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WWII - who really was the first to help Poland?

Babinich  1 | 453  
20 Jun 2010 /  #271
hhmm,lets see

Where are your salutations towards the Soviets? Those same Soviets that destroyed the creme of the Wehrmacht?
20 Jun 2010 /  #272
They sold Poland along with the rest of Eastern Europe to the Soviets setting the stage for the Cold War.

Could you go into details about the price which the USSR agreed to pay to the Western Allies for Poland? I mean, we know precisely what price Poland sold her 1921 ally for, it's in the treaty which Poland signed with the USSR. So tell us what price Poland was sold for.

Yet another time.. your glorious EMPIRE needed bailed out by colonials.

Could you perhaps remind me of the date on which the USA declared war on Nazi Germany?

Poland would've been fine like it is today. Brits did nothing.

Remind me which nation flew just a single supply flight to the Warsaw uprising and which made more than a hundred? Which allied leader wanted to send planes to supply Warsaw and then land at Soviet bases without permission? And which allied leader replied ""I do not consider it advantageous to the long-range general war prospect for me to join you in the proposed message to Uncle Joe."?
Babinich  1 | 453  
21 Jun 2010 /  #273
One man, more than any other, enabled Stalin. That man was FDR.
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
21 Jun 2010 /  #274
I do not consider it advantageous to the long-range general war prospect for me to join you in the proposed message to Uncle Joe."?

Who said that? The greatest statesman whoever lived said that. So what? Look at what your drunk PM did at Mers Al Kebir.

the USA declared war on Nazi Germany?

Remind yourself.. it was a European problem, gov. You being the bright boy know we don't reside near it.
21 Jun 2010 /  #275
So what?

So from that point on the Warsaw uprising was doomed and Stalin knew that the USA would not risk any conflict with the USSR over Poland, which meant that all of eastern Europe was doomed.

Look at what your drunk PM did at Mers Al Kebir.

The French fired first. Always a mistake to do that when you aren't ready for battle and the other side is.

Remind yourself.. it was a European problem, gov.

I can't remind myself: the USA did not declare war in Nazi Germany.
bamybaby  - | 1  
21 Jun 2010 /  #276
i think is Poland that helps Poland
Marek11111  9 | 807  
23 Jun 2010 /  #277
Everyone helped them self to Poland
Germany got industrial area of Poland and slave labor in concentrations camps
Soviets helped to fill their gulags with new workers
British and United States got Polish gold for everything Polish soldiers use to defend their empire
markyfunky  - | 2  
23 Jun 2010 /  #278
NO war happens for no reason. Rich are getting richer. And WW2 was no different.
Wall street bankers along with Prescott Bush (GWBush' grandfather) sponsored fascism and WW2 and then they "run back" to help out. BS!!
23 Jun 2010 /  #279
British and United States got Polish gold for everything Polish soldiers use to defend their empire

Yawn. The same old tired lies. Why don't you tell us about how Britain excluded Poland from taking part in the London victory parade of 1946?
Pinching Pete  - | 554  
23 Jun 2010 /  #280
British and United States got Polish gold for everything Polish soldiers use to defend their empire

My God.. it's a calvacade of retards on this thing!

Could you tone down the insults please.

Could you tone down the insults please.

Certainly... I was caught up in the apparent "spirit" of these forums. A pox upon me..
polskisoldier88  5 | 11  
25 Jun 2010 /  #281
no one helped really they were using poland like they say poland is the gateway for the russians to west europe
scottie1113  6 | 896  
25 Jun 2010 /  #282
Could you perhaps remind me of the date on which the USA declared war on Nazi German

8 December 1941, the day after Pearl Harbor. Maybe the US was a little late to the party, but better late than never.
25 Jun 2010 /  #283
8 December 1941, the day after Pearl Harbor.

Nope. It was 11 December 1941 and was in response to Nazi Germany declaring war on the USA earlier that day. Although the USA had been shooting at Nazis for a couple of months by that point and the first American losses coming on 17 October and the first US ship being sunk on 31 October.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
25 Jun 2010 /  #284
Where are your salutations towards the Soviets? Those same Soviets that destroyed the creme of the Wehrmacht?

Get them from me all the time bay, Soviets won ww2,the rest was just a sideshow .

British and United States got Polish gold for everything Polish soldiers use to defend their empire

Bull shoit,not a single Pole fought in the Far east...where our Empire was....
25 Jun 2010 /  #285
Well, a single Pole fought in China, which is fairly far east. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witold_Urbanowicz
scottie1113  6 | 896  
25 Jun 2010 /  #286
Nope. It was 11 December 1941 and was in response to Nazi Germany declaring war on the USA earlier that day. Although the USA had been shooting at Nazis for a couple of months by that point and the first American losses coming on 17 October and the first US ship being sunk on 31 October.

Ah Harry, you're right. Senility caught up with me on the date. 8 December was the war on Japan.
25 Jun 2010 /  #287
Japan, Germany, Italy, same thing basically.

