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Gen X Poland '69 – '82,
Polish Military Medals, WWI era found in Detroit
Księga Elbląska (the Prussian city of Elbing legal document)
Circus in Warsaw 1930's; information for an elderly relative whose family were in that circus
8 - That is so great to know. Do you happen to have any circus archive photos?...

HistoryBBraun - 16 Aug 2011 / beckski - 12 Nov 2011
Memories of Poland -1978! Not been to Poland since there was a dirty big Wall
× Do Poles really blame Britain for Poland becoming Communist after the war?  2  3  4
Galileo Galilei and the Polish World
Resettlement after ww2 (old German houses and buildings still in Poland)
The strange destiny of Antoni Aleksander Iliński  2
What are Poland's greatest attributes?
Polish bombers over Berlin in 1939?
Poland Lithuania - current relations  2  3  4  5
Life in Partitioned Poland (Specifically in the Prussian Partition)  2  3  4
15.08.1920 - without Hungarians there would be no miracle at the Vistula - Poles remember
Today is the 1st of September (WWII start in Poland)  2  3  4  5
138 - The 72nd anniversary of the start of hostilities for some (31/08, really)....

HistoryMareGaea - 1 Sep 2010 / Seanus - 1 Sep 2011
Question on Poland 1980-82 (the history of Solidarity during the years of 1980 and 1981)
Has Poland ever participated in any big wars (except WW2)?  2  3
73 - You need to talk to the leader of "Liga Polskich Rodzin", also known as "League of Polish Families" -...

HistoryClemsonrules - 26 Aug 2011 / delphiandomine - 30 Aug 2011
Bad luck of Poland or something else? - constant occupatiuon by different vermin
Polish contribution to World War II (movie)
My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw!  2  3
Operation Simoom (the 20 billion dollar deal for Poland)
2 - Money talks, BS walks ;)...

HistoryPennBoy - 13 Aug 2011 / Seanus - 13 Aug 2011
Why did communism in Poland fail?  2  3  4  5  6
Fascinating account by von Moltke-Prussian chief of Staff: Poland: A historical Sketch.
1772 – Russia, Prussia and Habsburg Austria began the First Partition of Poland
Sabaton 40-1. Poland WW2 (updated with: Uprising)  2
Has Polish king Sobieski become an idol of right wing extremists?
21 - Lots of truth to this one. Roman Catholic Church propaganda....

HistoryBartekM - 25 Jul 2011 / Chicago Pollock - 26 Jul 2011
Defying Germaniztion in 1901 Polish boy writes 'German girls are ugly'  2  3  4  5
128 - The Occupation is not a myth. There is no need to coat trail. I've never...

HistoryPennBoy - 20 Jul 2011 / Barney - 25 Jul 2011
× Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
I'm searching for a movie about Polish-Bolshevik war of 1920
Polish flag over the Reichstag first?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14
Worst leader of the PUWP?
3 - Without a doubt....

HistoryRain33 - 15 Jul 2011 / delphiandomine - 15 Jul 2011
Looking for a good book on modern Polish politics
Władysław łokietek? ... Ojców National Park
What exactly is Galicia?
The Greatest King of Poland?  2  3  4
Felix Topolski - what a wonderful discovery (for me)
15 - Then you dont seem to see the beauty in simplistic art - its pure beauty as far as...

HistoryAmathyst - 12 Oct 2010 / Amathyst - 1 Jul 2011
Controversial Chapters: Polish-German history texbook
8 - Spiegel would say that. If they can manage to do it, it'll be huge. It should be...

HistoryPennBoy - 21 Jun 2011 / delphiandomine - 22 Jun 2011
Writing a book: Occupations in the 1st half of the 20th century.
6 - Thank you so much! I sincerely appreciate your help....

HistoryAuthor - 20 Jun 2011 / Author - 21 Jun 2011
WW2 - The other side. What USSR, also that the Polish government has made not to admit WW2  2
45 - I am not an expert as other people on this forum but I'll try to answer the question. ...

HistoryPro_Svet_Spb - 13 Jun 2011 / GoldenBomb - 20 Jun 2011
German Traitor And Polish Pig  2  3  4
96 - if everybody was always defending who was actually attacking...

Historyender - 9 Jun 2011 / gumishu - 18 Jun 2011
Pieces of Real Polish History  2
60 - quite informative!...

HistoryAntek_Stalich - 16 Jun 2011 / loc_kanika - 17 Jun 2011
Symbols & Signs in Polish History, Culture & Life  2  3
Lancers' fantasies (fantaisies) - Polish revellers
Poland's biggest historical blunder?  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
Hollywood stars to act in Italian film on Poland's Battle of Vienna
19 - On my keyboard, the comma is directly to the right of the "M" key....

HistoryEagle20 - 10 Jul 2010 / ShawnH - 4 Jun 2011
Der Spiegel: World War II articles
The Way Back ( Długi Marsz movie) Colin Farrell, Ed Harris
Info on Poland in 1988 - researching a short film
Warsaw in 1988. Military presence?
Russians 'tortured to death' in Polish camps?  2
What are the key features of the Polish Eagle?  2
Pannonia - was it a part of Poland?
Are Polish territories natively German?  2  3
Polish and Russian soul anno 1914 and today  2
Poles in the Napoleonic era  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
Scottish graves in Gdansk
Civilian life in Poland (Krakow) during the WW2.
30 - My grandmother is over 90 years old she was born in Krakow and has lived there all her her...

HistoryAlexia - 15 Apr 2011 / GrzegorzKoziol - 30 Apr 2011
Silesia occupation  2
The Piast dynasty did most for Poland
Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960  2  3  4  5  6

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