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Poland and Israel getting back on the right foot...maybe

Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
25 Feb 2019 /  #91
How about Israel and the Jews pay up for the people who they killed?

Sounds sensible to me and probably worth a lot more too!
Spike31  3 | 1485  
28 Mar 2019 /  #92
President Trump has made an unilateral decision to recognise Golan Heights region as a part of Israel. The United Nations Security Council, and also most European countries, are against that decision.

It seems to me that the political balance between the US and Israel is somewhat distorted, or simply put "the tail wigs the dog".

OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
28 Mar 2019 /  #93
Once more, Milo & Dirk, analogous statements attempting to compare Holocaust-Era Poland and the present state of Israel simply don't hold water! Always easy to attack the perennial victim, namely Israel or the Jews of Poland during WW II, for trying to defend themselves against outward aggression, long in place from time immemorial, certainly before any of those killed in the Holocaust were around.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
28 Mar 2019 /  #94
I can't speak for Dirk,but I was not comparing Holocaust era Poland to Israel.
I will support present day Israel to the end.
I was talking about how Jews behaved in Poland both during and after the war.
Jews seeking compensation from Poland from those times are disgusting to me.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
28 Mar 2019 /  #95
I'll grant you as much that ANYONE seeking to capitalize off of fraud aka saying that somebody was in a camp when in fact they weren't, at worst sitting pretty in a safe have or what not, is filthy and foul, besmirches the memory as well of the suffering of millions who endured more than most of us could stand.

On the other hand, in cases where actual compensation or "restitution" is owed, it should certainly be remunerated, if not in full, than at least by half!
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
28 Mar 2019 /  #96
Even if you are right and actual compensation is owed,are you willing to totally ignore the sacrifices many Poles made to save Jews?
I think it is better to let bygones be bygones.....you are just stirring up trouble and hatred if you continue on this path.
As I said,I would support Israel to the end.
If this Jewish provocation continued,I might change my point of view.
And I am not alone.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
28 Mar 2019 /  #97
??? Are you sure you've understood my posts. Milo?,

Can't have been clearer as to my position on this matter, in all frankness.
Allright, I'll say it once again for the slower among usLOL

Rotmistrz Pilecki, the engineers of the Lwow Underground, Sendler, Karski, the whole blessed bunch, were HEROES THROUGH AND THROUGH.

Slavictor  6 | 193  
28 Mar 2019 /  #98
In keeping with the title of this thread, one which will surely not be banished to the historical vapourland of Polanda like the scubbing of a cold war photo, Israel has earned the right foot.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
28 Mar 2019 /  #99
What does that mean?
Slavictor  6 | 193  
28 Mar 2019 /  #100
I support "israel" as I support a territory operated by gangsters. The World knows that's what "israel" is. Someone should tell trump, if they can get past his guard-mole of a son in law.

I do wonder what they have on trump. Something from Epsteins' Island? Could it be all the private bailout money trump received in the past? Maybe trump is just plain ignorant. A shame he's such a quisling.


As far as Poland "under the influence"? Perhaps this denial is just a token pre-emptive concession as a way of easing "flipping the bird" to a later issue.

  • Flaminghoops.jpg
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
28 Mar 2019 /  #101
I certainly hope and pray, you're not holding Herr Irving up as an example of anything but an anti-Semite as well as a charlatan.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Mar 2019 /  #102
Notice how RT is used to illustrate Poland's alleged "weakness".
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Mar 2019 /  #103
If this Jewish provocation continued,I might change my point of view.
And I am not alone.

No you are not alone.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
29 Mar 2019 /  #104

And still you want to claim "compensation"???

Like I said,leave it be,you are just stirring up trouble.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
29 Mar 2019 /  #105
Whoever dispossessed Jews living in war-time Poland, be they Germans or Poles, is obliged both legally and certainly morally to compensate any loss of property value, in as far as "Aryanized" businesses naturally were taken over by the government of either Poland or Germany.

That's simple and reasonable enough. It's not singling out the Poles but indicating that complicity knows no single national group.
mafketis  38 | 11261  
29 Mar 2019 /  #106
Whoever dispossessed Jews living in war-time Poland, be they Germans or Poles, is obliged both legally and certainly morally to compensate any loss of property value

There was no Polish government and so no Polish government dispossessed any Jews living in war-time Poland. And Jews should not get any kind of preferential treatment regarding property seized by the PRL.

