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Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Sep 2011 /  #31
And the ones who have actually read the agreements that those conferences produced know that what is often claimed about those conferences, i.e. that Poland was betrayed at them, very simply is not true.

What amuses me is that the whole "Western Betrayal" thing was very much a product of the Communist disinformation campaign.
PWEI  3 | 612  
30 Sep 2011 /  #32
Even more amusing when you remember that the Commie campaign was a continuation of a Nazi one!

I wonder how many Nazi propaganda campaigns have even a tenth as much influence on present day opinions as that one does.
Wroclaw Boy  
30 Sep 2011 /  #33
Ohh please lets get down to brass taks, Britian didnt give a flying fcuk about Poland all they were worried about were themselves, thats why they declared war on Germany at that time. Poland wouldnt have given a flying fcuk about the UK either had the tables been reversed, why would they?

OK so Poland was sold to the Soviets, no body gave a fcuk and why should they, it didnt profit them so Poland was sold, done deal.....There is no morality in friggen money - period its all about the strongest survive. Poland got sold and nobody battered an eye lid, period. Neither would Poland had the situation been reversed.

Its always Britain this and USA that, bollox i say, you'd do the same, ohh yes you would.
PWEI  3 | 612  
30 Sep 2011 /  #34
Its always Britain this and USA that, bollox i say, you'd do the same, ohh yes you would.

Not they would do the same: they actually did sell their allies. Poland sold their Ukrainian allies and we know the exact price Poland accepted in exchange for stabbing their allies in the back.
30 Sep 2011 /  #35
Actually there are only 2 (two) Brits who are in denial of what British government did to Poland. They both spend their precious time writing rubbish on polishorums. But the fact is they are not really Brits - one is of Russian origin, the other is Australian, so they don't care that they give bad image to real Brits here.

The real Brits are either:
1. ignorant, hardly know anything about WWII
2. honest but not ashamed - "business in business" attitude
3. honest and sorry - but still, nobody can expect them to apologize for what their politicians did back in 1944
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Sep 2011 /  #36
Actually there are only 2 (two) Brits who are in denial of what British government did to Poland.

What exactly did they do to Poland?

Let's have quotations from the relevant conferences, please.

Still, nice to see that you suck up the Communist/Nazi propaganda like a good obedient person.
polmed  1 | 216  
30 Sep 2011 /  #37

nobody can expect them to apologize for what their politicians did back in 1944

My cousin was on a student`s trip in Normandy few years ago - it was some famous place where allied troops landed in 1944. She told me that there was an English group of turists at that place too , when the English heard Polish language , they started approaching young students saying that they were very sorry for what Great Britain did to Poland during the war . So this is a proof that English older generation realise all wrongdoings done to our country .
PWEl  - | 6  
30 Sep 2011 /  #38
What amuses me is that the whole "Western Betrayal" thing was very much a product of the Communist disinformation campaign.

So the communists did spread the word that Poland has been sold to them by Britain and USA? :D :D Every day on PF I learn something new :D
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Sep 2011 /  #39
Hello Deepak, trolling again are we?
PWEI  3 | 612  
30 Sep 2011 /  #40
She told me that there was an English group of turists at that place too , when the English heard Polish language , they started approaching young students saying that they were very sorry for what Great Britain did to Poland during the war . So this is a proof that English older generation realise all wrongdoings done to our country .

Pity you can't tell us the things those tourists were supposed to be apologising for.

But it's more of a pity for you that a few years ago very very very few British people had any idea what Polish sounds like, which shows that your story is nothing but a compete fabrication. Try harder next time.
polmed  1 | 216  
30 Sep 2011 /  #41
what Polish sounds like, which shows that your story is nothing but a compete fabrication.

You are a complete idiot . Havent you thought that maybe some of them might knew how Polish language sounded and also if they still were not sure they deigned to ask the students if they were Poles . Wrong guess Sherlock !
PWEI  3 | 612  
1 Oct 2011 /  #42
Yeah, sure, of course.

