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WWII - who really was the first to help Poland?

time means  5 | 1309  
8 Aug 2009 /  #151
Waffen-SS from around Europe etc.)

A while back i saw a program on one of the history/discovery channels about the Brits in the waffen ss, one old survivor said they spent most of there time getting drunk and trying to shag the local women. Not at all British like :-)))
Wroclaw Boy  
8 Aug 2009 /  #152
about the Brits in the waffen ss

Brits in the SS? please paste the source, many coutries defected but ive never heard of Brits doing that. First ive ever heard about it.
time means  5 | 1309  
8 Aug 2009 /  #153
Brits in the SS

Wroclaw Boy  
8 Aug 2009 /  #154
Well there will always be a few but:

has identified about 59 men who belonged to this unit at one time or another, some for only a few days, and at no time did it reach more than 27 men in strength — smaller than a contemporary German platoon.[2]

Is a joke, getting pissed and chasing women was their ambition probably, and hell why not, better than serving the rest of the war in a military prison trying to escape. I may have done the same.
time means  5 | 1309  
8 Aug 2009 /  #155

here you go WB
Amanda91  1 | 135  
8 Aug 2009 /  #156
OK and what will you say to this time means, it's very interesting


I saw arguments on this forum about territories whether it was Polish or German and some of you were strictly claiming it to be from the beginning on 100% Polish and if it's so then whatever is written above shows us that Poles volunteered by the German Army. My question is, which one is true, were they Poles within Poland or Germans living on ex German territory and that's why they joined the Wehrmacht?

The article above says they are to be seen Polish.
Wroclaw Boy  
8 Aug 2009 /  #157
time means:
here you go WB
OK and what will you say to this time means, it's very interesting

Youre missing some of the point here, my last post was moved to Random.

Actually mods can you move it back please, ive just signed up for another $55, thats a $110 in.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
8 Aug 2009 /  #158
Well...not "all of a sudden"...I would say!

He was a desaster waiting to happen...said a negotiator at Versailles in 1919 already.."...just an armistice..."

You repeat this over and over again, BBoy. Unfortunately, Treaty of Versailles can explain the outbreak of WWII and what the Nazis had done during it, but it certainly cannot justify it.
Amanda91  1 | 135  
8 Aug 2009 /  #159
Youre missing some of the point here, my last post was moved to Random.

yeah, it happens very often :-)
Wroclaw Boy  
8 Aug 2009 /  #160
but it certainly cannot justify it.

He knows that.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
8 Aug 2009 /  #161
He does at times give a different impression, though.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
8 Aug 2009 /  #162
You repeat this over and over again, BBoy. Unfortunately, Treaty of Versailles can explain the outbreak of WWII and what the Nazis had done during it, but it certainly cannot justify it.

Who want's to justify a war? Any war?
Explaining is enough...

He does at times give a different impression, though.

WWI was a fight for power between the old bullies and the new one.

After a combined effort the new one was shown his place and due a treaty it was tried to keep him down.

Holding down an industrious, highly industrialized and technological savvy (and miffed) people of 80 millions in the heart of Europe proved to be impossible...

WWII followed, worse than the first one.

Another joint effort was needed again to stop the madness but instead another vindictive "hold the hun down" kind of treaty it was seen by another new "kid" on the block (the only one with real power now) without all the european baggage and centuries old powergames and grievances that the balance in Europe was changed nevertheless.

The old bullies lost their empires, the new bully was being pacified and all more or less pressed into a kind of structure which made any further war kind of senseless....

You were saying?
Nathan  18 | 1349  
11 Aug 2009 /  #163
Funny thing is that the Germans ended up screwing the Ukrainians.

Haha. Yeh, they barely managed to stay a couple of months. If you want to talk about screwing by Germans, maybe, you'd better explain Polish blue eyes and blond hair prevalence :0)
Crow  155 | 9700  
12 Aug 2009 /  #164
its crazy discussion. You worry me brate Natane

Germans are anyway Germanized Serbs, Poles, Obodrotes, etc, etc Slavs. Whats wrong with a little bit inter-Slavic mixing?? i know, i know, you would say- but Germanization. Listen, nobody is perfect and after all, those germanized Slavs would return to mother Slavija sooner or later.

on the end, blue eyes and blond hair are something normal and usual among Poles. No need for outside intervention here
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Aug 2009 /  #165

I think Germans are mostly slavic who learned to speak German so they believe they are but really aren't.
Crow  155 | 9700  
12 Aug 2009 /  #166

Complete so called west pledge to support and invest in Germany after WWI and WWII for only one reason. They consider Germany as their outpost closer to the Slavic world. So called west expect that all Slavs follow example of germanized Slavs

In the eyes of EU, NATO, Islamic league and Israel- Slavs are on menu. That`s one of rare points where they agree among themselves
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Aug 2009 /  #167
Germans are anyway Germanized Serbs, Poles, Obodrotes, etc, etc Slavs

I tested this theory by observation in Berlin and I found it partially true.Eastern Germans have some slavic mix like slightly polonized features,I would rate this mix to 20%.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
12 Aug 2009 /  #168
I told you...Germany and Poland just should merge!
We would be the coolest country in Europe!
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
12 Aug 2009 /  #169
I tested this theory by observation in Berlin and I found it partially true.

As just about every woman in Berlin between the age of 10 and 60 was raped by Russian
soldiers at the end of WW2, it's hardly surprising.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
12 Aug 2009 /  #170
Well...as the Germans spread their seed in the East for centuries it should make for a good balance!

At least one fourth of the Poles should have german roots actually :)
Pan Kazimierz  1 | 195  
12 Aug 2009 /  #171
I told you...Germany and Poland just should merge!
We would be the coolest country in Europe!

That's probably quite true. We could put the capitol in Silesia for major awesome. But wait... what language?
12 Aug 2009 /  #172
English would be the logical choice. But no doubt Poland and Germany would go down the Swiss route.
Pan Kazimierz  1 | 195  
12 Aug 2009 /  #173
^The Swiss route? Not familiar with it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
12 Aug 2009 /  #174
We could put the capitol in Silesia for major awesome.


But wait... what language?

Hmmm....why not two languages? There are examples in Europe where that works..

English would be the logical choice.

English??? Why english???
Daisy  3 | 1211  
12 Aug 2009 /  #175
we have better helmets than you :)
12 Aug 2009 /  #177
Hmmm....why not two languages? There are examples in Europe where that works...

You mean like Belgium?!

English??? Why english???

Because it is linguistically neutral to those two countries and the international language of business.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
12 Aug 2009 /  #178
But it's a foreign language to both, the Germans AND the Poles.
It's illogical to make a language of business to a lingua franca in such a construct.

German for example is the native language of many Europeans, more than Russian, English or French!

English became the language of business only because of the aftermath of WWII and the US-American influence..such things can change ya know!

The Poles will continue to speak Polish/the Germans will continue to speak German and the officials will have to use both....from bilingual kindergartens onwards etc...:)
Ironside  51 | 13086  
12 Aug 2009 /  #179
The first country that helped Poland was Soviet Russia of course!
Don't you know ? 17th September.
About heroic Soviet tank commander :
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Aug 2009 /  #180
Soviet Russia helped Poland by signing the pact with Hitler. Is that what you mean?

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