And in most cases where compensation is due, rather than the real estate itself, the then-value of the real estate (adjusted for inflation) should suffice.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Mar 2019 /  #107
is obliged both legally and certainly morally to compensate any loss of property

So you are for paying for my family losses at Jewish-Soviet hands in the east?

Do you deny the above?

For the record I am not anti Jewish quite the opposite, but these calls for reparations from people that were not even born during that time is not right nor fair, this stupidity is causing resentment and division, we should all be working together to build a better future for our children and grandchildren.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
29 Mar 2019 /  #108
Whether the comparison is analogous remains the question which requires further examination, Maf & dolno.

How convenient though that Poland can use the perennial excuse that there was only a government in exile during the time when all the horrors of

the Holocaust came to pass:-)

I merely want you both to know that I consider myself an equal opportunity nudge and don't discriminate as to from whom I demand redress!

@dolno, you are no more anti-Jewish than I am anti-Polish.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
29 Mar 2019 /  #109
Poland is not against giving back lost property to its rightful owners. Poland is against giving it away on baseless claims from some non-governmental organisations such as World Jewish Congress.

So to make it clear:

1 Pre-war Jews were citizens of Poland so any property they had became the property of the state unless they had living relatives.
2 Those living relatives of those who died during WWII can seek compensation in Polish courts.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
29 Mar 2019 /  #110
...you are no more anti-Jewish than I am anti-Polish.

Jewish and Polish are not members of the same logical set. That sentence should be:

...you are no more anti-Jewish than I am anti-Catholic.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
29 Mar 2019 /  #111
Poland is not against giving back lost property to its rightful owners.

What about the property of ethnic Germans who decided to become Polish citizens after WW1? As far as I understood it, Poland was always hesitant to return property to former Jewish owners because it would open a can of worms. If you do that, all Polish citizens who got expelled after WW2 would have a legal case as well. Correct me if I'm wrong. I haven't followed the development in Poland regarding this issue.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
29 Mar 2019 /  #112
There was no Polish government and so no Polish government dispossessed any Jews living in war-time Poland

Exactly right Maf.

Đolno,I am sure you noticed how Lyzko ignored your question.....
Spike31  3 | 1485  
29 Mar 2019 /  #113
What about the property of ethnic Germans who decided to become Polish citizens after WW1?

Most of those ethnic Germans have quickly decided to become Volksdeutsche once Hitler took power in Germany and especially later on during the occupation of Poland.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
29 Mar 2019 /  #114
Đolno,I am sure you noticed how Lyzko ignored your question.....

It's the elephant in the room, and a question that I would rather not have been forced to ask, I wish people could move on, I have.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
29 Mar 2019 /  #115
Lyzko is just stirring up old problems.
Nothing will be gained,but much will be lost.
I wish Jews like him would be clever enough to realise that.
But apparently not.
mafketis  38 | 11261  
29 Mar 2019 /  #116
Lyzko ignored your question.....

Cause Lyzko don't care bout no Poles losing assets to commies....
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
29 Mar 2019 /  #117
Yeah,seems like he has an agenda.....I have many Jewish friends here,none share his views.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
29 Mar 2019 /  #118
He most certainly would not be happy in Israel. While I have all the respect for the Israelis, I have none for the pacifist, weak, spineless, Democrat (70%) voting, leftist, pro-abortion and wall-hating Jews in the US. That last trait is especially weird considering how beautiful and effective the wall in Israel has been.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
30 Mar 2019 /  #119
As far as I understood it, Poland was always hesitant to return property to former Jewish owners because it would open a can of worms

That not very far. At least you are honest.

It ( that Jewish issue and Congress's fart) has nothing to do with rightful owners their progeny or lost property. It is mind bending due to its brazen nature extraction by some swindlers. Funny though that the Congress takes an active part in that con.

As for Germans. I tell you roughly the same what you use to say if someone ask about German compensation to Poland. Get it over with and F off!
TheOther  6 | 3596  
30 Mar 2019 /  #120
Get it over with

Oh, I fully agree with you here. That chapter needs to be closed once and for all on both sides. What I meant is something else, though. If descendants of former Jewish Polish citizens are able to recover some of the disputed property, then a legal precedent will be created that would open the door for future claims.

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