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Vodka for a Polish Wedding

carkbiy  1 | 4  
20 Nov 2019 /  #1
Hello everyone,

Hoping I can get a few opinions on a suitable wedding vodka as I am getting married in Kraków next year. I've been told that tax increases from Jan 1st so looking to buy before that.

I wouldn't be a seasoned vodka drinker so not overly familiar with what's good and bad. I've tasted the likes of Zubrowka, Wyborowa, Pan Tadeusz, but brands like Bialy Bocian have been mentioned to me but with mixed reviews.

Basically I'm looking for something that isn't ridiculously priced, but also doesn't kill my guests!

Lenka  5 | 3531  
20 Nov 2019 /  #2
Hmmm, few years ago Krupnik seemed to be in fashion and not too expensive.
OP carkbiy  1 | 4  
20 Nov 2019 /  #3
Never had that one. Must source a bottle and sample it. Thanks.
Crow  154 | 9463  
20 Nov 2019 /  #4
I spoke of real natives, that are nigh exterminated. Flaming water didn`t help them. But frankly, they didn`t have vodka
kaprys  3 | 2076  
20 Nov 2019 /  #5
Honestly speaking, I can't really tell the difference but some brands worth mentioning :
Sobieski - a friend of mine in London loved it.
Żołądkowa gorzka - some say it doesn't give you a hangover the next day.
Biały bocian - something new definitely, saw it at a party last month.
Lenka  5 | 3531  
20 Nov 2019 /  #6
Honestly speaking, I can't really tell the difference

Neither can I most of the time. Only difference was with Czech wòdka- oh god, that wac vile
kaprys  3 | 2076  
20 Nov 2019 /  #7
I never drink czysta -sometimes with orange juice but I prefer other spirits.
Lenka  5 | 3531  
20 Nov 2019 /  #8
Well, when I do drink czysta I become entertainment for my friends- apparently I make a very funny face after I drink the shot. I must say that while I generally prefer other alcohols, wòdka has its good points. 'Długie Polaków nocne rozmowy' are done best with clear wòdka.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108  
20 Nov 2019 /  #9
Honestly speaking, I can't really tell the difference

I am not a spirit drinker.
Maybe a glass for Christmas or New Year.
I do like some whiskies and bourbons and even brandy.
But to be honest, wodka has always left me cold.
I know, this is terrible coming from an ethic Slav....... but they all taste the same to me... of nothing!
The only one I could discern a taste from was Zubrowka.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
20 Nov 2019 /  #10
Which kind of bimber do you prefer?
Miloslaw  20 | 5108  
20 Nov 2019 /  #11

What the hell is a bimber?
mafketis  38 | 11137  
20 Nov 2019 /  #12
how does a Polish person not know bimber?


A friend was recently at a wedding and received a bottle Stumbras (which is actually Lithuanian but supposedly very good)

At another wedding the vodka handed out to guests had.... labels for that wedding (a tradition in that part of Poland).
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
20 Nov 2019 /  #13
Polish person not know bimber?

Easy I didn't until six years ago when I came to live in Poland.

Closest we had in the UK was under the counter spiritus and water.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
20 Nov 2019 /  #14
I didn't until six years ago when I came to live in Poland

I'm not Polish at all but I'd heard of it (with the name bimber) before my first visit to Poland... mumble mumble years ago.

American education for the win!
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
20 Nov 2019 /  #15
Bimber ("Fusel" in German, "moonshine" in AmericanLOL) is such strong stuff, it tastes almost like rubbing alcohol:-)
Hungary has her "palinka", Mexico, "aguardiente", Italy, "grappa", same thing, just a different name!
mafketis  38 | 11137  
20 Nov 2019 /  #16
No, those are all commercially available and regulated alcoholic beverages bimber is like moonshine, by definition homemade and unregulated.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
20 Nov 2019 /  #17
Good point, Maf! I oughta have quit while I was ahead.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
20 Nov 2019 /  #18
, Italy, "grappa

That's really nasty my Italian mate keeps trying to convert me , no way jose
mafketis  38 | 11137  
20 Nov 2019 /  #19
I prefer the cyrpus equivalent zivania/zivana, the only grappa type drink I actually enjoyed...
Miloslaw  20 | 5108  
20 Nov 2019 /  #20
how does a Polish person not know bimber?

Just like Dolno said.
Maybe it was not an idea brought over by our parents, or maybe it was bigger in Communist times.
I don't know.
As I said, I am not a great fan of spirits and until tonight have never heard of it.
Doesn't even sound Polish!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
20 Nov 2019 /  #21
I agree but it is huge here every party someone brings bimber, worst is the walnut stuff, whats wrong with mixing spiritus with cherries
Thats the best kombination, Wiśniówka the top job.
jon357  72 | 23361  
20 Nov 2019 /  #22
how does a Polish person not know bimber?

The diaspora are urban. Bimber is rural.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
20 Nov 2019 /  #23
Nahh my family were top burraki rural, they and others in our uk Polish community ever mentioned bimber, but I guess I will bow to your superior knowledge when it comes to all things polish.
jon357  72 | 23361  
20 Nov 2019 /  #24
I will bow to your superior knowledge when it comes to all things polish.

Thank you.

they and others in our uk Polish community ever mentioned bimber

Remember that Bimber isn't quite respectable. Not hard to imagine people not talking about it.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
20 Nov 2019 /  #25
Cherry brandy is popular in other countries as well. I agree with you though, dolno, the one time I had it:-)
jon357  72 | 23361  
20 Nov 2019 /  #26
Cherry brandy

Not quite the same as Wiśniówka (of which there are different types anyway). Wiśniówka is a cleaner and more cherry-tasting drink.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
21 Nov 2019 /  #27
Thanks, jon. S'ppose I just forgot.....again:-)
jon357  72 | 23361  
21 Nov 2019 /  #28
If you get a chance to try a Wiśniówka made from sour cherries, it's worth it. It wouldn't be the main drink served at a wedding, though.

Wyborowa is a decent vodka and OK to serve anywhere.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
21 Nov 2019 /  #29
Thanks again.

Sounds a heck of a lot like a Hungarian liqueur-type beverage, meggyek(??), if I recall off the top of my head.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
21 Nov 2019 /  #30
Bimber is rural.

In origin, but in the PRL lots of people made it in cities as well.

that Bimber isn't quite respectable

That's probably more the case, though some respectable-ish people in the PRL... dabbled (I heard about it because my university teacher's brother made it)

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