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Are Polish birth records available on the Internet?

ski by name  - | 1  
22 Jun 2010 /  #31
same as all of you it seems,
polish father in law de-mobbed here 1940's, and we would like to find some family, where he was from is now ukraine, so where would i need to hunt, poland or ukraine?

any begining tips would be wonderful
Hanka  - | 2  
8 Mar 2011 /  #32
To anyone that is interested. Myself had been trying to obtain information about my relatives in Poland.
After total frustration with researching and getting no where, I contacted the Red Cross International Research Center at the local Chapter of my State/Province.

There are forms to be fill out,and providing them with as much information you can, they were able to find enough for me to be able to find additional ancestors history.

They will assist you to reconnect or find family members information, it apply's to families affected by the Holocoust/War War2.


Contact your National Society to begin a search, or call your local XXXX Red Cross chapter, the critical link in your community to the international Red Cross and Red Crescent network.


International Committee of the Red Cross Archives.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
186 member Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
rybnik  18 | 1444  
9 Mar 2011 /  #33
the polish are a secreative lot wont give anything away-trust no-one

So true. My mom was the secretive one in our house. I remember she yelled at me(I was maybe 4, 5 years old) for telling our neighbor she was pregnant with my sister. "It's none of their business" she screamed. Mom was already showing. I don't think I gave away the family secret lol
22 Nov 2011 /  #34
Yes. They are provided by LDS church. Go To "Familysearch.org" I have found many baptism records of my family from 1600-1950. It is also for free.

Yes. They are provided by LDS church. Go to "Familysearch.org". Also it is for free. I found many baptism dates from parish of Dabrowa Tarnowska from 1600-1950.LDS have family history centers in many countries where you can view films of original documents of birthdays, baptism,marriages etc..
30 Jan 2013 /  #35
There are no birth records online (tried find out about it but failed) but there is other marriages - you may find bit helpful but worth a shot.. try this

website - poznan-project.psnc.pl/
mojo_man  - | 1  
31 Jan 2013 /  #36
If you need marriage records, you can either contact local authorities (urząd stany cywilnego) or church in the area where the marraige took place. My cousin was reaseraching that for his project and he got all the info from local catholic church authirities.
21 Feb 2013 /  #37
It's virtually impossible to find Polish records online. Familysearch have added some records to their new index, my ancestors were in their Tarnów records.

The best thing to do is go to your local Latter Day Saints family history centre to view (for free) their Polish microfilms of parish registers. You can view their holdings online via their main site, you need to order them in advance. I found my ancestors dating back to 1632 in their films. I don't speak or write Polish but found the registers very easy to understand.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
21 Feb 2013 /  #38
go to your local Latter Day Saints family history centre to view (for free) their Polish microfilms of parish registers

they don't have all the registers. some government body put a stop to it some years ago.
8 Dec 2013 /  #39
Some of the recent postings about this topic are completely wrong and convey a very negative attitude.

Polish Archives have posted millions of original records (older than 100 years) on line and are continuing to add more every few months. Of course they can only scan and post what is in the Archive. Many records for certain locations and parishes have been destroyed in wars or were lost over time. There are two sites for finding these records.


17 Aug 2015 /  #40
could you help me find my polish cousins on my grandfather and grandmothers side.My polish grandfather was a judge in 1939 his name was Feliks Bernard Frąckiewicz he also died in 1939.MY grandmothers name was Wanda Wiktoria Józefa Rojecka ( maiden name). They where born ,married and died in Poland .Time span must be between 1800 to 1970 .My father was born in 04.12.1923 his name was Adam Maria Stanisław Frąckiewicz.He was my grandparents third child.I have no idea where my grandparents where born , married or died but I know they lived at 39 Adam Mickiewicz street , Chelm, when my dad was born and I think my grandmother lived there untill she died.My dads Birth certificate was nr280/1926/1 . His id document in 1939 mei has a number Ser.E.No.292564 it was issued on the 29.04 .39
12 Apr 2016 /  #41
Polish Archive is now online. It's magic once you learn how to navigate. I use Jewishgen indexes to get me to the right page. BMD's. click on szukajwarchiwach.pl
Kataryna  - | 36  
19 Jan 2017 /  #42
HI there! you may want to try ancestry.com. they have tons of records online from all over the world.
20 Jan 2017 /  #43
I am looking fr any information on the Cheba family circa 1880s in Grupa, Poland. My great uncle Nicholas Cheba served with Haller Troops in Grupa, Poland and came to United States in 1922 with his wife and 5 children.
19 Mar 2017 /  #44

I trying to trace my late Father-In-Law's place of birth all we know that he came from Poland. He name is Antoni Jozep Kazemierz Werner, b: 11th March 1919 all we know is he had a sister.