And it's not senility, it's the damage caused by all that absinthe!
Marek11111  9 | 807  
26 Jun 2010 /  #288
Bull shoit,not a single Pole fought in the Far east...where our Empire was....

without England there would not be a empire
chaza  50 | 253  
11 Jul 2010 /  #289
poland was on here own due to her locality. lets not forget, stalin and hitler had already made plans to devide her up long before all this happened. look at who were the winners of all this, walkswagem, aeg the electric company, agfa the film company, and worse still lets not forget that the vatican has had her share also. so lots of palms were crossed at that time. most took the view of these subhuman poles that were of no consequece. and that view was rife al the way through.

funny hiow the poles were not subhuman when they fought/with for britain. it was not possible for any force to make its way intompoland to help them, they would have been anihalated. the only sol;ution was to crush the nazis as soon as possible, then we can liberate poland and the rest, which is what happened.

isthatu2  4 | 2692  
12 Jul 2010 /  #290
Well, a single Pole fought in China, which is fairly far east. Witold Urbanowicz

Exactly,maybe the odd "single pole" did fight within a British unit,but,er,China,really,part of the Empire,I think the chinese may have had somthing to say about that being as the only part of China in the empire was Hong Kong leased to britain and duly given back when said lease ran out in the 1990s.

without England there would not be a empire

without scots and irish you mean.....ah well,yet again,facts not getting in the way of a good pity party....
ray  - | 2  
3 Aug 2010 /  #291
I wondered why the Polish Americans did,nt help Poland, particularly after the war. There must have been some in positions of authority.

I hear a lot about the allies not helping Poland enough, what did the Poles do to help Polsish Jews?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134  
3 Aug 2010 /  #292
Japan, Germany, Italy, same thing basically.

Bullocks and utter bullocks! Japan and Germany were never on good foot. Especially when Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with Soviet Union! The Japanese felt betrayed and signed one with the soviets also! When the time came the Japanese din almost to nothing to support Germany with attacking the Soviet Union. One of the reasons for Hitler to declare war on U.S.A was to better the relationship. (Also he considered to be at war with U.S.A already as you mentioned earlier the American Navy was sinking German U-Boats)

Also thinking of the topic I would say Great Britain with Churchill's commando's and supply deliveries to insurgents or "partisans"

Unless you might think of Hungary that let entire military units go through her territory (Italy did the same to a certain extent) and letting the Polish embassy work at her territory until 1943 (or was it 1944?) I think that Germans walked in.
Sire Brenshar  1 | 61  
3 Aug 2010 /  #293
what did the Poles do to help Polsish Jews?

Check the Yad Vashem ...

Despite all their shortcomings (many which were not their fault at all) Britain and France were the first to help Poland, if only by declaring war.

Also to say that "Churchill" sold Poland... you must remember that CH did an incredible amount to try and prevent that, and was quite unhappy by the ways things turned out.

He is not unlike Pilsudski in this regard, when Pilsudski was forced (by many factors, and especially by political opposition from home) to abandon Ukraine to the Bolsheviks.
citizen67  6 | 187  
18 Feb 2013 /  #294
EDIT: I'm no history expert, but from what I recall nobody joined the war with the sole intention of "helping" Poland. They were all in it for themselves.

Yeah, evil selfish people!!!! Helping Poland is the only important thing in Life!

Churchill also sold out Poland as was evidenced during the various Big 3 negotiations

That's just Communist mis-information to make you hate and resent the West.

...... and if more support was given to the Spanish Republic, Hitler would never have invaded Poland.

What? and turn spain into just another Soviet Province? The Spanish wer lucky that the Stalinists didn't Win!
18 Feb 2013 /  #295
Nobody helped Poland. Roosevelt, and Churchill sold Poland.
Britain and France broke the poact that Poland had with them, read about the Polish defensive War of 1939 citizen67.
My grandma remembers how her family was waiting for the British and French to come in and help Poland with the invadors, nobody came, therefore vrits and french have Polish blood on their hands for more than 67 years now...

England you have done this to Poland!

"England ! You have done this!"
Ironside  51 | 13086  
18 Feb 2013 /  #296
WWII - who really was the first to help Poland?

Benny Hill?
Marek11111  9 | 807  
18 Feb 2013 /  #297
England helped itself to Polish gold stored in Canada after ww2 to make sure Poland paid for everything that Polish army received.
legend  3 | 658  
18 Feb 2013 /  #298
therefore Brits and French have Polish blood on their hands for more than 67 years now...

I completely agree.
It baffles me why Poland is allied to them now AGAIN.
You'd think the leaders in the country would learn something from history.

And even the president from USA at the time (was it Roosevelt?) is too blame too especially closer to the end of the war.

England helped itself to Polish gold stored in Canada after ww2 to make sure Poland paid for everything that Polish army received.

Hmm interesting. Do you have a link for this maybe?
thetenminuteman  1 | 80  
18 Feb 2013 /  #299
"England ! You have done this!"

Nice of you to repost aggressor propoganda.
citizen67  6 | 187  
18 Feb 2013 /  #300
My grandma remembers how her family was waiting for the British and French to come in and help Poland with the invadors, nobody came,

How could they help Poland? are you a little baby nation that always need an adult nation to look after you? probably our army was no bigger than yours or well armed, and we are a long way away from Poland unlike your friends the Russians, why didn't you ask them for help?.

When was that cartoon printed?

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