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How toxic is industrial salt? (some food factories in Poland used it for sausages)

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
28 Feb 2012 /  #31
Salt will disslove slugs.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
28 Feb 2012 /  #32
wormwood or tansy extract sprays are best for fighting slugs, beer traps also work well - looks like slugs are alcoholics; if you sprinkle soil with table salt often it will degrade it - most plants don't like too much sodium in the soil
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
28 Feb 2012 /  #33
I tried to use salt to get rid of weeds and a couple of tree stumps. I used salt pellets, the kind for softening water and the weeds grew thicker and stronger than ever! The stumps started growing branches with thick dark green leaves. It was like adding Epsom Salts to the friggin soil and I thought it would be a cheap solution to troublesome weeds!
gumishu  15 | 6228  
28 Feb 2012 /  #34
I used salt pellets, the kind for softening water and the weeds grew thicker and stronger than ever!

there must have more more potassium and magnesium than sodium in these pellets perhaps even nitrogen - you were feeding the plants - sodium does not work like this - water softening stuff? - maybe phosphorus or zeolite (zeolites are potassium rich IIRC)
28 Feb 2012 /  #35
LOL, even at the best times, Poles tend to be more then a little hypochondriac, now almost entire nation is at arms. They are just furious.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
28 Feb 2012 /  #36
Good point! Salt can mean so many things. I think 'sodium' when I see 'salt' but it could mean any electrolyte.
OP hanseat  1 | 7  
29 Feb 2012 /  #37
understand that this case will reinforce your prejudice toward Polish food but before that case came into light what was the reason of your suspiciousness? You live in Poland and prefer a food which came through hundreds of miles?

This is not a prejudice. It is just my personal taste. I tried out during the last 20 year almost everything what the polish kitchen offers and my result is, that the food is very boring (only few different herbs and spices are used), greasily and made by 2nd. choice raw materials. In general not very healthy.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
29 Feb 2012 /  #38
that people when hear cyanide in some word go panic

That is why it is highlighted :) Just like the way people panic when they hear "industrial" for example :)
peterweg  37 | 2305  
29 Feb 2012 /  #39
It is just my personal taste. I tried out during the last 20 year almost everything what the polish kitchen offers and my result is, that the food is very boring (only few different herbs and spices are used), greasily and made by 2nd. choice raw materials. In general not very healthy.

There is a lot of truth in that.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
16 Mar 2012 /  #40
Here you go:

A laboratory has Concluded That gritting salt That ended up in food owing this criminal activity is fit for Human consumption Us Help Poland 's recent scandal salt.

pip  10 | 1658  
16 Mar 2012 /  #41
the meat will probably end up in dog food. take note if you hear dogs dying suddenly.
OP hanseat  1 | 7  
21 Mar 2012 /  #42
Here you go

Yes, GIS and Sanepid are really famous.
I had my own experiences this them:
We are involved in the production of diet supplements and I was very angry, that 50% of these offers (more than 1.500) at "allegro" was illegal. I sended a claim to GIS. The answer: " ... this offers are without a address, we cannot do something, but we have now your addres from your letter, we will make an inspection of your company ...".

The inspection-team came with 3 persons: one driver, one inspector for inspection and a 2nd inspector to observe inspector #1, that he will take no money.
And the inspector didn't had the smallest clue, what he should inspect in our company.
21 Mar 2012 /  #43
What does your story have to do with this case?

Have you heard that in Iceland they have a similar scandal with industrial salt?
pawian  226 | 27453  
22 Mar 2012 /  #44
This salt affair reminds me of food scandals in other countries. When I stayed in US in early 1990s, the Perrier mineral water was accused of contamination.

The company that made bottled mineral water chic is voluntarily recalling its entire inventory of Perrier from store shelves throughout the United States after tests showed the presence of the chemical benzene in a small sample of bottles.

The impurity was discovered in North Carolina by county officials who so prized the purity of Perrier that they used it as a standard in tests of other water supplies.

The company said the search for the source of contamination is focusing on the packaging and distribution process. Perrier is conducting an extensive internal investigation and is cooperating with Federal and state officials, the statement said.

Benzene, a natural component of crude oil, has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals and is believed to do the same in humans.

More: nytimes.com/1990/02/10/us/perrier-recalls-its-water-in-us-after-benzene-is-found-in-bottles.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm
Meathead  5 | 467  
22 Mar 2012 /  #45
Gee, what do I do with the two jars of Polish sauerkraut that I have on the shelf?
OP hanseat  1 | 7  
22 Mar 2012 /  #46
What does your story have to do with this case?

it was regarding the post from Polsyr (new poland express....)

If you read that link, you wouldn't ask :-)
gumishu  15 | 6228  
22 Mar 2012 /  #47
Gee, what do I do with the two jars of Polish sauerkraut that I have on the shelf?

throw it away if you are cautious - if you are less cautious just gobble it :) - up for a bet? I bet you will be fine (unless the sauerkraut's gone bad)

Benzene, a natural component of crude oil, has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals and is believed to do the same in humans.

there is so much benzene in the air in cities from motor engines and they panick about some odd trace amounts in a couple of bottles - but it's good they make tests (the more regular the better)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
22 Mar 2012 /  #48
Gee, what do I do with the two jars of Polish sauerkraut that I have on the shelf?

you could do what my dad does with his jar of sauerkraut, he leaves it in the cupboard all year and brings it out for Christmas dinner. Nobody eats it, so he puts it back in the cupboard for another year. (Sadly after about seven years his wife noticed the sell by date and chucked it)
Meathead  5 | 467  
23 Mar 2012 /  #49
throw it away if you are cautious - if you are less cautious just gobble it :) - up for a bet? I bet you will be fine (unless the sauerkraut's gone bad)

you could do what my dad does with his jar of sauerkraut, he leaves it in the cupboard all year and brings it out for Christmas dinner. Nobody eats it, so he puts it back in the cupboard for another year. (Sadly after about seven years his wife noticed the sell by date and chucked it)

I think I'll chuck it. Back to American for me as the only other alternative is Bavarian in my neck of the woods. But I do like sauerkraut.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Food / How toxic is industrial salt? (some food factories in Poland used it for sausages)Archived