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Polish hatred towards Jews...

yehudi  1 | 433  
26 Jan 2010 /  #1021
Interested in Zionist supremacists and NWO under Star of David flag.

Who is NWO? What are you talking about?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
26 Jan 2010 /  #1022
He means the New World Order, yehudi. The Star of David has symbolic importance to Masons and other Illuminati freaks. Many have misgivings :(
Trevek  25 | 1699  
26 Jan 2010 /  #1023
Ah, more hatred on show here...

Seanus  15 | 19668  
26 Jan 2010 /  #1024
It's just playing on sentiments a lot of the time. It would have been even more complicated had the Jews sought to integrate more fully into Polish culture.
26 Jan 2010 /  #1025
The naked truth about the "Holocaust":

Within five minutes, any intelligent, open-minded person can be convinced that the Holocaust gassings of World War II are a profitable hoax.

Fred A. Leuchter is America's leading specialist on the design and fabrication of execution equipment, including homicidal gas chambers. In 1988, Leuchter scraped samples from the alleged gas chamber walls in Auschwitz, Birkenau and Lublin. Cyanide residue would be clearly evident on all these walls if gassings did occur. To his astonishment, Leuchter found no significant cyanide traces in any one of these rooms.

In 1991, the Polish government repeated these tests to disprove Leuchter's findings, but they as well found no evidence of any gassings ever occurring.

The structural integrity of these "gas chambers" is also extremely faulty. These rooms have ordinary doors and windows which are not hermetically sealed! There are large gaps between the floors and doors. If the Germans had attempted to gas anyone in these rooms, they would have died themselves, as the gas would have leaked and contaminated the entire area. Also, no equipment exists to exhaust the air-gas mixture from these buildings. Nothing was made to introduce or distribute the gas throughout the chambers. There are no provisions to prevent condensation of gas on the walls, floors or ceilings. No exhaust stacks have ever existed.

Though six million Jews supposedly died in the gas chambers, not one body has ever been autopsied and found to have died of gas poisoning. We have been shown piles of bodies from World War II, but most of these persons died of typhus or starvation or Allied bombings and a great many of those were murdered Germans, not Jews. Roughly the equivalent of ten football fields should be packed full of gassed bodies to present as evidence, yet not one body has ever been discovered.

The Germans documented everything in meticulous detail from shrubbery to arbors, but no pre-war or wartime plans or documents exist that detail or even mention any gas chambers for reasons of genocide. All documents ever presented were drawn up AFTER the war.

Even if we threw away all the evidence and accounted for every so-called gas chamber, it would have taken 68 YEARS to accomplish gassing six million Jews!

Even The Diary of Anne Frank is a hoax. Portions of the diary were written with a ball point pen. These pens were not in use at the time Anne Frank lived.

It is not denied concentration camps existed. Tragically, many died of typhus or starvation, as often happens in such situations. There is, however, no evidence that any gassings occurred for the reasons of genocide.

Israel continues to receive trillions of dollars worldwide as retribution for Holocaust gassings. Our country has donated more money to Israel than to any other country in the history of the world -- over $35 billion per year, everything included. If not for our extravagantly generous gifts to Israel, every family in America could afford a brand new Mercedes Benz. Surely the American people would be outraged if they realized their hard-earned money is being squandered in these difficult times.

With all this money at stake for Israel, it is easy to comprehend why this Holocaust hoax is so secretly guarded. The Jewish name for Holocaust is "Shoah." In Zionist circles, it is known as "Shoah Business." If nothing else, this unbelievable coverup demonstrates the irrepressible Zionist influence and control of our country. Their only defense against the facts is to cry out "antisemitic," "Skinhead" or "Nazi," whereas the majority of those who question the Holocaust are ordinary citizens...though you would never know it from the media.
yehudi  1 | 433  
26 Jan 2010 /  #1026
He means the New World Order, yehudi. The Star of David has symbolic importance to Masons and other Illuminati freaks. Many have misgivings

It's also used by Rastafarians and the San Diego police. What does that have to do with Zionism?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
26 Jan 2010 /  #1027
What does that have to do with Zionism?