Now to return to reality, could you be so kind as to go into detail about what the British tourists were supposed to be apologising for? Facts instead of fiction please.
hythorn  3 | 580  
1 Oct 2011 /  #43
two friends of mine were officers in WWII and were accosted along with me by an old Polish guy in Warsaw who was disgusted with the way that the Brits had sold out Poland in Yalta. Just what was Britain expected to do? take on the might of the Soviet Union single handed?

They I have to say just laughed in his face.

Churchill tried to get the Yanks to see sense as he could see Stalin for what he was. The yanks accused Churchill of empire building and as a whole did not fancy America being dragged into a war in Europe started in some place that no one could find on a map in any case. they felt that if Stalin wanted it so bad, fu(k him, him could sort out the mess.

Such was the cult of personality with Stalin, that he was referred to as uncle Joe by the British press and he had suckered in just about everyone at the time

my Polish step father wept upon hearing the news of Stalin's death and he was a grown man at the time

another Polish friend was an old dude in his 80s who used to make chemical weapons
he would get drunk as a monkey and tell me all about the different nerve gases he knew (nothing which is not already published in the public domain, in case any government dweebs are monitoring this site)

we were talking about Yalta and all he could say was Churchill was to blame. He was an aristocrat and he used to puff on big cigars and he was responsible.

I believe that the documents are now available in the public domain which confirm that Roosevelt washed his hands with the whole of central europe as he was sick of conflicts in some pissant part of the world dragging in the mighty US.

I have to say it is funny that the people who seem to be the most vocal are US and Australian whose parents ran with their tails firmly tucked between their legs at the first opportunity the first chance that they got.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
1 Oct 2011 /  #44
What amuses me is that the whole "Western Betrayal" thing was very much a product of the Communist disinformation campaign.

Yeah, we saved you from them by invading and killing you.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Oct 2011 /  #45
I believe that the documents are now available in the public domain which confirm that Roosevelt washed his hands with the whole of central europe as he was sick of conflicts in some pissant part of the world dragging in the mighty US.

I can hardly blame him - it was better for America to divide the world into 2 and not have to deal with all these stupid little conflicts. And to be fair, it worked - America pushed France and Germany into the ECSC, and the rest is history.

I have to say it is funny that the people who seem to be the most vocal are US and Australian whose parents ran with their tails firmly tucked between their legs at the first opportunity the first chance that they got.

I'm convinced it's a lot to do with shame at how their parents ran away rather than helping Poland. Especially amusing are the ones who left in 1919/1920 period - when Poland most desperately needed able men!
hythorn  3 | 580  
1 Oct 2011 /  #46
Yeah, we saved you from them by invading and killing you.

could you rewrite this statement please in an intelligable form?
OP MyMom  6 | 136  
1 Oct 2011 /  #47
I can hardly blame him - it was better for America to divide the world into 2 and not have to deal with all these stupid little conflicts. And to be fair, it worked - America pushed France and Germany into the ECSC, and the rest is history.

Americans can always say that they did not have an alliance agreement with Poland and did not have regular Polish units under their command. Unfortunately the same cannot be said about Britain.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
1 Oct 2011 /  #48
Unfortunately the same cannot be said about Britain.

So you're suggesting the Second World War should have been continued?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Oct 2011 /  #49
I think we could already observe the classic foreign policy ploy of keeping an enemy alive for the future. Communism and its subsequent dismantling was always going to form a core part of foreign policy for the big players on the international scene. Giving up Poland was also not that hard to do for the Western powers. Global engineering was foremost in the minds of 'those' architects.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
1 Oct 2011 /  #50
Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets?

Did they bollox, they had more important things to worry about FFS................
Ironside  51 | 13113  
1 Oct 2011 /  #51
you'd do the same, ohh yes you would.

Maybe we would but than maybe we wouldn't. The fact remains that you did.
End of story.
hythorn  3 | 580  
1 Oct 2011 /  #52
Ironside, may I ask you what you expected Britain to do?
Declare war on Russia in the attempt to liberate Poland?

What about all the other countries that were swallowed up by Russia?
or is Poland the only one that mattered?

