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Polish hatred towards Jews...

Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
5 Jun 2009 /  #361
They ARE all of a special greedy group...cousins to lawyers...if I had a daughter I would forbid her to marry one! :)

Apart from the obvious miscommunication in my and your post, what does the smiley face at the end of your statement mean?.

What Bratwurski Boy meant is that bankers and lawyers are the most hated people in this world, so called the scum of the Earth.

What it is:
-A thousand of lawyers at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean?
-A good start!

I did not get this joke for years!!
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Jun 2009 /  #362
What Bratwurski Boy meant is

Are you sure?.
I did not get that.
5 Jun 2009 /  #364
The true definition of an Oxymoron.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Jun 2009 /  #365
Do you think that the Jews through their hard educational ethic and being bankers historically has led people to resentment them?.
I am asking you because you seem more versed in this subject.

Next time you are in Prague do the guided tour of the Jewish district, I learnt some very interesting stuff and what you wrote above is exactly what happened in Prague.
5 Jun 2009 /  #366
Do you think that the Jews through their hard educational ethic and being bankers historically has led people to resentment them?.
I am asking you because you seem more versed in this subject.

In my opinion the money lender thing most definitely has. I personally wouldn't say that Jews had more of an education ethic than any other group. The difference is that historically a lot of trades (i.e. professions with guilds) were closed to Jews, so other professions (medicine & law especially) had to be gone into. Over time the trades have become far less important and the other professions far more so.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Jun 2009 /  #367
The difference is that historically a lot of trades (i.e. professions with guilds) were closed to Jews, so other professions (medicine & law especially) had to be gone into.

I have heard that banking was not such a great job at the time, as many people would dislike bankers, is this true at all?.
sjam  2 | 541  
5 Jun 2009 /  #368
Kill without pity or mercy all men, women and children of Polish descent or language.... Be merciless. Be brutal.

Anybody know where the original German language speech document (or recording) of this often quoted section of Hitler's August 22, 1939 speech is archived?

The earliest reference I can find is in "Poland under Nazi Occupation" by Janusz Gumkowski and Kazimierz Leszczynski 1961 by Polonia Pub. House (Warszawa) but I don't have a copy to see if this speech is correctly identified in a German archive by the authors.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
5 Jun 2009 /  #369
Clashes with this pic all the time: German hatred of Poles?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
5 Jun 2009 /  #370
I have heard that banking was not such a great job at the time, as many people would dislike bankers, is this true at all?.

Money lending for profit was pretty much a forbidden by RC as per OT and parts of NT, although in NT interest from lending is OK

In general, lending for interest was tolerated by the RC if the lender took an equal risk as the borrower.

In OT Jews are not supposed to charge their own people any interest , but charging "foreigners" if just fine.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
5 Jun 2009 /  #371
In OT Jews are not supposed to charge their own people any interest , but charging "foreigners" if just fine.

Which they did, massively, exploitaition of non-Jews based off ethnicity and religion was one of the prime reasons of the initial rift between Goy and Jew populations.
5 Jun 2009 /  #372
exploitaition of non-Jews

How did they exploit the gentiles? If a gentile didn't agree to the terms & conditions of a loan he didn't have to take the loan!
z_darius  14 | 3960  
5 Jun 2009 /  #373
yeah, it's like kids in Vietnam who worked for Nike for next to nothing.
Or for that matter, to change the scenario, like non whites in Poland. Why don't they just leave?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
5 Jun 2009 /  #374
The issue with Jews was that they attempted to dominate certain fields, they used means either illegal or legal yet unethical their treatment was always based on differentiating between Jews and non Jews i must say that after such an enterprise they should be gratefull for Polish tolerance.
Salomon  2 | 436  
5 Jun 2009 /  #375
Oh well Jewish elites were cooperationg with Polish aris elites ... nothing wrong with that.

As for successes of this group ... well poor unsuccessful Jews were discriminated in their society and pushed out ... many of them changed names and beacame Poles it was normal parctise until 19 century ... how many of you can trace thier family history to 1750 ? ... How to say it ... at the end many unsuccesful Jews became Polish ... mentioned before lawers were Jewish.

Not always thought :


What is more in veins of hated so much by some posters of this forum Jews ... is a lot of Polish blood. As long as Jewness goes throught mother ... many Jewish woman wanted their kids to look more Polish and they have been choosing Polish partners for such reason ... without marriage.

People like it or not but many Poles who don't even know about their roots have Jewish origin...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
5 Jun 2009 /  #376
People like it or not but many Poles who don't even know about their roots have Jewish origin...

Was that the reason for your name change Lukasz?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
5 Jun 2009 /  #377
People like it or not but many Poles who don't even know about their roots have Jewish origin...

Oh well Jewish elites were cooperationg with Polish aris elites ... nothing wrong with that.

Up untill your "elites" denounced our elites to Soviet authorities and Jews became responsible for genocide of the entire social class of Poland.

A few do but Poles and Jews rarely mixed, maybe a few percent of all Poles have some jewish ancestor but thats that.
Salomon  2 | 436  
5 Jun 2009 /  #378
as to presented by some people here enormous inferiority complex ...

Boos of the booses in Soviet Secret Police was Pole !!! Every Jewish communist had his picture on the wall.


Other names include such as NKVD, KGB ...


Picture of Dzerzhinsky during a parade in Moscow Red Square in 1936

You know sh!t happens. Communism was more popular among miniorities in Poland but ... when Pole became commie ... he was the best commie.

Iron Felix
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
5 Jun 2009 /  #379
Boos of the booses in Soviet Secret Police was Pole !!! Every Jewish communist had his picture on the wall.