I am sure Socrates will find a connection;)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
26 Jan 2010 /  #1028
Eh, I think cyanide can be removed after 43 years, don't you? What kind of evidence of gassings? Anything that may have shown that could easily have been cleared up. They switched the gas off some time ago ;) ;)

That's why the Germans weren't in the rooms ;0 ;)

Autopsied????? What, do you really think that those bodies were gonna be voluntarily passed on to medical authorities? Are you insane?

Eh, they weren't all gassed. Simple! They had firing squads and executioners.

They undoubtedly profit from it which is grotesque but that's another element entirely.

My main bone of contention would be that the Allied forces were largely out of the picture so nobody really saw or could corroborate what happened. I also question how one-sided the views of Holocaust survivors are. It's a miracle in itself that they survived such a tight-knit regime.

Yehudi, I was just saying. You have to ask him as I don't want to second guess him.

Anyone can write nonsense, MixMoren. I could go and publish some pie-in-the-sky BS and make it sound really convincing. Haven't you read the writing of students? ;)

The laugh is that the US takes all the figures as given and it seems like a lifetime in compensation for sth the Americans had no hand in.
convex  20 | 3928  
26 Jan 2010 /  #1029
Eh, I think cyanide can be removed after 43 years, don't you? What kind of evidence of gassings? Anything that may have shown that could easily have been cleared up. They switched the gas off some time ago ;) ;)

That shouldn't even be commented on, it's based on faulty evidence.

In 1991, the Polish government repeated these tests to disprove Leuchter's findings, but they as well found no evidence of any gassings ever occurring.

Just the opposite actually. In 1994 the IES in Krakow found cyanide in the chambers, but not in the housing units, debunking the "delousing" theory.

There are also quite a few problems with Leuchter's findings, mainly in the samples which were used (cyanide doesn't penetrate brick, Leuchter's sample). These problems were pointed out by the laboratory which carried out the testing. Have you been to Auschwitz? Even the older gas chambers are pretty well sealed up. Regarding evidence, there loads of eye witness accounts and documentation regarding the exterminations, just no direct written order by Hitler to carry it out (if you don't take into account the Wannsee conference minutes).

There is an argument regarding the number of people affected, and their makeup and reason for being sent to the camps. There is also room for discussion on what should be compensated for, and for how long. Denying it all together is ignorant and takes away from the current relevant topics. But hey, sounds like you're out on a mission. Don't let facts get in your way!
Seanus  15 | 19668  
26 Jan 2010 /  #1030
We shouldn't automatically believe witnesses at all but there must come a moment when reasonable likelihood presents itself. These allegations were largely substantiated but it's all about agenda serving. Look at those witnesses at 9/11. So many spoke out on the issue of explosions but those protecting the agenda swept them aside.

It is faulty evidence, convex, I agree.
caprice49  4 | 224  
26 Jan 2010 /  #1031
There are compelling reasons to believe that the so-called holocaust never existed

Don't be daft! Shame my mother isn't alive to give you a detailed description. And for the record she was Polish & RC
Trevek  25 | 1699  
26 Jan 2010 /  #1032
There are compelling reasons to believe that the so-called holocaust never existed. Page 223, in The Diary of Anne Frank, (Pan Horizons edition, Pan Books Ltd., London, 1989), indicates that the size of Auschwitz, the most notorious of all German work camps, WAS VERY SMALL, with only 11,000 people (many of whom may not even have been Jews) being evacuated by the Germans at the time of the Russian advance in 1945.

laurence Rees makes this point in his book about Auschwitz, saying Treblinka and Sobibor were the major death camps until later in the war when Auschwitz was expanded and developed, in particular for Hungarian Jews. The killing rate advanced considerably after that. Anne Frank herself was evacuated from Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
28 Jan 2010 /  #1033
It is an interesting fact that the number of so-called persecuted Jews KEEPS INCREASING.

I thought it was decreasing...What was the number originally for Auschwitz?...4 million?...Then 3 million, and now I believe the 'official' number given by he administrators there is 1 million.

