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Life in communism vs democracy in Poland

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
1 Jan 2010 /  #121
Many people on Earth are still motivated by greed

"still" and probably for always....it is an integral part of a humans psyche.
That's why we are here now and not making highly philosophical "ugah ugahs" in some cave!

All theories denying or denigrating human "greed" will fail in the end. Only systems who make use of it can survive and flourish!
king polkakamon  - | 542  
1 Jan 2010 /  #122
For most people capitalism and communism means the same sh1t.They will be poor anyway.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Jan 2010 /  #123
All theories denying or denigrating human "greed" will fail in the end.

greed is fatness or whor*ness that both say "i want moooooreeeee".
nobody denying that they are mentally sicks.

it is not the greed bringing the progresses and developments.

it is the stupid, idiot, fool mentality that feed these. these idiots consider themselves so smart that they think they will satisfy very greedy whor* being f*cked many times everyday. even such whor*s and fats are regretful, our idiots are not. cause there is that maniac hope in their desire to be fat or whor*.

capitalism is the system of fat or whor*. wanting more and more. our idiots who think themselves are smarts are actually stupds who can not learn they cant satisfy the fat or whor*.

i have seen many idiots and greedy ones in life who have supported capitalism strongly.. but,, when they find themselves in an accident or at hospitals these selfishes who claim they are so superior that they dont need another human for success or they just use these idiots have cried for help of humans..

the richest person of turkey who passed away several years ago was frequently saying this on tvs "instead of having all these factories, i wish my this son (spastic) were healthy." probably, he had spent much money in capitalist science centers, luxury hospitals.. stupid greedy didnt know that science of capitalism is stupid as scientists are hopefuls to become rich like them and their minds arent working properly as when they doing research they think nothing, but, money, more money, mooooreeee.. lol. do your science with your whor*s. i warned.. and? i will watch your stupid system and will watch how you will find the solution to this crisis.. you all are in coma.
1jola  14 | 1875  
1 Jan 2010 /  #124
it is the stupid, idiot, fool mentality that feed these. these idiots consider themselves so smart that they think they will satisfy very greedy whor* being f*cked many times everyday. even such whor*s and fats are regretful, our idiots are not. cause there is that maniac hope in their desire to be fat or whor*.

Are you drinking in the morning or you're just in a different time zone?

Just make your case for socialism. You can start with the class struggle. I'm listening, so tell me your vision of a classless society.
lesser  4 | 1311  
1 Jan 2010 /  #125
Also the more of any thing the less it is worth, if everyone in your village has a thousand cabbages, the cabbage is worthless, it is the same for money, hence hyperinflation.

Well said. I will just add few words about superiority of gold standard over paper money. Since humanity passed some stage in development, demand for gold started. This is why gold became a currency. Gold is not a popular currency any more but there is still demand for gold. Gold is still widely considered valuable and costly to obtain.

How about paper money? Paper itself is so widely used and thus it is worth nearly nothing. Politicians gave people just false illusion. Today they say that paper money is worth something, tomorrow this may change. Look at Ukraine at the moment. Politicians may easy print new paper money and by doing this cheat taxpayers (more money, lesser value). On polish banknotes there is written at least that Polish Central Bank is responsible for this currency. European Union failed even to print anything like that on their banknotes, while public debt growing and growing. One doesn't need to be a genius to figure out that this currency will lost its imaginary value in the future.

allowing every member of society to participate in the decision-making process in both the political and economic spheres of life.
I suspect this can only be achieved when all people are on the same plane of consciousness. It's the job of philosophers/religions/inspired leaders to put us all on the same plane.

It can never be achieved, stop dreaming...
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Jan 2010 /  #126
Just make your case for socialism. You can start with the class struggle. I'm listening, so tell me your vision of a classless society.