Sadly he died in shaklin Isle Of Wight UK on the 24th May 1982. Unfortunately my late husband knew nothing of his Father as his marriage to my husbands mother only lasted a few years and they were divorsed in 1948.

Can anyone help.

Many thanks

Jean Werner
23 Aug 2018 /  #45
Polish records:




13 Sep 2018 /  #46
I am trying to trace a marriage for which will have been after 1948, any ideas on where i can look please?
26 Sep 2018 /  #47
chantalsalzmann I have information about your father and grandfather, how can I contact you? I am researching my own tree, I believe my great grandmother was Feliks's cousin
Nickidewbear  23 | 609  
27 Sep 2018 /  #48
Can anyone please help me find my great-granddad Anthony Czarnecki's birth record on the Polish Archives Website, since I can't really read Russian at all? From what the Polish Archives told me (*eye roll*):

W ksiqdze z 1904 r. parafii rzymskokatolickiej z Berznik zostat odnaleziony akt urodzenia Antoniego Czarneckiego s. Juliana i Aleksandry Andrulewicz.

Short translation: the record was found in holdings for Berzniki Parish under "Czarnecki". (You can guess who looked for ways to obscure our heritage again, thus the eye roll.)

In the original email (which I'm guessing may have been forwarded via the Zamosc Archives), using Google Translate, I even wrote:

Czerniecki (pierwotnie Chernetski lub Chernetzky) Zernetzky, etc. (Lipsk, Mackowa Ruda). Mój oddział (ojca dziadek "Antoni", ne nieznany, a jego rodzice, Julian i Aleksandria z Andrulewiczow Czerniecki) zmienił go na "Czarniecki" i "Czarnecki"...bo staliśmy Anusim przeżyć pogromy...

(Short translation: they used "Czarnecki", etc. after the conversion, which may've happened earlier than I thought and perhaps after the Farber-Kogan incident and/or due to some of the 1904 pogroms.)
27 Sep 2018 /  #49
could you help me find my polish cousins on my grandfather and grandmothers side.

I am posting again, hoping that maybe when I quote your message Chantal, you will somehow receive my reply. Please let me know how I can contact you
1 Oct 2018 /  #50
Trying to find the parents of Johann Assenheimer born 1867 in "i think" Lowitsch, Lodzkie, Poland . I am wanting to confirm that what i found is right, that his father was Carl Friedrich Asenheimer and his mom Catharine deckert. Any way to find a birth record?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
2 Oct 2018 /  #51
Lowitsch, Lodzkie, Poland

"Łowicz" is the Polish way of spelling the name.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609  
2 Oct 2018 /  #52
Can someone please help me out here? I posted about this before:


Can anyone please help me find my great-granddad Anthony Czarnecki's birth record on the Polish Archives Website, since I can't really read Russian at all?

As I said, I was told that his birth was registered in October 1904. It was registered on October 23, 1904 in Berżniki Parish. They claim that he was born in Szumowo.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609  
8 Oct 2018 /  #53
Trying to find the parents of Johann Assenheimer born 1867 in "i think" Lowitsch, Lodzkie, Poland...

Try Ancestry and see if Lowitsch can be found under German Birth and Baptism Records. Also try JewishGen if they were Jewish.
TheOther  6 | 3600  
11 Oct 2018 /  #54
No chance unless you are looking for records pre 1807.
tanya_alina  - | 1  
7 Feb 2019 /  #55

Help finding birth records

I need help trying to find birth records in Poland. I don't know where in Poland they were born in.
20 Feb 2019 /  #56
I wonder if it security issue?

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