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In search of Walter Lesniczek

cmontroy  1 | 1  
6 Apr 2015 /  #1
I'm helping my daughter-in-law research her grandfather, Walter Lesniczek. What we know is that he was born in Poland, town unknown, around 1924. At age 16, he was supposedly conscripted into the armed forces (would imagine Polish forces, but he would have been 16 in 1940, and the Germans and Russians would have had controlled). Sometime during the war, he joined one of the allied forces, unknown which one. After the war, he was stationed in Germany, where he met his wife, Zophia (maiden name unknown). She was also born in Poland, and was working in post-war Germany. In 1948, he immigrated to Canada, two years later, Zophia and their son Richard followed Walter to Canada. I haven't been able to find and birth, marriage or immigration records for any of them. (I have checked Ancestry.com and Ellis Island). Any info on this family would be greatly appreciated
6 Apr 2015 /  #2
The Polish equivalent of Walter is Władysław, and less commonly, Ladislaus ( Ladysław ), so when searching take this into account.
You may well have already seen this obituary notice for Zofia, and although there is no information regarding Walter, it does at least list other family members:

OP cmontroy  1 | 1  
6 Apr 2015 /  #3
Thanks for the feedback Pam. I actually have that obit already. Walter and Zophia never really talked much about their time in Poland and Germany, so not even their offspring know very much. Walter is actually still alive, but when anyone starts asking historical questions, he shuts down. Unfortunately we can't make him talk if he doesn't want to. It's kind of a shame. The kids haven't given up though, they routinely ask a few questions now and again. Hopefully someday he'll feel like answering
1 Jan 2017 /  #4
Polish army

Polish army

28th Infantry Regiment of the 10th Division of Gen. Anders Polish Army from Lugovaya in Russia a month after arrival in Palestine. The following recognized soldiers are on the photo (roughly from left to right)): Rospond, Czaczkowski, Stanski, Edward Tomaszewski, Wojciechowski, Stefan Rosinski, Cpl.Sawicki, Kisala, Kania, Sopocko, Lesniczek, Waclaw Tyszka, Rafalski, Wolkowicz, Pawlowski, Pawlik, Guzowski, Jerzy Biernacki (from Luniniec), Sliwowski, Chorosuch, Sgt.Gwozdowski, Antoni Miszkiel, Hercun, Sgt.Skarzynski, Szydlowski, Cpl.Gawronski, Sgt.Zakrzewski, Zeromski, Boratyn (from Pinsk), Borkowski, Cpl.Matuszczak, Ziuko, Pal, Krasowski, Trubkin, Cpl.Jarmolowicz, Puk, Cpl.Filon, Wawros, Knudys, Kussakowski, Borys Denisiewicz, Grzeszczynski, Golibrod, Zubik, Dragun, Ziombra, Wincenty Czerniawski, Franek Rymaszewski, Chmielinski, Markowski, Badyko, Niewiarowski, Gutowski, Wolynski, Laudanski, Dzikonski, Stanislaw Krolik, Tomaszewski (2), Czepczak, Pacula, Golebiowski, Urban, Kazimierz Dec, Englod, Cpl.Silko, Kuc, Boczkowski, Bobik, Hussakowski, Sidorowicz, Pachucki, Kaminski, Deren, Szkilon, Biernat, Klimaszewski, Pawlowski, Szlapak, Czupich, Adam Dec, Duliniec, Sgt.Szegenda, Sgt.Mjr.Wilczynski, Ft.Lt. Kolendo, Cadet Holub, Sokolski, Witos, Kowalczyk,Kowalski, Parczewski, Gadomski, Gawronski, Ilemski( ilemski), Jozef Pawlik, Alfred Krasnodebski.
13 Jun 2019 /  #5
I just happened to come across this article. Not sure if she is still looking but I am Richard's daughter. Walter is still very much alive and doing very well. My name is Sara Lesniczek if you would like to have her get in contact with me. She can find me on facebook.

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