classless society is capitalism.. no class, no quality at all. see the picture of today at the same time. some must be very thin with bones appearing in the body and some must be very fat? if fat gave some of the food to those poors, it would also help himself. but, stupid capitalist mentality saying him "be selfish, eat moooooreee". and you become fat. there is no real difference between those poor kids and that fat guy. both are sicks. kids are physically, fat is mentally. since fat is in power, you are following his mind and you idiots and thoughtless people are working for him to get your small bread. soon, when he is unable to eat anything he will also eat you (kick you out of your jobs as it is happening now.) if you need to have a better life as humans, you need to hurt this fat, but, you are in fears, cowards who can say words to poors only. you are fearing your own monster you have fed. time to help him lose weight? global crisis helping this, they started to lose weights, but, hopeful guys like you crediting the greed too much are trying to feed him more. you guys, supporting capitalism idiotly and stupidly, real problems are you. change yourselves.
mephias  10 | 296  
1 Jan 2010 /  #127
class, no quality at all. see the picture of today at the same time

You don't even know what you are against or what you support. You just repeat same slogans which are totally empty indeed. It is something I am familiar from my university years, there were so called socialist groups who can only repeat same words without trying to learn or analyze anything. It may be first step in the way of understanding Ask yourself "This shouldn't be that simple ?, I should better make some research and read a little bit ?" rest will come if you only have logic.
1jola  14 | 1875  
1 Jan 2010 /  #128
if you need to have a better life as humans, you need to hurt this fat, but, you are in fears, cowards who can say words to poors only. you are fearing your own monster you have fed. time to help him lose weight?

This has been done to the tune of millions of murdered "fats." by the "poor" proletarians. Sorry if I don't want to start my year by argueing with extemist lunatics like you. I'll let you die a natural death on this thread.

You have nothing interesting to say, but socialist nonsense. I would be interested to know what nationality you are and is your experience with socialism limited to jerking off to Marx or Engles? Or maybe you participated in this social experiment and miss its benefits?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
1 Jan 2010 /  #129
It is something I am familiar from my university years, there were so called socialist groups who can only repeat same words without trying to learn or analyze anything.

I think that is it exactly.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Jan 2010 /  #130
It is something I am familiar from my university years, there were so called socialist groups who can only repeat same words without trying to learn or analyze anything.

their fathers were relatively rich and you were poor and yours were a reaction against socialism? sorry, i will use this word for you too, you were idiot then. you should have said "we too are socialists" instead of reactional thoughts. what would you lose? those young guys whose fathers were relatively richer were saying to share the wealth of their fathers and you reacted? idiot.

and, you are still living in past, some years ago.. world is changing. take your side.

look, i dont resemble any. i was socialist even at born and this never changed in 40 plus years. to change my opinion, you should tell me a logical reason on these two pictures: there is a problem or not? if there is, it is god's product? (as religious people claim) or capitalist world's product? it is not product of socialist world as its not seen yet. i just feel responsibility of saying that "hey, people, have a look at your this sh*t." (you wont understand if i dont post these pictures again again. you trying to forget?)

you don't have to post the same pictures over and over again
king polkakamon  - | 542  
1 Jan 2010 /  #131
In communist times if you had a face like Jaruzelski you could become president.
mephias  10 | 296  
1 Jan 2010 /  #132
their fathers were relatively rich and you were poor and yours were a reaction against socialism?

Who said they were rich I was poor. You have good imagination. I just said they were like parrots and you are same.

you were idiot then

Not surprising all is idiots only you are smart.

instead of reactional thoughts

Which reactional thoughts ? It is your theory and don't has anything to do with reality.

those young guys whose fathers were relatively richer were saying to share the wealth of their fathers..

Nonsense. Better don't watch too many movies.

to change my opinion, you should tell me a logical reason on these two pictures:

You are the one who has many claims so you should do it but in detail as I said you are like that funny socialist guys from univercity, You just repeat same things over and over in very shallow way.

i just feel responsibility of saying that

Funny. And you expect people follow an unknown way only because you think it might be better.

You don't have any real solution. You just like criticising, decrying and insults. Luckily People are fed up with this nonsense long ago.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Jan 2010 /  #133
You don't have any real solution. You just like criticising, decrying and insults. Luckily People are fed up with this nonsense long ago.

lets focus on one thing... have a look at those two pictures again. again.

do you see any problem there? to me, symbolic pictures showing differences between top and bottom of capitalist world. similar pictures can be shown even in same town anywhere in capitalist system.. answer this to do dialog first. there is any problem with these pictures or not? if you say no, i wont discuss further with you. so, probably, you say yes, there is a problem, right? whose problem is this problem? i say problem of a mentality, capitalist mentality. you say what? since i say problem of capitalist mentality, since it is their sh*t, they themselves should clean their sh*t.. they wont think, they wont do anything and i am still warning them and you come here and you blame me i am criticizing, and i am being blamed by not bringing solution? am i your mother or father? clean your own sh*t. i can only give advice: world socialism.


you don't have to post the same pictures over and over again

Mod: I have to post the same picture over and over again. That mentality trying to stay away, trying to forget their sh*t. I need to show them again again. Posting again again can cost only a few kbytes, more important than to remind these important things?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
1 Jan 2010 /  #134
I have to post the same picture over and over again.