The International Red Cross, after inspecting the camp at the end of the war published it's report in 1947...It said '47000 total deaths from all causes' at Auschwitz...While people perishing on this scale is horrendous, that number fits in with reason.

I believe that 'Yad Vashem' in Jerusalem gives the total number at 3 million.

The first victim in war is the truth.

To provide some perspective, Solzhenytsin gives the number of victims of Jewish Bolsheviks at 66 MILLION...Now, this is a number that truly boggles the mind, but any discussion on investigation of these deaths, let alone university courses, or museums dealing with this is 'verbotten'.

BTW, Douglas Reed was one of the best and most honest journalists of the 20th Century.
3 Mar 2010 /  #1034

Seanus  15 | 19668  
3 Mar 2010 /  #1035
Some have progressed to the 1990's, don't worry ;) ;)

Some hate and some don't.
1jola  14 | 1875  
3 Mar 2010 /  #1036

So it is good time to tell you very few Poles post here, just in case the PolishForums label suggest otherwise to you. Welcome, stick around.

There is a thread called Jewish love for Poles if you prefer, started by a regular troll Southern who keeps coming back. He's not Polish either.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
4 Mar 2010 /  #1037
Most Poles don't know enough about Jews in Poland to hate them. It's all old and dated stuff.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
4 Mar 2010 /  #1038

Considering that the British press (The Sun etc) regularly use phrases like 'kraut' or 'jerries', 'hun' to refer to Germany (including, a few years ago, having Gazza - remember him?- in a tin hat, saying, "achtung, for you the european cup is over!"), then why should it be a surprise?
4 Mar 2010 /  #1039
Mixmoren guy seems a bit of a tit! So a 14 year old girl standing at ground level says that Auschwitz was small. You think she was given a guided tour of the ******* place? Or maybe she was flown in so that she could make that observation!!
4 Mar 2010 /  #1040
Mixmoren guy seems a bit of a tit!

He's just another idiot who comes here to copy paste from holocaust denial sites. He got 'his' most recent post from
ffg registered  - | 13  
1 Oct 2013 /  #1041
polish hate Jews

I am polish and I don't hate jews. I think they are like every other nation - there are some good and some bad people. I only know one jewish family - they are great kind people and I like them very much. My family and friends are polish, and none of them hates Jews. The only guy I know who hates Jews is an older bloke who's family was killed by nazis because the Jew they were hiding denouced them when gestapo has caught him.

That was punishment for hiding Jews in Poland - you and your family were killed, and even though polish people knew that, still lots of them decided to help and hide Jews.

It's funny that the punishment for hiding Jews in other countries were lighter - prison, or death of the person who was hidin a Jew, but not the whole family, but still much more polish people helped Jews in Poland then in any other country. (You can read about it a bit in 'Pianist' book Epilogue by Wolf Biermann, and also here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Righteous_Among_the_Nations)

Yet it is the Poles that are called antisemitic, not the French for example, who surrendered to the nazists without a fight, and their police helped nazis to catch all the Jews in France. Yet we all know those wonderful films about french resistance movement and hero Frenchmen, and nobody except Poles remember hopeless polish fight against nazis in '39, or Warsaw Uprising.

History is such a *****, isn't it.

And by the way, do you even know that before '39 Uk, France and Poland had an agreement, that if any of the countries would be attacked by the Germany, the other two will attack Germany? And what happened? Hitler knew that neither France nor UK will help Poland when he attacs it, and guess what, he was right! Poles weren't able to figh with such power and they failed. But they never worked for the nazis, it was considered the worst treachery, and the few people that did, were killed by the angry mob after the war.

Besides, Jews have lived in Poland since XIV century, because it was a one of a few palces in Europe that granted them freedom of beliefs.

. The other reason and an important attraction for European refugees was a remarkable religious tolerance for that time, enforced by our elected kings. "I am not the king of your consciences" - those were the words of the Jagiełłonian king Sigismund II Augustus, pronounced as early as the mid-sixteenth century and he indeed did not interfere with his subject's religious beliefs and set the tone of tolerance for his successors.

I don't thiks the Jews would stay in Poland for so long if they would be treated badly. And I don't think there would be so many Jews in Poland in the '30s if they would be better somewhere else.

