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WWII - who really was the first to help Poland?

18 Feb 2013 /  #301
I think that this is a Soviet propaganda poster, however dont u think that it shows the truth?
citizen67, we had a pact before the war, the whole September campaing was based on it!
Two weeks of fight, and then Joint French-English forces would attack Nazis from the West.

thetenminuteman  1 | 80  
18 Feb 2013 /  #302
I think you really ought to consider why you are reposting Soviet propoganda to support your views.
18 Feb 2013 /  #303
It happens for me to agree with what this poster says, thats why I posted it.
However I am very far away from being a commie ;)
citizen67  6 | 187  
18 Feb 2013 /  #304
therefore vrits and french have Polish blood on their hands for more than 67 years now...

No, Germans and Russians hav got Polish Blood on their Hands. I don't think a single Polish person was killed by British or French hands.

Poland was jointly invaded by Hitler and Stalin, Stalin was meant to invade on the same day, but held back to make it look like he wasn't invading, but merely going into Poland to protect the last bit from further invasion.
thetenminuteman  1 | 80  
18 Feb 2013 /  #305
It happens for me to agree with what this poster says, thats why I posted it.

Any Polish patriot would never, ever, ever agree with Soviet propaganda under any circumstance.

Then again, in educated families, we were taught that everything the authorities say is a lie. Everything.
legend  3 | 658  
18 Feb 2013 /  #306
An American and Brit telling us its all Russian and German fault and that
America and Britain are "innocent" in their minds. "Great" Polish allies.

Any Polish patriot would never, ever, ever agree with Soviet propaganda under any circumstance.

You know that based on 38,000,000+ people?
I dislike Stalin and Soviets but I think you generalize too much in this case.
citizen67  6 | 187  
18 Feb 2013 /  #307
I dislike Stalin and Soviets

You "dislike" Stalin and the Soviets? You should hate them, do you know how many Poles they killed? and what they did to your country?
thetenminuteman  1 | 80  
18 Feb 2013 /  #308
You know that based on 38,000,000+ people?

I said educated.

There's a reason why Poland fell so easily into the clutches of Communism.
legend  3 | 658  
18 Feb 2013 /  #309
You "dislike" Stalin and the Soviets? You should hate them, do you know how many Poles they killed? and what they did to your country?

I know that Stalin killed tens of millions. And perhaps million of Poles. He and Hitler I dont like.
But I dont like America either. Im not hiding anything.

There's a reason why Poland fell so easily into the clutches of Communism.

Fair enough.
citizen67  6 | 187  
18 Feb 2013 /  #310
Brits in the waffen ss

What? All 27 of them?!!!!!!!!

4 eigner  2 | 816  
18 Feb 2013 /  #311
America and Britain are "innocent" in their minds. "Great" Polish allies.

well, America wasn't your ally until late.

After seeing what kind of bs we're getting from all of you in Europe, I wish, we would have never joined that freaking war. Our soldiers died for a bunch of ungrateful Europeans.
citizen67  6 | 187  
18 Feb 2013 /  #312
Defending, indeed.

legend  3 | 658  
18 Feb 2013 /  #313
After seeing what kind of bs we're getting from all of you in Europe, I wish, we would have never joined that freaking war. Our soldiers died for a bunch of ungrateful Europeans.

I am in Canada.
Western Europeans are grateful for what Americans did.
Eastern Europeans have no reason to.
Lenka  5 | 3548  
18 Feb 2013 /  #314
Good point.
18 Feb 2013 /  #315
You only joined the war because of Japs, if there would be no Pearl Harbour you would not give a crap about Holocaust, Battle of Britain and other terrible things...

American heroes my arse!

I would say American Opportunists, everyone knows that Amercan gained their wealth because of WW2
johnb121  4 | 183  
18 Feb 2013 /  #316
I doubt you'd find a single Englishmen who are grateful for the US contribution to WW2 - certainly not amongst the generations that lived through it.

