Stalemate with Russians is a loss
Actually champ stalemate with the Russians was a good thing, the next closest russian army was a full 940 miles away (four months of march) and numbered 40.000, should Russia lose the war and it could have Polan would have an army of over 50.000 with the only real opposing force being 30.000 Prussians.
Austrians refused to fight.
because they can live in stale, mate :]
Best. Joke. Ever.
Russia will be concentratred on one thing only - to destroy you.
18 century Poland was large/wealthy enough to be an equal opponent for Russia IF it managed to survive the pre-partition war.
Russia had multiple other enemies including the still powerfull Turkey so focusing on destroying Poland was out of the question, the pre-partition invasion was the only real shot Russia had at conquering Poland, sadly for us it managed to pull it off.
1648 was the year when Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth started to deteriorate. It lost multiple battles against Ukrainian Cossacks instead of working together for the benefit of both. I would, thus, name the least intelligent in international affairs Polish king - Jan II Vasa.
Again the answer was to send the entire crown and magnate armies and just exterminate the Cossacks, Vasa failed to do that so we agree.
It was retarded policy of Poland that put a nail in her back, not a powerless king who could do nothing against szlachta. Poland did everything possible to undermine its relations with allies in Ukraine and Lithuania and it was simply a matter of time when it would fall.
Ukraine was a non factor, it was always a weak divided place and still is, Poland could gain little from allying itself with Cossacks, it could gain a lot from wiping Ukrainians off the face of the earth tho.
The problem with Ukraine is not that its strong or dangerous, its weak but it stirs problems in/for Poland at the least convenient (for us Poles) time, i see not burning Ukraine down together with its people locked in barns as a mistake of various polish kings.