If you are accusing Poles of antisemitism it's probably because you project your own rasism and xenophobia on us, the ugly feelings you don't want to recognise and acknowledge in yourself, but which are all too visible after reading some of the threads on this forum
Ifor  - | 34  
1 Oct 2013 /  #1042
If you are accusing Poles of antisemitism it's probably because you project your own rasism and xenophobia on us, the ugly feelings you don't want to recognise and acknowledge in yourself, but which are all too visible after reading some of the threads on this forum

May I take the liberty of summarising your post in a short, succinct sentence.

"We were always good and everyone else was ever so wicked."
ffg registered  - | 13  
1 Oct 2013 /  #1043
Yes, apparently there's no arguing with historical facts, so what else can you write, if you have no arguments.

I don't say there isn't any antisemitism in Poland - of course there is, as well as in the other countries. And some Poles did some horrible things to Jews in the past, just like other people in the other countries. I just can't stand that some people make Poland some sort of a whipping-boy of Europe - they know nothing about polish history or culture and they are babbling on and on about polish antisemitism..
p3undone  7 | 1098  
1 Oct 2013 /  #1044
Ifor,no,he said that it happened,just not as widespread as some people like to suggest.How would you expect a Polish person to respond in a thread with a title that suggests that this trait is inherent in all Polish people?
Ifor  - | 34  
1 Oct 2013 /  #1045
I was replying to one (longish) post, not the thread as a whole.

I don't say there isn't any antisemitism in Poland - of course there is, as well as in the other countries.

That's fair enough. There are some good Polish people, bad Polish people, and a lot somewhere in between. Same as everywhere else, I'd imagine.
1 Oct 2013 /  #1046
the French for example, who surrendered to the nazists without a fight

In reality the allies suffered more killed/wounded during the fall of France than during the fall of Poland.

their police helped nazis to catch all the Jews in France.

Which is exactly what your Polish Blue Police did too.

And by the way, do you even know that before '39 Uk, France and Poland had an agreement, that if any of the countries would be attacked by the Germany, the other two will attack Germany? And what happened? Hitler knew that neither France nor UK will help Poland when he attacs it, and guess what, he was right! Poles weren't able to figh with such power and they failed.

Not this tired old lie yet again!

apparently there's no arguing with historical facts

In your case you very simply deny those facts exist.
ffg registered  - | 13  
1 Oct 2013 /  #1047
In reality the allies suffered more killed/wounded during the fall of France than during the fall of Poland.

I can't see how it is relevant in any way, but still:

Battle of France:
Allies: 144 divisions
Allies: 360,000 dead or wounded
2500 dead or wounded per division

Invasion of Poland:
Poland: 39 divisions (some of them were never fully mobilized and concentrated)
Poland: 199,700 total casualties
5120 dead or wounded per division

Which is exactly what your Polish Blue Police did too.

It wasn't 'polish' blue police, as it was created and run by Germans in occupied Poland.

Polish Police of the General Government (German: Polnische Polizei im Generalgouvernement).
It was formed by Nazi Germany officially on October 30, 1939 by reinstating Polish state police (Einheimische Polizei) existing before the invasion of Poland, with German instead of Polish leadership.

The Blue Police had little autonomy, and all of its high-ranking officers came from the ranks of the German police (Kriminalpolizei).

The role of the Blue Police in its collaboration and resistance towards the Germans is difficult to assess as a whole, and is often a matter of dispute.[14] Historian Andrzej Krzysztof Kunert estimates that 10 to 20% of the policemen were murdered by the Germans for taking part in resistance - on top of those mass-murdered by the Soviets in Mednoye - explained Irena Wollen in her documentary film "Granatowi" for Telewizja Polska (1999).

And meanwhile in France:

[i]Following the defeat in June 1940, President Albert Lebrun appointed Marshal Pétain as premier. After making peace with Germany, Pétain and his government voted to reorganize the discredited Third Republic into an authoritarian regime.

The newly formed French State maintained nominal sovereignty over the whole of French territory as defined by the Second Armistice at Compiègne.

