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WWII - who really was the first to help Poland?

p3undone  7 | 1098  
18 Feb 2013 /  #331
Goofy the dog,I'm well aware of that,but how did the US drain England dry as Johnb121.stated.
18 Feb 2013 /  #332
Ask Johnb121, why are u asking me?
p3undone  7 | 1098  
18 Feb 2013 /  #333
Goofy the dog,because you had mentioned US war debts in the post right after I posed that question.So I thought you were answering it.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
18 Feb 2013 /  #334
Our (as in American?) soldiers saved your butts (as in Polish?).
Are you kidding me?

goofy is a Brit, right? I was talking to him.

Btw. on the other hand however, helping them, was like helping all of you, one way or another. Then again, why even discuss about it now? Is it gonna change anything? NO, so why waste time on a "what if" debate? It's all over and done. AMEN !!! .
18 Feb 2013 /  #335
I am a Pole, living in Britain for over 6 years, just btw ^^
But I am humbled by your opiunion about my English !
4 eigner  2 | 816  
18 Feb 2013 /  #336
I wasn't really judging your language skills, more what you were saying but you're welcome, no matter what you say.
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
19 Feb 2013 /  #337
I think that this is a Soviet propaganda poster,

Hi Goofy, this was actualy a Nazi propaganda poster, designed with the intent to agitate the Poles into ceasing assistance for HMG by virtue of the fact that HMG failed to do everything in its power to assist Poland in the early days of WW2, as obliged under the Treaty.

If nothing else, it shows that even the Nazis were aware of the Treaty of Mutual Assistance and its abject failure.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
19 Feb 2013 /  #338
There's a reason why Poland fell so easily into the clutches of Communism.

what that would be? easily ?
Ozi Dan  26 | 566  
19 Feb 2013 /  #339
Just ignore him mate - come over to the thread I made on those collar questions and see if you can help a bit more.
citizen67  6 | 187  
19 Feb 2013 /  #340
I am only trying to point out that USA used Europe to become the new empire, the war served really good.

Rubbish. They didn't want or start the War. All these posts sound very much like what Communist would say, don't you think you hav been indoctrinated? all this talk of betrayal and money, and stealing someone's gold, sounds just like the gibberish Communists used to sprout..

Hi Goofy, this was actualy a Nazi propaganda poster,

So, you mugs hav just been repeating Nazi propaganda from 73 years ago.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
19 Feb 2013 /  #341
Citizen67,I don't know if you got my prior warning,but no derogatory remarks about Poles as a whole,or you will be suspended.
Dreadnought  1 | 143  
19 Feb 2013 /  #342
Whenever I read a thread like this (and I didn,t read all of it) I always think of poor old General Patton, now there was a man with vision, he hated the Soviets and could see what a threat they would be, he and Churchill argued that while the West had such a huge and co-hesive Armed Force they should push through Germany and the Eastern countries of Europe, inevitably destroying the Soviets and pushing them back into Russia. Think of a Europe with all those Warsaw Pact countries free to develop democracy (and not feed Soviet greed) there would have been American money to help as well, like they did with Germany, they would have needed a strong border with the Soviets and would have helped these countries to build their industries and wealth, almost as importantly there would have been NATO style bases in all of the Warsaw Pact countries and inter-action with Westerners. Poland would certainly be a different place now. But as we know, nobody else agreed to the plan and Patton was sent to 'rest' in an insane asylum. How he must have laughed when he was proved so right. (he did say publicily that if we dont stop the Soviets they will be "knocking on our door within 5 years" that one he was wrong about...it took them much less than 5 years. (Berlin Blockade). I forgot to add that Poland would also be a much bigger country as it would get back all those territories that are even now part of other countries.
citizen67  6 | 187  
19 Feb 2013 /  #343
I agree with that. The Soviet Union (?) Empire has a lot to answer for. A whole wasted Century, they dragged Europe back and stop any real development in the conquered countries of their eastern European Empire, forced the West to spend £billions and £Billions of £'s spending on defense and armies and fighting proxy Wars, propping up 3rd Dictators who they hated, wasted our energy, our talent, our chance. Imagin if the Patton /Churchill plan had been carried through, we would had hav 60-65 years of Peace, no Korean War, No Vietnam war, No Mao, No Kim Il Sung, No Pol Pot, No Enver hoxha, No Ceausescu, No Derg, no famine in Ethiopia, no famine in North Korea, No civil Wars in Mozambique, No civil War in Angola, so much misery, the whole history of the Soviet Union is about suffering, misery, betrayal, failure, stupidity and the meglomania of the Ruling Elite.
19 Feb 2013 /  #344
Every lie has a a grain of truth in it.
citizen67  6 | 187  
19 Feb 2013 /  #345
What's that sinister sounding maxim about?
p3undone  7 | 1098  
19 Feb 2013 /  #346
Citizen67,Your free to have your views and express them,what you're not allowed to do is insult a whole people.of any Nationality.You have freedom of speech,not freedom of abuse.
Wroclaw Boy  
19 Feb 2013 /  #347
Imagin if the Patton /Churchill plan had been carried through,

