No coat of arms accompanies Rukat. There were szlahcta members amongst the bearers of the Rukowicz surname (Hipocenatur c-o-a) and 3 gentry lines in the Rukiewicz family (Hipocentaur, Jastrzębiec and Mogiła).
RUKAT: possibly derived from the Old Polish verb rukać (I won't define it, however, lest someone take offence).
Hi Jerome, my family has the same name and I was informed that there was a coat of arms but like you I have been unable to locate it. I do know that the surname was changed at some point but I have gone as far back as 1784 and it's still Rukat! What is your interest in the name?
i have traced my family back to Wincenty Rukat 1784. I know we had a coat of arms in the middle of a cross (which my great grandfather had). I'm sure I can go back further.
Jerome, I am looking for a woman named Nancy who married a man named Harry Jerome Rukat, and had a son with the same name, back in the 70's could you be the ex-husband or son of this person I went to school with, her friends are looking for her, I am Polish, but sorry do not know the roots of your name, thank you for your help, good luck with your search, if you want to translate polish words go to