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POLISH IDENTITY-shift from communism to democracy

3 Nov 2010 /  #1
Writing a research paper on Polish identity and how it has changed with the shift from communism to democracy.
Does anyone have any input?
Thanks so much for your help
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
3 Nov 2010 /  #2
Polish identity and how it has changed with the shift from communism to democracy.

there is plenty of information about this contained in other threads.
1jola  14 | 1875  
3 Nov 2010 /  #3
You will have to wait a little because our experts on Poland and anything Polish, including "Polish Identity," Harry and Delphi that is, are taking a break now.
businessmaninpl  6 | 26  
3 Nov 2010 /  #4
I think you missed a word. Experts on hatred of Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Nov 2010 /  #5
You will have to wait a little because our experts on Poland and anything Polish, including "Polish Identity," Harry and Delphi that is, are taking a break now.

Yes, unlike Plastic Poles, we actually live here.

Anyway, don't you have anything valuable to contribute? No wait, you find it impossible to not tell lies ;)

Writing a research paper on Polish identity and how it has changed with the shift from communism to democracy.

It's worth noting that it doesn't appear to have changed very much. Many of the things present in PRL times still exist to this day - such as the presence of the Eagle everywhere.

About the only major change that I know for certain is that Poles are more and more "European" by the day.
1jola  14 | 1875  
3 Nov 2010 /  #6
Anyway, don't you have anything valuable to contribute?

I would if I understood the question. But you've been here a couple of years so you go ahead. You're doing good, don't hold back. I want to learn something.

Many of the things present in PRL times still exist to this day - such as the presence of the Eagle everywhere.

Perhaps you don't understand the question either.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
3 Nov 2010 /  #7
Hello mrpainte,

And welcome to the mad house we call Polish Forums:)

You can use the search box in the top right hand corner of the page to type key words to find out more about what you are looking for.

One of the best threads on here and on the topic you are interested in is here : Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2

Good luck!


the presence of the Eagle everywhere.

But with the addition these days of the pre-commie crown.
Bolle  1 | 144  
3 Nov 2010 /  #8
Yes, unlike Plastic Poles, we actually live here.

Educate us Pole-hating-grumpy-limey on how polish identity changed from commie times to democracy.

After all, you were present in Poland during the commie era so making a comparison between now and then shouldn't be a problem for you. Same goes for your partner in crime, harry.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Nov 2010 /  #9
At least we didn't run away like those Polack cowards ;)
4 Nov 2010 /  #10
About the only major change that I know for certain is that Poles are more and more "European" by the day.

There is most certainly, a dividing line by age, those under 35 are very materialistic and do class themselves as part of the family of Europe. The over 35's experienced growing up in the socialist times, they are more nationalistic and do not trust anything or anyone.
Maybe  12 | 409  
4 Nov 2010 /  #11
In a nutshell.

n.b Swap, Europe for Essex.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Nov 2010 /  #12
There is most certainly, a dividing line by age, those under 35 are very materialistic and do class themselves as part of the family of Europe.

I'd actually be inclined to divide it by education rather than age - the recent election shows this beautifully. The educated ones have embraced Europe, but the uneducated ones are suspicious to the point of paranoia about the EU.
Maybe  12 | 409  
4 Nov 2010 /  #13
The educated ones have embraced Europe

And most of them have gone to the UK and Ireland.... leaving a paranoid uneducated majority..bummer dude!

The PO are in power because that is what suits Europe and the USA. International Politicians don't give a monkeys about Polska as long as it stay between Russia and Europe.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Nov 2010 /  #14
And most of them have gone to the UK and Ireland.... leaving a paranoid uneducated majority..bummer dude!

Actually, plenty of them are staying these days. Polish employers are making it very clear that washing dishes in the UK doesn't work for them - and new graduates are smart enough to realise that they need to stay in order to build a career.

The "educated" ones leaving are the unemployable ones who got poor grades at university studying something plastic, like sociology.

The PO are in power because that is what suits Europe and the USA.


They're in power because people elected them. Nothing to do with Europe and the USA.

After all, if Europe was in control, why didn't PiS (along with LPR and Samobroona) pull Poland out from the EU?
Maybe  12 | 409  
4 Nov 2010 /  #15
They're in power because people elected them.

Come come don't be so naive.

The People (us) our votes are irrelevant. Democracy or rather the illusion of it is the best form of dictatorship, because people believe their voice count.

It is not until the masses revolt violently that change is effected.This only happens when they understand their voice is being ignored.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Nov 2010 /  #16
The People (us) our votes are irrelevant. Democracy or rather the illusion of it is the best form of dictatorship, because people believe their voice count.

Really? Are you suggesting that both PO and PiS are being controlled from elsewhere?

Man, I've heard some stupid things, but the suggestion of Tusk and Kaczynski being on the same side is...well...
Maybe  12 | 409  
4 Nov 2010 /  #17
but the suggestion of Tusk and Kaczynski being on the same side is...well...

They aren't on the same side, but then again they are not in charge, it is called Divide and Rule, old bean.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
4 Nov 2010 /  #18
So who is controlling Poland?

Last time I checked, it was a mere formality for Poland to simply repeal the act of parliament which allowed them to join NATO and the EU.
Maybe  12 | 409  
4 Nov 2010 /  #19
it was a mere formality for Poland to simply repeal the act of parliament which allowed them to join NATO and the EU.