Better would be you post a solution or more info about these pics...

Do you want the fat white man looking like the starving black kids? Do you want the starving black kids go fat like this white man?

And how do you want to achieve that...surrounded by "idiots" who don't want to follow your great plans?

What plan do you have actually again???
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Jan 2010 /  #135
Do you want the fat white man looking like the starving black kids? Do you want the starving black kids go fat like this white man?

this is your logic.. you have no other choice, no other solution?

will you ever confess these pictures of fat man eating a lot and poor starving kids are products of capitalist mentality or not? maybe, both are god given? who knows. people trying to stay away problems, their own problems will try to escape the problems. and i will show them again again and i'll ask again again "who/what did these"
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
1 Jan 2010 /  #136
no other solution?

I was asking YOU!

As I come from a socialist society and many of the older ones also remember living in the "glories" of socialist/communist nightmares I know what I will choose every time!

And since 60 years of socialist/communist nightmares did nothing to help poor starving black kids I don't see your logic that little 'ol capitalist me is somehow to blame for their fate.

Ask those children where to they would want to live if they could choose...wanna guess? Yup, in the capitalist paradise! That's right!
Maybe they will belong to the next group of desperate refugees trying to immigrate into Europe...the capitalist Europe!

Why is that the every time people get to choose between your socialist/communist ideal and capitalism the latter always wins hands down?

And why is it that once a socialist/communist system is established it needs to be forced down peoples throats forcefully and violently, still in fear people might run away if they get the chance?

Oh wait....all idiots, right?

The problem of these poor starving black kids isn't to much capitalism - it's no capitalism, or not enough, maybe no functioning society at all.

If they would live in a functioning, capitalist society like in the free west they wouldn't sit starving in some god forsaken desert!
1jola  14 | 1875  
1 Jan 2010 /  #137
did nothing to help poor starving black kids

For the purpose of my post I am twisting your words as customary on PF.

Shame on you, you capitalist pig! I hope the fatman, who is probably your boss and lover, will eventually eat your firstborn when he runs out of food he took away( yes, he did) from the skinny black childrens.

How do you even live with yourself? you ungrateful leach feeding on human misery. You forgot the wealth created in DDR and shared equally among all equal citizens, not to mention the hapiness beaming among the selfless workers of the Trabant factories.

Where in the hell is Juche when you need him?
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Jan 2010 /  #138

you dont know how to discuss... we are not about what people "want" yet. you want poor kids to come to your so called developed capitalist society so to share the meal of that fat man eating a lot? ok, do it, cancel visas. your capitalist society mentality is as sick as that of that fat man. anyway, we are not talking about "want" yet.. lets analyse an instant pictures first. Or, shall i bring hundreds of tousands of kids killed under the bombs of bush-like capitalist mentality? shall i bring some more photos from hiroshima etc? shall i bring photos of africans slaved to america lands? not necessary now.. lets not make the talk chaotically.

lets focus only on these two instant pictures of now. a fat eating a lot and poors nothing to eat. what a small difference? really, WHAT MENTALITY created these pictures?

If they would live in a functioning, capitalist society like in the free west they wouldn't sit starving in some god forsaken desert!

lol. lately, i heard these capitalist societies in usa, europe, dubai, etc are functioning so well that they are farting through their noses to save their as*s
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
1 Jan 2010 /  #139
How do you even live with yourself?

It's hard but I keep trying...


You have NOTHING, no plan and no idea, not to mention no knowledge about the workings of human societies, not of communist nor of capitalist ones - neither of the poor african nor of the rich western ones....to the ignore list with you!

