #194

Two horses, a donkey, 5 pigs and two kegs of beer.


M-G (always glad to help out)
Ironside  51 | 13086  
29 Oct 2009 /  #195
what was the price?

one year !
Darun  1 | 55  
29 Oct 2009 /  #196
Mr Grunwald

Well Romania helped a bit? I don't know how much it was becaouse of a deal or out of symphathy

Both actually.

Due to the bilateral treaty, offered military support (refused by your gov.) and took in refugiees and the government.
Due to simpathy, remained deaf to Nazi threats. Something very little known: international law at that time, carried that a neutral country can take in officials as refugees, but only if they renounce their official positions, otherwise they have to be treated as prisoners and delivered to the other side involved in the conflict. Your government though it knew what the international laws demanded, when they saw themselves at safety, they started making declarations and requesting for the other nations (implicitely France and UK) to keep to their promise and come to their aid. The Romanian lawyiers somehow managed to avoid that and respond to Nazi demands and ultimately threats to surrender the Polish government. The deal and our obligation would have ended the moment your government started their declarations, but that was when the sympathy took over.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Oct 2009 /  #197
Maybe PiƂsudski should have invited Hitler to Bereza Kartuska :) Hitler wanted to meet the man in 1934.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
30 Oct 2009 /  #198
I do enjoy hearing Poles whine about Poland being sold by Britain but strangely they always go quiet when asked a simple question: what was the price?

it was sold for for the opportunity to die for England by defending it from Germany
but what you expect from English royal family as it more German then English.
caprice49  4 | 224  
14 Dec 2009 /  #199
Germany and Russia are the most important neighbours of Poland

Funny! How do you negotiate with murderers either side.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
14 Dec 2009 /  #200
Panslavia will rejoice then in its purity, without any Germanic sediments.

Couldn't we make Bratwurst Boy an honorary slav? He could work for Panslavia as a helmet maker.

(Can't we all just picture him wearing his Lederhosen, singing "Oh Tannenbaum" while pounding out fine slavic headwear)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 Dec 2009 /  #201
Well Romania helped a bit? I don't know how much it was becaouse of a deal or out of symphathy

It helped quite a lot, they did let our soldiers through, as far as military, Romania had even less hardware then Poland, joining us in September would not change much and Polish govt knew it which is why the alliance was not activated.

I thought it was about military aid, but yes Romania helped us (in return they got quite a lot of our best equipment) and so did Italy by letting our citizens through.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
15 Dec 2009 /  #202
He could work for Panslavia as a helmet maker.

Of course I would make the best!

(But we need to talk about that BAVARIAN Lederhosen-thingy...no prussian true blood would ever show his calf like THAT!)
1jola  14 | 1875  
16 Dec 2009 /  #203
Not as agile as the Breazililian capeira fighters, but amussing, these Bavarians:


Then again, I have always found it amusing how the Germans have fun. The scary Wehrmaht soldiers:
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 Dec 2009 /  #204
Not as agile as the Breazililian capeira fighters, but amussing, these Bavarians:

Thats just f*cking creepy, especially the Bavarians.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
16 Dec 2009 /  #205
Here you have the secret reason why the people did run away screaming once they got a good view of the Wehrmacht!
Nathan  18 | 1349  
16 Dec 2009 /  #206
Couldn't we make Bratwurst Boy an honorary slav? He could work for Panslavia as a helmet maker.

That kind Slavic heart full of warm and kind feelings towards lost lambs...Oh Slavs...;)
Regarding BB and his honorary status as a helmet-maker - no way! thanks: the last time Germans were permitted to make helmets we ended up with the WWll ;)

He has to work on the North Africa project for capturing Sunrays (forgot the name of that project) so that Panslavia enjoy light and entertainment at night till the end of the world.

There is a condition, though: any Slavic or honorary-Slavs-capturing-Sun-light should be banned from dealing with Ugro-Finnes. We don't need further damage of the Baltic and Black seas. Serbia should receive a temporary suspension (with the real possibility of complete exclusion!!!) for unnatural attraction to non-Slavic nation, which is hurtful for the normal development of the Panslavia. I hope Crow will cure his illness and we will be able to accept him in the bossom of Panslavia ;)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
17 Dec 2009 /  #207
Of course this begs the question; "what would Panslavia's flag look like? Hmmmm I know we have some creative people here.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134  
6 Jan 2010 /  #208
"what would Panslavia's flag look like?

Still waiting :p
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
6 Jan 2010 /  #209
I will not discuss history with the uneducated Polish people on here any more.

Nazi's and Soviets invaded Poland because they wanted to, they did it in 1795 with the partitions and did it again in 1939. Fact.

Britain tried to help Poland by giving Hitler an Ultimatum. If he invaded Poland we would be at war. This was supposed to stop the war. Fact.

Educated Polish people understand this and they are nice people to speak to.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134  
6 Jan 2010 /  #210

Educated Polish people understand this and they are nice people to speak to.

I don't blaim GB, hell I don't even blaim France (WW1) even it's sad they didn't do anything :(

But I blaim U.S.A and every mofo living there who thinks RoosyWelto was their best president ever!

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