All those communist countries as capitalist? jeeze we would have hardly any natural resources left at all by now.
Barney  19 | 1755  
19 Feb 2013 /  #348
inevitably destroying the Soviets and pushing them back into Russia

This old chestnut yet again....There is no way a battle hardened soviet army would have been defeated by the relatively inexperienced US and her allies. The Soviets had better equipment (and more of it), better medical care and 30-40 million troops. The US had only a few nuclear weapons and no real means of delivery, their nuclear aggression could have only have carried them so far.

Churchill and the British may have wanted to stab their communist friends in the back but calmer heads prevailed.

The soviets did demonstrate a degree of flexibility in stopping when they did and giving up a large part of Berlin and their withdrawal from Austria.
Wroclaw Boy  
19 Feb 2013 /  #349
Logistically speaking the Russians had a huge advantage.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
19 Feb 2013 /  #350
The soviets did demonstrate a degree of flexibility in stopping when they did and giving up a large part of Berlin and their withdrawal from Austria.

Whats is Austria? they had Poland and part of Germany allay to France and Britain.
citizen67  6 | 187  
19 Feb 2013 /  #351
Citizen67,Your free to have your views and express them,what you're not allowed to do is insult a whole people.of any Nationality.You have freedom of speech,not freedom of abuse.

What are talking about?
Barney  19 | 1755  
19 Feb 2013 /  #352
Logistically speaking the Russians had a huge advantage

Yes, plus they were incredibly battle hardened.


Whats is Austria? they had Poland and part of Germany allay to France and Britain

The suggestion (by Dreadnaught here) is that the Soviets needed to be stopped I'm saying they stopped themselves. They were flexible enough to allow the US, French and British into Berlin as agreed. They did withdraw from Austria and stopped meddling in the Balkans.

Of course they occupied huge areas of the East not just Poland it was 1945 not 1920/1 when they needed to keep going to have their urban proles.
citizen67  6 | 187  
19 Feb 2013 /  #353
All those communist countries as capitalist? jeeze we would have hardly any natural resources left at all by now.

Capitalist? You mean DEMOCRATIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Communist countries had industries as well, so used up natural resources, and they wer the World's worst polluters. The Soviet Union had one factory in it's Polar circle that pumped more sulphur into the atmosphere than did the whole of Italy! COMMUNIST = WORLD'S WORST POLLUTERS!!!!!!!!!

Churchill and the British may have wanted to stab their communist friends in the back but calmer heads prevailed.

It was the Communists that stab everybody in the Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The soviets did demonstrate a degree of flexibility in stopping when they did and giving up a large part of Berlin and their withdrawal from Austria.

Stalin was hoping that by "Giving up" Austria the Allies (The Real Allies) would giv up Germany, as he suggested.
Wroclaw Boy  
19 Feb 2013 /  #354
Capitalist? You mean DEMOCRATIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, i mean capitalism as opposed to communism.

