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Polish hatred towards Jews...

Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #481
I meant the overly sensitive ones of which there are many, BB.
anton888  - | 82  
23 Jul 2009 /  #482
But every Jew was a victim

Yes, was, is history now. Today, Isreal is on the other side, creating thousands and thousands of Palestinian victims, force them out of their home, taking their land, destroy the future of their children. This is still happening TODAY!!!
scrappleton  - | 829  
23 Jul 2009 /  #483
Should the Americans not have flown to the moon because it was the Nazi von Braun who made that possible???

Yeah, and Goddard made Von Braun's work possible. Goddard was an Ami but not a Jew. Gah! Besides Von Braun - CHOSE - to come to the States. He actually seemed to kind of like it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
23 Jul 2009 /  #484
Besides Von Braun - CHOSE - to come to the States.


...After the war, he and some of his rocket team were taken to the United States as part of the then-secret Operation Paperclip.


Yeah, and Goddard made Von Braun's work possible.

...In the words of NASA, he is "without doubt, the greatest rocket scientist in history. His crowning achievement ... was to lead the development of the Saturn V booster rocket that helped land the first men on the Moon in July 1969."[4]

scrappleton  - | 829  
23 Jul 2009 /  #485
Bratwurst Boy

You honestly think he did everything and the rest of NASA were just worker bees for him?

Typical Kraut thinking the sun shines out his ass. Where the hell is Germany's moon landing if you are a breeding farm for such geniuses?


Nonetheless, in 1963, von Braun, reflecting on the history of rocketry, said of Goddard: "His rockets...may have been rather crude by present-day standards, but they blazed the trail and incorporated many features used in our most modern rockets and space vehicles".[24]

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
23 Jul 2009 /  #486
Where the hell is Germany's moon landing if you are a breeding farm for such geniuses?


Do you have any idea about the project Paperclip Crappy?
Read that and weep:

The Great Patents Heist

Article from the The Barnes Review, March/April 1999, pp. 27-33.

...It is quite acceptable to American pride to acknowledge that immigrants have contributed to our prosperity and greatness. It's a little harder to swallow that a good deal of our scientific lead and prosperity - despite the ever-increasing burdens of non-skilled illegal immigrants and unproductive home-growns - has come from simply seizing German patents and inventions after World War I and far more so after World War II....
...Virtually no one knows that in Wright-Patterson Field in Ohio, in the Library of Congress and in the Department of Commerce in Washington, a "mother lode" of 1,500 tons of German patents [...]

Without the Germans you would be nowhere!
(Yup, we are some kind of a "breeding farm for geniuses!)
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
23 Jul 2009 /  #487
True. Not every victim was a Jew. But every Jew was a victim.

So what did western Jews, US Jews included as the most powerful even THEN, to help those victims? What did they do?

All I know they denied everything in the 1940's and shot few war movies in the 1990's and earned another millions.
Am I wrong, Yehudi?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #488
Ruthless profiteering undoubtedly took place to some extent. Again, Zionists profitted but Judaists suffered.
scrappleton  - | 829  
23 Jul 2009 /  #489
Without the Germans you would be nowhere!

Without Americans you'd be in Stalin's boneyard, ButtBurst. Talk about weeping. What a fu.cking clown. Still where is your space program since you literally built ours all by yourself? What's wrong didn't we give you enough money after you tried to kill yourselves a 2nd time??? Charity case = Germany. LOL.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #490
He has a point, BB. Without Tehran and Yalta, who knows what position Germany would be in now. Stalin might have expanded communism much more rapidly than anyone could have imagined. Maybe Germany would have liked it. After all, Germany liked ex-communist countries like Balkan states and Hungary ;) ;)
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
23 Jul 2009 /  #491
Again, Zionists profitted but Judaists suffered.

Why Judaists blaim Poland, then, even today?

Or are those zio-nazis? Maybe Yehudi does know?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #492
A convenienent scapegoat? They clearly misunderstood their history lessons. It's a very mixed up area. Zionists, of Jewish descent of course, supporting the Nazi cause. It shows what a screwed up world we live in.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
23 Jul 2009 /  #493
Without Americans you'd be in Stalin's boneyard,

Probably not!
Without a second front the Nazis could had taken Moscow.
But could the West had won without the Russians? Highly doubtable....

It's beside the point really, the Russians got their share of german scientists too.
Wasn't it an Ami who said: "Our Germans are better than your Germans!"....or something like this during the cold war? :)

Still where is your space program

Well....thanks to you there was no way after 1945.
But it could very well be that it will be Europeans who are the first to go to Mars.
And Germany is big in the ESA!