A formality perhaps but the would have to find the paper work and that could take months.

So who is controlling Poland?

...the markets like everywhere else, governments control populations, markets govern governments. And Politicians hold on by the seat of there pants...

"their pants"...sorry..skool bouy eror
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
4 Nov 2010 /  #20
The People (us) our votes are irrelevant. Democracy or rather the illusion of it is the best form of dictatorship, because people believe their voice count.

This thinking is a good example why Poland has been dominated by it's neighbors for the past two hundred years.
4 Nov 2010 /  #21
International Politicians don't give a monkeys about Polska as long as it stay between Russia and Europe.

Everyone is looking for someone to sell their products and services too. When they stop buying and become a Problem like Greece, at that point they do not give a hoot.
1jola  14 | 1875  
4 Nov 2010 /  #22
The "educated" ones leaving are the unemployable ones who got poor grades at university studying something plastic, like sociology.

Interesting to finally find out why you left Scotland. Your special skill of speaking English just wasn't that marketable there. I understand.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jun 2016 /  #23
Merged: Democracy was born on 4 June 1989 and went into agony on 4 June

Poland's re-emergence as a democratic state began on 4 June 1989, and three years later on 4 June 1992 it began a long agonising death. Democracy died in the wake of the Magdalenka escapade where commies and KOR-ites clinched a deal on the backs of the Solidarity movement. As a result there was no reprivatisation, no de-communization (like that carried out by the Czechs) and very half-hearted vetting (lustracja). That resulted in masses of people linked to the old commie regime smoothly moving into ministries and government agencies (many were there already and hung on to their jobs), military, police and secret services, putting up a crowned eagle in their offices an skimming and scamming away. It's no wonder they now feel threatened with a truly pro-Polish government at the helm. But they should remember that nothing lasts forever. 26 years of rule by the post-roundtable clique in itself was quite a long time so change was inevitable.

ta the helm.dner so many nomenklatura types and ministerial kids
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Jun 2016 /  #24
That resulted in masses of people linked to the old commie regime smoothly moving into ministries

Such as Stanisław Piotrowicz, ex-PZPR public prosecutor and now Kaczyński's right hand man and Jarosław Spyra, ex-SB man and now working happily in the MSZ.
5 Jun 2016 /  #25
I've checked just one name:

Jarosław Spyra: Training course at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna Hoover Institute at the University of Stanford. He worked in the Polish Embassies in Peru and Brazil. After his return he worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs department of Asia, Australia and Latin America. From 2002 to 2007 he was the Republic of Poland's Ambassador to Chile.

Do you consider yourself the person suited to give further references.

Do not judge so that you will not be judged. Did anyone of you allowed a simple thought what would happen with an epitome of virtues like for example the Mather Theresa or JP2 or any other decent man to be dressed in the uniform of a criminal organization or just said to be a member of it, if you would be allowed to be their judges?

And if a man is a pathological criminal in a organization which happens to be in power - do you have enough courage to call him or her a scoundrel?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Jun 2016 /  #26
Do you consider yourself the person suited to give further references.

He was found to have lied in the special lustration court about his SB membership, and it was reported all over the media the other day about him now working for the MSZ.
11 Jun 2016 /  #27
@ mrpainte - request date = 3 - Nov - 2 0 1 0

research paper either written or blown away in the wind. So, to go to Polish Identity, and to a time when it was being explained to the world in blood. Identifying Polish Identity after the end of partition 3, before and after WWI.

I was researching, 'Greatest Train Heists', and came unexpectedly to Poland and to J. Pilsudski and his haul of $10,000,000, +/-, [by todays mark-up]. Bezdany, 26 Sept 1908.

Thus, this led me to check up on Pilsudski. I do admire the man and his prescience, [understanding the time he lived in and that the 3 powers were going to slug it out, regardless]. His cunning, [getting Austrian permission to form 'sports clubs' and so training Polish soldiers]. Knowing his enemies and choosing his battles. Treating Germans with derision, refusing to swear allegiance to their king, [preferring imprisonment].

This MAN, Pilsudski, is Identity. If he is not Hero, then who else? He ought to be in the Nations Myth Register, a recent version of Sobieski, [too far].

IF, it is true that modern Polish People are being Europeanized, and this means West Euro = poofter/queer/transgender/effeminate/obese/stupid/weak-minded/lacking backbone/interbred with mutant horrors and parasites from the lands of Pakistink and Turkmuck, THEN YOU ARE AN INSULT TO YOUR ANCESTORS, you pussycat shmucks!!

@ military.wikia.com/wiki/Bezdany_raid

@ 'Do not Judge and you shall not be judged' = this does not mean don't judge. It means Do judge righteously: Don't hang yourself with your own noose.
jon357  72 | 23559  
12 Jun 2016 /  #28
and it was reported all over the media

One of the many reasons that the current regime want to stifle an independent media; basically they want to act without scrutiny, PRL-style.

Mather Theresa

That would be the same 'epitome of virtues' that denied painkillers to people dying in agony because she believed that suffering was 'holy'.

He was found to have lied in the special lustration court about his SB membership, and it was reported all over the media the other day about him now working for the MSZ.

And there are many other such individuals close to the current regime.

Fortunately the core support for that particular nationalistic political tendency is aging fast.

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