Communist countries had industries as well, so used up natural resources, and they wer the World's worst polluters.


Rubbish, in terms of population the US has by far been the worst polluter for quite a while now.
jon357  72 | 23654  
19 Feb 2013 /  #355
It was the Communists that stab everybody in the Back

Pretty well true. Stalin and the Americans had it sewn up between them. The UK, France, Poland etc could not have done a thing.
Barney  19 | 1755  
19 Feb 2013 /  #356
It was the Communists that stab everybody in the Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No Communists shot you in the back of the head.

The Soviets stuck to their agreements, contrary to agreements Churchill wanted to attack the Soviets, no matter how you dress it up, that is treachery.
citizen67  6 | 187  
19 Feb 2013 /  #357
No, i mean capitalism as opposed to communism.

The opposit to your Communism was our Democracy combined with Freedom, Human Rights and respect for other countries. The Soviet Union wer Imperialist Expansionists, they wanted to rule the World.
Wroclaw Boy  
19 Feb 2013 /  #358
The opposit to your Communism was our Democracy combined with Freedom, Human Rights and respect for other countries.

ha yeah right.

The Soviet Union wer Imperialist Expansionists, they wanted to rule the World.

and Germany were fighting for what exactly? and what did GB have exactly - something about the sun never setting, i bet you love that though. You are biased beyond belief.

Patriotic racist fool.
citizen67  6 | 187  
19 Feb 2013 /  #359
Rubbish, in terms of population the US has by far been the worst polluter for quite a while now.

Rubbish is what you put into your rivers:

"...Many of the world's leading environmental agencies have long
centered the focus of their attention on the continued pollution
of the Danube River. Yet it was only with the fall of the East's
communist regimes that scientists and government officials began
to realize the seriousness of the environmental havoc which the
destructive industrial policies of the former communist regimes
had wrought on the Danubian watershed. Industrial pollution is
especially high on the Danube because the former communist
masters in Eastern and Central Europe sought lucrative short-term
production gahls, often at the price of environmental

Cleaning up After Communism

When the Iron Curtain finally collapsed in November 1989, the world saw for the first time the great environmental cost of decades of communist rule in Central and Eastern Europe


Why Socialism Causes Pollution



"...Formerly one of the four largest lakes in the world with an area of 68,000 square kilometres (26,300 sq mi), the Aral Sea has been steadily shrinking since the 1960s after the rivers that fed it were diverted by Soviet irrigation projects. By 2007, it had declined to 10% of its original size, splitting into four lakes - the North Aral Sea, the eastern and western basins of the once far larger South Aral Sea and one smaller lake between North and South Aral Seas.[4] By 2009, the southeastern lake had disappeared and the southwestern lake retreated to a thin strip at the extreme west of the former southern sea"



Pretty well true. Stalin and the Americans had it sewn up between them. The UK, France, Poland etc could not have done a thing.

The Americans wer naive, not malicious!

ha yeah right.

What? and the your Beloved Soviet Union had respect for other countries right to self-determination? and they respected Human Rights?

and Germany were fighting for what exactly? and what did GB have exactly - something about the sun never setting, i bet you love that though. You are biased beyond belief.Patriotic racist fool.

? so that makes Stalin and your Beloved Soviet Union's behaviour alright?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
19 Feb 2013 /  #360
There is no way a battle hardened soviet army would have been defeated by the relatively inexperienced US and her allies. The Soviets had better equipment (and more of it), better medical care and 30-40 million troops. The US had only a few nuclear weapons and no real means of delivery, their nuclear aggression could have only have carried them so far.

Barney (btw. most Brits on PF), I regret to report, you've been brainwashed by the communist propaganda machine and you believe in the invincibility of the great Soviet Union. What you say is based on your beliefs and not on facts. None of it can be proved anymore so let's agree to disagree. Whatever will be said from now on, will be a pure waste of time for both of us.

No Communists shot you in the back of the head.

REALLY Barney?


They were shut in the back of the head. Barney, maybe it's time to rethink your strategy?

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland?Archived