Marshal Pétain collaborated with the German occupying forces in exchange for an agreement not to divide France between the Axis powers. Germany kept two million French soldiers in Germany as forced laborers to enforce its terms. Vichy authorities aided in the rounding-up of Jews and other "undesirables". At times in the colonies Vichy French military forces actively opposed the Allies. Despite its pro-Nazi policies, much of the French public initially supported the new government, seeing it as necessary to maintain a degree of French autonomy and territorial integrity.

And by the way, do you even know that before '39 Uk, France and Poland had an agreement, that if any of the countries would be attacked by the Germany, the other two will attack Germany? And what happened? Hitler knew that neither France nor UK will help Poland when he attacs it, and guess what, he was right! Poles weren't able to figh with such power and they failed

Not this tired old lie yet again!

[i]On March 31, 1939, in response to Nazi Germany's defiance of the Munich Agreement and occupation of Czechoslovakia,\ the United Kingdom pledged the support of itself and France to guarantee Polish independence.

On April 6, during a visit to London by the Polish foreign minister, it was agreed to formalize the guarantee as an Anglo-Polish military alliance, pending negotiations.

This guarantee was extended on April 13 to Greece and Romania following Italy's invasion of Albania.

Polish-British Common Defence Pact


In your case you very simply deny those facts exist.

It seems you are lying, or uneducated, or too lazy to check facts
1 Oct 2013 /  #1048
In reality the allies suffered more killed/wounded during the fall of France than during the fall of Poland.

Harry old ball of curse they didn't suffer as they didn't fight during the fall of Poland.

Which is exactly what your Polish Blue Police did too.

Did what? Would be specific for once and give us all the details with scientific research rather than flout yet again your lack of empty understanding and inability to comprehend complex issues other than making stretching the truth to the point of ridicule?

Not this tired old lie yet again!

Stop lying then if you are tied of your old lies. I wanted to ask you a qestion for some time now. How come that Polish historiography calls the spade spade and you can find all there is in Polish textbooks and yet you claiming to be Varosvian and pretending to be able to speak Polish don't know about the fact? If you do know bout that it would means that you are calling majority of Polish historians (some of them passed away already, authorities in the field and often wittiness to those events) and mostly of history teachers in Poland - liars.

You are being bold here Harry if that what you do.
1 Oct 2013 /  #1049
Allies: 360,000 dead or wounded

So when you said that "the French for example, who surrendered to the nazists without a fight", you were, in fact, lying. Thanks for admitting that.

It wasn't 'polish' blue police, as it was created and run by Germans in occupied Poland.

It was entirely Polish (apart from a few senior officers). It was a continuation of the interbellum Polish police and was recognised as both legitimate and lawful by the Polish government in exile. It was disbanded by the Polish provisional government. It was a Polish police force and it assisted with the Holocaust: deal with those facts.

The agreement contained promises of mutual military assistance between the nations in the event either was attacked by some "European country".

You appear to forget that the UK declared war on Germany as a result of the German invasion of Poland and that the first British action against Germany started some 90 minutes after the declaration of war. Or you didn't forget about it and simply chose to lie by claiming that Britain did not take any action: which is it?

It seems you are lying, or uneducated, or too lazy to check facts

Your own words about Allied casualties in France show that you're a liar. As for checking facts, you'll want to read just a little more widely than just sanitized wikipedia if you want to learn more about Poland's history: for some reason Wikipedia has a habit of not telling the truth about those, it's almost as if there is a group of Polish and other CEE editors who are trying to deliberately re-write history via wikipedia.

Did what?

Assisted the Nazis with the Holocaust. As for the rest of your post, I'd refer you to the replies I repeatedly made to a now banned member called Ironside; I can't be bothered to type them out again for a user who can't even bother to register.
1 Oct 2013 /  #1050
As for the rest of your post, I'd refer you to the replies I repeatedly made

That is a lie Harry old mate. You have not answered to the qestion why do you dismiss all Polish historiography on the subject and why do you believe that your point of you is superiors to all those experts in the field. Even generations of experts. What qualification do you have to stand alone and call them liars?

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Polish hatred towards Jews...Archived