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Why is Poland such an American boot licker?

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
4 Jul 2019 /  #31

I do what? :)

If you choose to sit home and refuse to serve while your country is being attacked

You are mixing things....

There is always the possibility of conscription in war times...but not in peace times. The US and most EU countries have chosen to make the military service in peace times voluntary. What is your problem?

just give it time and your Socialism will turn into Communism.

I have lived through real socialism, I can compare...you can't! Germany right now is not socialist and won't turn communist. No country in Europe is socialist! Just calling it that way doesn't make it true!
Velund  1 | 497  
4 Jul 2019 /  #32
so no...conscription doesn't mean patriotism at all!

But skills and knowledge that got during service can be used later, once there is a good cause...

No country in Europe is socialist!

Sweden and Norway is quite socialist. And a bit marasmatic...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
4 Jul 2019 /  #33
But skills and knowledge that got during service can be used later, once there is a good cause...

Sure....but I favour a life of choices. People should have the choice to serve in peace times. To gain more soldiers the armed forces just need to become more attractive.

Sweden and Norway is quite socialist.

Not really...


Socialism means always between other markers also a planned economy....but capitalism is reigning supreme in all european countries! Some more regulated, some less, but always free market capitalism.
Velund  1 | 497  
4 Jul 2019 /  #34
planned economy

Can you draw a line between over-regulated capitalism (maybe even state capitalism) and a planned economy?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
4 Jul 2019 /  #35
Regulation works (the German model has even it's own name "Ordo Liberalism")!


Countries with regulated capitalist economies have a higher standard of living across the citizenship. Whereas unregulated capitalist economies have more very rich and also more very poor people, the standard of living is very unequal.

Planned economies don't work and the standard of living is generally very low.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
4 Jul 2019 /  #36
Can't quite believe you're actually trying to justify the Holocaust, Dirk.
Your logic is non-existent, to say the very least.

A meglomaniac madman [democraticallyLOL] comes to power, threatens to destroy among others, the Jewish people,
already an unprecedentedly horrible assertion, and you say, "Well guys, he gave you a chance to move to Madagascar!"
You must not be operating with a full deck, mister.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
4 Jul 2019 /  #37
comes to power, threatens to destroy among others, the Jewish people

Then the Progressive Marxists try to come to power to threaten to destroy the White people.
I like the old days better when the Blacks were called *******, the jews were called kike's and the Whites were called Honkies.
At least we seemed to get along a lot better then we do now with the Progressives Political Correctness.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
4 Jul 2019 /  #38
....because honesty was replaced with "love me or I will hurt you".
Velund  1 | 497  
4 Jul 2019 /  #39
Planned economies don't work and the standard of living is generally very low.

I used to live in one of (more or less) planned economy. So, can compare condition "everyone have money but no goods in everyday shops except basic food and necessities" with "40 brands of sausages but not enough money even to buy cheapest one" of beginning of 1990's.

And while comparing living standard of USSR/DDR to western counterparts, do not forget, that socialist countries was under numerous embargoes and sanctions all the time. COCOM limitations, Jackson-Vanik amendment - just the examples. And about Jackson-Vanik amendment - it stay active many years after emigration of jews was made free. So, it was not due to jews right to emigrate, it was just one more way to cause some economical harm. And it was cancelled just to enact Magnitsky act...

And, just as Magnitsky is remembered. Local criminal authorities opened new case against William Browder. Their russian partners, Gasanov, Kurochkin, Magnitsky and Korobeinikov, died due to very similar disease, that include myocardial atrophy. Samples of all four contained similar aluminium-organic toxic compound, that now known to cause degeneration of kidneys and myocard. Probably Alexander Perepelichny, that died in 2012 in London, had the same cause of death.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
4 Jul 2019 /  #40
with "40 brands of sausages but not enough money even to buy cheapest one" of beginning of 1990's.

The change was handled atrociously in the ex-Sovietunion, every one agrees on that. That was a catastrophe! The worst of both systems...no longer socialism with welfare for all but totally free-for-all unregulated predator capitalism without laws where the most ruthless grabbed the most.

I'm glad the ex-GDR avoided that because of the "Anschluß" to rich West Germany whose money cushioned the collapse...
Velund  1 | 497  
4 Jul 2019 /  #41
The change was handled atrociously

So, maybe you will understand why:

- After a death of Egor Gaidar (de-facto author of "shock therapy" plan) the most popular example of poetry was 'Epitah On The Politician' by Hilaire Belloc

Here richly, with ridiculous display,
The Politician's corpse was laid away.
While all of his acquaintance sneered and slanged
I wept: for I had longed to see him hanged.

- Once online news sites reported about first attempt to put plate "Nemtsov Bridge" on a Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge by opposition activists, first comments suggested to Moscow authorities to prepare convenient places for memorial plates on all Moscow bridges, including pedestrian ones in parks.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
4 Jul 2019 /  #42
That's why the audiences cheered when the White House was demolished on Independence Day.
They probably would have cheered even louder if it were the Capitol - with only the Democrats inside conspiring how to demolish the country.
Tacitus  2 | 1269  
4 Jul 2019 /  #43
Let's just hope that by now Poland knows better than to follow the USA in another war against Iran... .
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
4 Jul 2019 /  #44
That would be a pointless and extremely costly war both monetarily and with loss of life.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
4 Jul 2019 /  #45
Not really, Trump would just nuke their uranium enrichment facilities.
He can't wait to test out those bunker busters that go down into the earth 200 feet before they explode.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
4 Jul 2019 /  #46
Trump would just nuke their uranium enrichment facilities.

