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Looking for a Polish Woman (30-38) in met in Berlin for the New Year with her daughter

Dano  1 | 1  
1 Jan 2013 /  #1
I had the chance to meet in Berlin last Friday for few minutes a very nice Polish woman (30-38 or little more) around 6am. She has black or dark-brown hair or similar. She is beautiful.

She was there with her younger friend or more probably her own daughter (19-26). Her daughter had blond hair. They were on their way to Potsdamer Platz.

I guess today they are still in Berlin or on their way back to Poland.

If she just send me the photo I took from her own camera (on small Samsung phone) I will immediately recognize her and go from there.

If you know a couple of girls/women traveling to Berlin last week with similar details and probably also for New Year events please let them know.

The woman said she is originally from Krakow (if I could hear well). It should be her first time in town.

Look forward for private message from her.

If you may recommend me another place to submit such a post please do.

Hi friends,
This unique and single meeting happened only once at the end of 2012 just before New Year.
With this final reminder I will not re publish it again in the forums.
Plesant weekend to all,
ifor bach  11 | 152  
19 Jan 2013 /  #2
If the woman she was with was her daughter, and her daughter was 26 years old, then she would have given birth between the ages of 4 and 12.
OP Dano  1 | 1  
28 Mar 2013 /  #3
From math point of view you may be right but I was trying to be polite - the woman could be 44 years old or even 48years as well however looks much younger

The "daughter" may be a young friend of her or an 18 years old girl
Monitor  13 | 1810  
28 Mar 2013 /  #4
there is tiny chance that she will answer if you ask on this forum:
mypolacy.de - many polish emigrants to Germany read that.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
28 Mar 2013 /  #5
These threads are great. 'Yeah met some women in an airport, was wondering if she might look on this forum and reply.' What are the chances, really? 0.01% or less than that? Do you want to do her that much? Forget her dude. If she didn't leave you her telephone number, the chances are she wasn't interested.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Genealogy / Looking for a Polish Woman (30-38) in met in Berlin for the New Year with her daughterArchived