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Stanislaw (Jan) Czternastek & Bronislaw Wydrowski - searching info on Polish War Pilots

26 Aug 2013 /  #1
Hello! I am researching 2 Polish Pilots who flew with the RAF during the war. They collided in bad weather near my home, one was killed, one survived . They are: Stanislaw (Jan) Czternastek, who was killed in the collision.

& Bronislaw Wydrowski (aka Antoni also known as Franciszec) he returned to Poland where he lived until he died in 1994. I have a detailed report planned & a local memorial to them planned too. I would like to know of anyone who remembers these 2 Pilots, friends, or is a relation. plus any photos or other memorabilia about them. I do have photos from raf & paf records, plus details of czternasteks records from the paf & raf, but not so much about wydrowski. many thanks to you best regards Bernie
Peter59  4 | 35  
18 Sep 2013 /  #2
Hello, Can't help finding these particular pilots, but have you seen the book "The Forgotten few" it is subtitled The Polish Air Force in The Second World War, by Adam Zamoyski. It would be an enjoyable read for you with your 1st hand interest. .
bernie thebolt  
18 Sep 2013 /  #3
Hello Peter, many thanks, No, I dont have that particular Book, but do have many others, & have been researching this for 2 years solid! I will get it though as the reviews I've read about it are brilliant........ It is actual families or Friends of these Pilots I would like to find though.

I am in contact with a Polish Pilot who attended Deblin with them, flew in the september air war in Poland & ultimately escaped Poland via France with them to enlist in the Raf, They all flew in the RAF during the War. I do have a lot of information already, some not seen & unpublished.,and, with that I am intending to compose a long article on & a memorial planned locally to them,in a R.C. Church close to where the accident occured. all my findings will be also be forwarded to the Polish air force history society for publishing in their media/website too. They are supporting my quest in this too. But things seem to take a long time to happen with this, fingers crossed & thanks again Peter, best regards Bernie
Peter59  4 | 35  
19 Sep 2013 /  #4
It's me again Bernie, When you get your report together I'd love to see a copy. If you would hang on to my email address. I'll keep watching this post to see if you find any more info on your pilots. Pete margaretsdad@localnet.com
PolishPilotinfo  - | 18  
19 Sep 2013 /  #5
Hi again Peter, yes, well keep watching................it may be a while yet though, am still battling with learning this site. I ordered that Book yesterday by the way...............all the best Bernie
Peter59  4 | 35  
28 Sep 2013 /  #6
You don't seem to be having much luck turning up info on your pilots, to bad. Did your copy of The Forgotten Few arrive yet? I've really enjoyed reading it, it is interesting to see some of the statistics as to the effectiveness of the Polish Air Force while with the RAF. I tried looking in the glossary of the book to see if your two pilots were listed, but unfortunately they do not appear in the glossary. Does not mean that they are not in the book though, as I found other pilots in the book not listed in the glossary. I did not have your pilots names firmly in my mind when I read the book, so I did not notice if they were mentioned. Don"t give up. Pete
PolishPilotinfo  - | 18  
29 Sep 2013 /  #7
Hi Pete! Yes got & read the Book, very good reading & info on the Polish Pilots & an insight into it all, I have many Books on it, this one however is excellent. No mention of either of my Pilots in here though. I do have a lot of information already, & the surviving Pilot that knew them,who I have contacted has more to tell me too. But as yet Ive heard no more....................patience is a virtue I'm told.................... But by our corresponence alone, this has kept this Post alive & with luck someone who is a relative may get to hear about it or see it & respond, fingers crossed ! atb Bernie

herewith a Photograph of these 2 Pilots,that I am seeking relatives or friends/colleauges of?

