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WWII - who really was the first to help Poland?

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Oct 2015 /  #511
saved by Romania

It should be remembered that Romania bordered Poland in 1939.
Tartar  1 | 22  
5 Oct 2015 /  #512
Didn't Romania support Germany and when it broke neutrality, Romania turned over Polish assets - people & possession's to Germany..?

Germany did not want war with Britain and Britain was split between going to war for Poland and keeping her Empire; as it happened she went to war for Poland, lost her Empire in the end and conceded Superpower status to America (who promptly gave Poland to uncle Stalin..)

In the Battle of Warsaw 1920, didn't Churchill send aid to support Poland; otherwise wouldn't Poland have already been over-run in 1920.?
francis2017  1 | 2  
1 Aug 2017 /  #513

As an Englishman I had hoped that we English helped, but sadly our government betrayed you by handing you to the Soviets after WWII. We were in contract to defend you and we broke tge contract. This is a war crime on our part and I like many other English suffer from a guilt complex because of it.

I would therefore be grateful if you Poles sued our government for reparations over this betrayal in a Russian Court competent in warfare and genocide.

You would definately win, my country has no answer and owes Poland lots of reparations. The award of damages would be so large, that Poland could declare us bankrupt and therefore make a claim of ownership of our nation. England would a colony or state owned by Poland. My country now belongs to you Poles. Its yours for ever to rule my country.

Please please claim it for Poland, thank you
A-F dissident  
8 Jan 2018 /  #514
The USA had hurried so much, that on September 5, 1939 announced Declaration of Neutrality, giving the Hitler "a green light"...
Even mediocre hippocryte would wait for similiar decission, to get an "fake excuse".
For next couple months; after Hitler's aggression on Poland, American merchant ships sailed to Hitler's Germany. delivering "goods" for Germany.


In November 1939, the US Congress issued protests against British destroyers, that attempted to stop and to search American ships delivering "goods" for German "population".....
kaprys  3 | 2076  
8 Jan 2018 /  #515
Have you got any sources about those 'goods'?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
8 Jan 2018 /  #516


And then Yalta
kaprys  3 | 2076  
8 Jan 2018 /  #517
Thank you.

I remember a footage of Roosevelt saying the USA wouldn't get involved in the war-after the release of 'Siege' but that was something new ...
Taxpaying voter  
8 Jan 2018 /  #518

Supporting would be incorrect. Profiting from is an accurate description. Either way, it's hard to argue that the USA did anything to help Poland until after Germany had declared war on the USA.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
8 Jan 2018 /  #519
More like until Japan bombed pearl harbour. all this was due to the money grabbing corp orates and the lily liverd politicians of the time, lend lease bankrupted the

UK etc.

The American people on the other hand were the true saviours of Europe during WWII;

I have stood in the graveyard at Omaha beach and have been truly moved by the sacrifice those young GI's made for the freedom Europe, god bless them.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Jan 2018 /  #520
What about the roughly 12 million Russian soldiers who gave their lives so that the allied forces were able to set a foot on Omaha Beach?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
8 Jan 2018 /  #521
Fxxx all of them they made a pact with germany and attacked Poland they deported my family to Siberia, do i even need to mention Katyn, the other you are a complete arse to even mention those soviet pigs to any Polish man.
Taxpaying voter  
8 Jan 2018 /  #522
Fxxx all of them they made a pact with germany

Must have been a big piece of paper to have 12 million signatures on it.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
8 Jan 2018 /  #523
Yeah right using your logic all those Nazi murderers who gassed the jews in the concentration camps should have been let free instead of being hung by the neck.

Anyway I told you Harry I dont want to talk to you as you are dangerous QTBTBTBBBB so please do me a favour and refer to the pm I sent you.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
8 Jan 2018 /  #524
What about the roughly 12 million Russian soldiers

What Russian soldiers? Are you daft? You mean Soviet soldiers. At least they died with some dignity rather than slaughtered or starved to dead by their inhuman evil commie genocidal maniacs. Anyhow they didn't fight for freedom of anyone but to enslave the world. They succeeded with enslaving only half of it.

Put up monument for them if that is your want!
Are you obtuse or just plainly dumb?

Must have been a big piece of paper to have 12 million signatures on it.

Not much bigger than your two brain cells.
Why don't you admit that you're a commie and Soviet lover. At least it would make some sense.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
8 Jan 2018 /  #525
They succeeded with enslaving only half of it.

8 Jan 2018 /  #526
it's hard to argue that the USA did anything to help Poland until after Germany had declared war on the USA.

The USA supplied a massive amount of military equipment to the UK before it was attacked by Japan and Germany, indeed that's why Germany declared war on the USA.