So? He was one Pole as opposed to thousands and thousands of normal Jews who from day to day changed into murderers and denunciators of their Polish neighbours, could you please tell me why wonderful co-existing jews suddenly decided to side with soviets and wipe out Poles?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
5 Jun 2009 /  #380
when Pole became commie ... he was the best commie.

There is a catch though.
This fella is credited with being responsible for the largest number of communists ever killed by anybody :)
Salomon  2 | 436  
5 Jun 2009 /  #381
So? He was one Pole as opposed

You should be proud of him. In every nation you can find commies, nazis, cosmpolitan people, socialists, liberals (in different proportions thought).... he was successful among communists. Religous Poles love JPII ... maybe Dzierżyński success story is a little bit out standing but still ... he was the best among commies.

This fella is credited with being responsible for the largest number of communists ever killed by anybody :)

Well ... there must be the reason why so many people in Bielarus pray to his pictures to this day. :)


Dzierżyński had funny Coat of Arms

Dzierzynski coat:)

pawian  226 | 27519  
6 Jun 2009 /  #382
i must say that after such an enterprise they should be gratefull for Polish tolerance.

When will you suggest that Poles should receive some compensation for their tolerance to Jews? :):):):)

Now comes an exaggeration that even I have to say NO though you know my compassion for Jews. :):):)


Poland and Ukraine resist restitution of heirless Holocaust property

Just three weeks before an international conference on Holocaust assets, Jewish and Eastern European delegates are still debating whether countries like Poland and Ukraine should give back heirless property that belonged to murdered Jews.

While those countries have opposed restitution of property whose owners left behind no heirs, Jewish representatives of the Holocaust Era Assets Conference, scheduled to open in Prague on June 26, say such property should go to Jewish organizations in lieu of heirs.

said David Peleg, "We don`t agree with this assertion."
Your brothers in the Israeli Knesset certainlly agree with this law, especially when it comes to Palestinian property. Why should Poland and the Ukraine be any different?

And why should Poland and/or Ukraine give Polish/Ukrainian property to a "world" organization when it could be used for Poles/Ukrainians? Maybe Israel should give away lots in Tel Aviv to Iran. Huh?

Yeah! Sure!



justice can`t be selective.If restitution/ compensation is right for you, then it has to be right for me too.
Many Palestinians in refugee camps still hold the keys and deeds to their property in Mandate Palestine.
So we say to them tough luck but expect Poland and Ukraine to do the right thing?

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
8 Jun 2009 /  #383
And US government is actively supporting that multi-billion scam attempt... We need change... Yes we can...
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
8 Jun 2009 /  #384
Many Palestinians in refugee camps still hold the keys and deeds to their property in Mandate Palestine.

They might get everything back under the two state solution deal. The idea is hopefully we can get these folks together in Israel all living together under one flag and not fighting. I think it can be achieved. Fundamentally and culturally, Palestinians are only a few hundred years behind everyone else but if we can get them to catch up, they can all live together. The reason they fail is because they are so backwards. They don't realize they would be happier if they were modernized.
Salomon  2 | 436  
8 Jun 2009 /  #385
And US government is actively supporting that multi-billion scam attempt... We need change... Yes we can...

I am just thinking why USA doesn't support Poles who lost properties in Lwów or Wilno ...

While those countries have opposed restitution of property whose owners left behind no heirs


If Berman was killed durring WWII without heirs ... this organisation would ask for his properties ... so maybe they sould bear responsibility for his actions.
9 Jun 2009 /  #386

You (under your current and previous usernames) have posted this link 13 times now. Funny how you used to include the link to Brystiger too, until I pointed out that she was actually a Polish Catholic....
Salomon  2 | 436  
9 Jun 2009 /  #387
until I pointed out that she was actually a Polish Catholic....


Julia Brystiger (née Prajs), born November 25, 1902 in Stryj, died November 9, 1975 in Warsaw, was a Polish Communist activist and a member of the Stalinist apparatus. She was also known as Julia Brystygier, Bristiger, Brustiger, Briestiger, Brystygierowa, Bristigierowa, and by her nicknames Luna, Bloody Luna, Daria, Ksenia, Maria. The nickname Bloody Luna was a direct reference of her Gestapo-like methods during interrogations[

She was the daughter of a Jewish pharmacist from Stryj.

This argument is like other your arguments. If she was killed durring WWII ... some organisations would ask for compensations ... from POLAND !!!! LOL

I see this organisations want to bear responisbility for her actions.
9 Jun 2009 /  #388

She had a Jewish father. That does not make her Jewish. A Jew's faith is passed down from the mother's side.

And then there's the bit you always fail to quote from that page "she asked for baptism and converted to the Catholic faith." That does make her a Catholic.

If she was killed durring WWII ... some organisations would ask for compensations ... from POLAND !!!! LOL

That is what is referred to as a lie.

I see this organisations want to bear responisbility for her actions.

I agree, the Catholic church needs to bear responisbility for the actions of Polish Catholics.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
9 Jun 2009 /  #389
A Jew's faith is passed down from the mother's side.

Yeah, I have heard that before, why is that?.

I agree, the Catholic church needs to bear responisbility for the actions of Polish Catholics.

Are you talking about John Paul II's speech?.

John Paul, who survived the Nazi occupation of his native Poland, noted that some Christians risked their lives to save Jews from death camps. But he spoke of actions by individuals, not of the church as a whole.

Salomon  2 | 436  
9 Jun 2009 /  #390
She had a Jewish father. That does not make her Jewish. A Jew's faith is passed down from the mother's side.

Only in some Orthodox Jewish commuities. ... Major Jewish organisations in Poland are trying to make Jews from people who have one grandmother or grandfather with Jewish origin...

Anny way durring WWII if she was cathed by Germans she would be killed for her Jewish blood... now this organisations would ask for money for her actions.

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