On 14 April 2003, a document was published , confirming the completion of sequencing the genome with 99% accuracy of 99.99%. Since that time it was possible to do more acurate research about our Polish ancestry by Polish researchers .
amazing information, I actually learned something , so in essence my family was basically in Poland for about 3000 years or so
according to this and some of the reading I did , scandinavian dna and of course finland, which is a small amount. So whomever
was my 30th great great grandfather ( so to speak) was part of the beginning of Poland.
So delph I say again , your were right I was not actually understanding what you meant, now i do, so to what is known about DNA
and Polish that I am basically like the ones who are in Poland now, and that is pretty cool to have this much information , it gives
me a better light on which direction I can or might take with my genealogy as well.
its funny, how i never seen this thread, but I guess I was meant to wait to see it , had I seen it earlier I would have not given
thought to it because I didnt have any DNA results to compare it to, so my DNA is actually the Norm for what they consider to be