I don't think even he would be that stupid.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
4 Jul 2019 /  #47
It's been done before in 1981.
Israelis have this weird thing about staying alive and were happy to share their feelings with the Iraqis on June 7th that year.
Velund  1 | 497  
5 Jul 2019 /  #48
I see the topic of Poland sucking Am d... is so dear to your heart

To be honest, I don't like the idea that in response to a possible attack, the decision about which was made overseas, Russia will have to nuke the Slavic land for their own survival. But the "nowa szlachta" seems to consider this option acceptable.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
5 Jul 2019 /  #49
@Johnny, you and Dirk are living in the wrong country! Somehow, Nazi Germany would seem to have fit you like a T.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
5 Jul 2019 /  #50
I am offended. You forgot me, Lyzko.
Except that you have it in reverse. Germans, NAZI and East, and the commies would shoot those who would try to escape. I, on the other hand, would gladly shoot those who want to climb over the wall on the way in. Or break my front door to move in with me without a valid rental contract. In the event it's several persons trying that stunt, my Beretta holds 15 in the magazine. And I have a spare one for a quick re-load.

See the difference or do I have to explain it using simpler words?
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
5 Jul 2019 /  #51
Your words needn't be simpler, merely more sensical!

Furthermore, how are Progressive Liberals consciously seeking to "destroy the White Man"??! This
beggars common sense.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
5 Jul 2019 /  #52
By creating the monstrosity called "multiculturalism" - a terrible idea no other race is pressured to accept. In fact, any such attempt to would be classified as genocide.

Why do the whites promote such suicidal nonsense? For this you would have to ask the white ruling elites or get inside their heads.
BTW, what is illogical in my post above yours?
Crow  155 | 9700  
5 Jul 2019 /  #53
Pardon. Carefully. Not Poland. Poland isn`t boot licker. Poland is sacred. So, in my country we say `Poland`s regime`.

It is the other question why Polish people tolerate all that sh** but let us not underestimate power of mass media. But I am sure, Poles would rebel against this abnormal licking situation.
Crow  155 | 9700  
5 Jul 2019 /  #54
To understand one must have clear picture of back then Europe and known world.

First, you have problem with yourself to define who are Sarmatians. They were/are Slavs and at that time they still lived in Anatolia, too. Israeli Netanyahu spoke of Jewish-Serbian contacts in time 500 BC and later TV discussions unraveled connections/marriages between Sarmatian (Serbian) and Jewish nobility.

Anyway, I shall remind you that Sarmats were subjugated by Romans but not quite. Actually, it was symbiotic relationship where Romans politically dominated, while Sarmats had enormous cultural impact and influence in military things. In fact, think of Romans as of foreign ruling caste imposed on native Europeans (and not only Europeans).

So, one have to understand that Romans had great fear from Sarmats. Rivalry for influence ever existed. 18 Roman Emperors of classical antiquity was born in what is now Serbia. Only in Italy was born more Roman emperors.

There are opinions that see Jesus as son of some Sarmatian warlord. Result of some promised alliance between Jews and Sarmats. Then he was betrayed and killed by opposing Romans what obviously had tremendous and tectonic impact on Roman politics and stance of Sarmatians within and outside of Roman borders. Most probably that many Sarmats followed Christ on cross and therefore true seed of Christianity spread more easily among European natives.
6 Jul 2019 /  #55
is everyone way to easily skimming over the fact that a woman is now the head of hardware design at Apple?

I get that all the CEO-in-waiting stuff is interesting, but isn't this kind of a huge goddamn deal?!

And this is the Ameica Poland wants to follow in its footsteps? Feminism and lgtb? No wonder Anna Spysz is so smug for getting s full tim pogrsmming job with little skills besides having a pretty Polish face.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Jul 2019 /  #56
I've never liked apple. Having a Jewish feminist at it's head that literally writes books encouraging women to devote their lives to a soulless corporation and not have kids makes me dislike it even more
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
6 Jul 2019 /  #57
Apple is a religion. Apple followers are brainless zealots so devoted to their "iconic", 1000-buck iphones that they are not even willing to justify the cost or compare them with the products costing 20% of that. For comparison, an intelligent guy like me buys a Motorola e5 from HSN with 1500 minutes, 1500 texts, and 1.5G of data for $100 that lasts me for a year and some.
cms neuf  2 | 1943  
6 Jul 2019 /  #58
Turns out there are 10 cellphone manufacturers in Russia so plenty of choice. But you must cut a sad figure stabbing away at the clunky buttons of your Motorola while the boss man makes calls on his gold and diamond encrusted iPhone from the luxury yacht
Velund  1 | 497  
6 Jul 2019 /  #59
Turns out there are 10 cellphone manufacturers in Russia so plenty of choice.

Choice is very rich, of course. And people who never looked on anything lesser than Apple and Samsung recently found that those strange "Honor" smartphones that is everywhere, is actually Huawei products (nobody reads fine print on a price tag), and very nice for the price. ;)

I bought Huawei Honor 7c once Trump administration started to "pressure" Huawei. Just to support chinese brothers little bit. ;)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
6 Jul 2019 /  #60
Funny you say that because I have a Motorola that I bought brand new for 350 and it has better stats than the 1k iPhone.

That's the problem with the us economy now. We use to be the world's biggest importer of raw materials and exporter of finished goods. Now it's the opposite we import a bunch of finished goods especially from China and export raw materials

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