Sorry I couldnt upload the Photos that I have as they are bigger than allowed it seems.
I would like a photo of Bronislaw franciszec Wydrowki's Grave in Poland, he is remembered on the website: niebieska eskadra. They had no photos of him on their memorial, so I sent them one,which theyve added, & recently I sent them another too, which will soon be added. BUT neither I nor they have a Photo of his Grave either! , Can anyone help with a Photo please?
Peter59  4 | 35  
8 Oct 2013 /  #8
Evening Bernie, Still not getting much feedback on your pilots. Have you been able to locate any other info from other sorces than PF?? I had to wonder how much of this kind of info i.e. the Polish Airforce role in the Battle of Britain is ever taught or mentioned in British schools?? I know here in the US I never heard anything about it. It wasn't until I came upon the "Forgotten Few" book that I was exposed to this info.. Hope some more info turns up for you. Pete
PolishPilotinfo  - | 18  
8 Oct 2013 /  #9
Hi Pete, Yes I have loads of infromation, from many different sources in Poland & the UK too. Czternasteks grave is nearby to me & I have visited it & placed some red & white flowers there & shall go again on rememberance Sunday. I have a comprehensive amount of info, which ive filtered & sorted, as much was incorrect, but would like more before I write it all up. If I can speak with members of their families before I do so that will be perfect. But sadly many Pilots families were murdered or killed long before the Pilots returned to Poland, if they ever did that is, most Pilots did not & made new homes in the uk or worldwide. Many Pilots were killed on their return or interned by the communist regime. Wydrowski did return & survived,living until 1.1.94, but he may have laid a very low profile & anyone associated with him could or would be very tight lipped back then & maybe even more so now. Many poles want to forget the War, NOT remember it, they got a raw deal out of it from all sides didnt they!

I have supplied niebieska eskadra ( the memorial site for Polish Airmen of ww2) ( look it up) with 2 good photos of wydrowski when they didnt even have one photo of him. The Polish afa are on board with me together with other noted Poles, Polish & English authors & various raf people. I will get there, as many kind people have also looked & found bits & pieces which theyve relayed to me,Plus Ive a dozen or so Books on it all, Ive been researching this for 2 years. I am in contact with a Pilot who is nearly 97 & was at college with them & knew them both, though he flew in different squadrons to them both. They all left Poland together after the september collapse of the paf. he has things to tell me too, & I am patiently awaiting his further reply. a memorial close to where they crashed in a RC Church or little Chapel, is my plan. & maybe some more writings yet, I'll see how it goes, Ive always wanted to go to Poland & that would be my Goal if I found family members, to take a nice memorial for their families to keep. We only tread this path of life once & I feel that I will be happy if I can achieve this Goal. thanks for your input Pete all the best Bernie
7 Nov 2013 /  #10

My name is Joanna Kieran and Bronislaw Wydrowski was my grandfather. I can provide all information you need plus pictures.
He had quite an interesting life, and I even managed to trace down his first wife family in Scotland where he lived before returning to Poland and marrying my grandmother...long story to tell :)

I will be more than happy to hear your side of the story his plane crash.

You can contact me on joanna.kieran@yahoo

PolishPilotinfo  - | 18  
7 Nov 2013 /  #11
Hello Joanna ! That is fantastic thankyou very much, I will be in touch with you again very soon, & can tell you quite a lot & even more when I have finished, I have spoken to a surviving colleague of Bronislaw & Stanislaw.who when Ive seen him will also tell me more. I am planning a memorial too.

best regards Bernie
Peter59  4 | 35  
8 Nov 2013 /  #12
Congratulations Bernie !!!!!!!!! Looks like you found a real sorce of info this time. I'll be interested to hear what you find out from Joanna. Pete
PolishPilotinfo  - | 18  
8 Nov 2013 /  #13
Hi Pete Thanks mate, yes its great to hear from Bronislaws grand daughter & I hope to fill in a lot of gaps in my information & hopefully clarify things for her too.I shall be speaking to her soon I hope. It will be even better if a member of Stanislaws family appears, but he wasnt married as far as I know, so probably had no children & his parents may have perished too, but we shall see........ I will let you know how it goes.................my Goal is getting closer now! all the best mate Bernie
8 Nov 2013 /  #14

There will be a lot to tell. There is plenty of Wydrowski's left in Poland as my grandfather had 7 sibilings , one of whom Gabriela is still alive and well in her 90s.

Bronislaw had 4 children of whom 2 are alive and 3 grandchildren and I am one of them. I also keep in touch with Scottish side of the family. I am looking forward to finding out a bit more about my grandpa wartime past as I was only 14 when he died.

PolishPilotinfo  - | 18  
18 Oct 2014 /  #15
Hi again everybody! Its been almost 1 year since I joined this site, to try to fin relatives of 2 Polish Pilots who crashed near my Home in Kent UK, on 5/12/1941. I have been contacted by the Grand daughter of Bronislwaw Wydrowski who has given me lots of information about Bronislaw (Bruno) But so far no one who is a relative of Stanislaw Czternastek has appeared? can any one help? best regards Bernie
Paulina  16 | 4403  
18 Oct 2014 /  #16
Hello :)

But so far no one who is a relative of Stanislaw Czternastek has appeared?