The US drained Britain dry before Pearl Harbour, then entered the war only for it's own interests.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
18 Feb 2013 /  #317
You only joined the war because of Japs

but we could have limited our actions to the Japs. We could have stayed out of Europe at least for a while but Churchill convinced FDR to join the war and we did. Oh well, too late now to complain.

Btw. we never promised to help Poland so if you want to b/tch, leave us out of it.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
18 Feb 2013 /  #318
johnb121,what do you mean by,the US drained Britain dry?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
18 Feb 2013 /  #319
yeah, that's a good 1
18 Feb 2013 /  #320
UK is still paying their War debts to the US.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
18 Feb 2013 /  #321
is it?

18 Feb 2013 /  #322
After seeing what kind of bs we're getting from all of you in Europe, I wish, we would have never joined that freaking war. Our soldiers died for a bunch of ungrateful Europeans.

Well then you stop painting your history in bright herois like colours then.
For millions of people in Europe the War was the most horrible 6 years in the history of their lifes.
Where as when you look at the USA, it has been the best 6 years of their economy etc...
An empire build on human sorrow.
citizen67  6 | 187  
18 Feb 2013 /  #323
erm,Benny hill hasnt been shown in this country for atleast 25 years now,however I understand its still very popular in the US....hhmmm.

Surely, Benny Hill was early 1970's? 40 years ago?

and everybody here thought he was crap.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
18 Feb 2013 /  #324
Well then you stop painting your history in bright herois like colours then.

our soldiers died to save your butts, ain't that enough already? (not to mention all kinds of other help).

I don't understand why our governments work together so closely, a huge mistake in my eyes. I'd rather see us work closer with Poland and a few other countries instead.
p3undone  7 | 1098  
18 Feb 2013 /  #325
goofy the dog.how did WW2 debt impede England's ability to help Poland,how did the US drain Britain?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
18 Feb 2013 /  #326
how did the US drain Britain?

I bet, he's got a link or two to support his claim.
legend  3 | 658  
18 Feb 2013 /  #327
our soldiers

Our (as in American?) soldiers saved your butts (as in Polish?).
Are you kidding me?
You only helped Western Europeans NOT Eastern Europeans.
johnb121  4 | 183  
18 Feb 2013 /  #328
Because the US SOLD the war materiel to Britain, until her gold reserves were drained, then LOANED materiel, which had to be paid back.....
18 Feb 2013 /  #329
I never said that the rising addiction of Britain to USA caused any lack of British help for Poles as you are trying to imply:

"goofy the dog.how did WW2 debt impede England's ability to help Poland,how did the US drain Britain?"

I am only trying to point out that USA used Europe to become the new empire, the war served really good.
johnb121  4 | 183  
18 Feb 2013 /  #330
This comes from an excellent Yahoo answer:

The Lend-lease programme alone cost Britain $31.4 Billion at the time, $6.8 billion in paying costs for US bases on UK territory, and - because payment for goods supplied was not due until AFTER the war - a post-war debt of $1.075 billion.

The first thing to remember was that The US government did not want British currency. They thought Britain was about to be defeated by Germany, leaving Sterling worthless.

So the first payments were made by signing over British-owned businesses in America. You could say it cost Britain her stake in the US economy.

Next, the Americans took Britain's gold reserve.
US warships had not sailed to help Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, or Norway... but they sailed to South Africa to take British gold.

Only after that did the US begin accepting British currency.

What the US did do was grant Britain a massive discount on equipment retained after the war - some was given at only 10% of its value.

Even then, Britain knew it would not be able to afford to keep everything. Whole squadrons of aircraft were pushed into the sea rather than become liable for payment.

The US charged interest on Britain's war debt at 2% - which was lower than the market rate, but on a debt of $1.075, still huge.

They also made provision in the terms of the loan for payment to be postponed in times of economic hardship - a measure that Britain has had to use on six occasions.

It was finally paid off in 2006.

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