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Origins of Poland national differences?

jon357  72 | 23670  
5 Feb 2013 /  #31
Arthur de Gobineau

Houston Stewart Chamberlain

Francis Parker Yockey

Hans F. K. Günther

A collection of prize turds if ever there was one.

I'm surprised you don't squeeze out Streicher, Otto Reche and Dudly Kidd into the same chamberpot.
OP Vlad123  7 | 204  
5 Feb 2013 /  #32
Please,do not troll the tread.My original question was about possibility of different evolution
of people in different european countries and their mental qualities.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
5 Feb 2013 /  #33
Look at the scared little libral, using ad-hominem and petty shaming tactics (sort of like a woman now that i think of it) because he cannot buttress his arguments in any way or form.

Sentimentalists, sentimentalists never change.
crochetbitch88  2 | 83  
5 Feb 2013 /  #34
Neither I saw that intelligent Ukrainians such as engineers or programmers
would misuse alcogool.

And I've seen very intelligent Poles who would misuse alcohol with delight... :D But we don't normally drink it without a chaser unless it's Żołądkowa Gorzka. And in almost every Russian movie I watched there was that main character, very manly and brave who was drinking vodka without a chaser and often times straight from the bottle like it was a lager. So it made me think.

consumption of pure alcohool by Poles per year -
13.25 L

Now this. If I drink 2 litres of pure alcohol per year, who the heck drinks the remaining 11.25l of my alcohol every single year?? I have a few suspects though...

There are national differences, cause peopel can not forget the past .. Like the Poles!

Nope, some people don't want to forget the past, even though it's not their personal past. They are holding a grudge against someone whose great grandfather possibly could have done something wrong to their great grandfarther. How miserable is that. That's why I don't have anything against any nation in the world, just sometimes like pulling people's legs ;)
OP Vlad123  7 | 204  
5 Feb 2013 /  #35
And in almost every Russian movie I watched there was that main character, very manly and brave who was drinking vodka without a chaser and often times straight from the bottle like it was a lager.

Those movies made in Poland?Well in many Polish moves Poles drink a lot too.But I do not make conclusions from movies.
This is very induvidually.Personally I tried some vine and bear in my life but I do not have proneness to alcohool whatsoever.Therefore I do not drink at all.I guess you understand on your own example that averages cannot serve as a rule.But what is your concern in any case how much vodka drink Russians and Ukrainians?Do you affraid that they will enforce Poles to drink even more?
crochetbitch88  2 | 83  
5 Feb 2013 /  #36
Those movies made in Poland?

No, they were genuine Russian movies

Do you affraid that they will enforce Poles to drink even more?

Poles don't need to be forced to drink vodka :)

But what is your concern in any case how much vodka drink Russians and Ukrainians?

I'm not concerned at all. I'm not attacking you Vlad123, neither I'm attacking the Russians or the Ukrainians, I like them. I like the culture.
OP Vlad123  7 | 204  
6 Feb 2013 /  #37
I'm not concerned at all. I'm not attacking you Vlad123, neither I'm attacking the Russians or the Ukrainians

I didn`t say that to be concerned means to attack somebody.And you have your right to dislike Russian and Ukrainian culture, but it is desirable that this dislike would be seriously argumented.I just gave to you my ansewr about vodka...
Nickidewbear  23 | 609  
6 Feb 2013 /  #38
.If we assume point of view that European nations are so different, then how they become so different?Had they been genetically different originally?

To answer your second question first, no. There were three sons of Noah: Shem, Japheth, and Ham. Then, of course, came the Tower of Babel. That's when the nations became culturally, linguistically, and genetically (in terms of ethnicity, not race) different. For example, a German will carry an I1b while a Pole will carry R1a; whereas a Jew descended from a German may carry I1b or any of the J haplotypes (including the Cohen Modal Haplotype)--depending on who his dad is--, and a Jew descended from a Pole may carry R1a or any of the J haplotypes. Jews descended from Khazars may carry Haplotype R1a1a1, by the way.

Meanwhile, a German will usually speak German, a Pole Polish, and a Jew Hebrew or dialect thereof (e.g., Yiddish).
6 Feb 2013 /  #39
Meanwhile, a German will usually speak German, a Pole Polish, and a Jew Hebrew or dialect thereof (e.g., Yiddish).

A Jew will generally speak the language of the patrons of his business at work, Hebrew in Temple, and Yiddish at home.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609  
6 Feb 2013 /  #40
I guess that I was thinking of Ashkenazi Jews who are still in Europe.
jon357  72 | 23670  
6 Feb 2013 /  #41
There were three sons of Noah: Shem, Japheth, and Ham

You mean there were allegedly three sons.

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