As the UK was the location of the Polish government and what was left of the Polish forces, you could say the US helped Poland, to an extent.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Jan 2018 /  #527
they made a pact with germany

Stalin made a pact with Hitler. Not a Russian private who was drafted into the Soviet army.

mention those soviet pigs to any Polish man

Yes, they behaved like animals - just like all the other participants in WW2. That doesn't change the fact though that it were the Russians who defeated the Germans. Without their sacrifice, the allies in the west would have never set a foot on mainland Europe and most likely, there wouldn't be a single Pole left on the continent today.

What Russian soldiers? Are you daft? You mean Soviet soldiers.

Here, learn something: quora/How-was-a-person-from-USSR-called-A-Soviet
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
8 Jan 2018 /  #528
you could say the US helped Poland, to an extent.

They did indeed eventually, dragged in by the kamikaze allies of germany, it took a direct action against America from the axis of evil for America to declare war.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
8 Jan 2018 /  #529
Yes, they behaved like animals

Yes they murdered and raped their way across europe, the murdered half my family, strange you have so much love for them, I can tell you don't visit Poland often if ever, come here and spout your pro soviet drivel see where it gets you.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Jan 2018 /  #530
spout your pro soviet drivel

You can call me any name you want, my friend, but you won't change facts.
Taxpaying voter  
8 Jan 2018 /  #531
being hung by the neck.

After a fair trial. Do try not to overlook the vital difference there.

I dont want to talk to you as you are dangerous

I'm neither dangerous nor tired and emotional.

Yes, they behaved like animals

Some of them did. Some of them didn't. They all fought and they all died.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
8 Jan 2018 /  #532
Good and we are currently tearing down monuments to them that reside on Polish soil we are also changing names of streets that glorify soviet rapist murdering pigs
Taxpaying voter  
8 Jan 2018 /  #533
we are currently tearing down monuments to them

I'd be willing to bet large sums of money that you aren't.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
8 Jan 2018 /  #534
I'd have to say England was the first, if only because London became the seat of the Polish Gov't. in Exile, principally, because England had never been occupied, as had France, Norway or Denmark.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
8 Jan 2018 /  #535
I'd be willing to bet large sums of money that you aren't.

Started already in 2015 the law now demands it. numerous street names in my local town have also been changed.


I won't take your money as i know you dont have very much working in Poland.
Taxpaying voter  
8 Jan 2018 /  #536
numerous street names in my local town have also been changed.

Perhaps you'd care to read your claim again. It was not about what other people have done, it was about what you are doing.
PIgski  - | 12  
9 Jan 2018 /  #537
I'd have to say England was the first, if only because London became the seat of the Polish Gov't

London became the seat of the Polish government after it was first in Romania, and then France. Poland's gold was sent to Romania. They saved it. It later made its way to England, where the Brits had the cheek to try to grab it as repayment for the fuel used by Polish pilots in WWII. Then after recognising the puppet communist post-war government, the Brits sent Poland's gold to back the commies. There is no doubt that the Poles assisted the Brits, but the Brits betrayed the Poles every chance they got.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
9 Jan 2018 /  #538
Perhaps you'd care to read your claim again. It was not about what other people have done, it was about what you are doing.

Unlike you as a guest in Poland. I as a Polish citizen was able to vote in the last election, and yes my government "we" are tearing down monuments and changing street names.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
9 Jan 2018 /  #539
As for Britain declaring war on Germany, I'm afraid the 'phoney war' sums it up.
As for the Red Army liberating Europe, it's not what you read in your post-Yalta history books, it's what people experienced here. Were there some good guys among them? Sure, so were there among Wehrmacht soldiers.

How did other countries help Poland in 1939? Most didn't do much. I don't think they thought the war would spread all over the world.

As for trading with countries that had invaded other European countries, well ... how moral ...
Taxpaying voter  
9 Jan 2018 /  #540
As for Britain declaring war on Germany, I'm afraid the 'phoney war' sums it up.

No, but mentioning the phrase does show how ignorant you are of the events of September 1939. Clearly you aren't aware that while the Polish navy's ocean going ships were fleeing for the safety of British ports, British ships were steaming in the opposite direction to take on the enemy the Poles were running from. The first RAF mission over Germany was launched within hours of war being declared and the first bombing raid took place the next day, as soon as the weather was good enough for bombing. Advance units of the British army were on the continent the day after war was declared. The Royal Navy suffered nearly a thousand deaths in the first two weeks of the war. So spare us your ignorance about history.

How did other countries help Poland in 1939?

If you'd like to go into detail about the British could have done in September 1939 to aid Poland but did not do, please do so. Never once has any Pole (or 'Pole') who was whining about September 1939 accepted my invitation to go into detail about what the British could have done in September 1939 to aid Poland but did not do.

yes my government "we" are tearing down monuments and changing street names.

So in other words you are doing nothing while other people do do something, despite your claim that you were doing that same thing. Never mind, it's crystal clear to all what you were actually doing last night.

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