How much do you know about him?
I've found his biography on a few sites:

Stanislaw Czternastek - born 6 May 1916 in Przemysl. He attended in his city to the St. Jan Kanty four-class Elementary School, and later to the Prof. Kazimierz Morawski National Gymnasium. Matriculation exams passed in 1934. Immediately after it became involved with his passion - aviation. Gliding Courses he graduated in Bezmiechowa and Ustianowa. He earned the glider categories "A", "B" and "C".

He began the practice near Wawel, in the fighter squadron. On 1 September 1939 flew to the airport in Warsaw. His squadron became part of the Pursuit Brigade. That day he had already two combat sorties. During the afternoon one, there was a clash with the German expedition bomb. The bombers were protected by Messerschmitts. The enemy was shooting on target. Series from Me-110 forced him to use his parachute. Not discouraged, the squadron returned the next day. Over the following days of service he had again the opportunity to fly.


According to this link his family lived at Św. Józefa 5 and later at Kołłątaja 9 (in Przemyśl, Poland).

In the last link it is written that the photo comes from a collection of Wojtek Matusiak. Maybe this Wojtek Matusiak is his family? Or maybe he knows something about his family, who knows...

Czternastek was from Przemyśl, you could try to contact someone in Przemyśl to find out something about his family. Perhaps they know something about him in the schools he graduated from in Przemyśl (just a thought), I don't know...

Also, I guess you could write about your search on: dws.org.pl (it's a forum about World War II)
The forum is in Polish, but my Russian friend was discussing there in English so I guess there are some users who know English well enough. Or I could make a thread on this forum about your search on your behalf, if you wish.
PolishPilotinfo  - | 18  
18 Oct 2014 /  #17
Hi Paulina ! Many thanks for your kind reply! I do have lots of information that is on the internet from the Polish & british war records etc & am in contact with Wojtec matusiac too! I have all czternasteksraf & Polish air force records/photos from the Polish september campaign also. I have several photos of him & have been in contact with all the sources that you mention. But cannot find any surviving relatives. I have even been in touch with a Polish ex Pilot, who remembers both Pilots from deblin who lives in the Uk & is 98 this year! the other Pilot Bruno Wydrowski has a surviving sister of 100 yrs old & a son,daughter & grandchildren who I am in touch with. But as it was czternastek who was killed in the collision, I really would like to find direct relatives of him, before we do the memorial...............Its very kind of you to offer to search for me with a thread, that would be great. Perhaps it would be good if you could state that I do have lots of info about czternastek, but its just relatives or information that isnt already held that I need, to save lots of people sending what is widely available on the internet. I dont want people to waste their time you see. best wishes & thanks again, Bernie
Paulina  16 | 4403  
18 Oct 2014 /  #18
Sure, no problem :) I'll make the thread tomorrow (because it's late already :)) or no later than on Sunday and I'll let you know if there's any progress here in this thread and in a private message (if you prefer to be contacted by e-mail then you can send me your e-mail address in a private message here on PF). I will give you a link to the thread too in case you wanted to check it by yourself :)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Oct 2014 /  #19
CZTERNASTEK: root-word czternasty (14th); probably the 14th child born to a given family.

WYDROWSKI: root-word wydra (otter); most likely a toponymic tag for an inhabitant of Wydrów or Wydrowoi (Otterville, Otterton, Otterborough).
PolishPilotinfo  - | 18  
18 Oct 2014 /  #20
Hi thanks for that! I'd heard '14' mentioned when reading about Czternastek & wondered what it meant, now I know great! I dont suppose you know any family of his do you?
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
18 Oct 2014 /  #21
No, I'm just a poor onomastician!
Paulina  16 | 4403  
21 Oct 2014 /  #22
& have been in contact with all the sources that you mention.

What about Zenon Andrzejewski, the author of "Przemyskie Orlęta 1939 r."?
Because that's the only feedback I got from that Polish forum for now - that you should contact him since he lives in Przemyśl.

I've googled him and, indeed, he's a known Przemyśl regionalist. Maybe he knows something about Czternastek's family? Or he could find out something for you, considering he's such a history buff.