But as my good bye gift I too have a pic for you:

Poland communism
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
1 Jan 2010 /  #140
lets focus only on these two instant pictures of now.

You should start a thread about those two pictures, then you can tell us all how it should be.
This topic is about "Life in communism vs democracy in Poland".
If you have nothing to add to this topic, make a new one so we can learn from you or not.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Jan 2010 /  #141
You forgot the wealth created (probably you meant) by fat man

wealth created by fat man? lol. he is the god then who created the gold under the earth.
hmm, he removed the gold? yes yes, he can do this with his this fat body. what? he is smart? well, he is so smart that we see his mind isnt fitting in his head and overflowing into his stomach. you capitalist mentality, you are a comedy, really.

This topic is about "Life in communism vs democracy in Poland".

you need to learn what "life" is first before talking this topic, smart(!)
i brought two pictures about the life for you to learn.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
1 Jan 2010 /  #142
Why have the populations in 3rd world countrys doubled in the last 70 years?

Could it be the Fat, **************, WHITE FARMER?

Nomaderol, Dont you recognize prosperity and GODS BLESSING when you see it?

Are you so blind in your hatred of capitalism and white people that you cannot see this?

The truth is that YOU PEOPLE have become so accustomed to the generosity of others that you now think yourselves entitled to it.

Like a baby bird with its mouth wide-open you are. Waiting to push your mother from the nest when you are large enough!
wildrover  98 | 4430  
1 Jan 2010 /  #143
Could it be the Fat, **************, WHITE FARMER?

In South Africa the white farmers have had their farms confiscated by force and handed over to the black villagers...The result.....these farms now produce no food , the expensive farm machinery lies rusting and the people are hungry..nice going...!

To get back to the communism vs democracy thing...i once talked to a Siberian guy who was lamenting the end of communism...I suggested life must be better now , but he disagreed... He told me... Freedom is just a word , in the communist days i had a job , food on the table , i was not hungry , what need do i have of freedom...?

It seems that freedom is a great thing...if you have the money to enjoy it...
king polkakamon  - | 542  
1 Jan 2010 /  #144
Yes,they say Stalin gave us bread without freedom,Gorbachev gave us freedom without bread.
lesser  4 | 1311  
1 Jan 2010 /  #145
Freedom is just a word , in the communist days i had a job , food on the table , i was not hungry , what need do i have of freedom...?

To sacrifice freedom of all to feed few lazy losers? No, thanks!

Yes,they say Stalin gave us bread without freedom,Gorbachev gave us freedom without bread.

This must be popular saying especially in Ukraine.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
1 Jan 2010 /  #146
Yes,like they pretended to pay us and we pretended to work.
mephias  10 | 296  
1 Jan 2010 /  #147
lets focus on one thing... have a look at those two pictures again. again.

Nonsense it don't has anything to do with the subject. You are so obssessed that you can't see.

still warning them and you come here and you blame me i am criticizing,

Better keep silent, because you are doing it in very ignorant way.

world socialism

Collect your socialists friends hire a village and try to live your socialist life. Let us see how many days you can stand it.

lol. lately, i heard these capitalist societies in usa, europe, dubai, etc are functioning so well that they are farting through their noses to save their

They are still doing very well. You are dreaming that world is collapsing but it is still in a good form .

you need to learn what "life" is first before talking this topic, smart(!)
i brought two pictures about the life for you to learn.

First learn to be respectful. I doubt anyone in this forum have anything to learn from you.

If you really want to know what people think about subject open pols new threads and ask polish people which one do they choose. But you can't you are so obsessed and so afraid to see the reality.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
1 Jan 2010 /  #148
In communism people were thinner,I guess because they had a more healthy diet and exercised a lot.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970  
1 Jan 2010 /  #149
In South Africa the white farmers have had their farms confiscated by force and handed over to the black villagers

Zimbabwe is an even more extreme example...once white Rhodesia was called the granary of Africa, producing so much that they could export and live well.

Then they started "revolution", killing/expelling the white farmers, stealing their farms, giving them to black people....now they are starving and dying!

Those hungry kids on the photo are most probably "post-capitalism" Zimbabweans...
king polkakamon  - | 542  
1 Jan 2010 /  #150
Blacks whether they apply communism or capitalism gain the same results.

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