A unified Europe with german brains against the US without german brains...ESA against NASA...would be a nice space race, wouldn't it?
Any bets? :):):)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #494
The Nazis would have been stopped anyway, BB. There were just too many powers against them and more would have joined if needed.
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
23 Jul 2009 /  #495
A convenienent scapegoat?

Oh, I thought the Poles were an excuse to every wrongdoing.

Jewish scapegoat?
Nooooooooo..... no way! Jews? The ONLY saint people in whole world?
scrappleton  - | 829  
23 Jul 2009 /  #496
But could the West had won without the Russians? Highly doubtable....

Is it? You made some pretty dumb decisons with the Russians. Not exactly ubermensch like at all. It's likely you would have made the same decisions when you invaded us. Wisconsin and Illinois, New York are relatively cold places too. Unlike the Russians, Americans wouldn't have had to share rifles.

Well....thanks to you there was no way after 1945.

Why because we pilfered a few notes from you? Even you'd have to agree that's pretty stupid. You bred these people.. Create some more. Did we confiscate their secretaries and students as well??

Here again, the sheer irony of a Kraut lecturing anyone on stealing. Hoo boy.

But it could very well be that it will be Europeans who are the first to go to Mars.
And Germany is big in the ESA!

Haha, you modern Europeans are lazy as hell. We'll have red dusty boots before you. You stick to transmissions and inflated prices, Hans. That's you.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
23 Jul 2009 /  #497
My are you a dumb crap! No wonder the US are in such sh'it right now....

....or has your boyfriend his "migraine" again?

But then...when YOU present "Americas finest" we will win every race with you easily! And we wouldn't even have to steal other countries brains for it...

Economically Europe left the US already behind:


...The American Dream has been foreclosed. Wall Street biggies on the verge of collapse, massive budget and trade deficits, a personal savings rate less than zero, a currency becoming more worthless with each passing day...the list goes on and on...
As the US dollar plumbs new depths on a nearly daily basis, the result is that the valuation of EU output has overtaken that of the US....

Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #498
Well, the problem is that the Jews elevate themselves as Muslims do. There are provisions in their holy books which limit tolerance of other religions, seeing theirs as the only one.

Catholicism doesn't take such a position although idiots on both sides (against Protestants) choose to misinterpret and make out that there are.
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
23 Jul 2009 /  #499
Wisconsin and Illinois, New York are relatively cold places too

LOL (positively, totally positively)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #500
Temperature? Well, the Mujas in Chechnya seemed to do well enough in the first Chechen War. They adjusted so maybe the Germans could have.

BB, do you have many Jews in Berlin?
scrappleton  - | 829  
23 Jul 2009 /  #501
My are you a dumb crap!
No wonder the US are in such sh'it right now

Wow, not exactly a superman answer, ubermensch.. You sure you are related to Von Braun?

Ja, Ja.. the US is doomed , right? Same sh.t Euro clown always say.. and always ends up looking even more stupid than before. The US owes some money, the US has a lot of cash registers.. we're not you we don't lay around 1/3 of the year and there's such a thing as consumption tax.

You're the one who's in trouble as most of your economy relies on exports and without the "stupid" Ami to buy your inflated shi.t what are you to do? Mars my ass you'll be lucky to make it to North Africa for your little project.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
23 Jul 2009 /  #502
BB, do you have many Jews in Berlin?

No idea....I only know that most of the Jews in Berlin are not your run of the mill - Jews but Russians who somehow could show a jewish connection and then were allowed to immigrate.

They now are the big majority of the Jews in Berlin.
Not very observant...no hebrew but russian...I dunno if you really can call them Jews at all....
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #503
What is a Jew, BB? :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
23 Jul 2009 /  #504

Tja....if you say so...but thanks!

What is a Jew, BB? :)

A member of the jewish faith? Just guessing here...
scrappleton  - | 829  
23 Jul 2009 /  #505
Tja....if you say so...but thanks

you're welcome, now go suck another sausage and pretend it's Hitler's cock.

What is a Jew, BB?

anybody with a suntan for that p.issbrain.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
23 Jul 2009 /  #506
you're welcome, now go suck another sausage and pretend it's Hitler's cock.

No time....Mars missions to plan, Solar energy to gather, Scrappy to annoy...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #507
A member of the Jewish faith, right? What is the Jewish faith, BB? :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #509
Simple question, BB. I'm asking you :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
23 Jul 2009 /  #510
I'm no Jew and I don't plan to become one.
I detest all book religions equally...I'm for sure not the right one to ask!

I only know that these "Ultra Orthodox" ones look absolutely ridiculous in their dark "uniforms", their beards, their funny hats and their side locks...:)

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Polish hatred towards Jews...Archived