Come on then hotshot what would you have done?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Oct 2011 /  #53
Americans can always say that they did not have an alliance agreement with Poland and did not have regular Polish units under their command. Unfortunately the same cannot be said about Britain.

So, tell us what Britain should have done with limited resources and little bargaining power at the top table?

Come on, tell us - as you know the British position so well, I'm sure you can present us with a viable plan for Britain to present to the Big 2.

Poland's last chance was extinguished with the stupidity of the Warsaw Uprising. In fact, given that the Allies knew that Poland was finished at that point - what was the point in heavily pushing things? There wasn't much to deal with, and the Communists already had organised in Poland.
Ironside  51 | 13113  
2 Oct 2011 /  #54
Come on then hotshot what would you have done?

I would have landed Allied forces in Greece and Yugoslavia rather than in Italy in 1943.
I wouldn't negotiate about Poland without Polish representatives present and most of all I would make clear to Polish Government about real predicament and circumstances and issues regarding negotiating with Soviets by HMG.

All the above instead of sly and disgusting way British government went about all that.

A real statesman would recognize that the U.S. will be the first power in the western world and instead of hanging to colonies he would build British continental web of alliance core of which would be Poland. That would give Britain a real position of power. Today Britain is lagging behind France and Germany and is a poodle of America.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Oct 2011 /  #55
I wouldn't negotiate about Poland without Polish representatives present and most of all I would make clear to Polish Government about real predicament and circumstances and issues regarding negotiating with Soviets by HMG.

Well, for a start, who were the legitimate Polish representatives? There was no elected authorities, nothing - just two sets of rival groups, both claiming to be legitimate.

he would build British continental web of alliance core of which would be Poland.

But Poland wasn't under the control of the Polish authorities, so how could they build such an alliance?

All this talk is nice, but the reality on the ground was that the Russians were always going to be firmly in control.
hythorn  3 | 580  
2 Oct 2011 /  #56
he would build British continental web of alliance core of which would be Poland.

you are quite deranged. I am sorry I asked

you really do believe that the woes that Poland suffered from 1945 onwards are completely because of the
British don't you?

You really feel that the US was blameless too no doubt.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Oct 2011 /  #57
you really do believe that the woes that Poland suffered from 1945 onwards are completely because of the
British don't you?

It's much easier than admitting that Poles (and nominally Catholic ones, at that) were the ones who kept Poland in captivity.

Communism would never have worked in Poland if it wasn't for the masses of ordinary collaborating Poles.
Ironside  51 | 13113  
2 Oct 2011 /  #58
you are quite deranged. I am sorry I asked

Obviously you do not understand me.

you really do believe that the woes that Poland suffered from 1945 onwards are completely because of the
British don't you?

Provide quote or admit that you lie about what I really believe ....

Communism would never have worked in Poland if it wasn't for the masses of ordinary collaborating Poles.

You are an idiot delph!

Well, for a start, who were the legitimate Polish representatives?

Polish Government in London!

But Poland wasn't under the control of the Polish authorities, so how could they build such an alliance?

IF ... If Poland wouldn't have been under Soviet occupation after WWII, then such alliance would have made sense and only then.

Once more for you hythorn because you appear to be a bit slow:
your question :

Come on then hotshot what would you have done?

my answer:

I would have landed Allied forces in Greece and Yugoslavia rather than in Italy in 1943.
I wouldn't negotiate about Poland without Polish representatives present and most of all I would make clear to Polish Government about real circumstances and issues regarding negotiations with Soviets by HMG.

isthatu2  4 | 2692  
2 Oct 2011 /  #59
Polish Government in London!

unelected military junta you mean?
PWEI  3 | 612  
2 Oct 2011 /  #60
I wouldn't negotiate about Poland without Polish representatives present and most of all I would make clear to Polish Government about real circumstances and issues regarding negotiations with Soviets by HMG.

If Britain had refused to negotiate about Poland without Polish representatives being there, that would have suited Stalin just fine: he would simply have not negotiated about Poland and done whatever he wanted (probably making Poland part of the USSR). As for what the Polish govt knew, well they clearly knew about the plan to move Poland's border westwards: the Polish PM suggested it!

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