I can see that his article is included in the September issue of "Nasz Przemyśl" magazine:


Maybe the editors of this magazine have his contact info. The publisher of the magazine is Przemyskie Centrum Kultury i Nauki ZAMEK (Przemyśl Culture and Science Centre "ZAMEK"):

Przemyskie Centrum Kultury i Nauki ZAMEK
Przemyśl, Aleje XXV Polskiej Drużyny Strzeleckiej 1,
tel. 016 678 50 61
e-mail: naszprzemysl@jmprzem.com.pl

Editors' phone "shift" (they're taking calls then, I guess) is from 8 till 10 (a.m. I suspect), tel. 0 607 239 130.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Oct 2014 /  #23
ANDRZEJEWSKI: topo nick from Andrzejewo (Andrewsville).
PolishPilotinfo  - | 18  
25 Jan 2015 /  #24
Hello Paulina! I have just seen a reply from someone also called Stanislaw czternastek age: 37,on that website that you made enquiries on!! who has a relation in France who may know something, who is the eldest member of the czternastek family, he is writing to her for information. his reply was 20th january (20/1/15) I dont know whether you have seen it & would like to ask him some more for me? best wishes & thankyou again for your great help with this. you can give him my email address if you like b.boulding@mypostoffice.co.uk Bernie
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Jan 2015 /  #25
CZTERNASTEK: the 14th; probably a nick for the 14th child born to a given family
Paulina  16 | 4403  
27 Jan 2015 /  #26
Oh wow, that's great :D

his reply was 20th january (20/1/15) I dont know whether you have seen it

No, I saw it only after you wrote about it here on PF, unfortunately (I'm sorry I'm replying only now, but I haven't had much time for PF lately).

& would like to ask him some more for me?

Of course, I will gladly do that :), it's just I'm quite busy atm and I can't promise I'll pass on your questions right away (but I'll try).

For now I wrote a reply on that website and I've given him your e-mail adress both on the site and in a private message - I hope he'll visit that forum again...
PolishPilotinfo  - | 18  
27 Jan 2015 /  #27
Hi paulina, thats great many thanks to you,whenevr you have time will be just fine, then maybe I will at last find some relatives of SC , or more info at least. I will take a look at that site now, best regards Bernie

Hi Paulina! I have just today seen a NEW reply on the website saying about a Brother & or a Son, but the translation is bad, + I cant login to the website as there is a problem. would you be able to speak with the persons & tell me what it says......................I am so close now I think, but cannot do it without help! best wishes Bernie

Hi Joanna, I have sent you an email, but thought Id message you from here too, there has been some recent contact about czternastek & mention of a brother/son too, can you contact me I need help now please if you can, all the best bernie
Paulina  16 | 4403  
28 Jan 2015 /  #28
This is my translation of what's written in that comment:

"I just talked to Zenon Andrzejewski and unfortunately no one has contacted him concerning Stanisław Czternastek. For over a year and a half there has been an article in GAP about this pilot.

As far as I know there is some controversy concerning where the crash took place.
A brother of Stanisław lived in Przemyśl, but unfortunately died in 2006 r. His son is alive though, but it isn't known where he lives?!

Best regards"
PolishPilotinfo  - | 18  
28 Jan 2015 /  #29
Hi Paulina thats great thank you. gap (Gapa) is a polish Pilots historical magazine,I gave them a little more info a couple of years back, since then I have found out much more. the article they have written hasn't got all the information that I have here. also the location of the accident I have too & loads more info. they promised to send me a copy of the Magazine but never did.I need to speak with these people, the writer who spoke to andrzewski, andrzejeweski himself too, perhaps you could put a request that they contact me via email if they speak English, as the translator programme is no use for these matters........................If I have email contact details for them that will be a great help. So is it Czternasteks brothers son or Czternasteks son who is still alive, what is his name, what was his brother who has died's name etc etc? a lot to ask I know, but Wydrowskis sister is 101 yrs old now & i want to get the story done while she is alive to read it so it is important I get to know all this. I will ask Wydrowskys grand daughter to help but I think she may be away at this time, as I have heard nothing yet from her. thanks again for you kind help here, best wishes Bernie

I have just seen on dws.org.pl website, that a Nephew of Stanislaw Czternastek the Polish RAF Pilot (1916-1941) is alive somwhere. I would like his name & contact details please if anyone can help? also the name of his brother who sadly died a few years ago & any further details of ANY family of Stanislaw Czternastek

Czternasteks Brother died in 2006, but his brothers Son (Nephew) is alive I have heard

I have just sent an email to Zenon Andrzejewski, hope I have got the correct email, but if anyone has the email for him please post it here many thanks...........getting closer to my quest by the hour now!
Paulina  16 | 4403  
31 Jan 2015 /  #30
I have just sent an email to Zenon Andrzejewski, hope I have got the correct email, but if anyone has the email for him please post it here many thanks

Bernie, you wrote to me once that you tried to contact him before and you didn't get a reply so I suspect you've got the wrong e-mail address.

I've asked the guy on that forum to give Andrzejewski's e-mail address if he has any :)

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