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Where to buy British mature Cheddar Cheese and salted butter in Poland?

irishlodz  1 | 135  
14 Feb 2014 /  #241
Kerrygold is plastic rubbish if ever you tried trad British cheddar. I would say it's better than nowt, but I wont. Processed muck.

You're talking out your ass. Kerrygold is a proper cheddar, it is not processed cheese. I'm sure you can find better artisan cheddars in the UK and Ireland, but given what is available here it is the best.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
14 Feb 2014 /  #242
Kerrygold is sourced from all over

I noticed that Kerrygold butter sold in Lidl comes from Germany.
14 Feb 2014 /  #243
Kerrygold is a proper cheddar, it is not processed cheese. I'm sure you can find better artisan cheddars in the UK and Ireland, but given what is available here it is the best.

I've got to agree with almost all of that. Kerrygold is most certainly not a processed cheese. But it's not as good as most of the supermarket own label cheddar in the UK and certainly nothing near proper West Country Farmhouse Cheddar (the PDO stuff). However, it is the best of the stuff that's available here which I've tried.

Jon, want a block of West Country Farmhouse Cheddar? I'm off to to UK next week. Half a kilo do you?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
14 Feb 2014 /  #244
You're talking out your ass. Kerrygold is a proper cheddar, it is not processed cheese. I'm sure you can find better artisan cheddars in the UK and Ireland, but given what is available here it is the best.

I use the word "processed" to opinionate that it ain't no good....

Everybody to their own and all that :)
14 Feb 2014 /  #245
I use the word "processed" to opinionate that it ain't no good....

I don't think that I'd describe Kerrygold as a 'good cheddar'; however, it is very good when compared to the other options available here.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
14 Feb 2014 /  #246
I don't know why some of you are so snobbish about Valley Spire at Lidl. It's great value for money and pretty good. Yes it's not Cathedral City but it's half the price.

I hope Lidl don't consider withdrawing it. The cut in price is already worrying.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
19 Jun 2014 /  #247
It seems that Lidl (at least the one I go to in Warszawa Młociny) has taken its Valley Spire Cheddar from the shelves. I wonder if that's the case in other branches as well?

I sure hope it will come back.
There will be a British week however in Lidl, and they will have two kinds of Cheddar, Heatherwood and another one, Somerset Vintage Cheddar. Is that one to be recommended?

Also I saw in Biedronka last week Cheddar as well, I wonder if that is consumable.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
19 Jun 2014 /  #248
Also I saw in Biedronka last week Cheddar as well, I wonder if that is consumable.

Valley Spire is still here, but it has become a tad bland.

Biedronka's cheddar contained animal rennet (podpuszczka) last time I checked. I avoid all such cheeses.
hapstad  - | 13  
20 Jun 2014 /  #249
I like the Kerrygold cheddars you can get at Carrefours and the like....but compared to the white rubbery gouda etc alternatives perhaps my standard isn't too high?
smurf  38 | 1940  
20 Jun 2014 /  #250
Kerrygold Vintage is available in Alma, mighty stuff. got bit stronger than the normal stuff.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
4 Sep 2014 /  #251
Unfortunately have noticed that the UK cheddar cheese does not stay that fresh once opened, and 'though it may simply be maturing some more at that point the cheese takes on an unfortunate smell and less of a good flavour. I don't recall having that problem with UK bought and consumed mature cheddar.

On a related note, the sernik/cheesecake at Lidl this time round is not as good as last time, IMHO. At the moment, for the price, Auchan's/Simply's is hard to beat.
5 Sep 2014 /  #252
I saw in Biedronka last week Cheddar as well, I wonder if that is consumable.

A mate of mine speaks highly of it, says it's better than Kerrygold and much cheaper too.
jon357  72 | 23483  
5 Sep 2014 /  #253
It's actually OK, provided you buy the longer-matured one with the purple label. They are always on the shelf together in the same box.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
5 Sep 2014 /  #254
The longer matured Biedronka cheddar is often rather crunchy as it has crystals from the maturing process, similar to farmhouse cheddar. For anyone who wishes to avoid animal rennet it does have that instead of the synthetic version (unless now substituted). Animal rennet in Poland is known as podpuszczka. If you see mikro biologiczne or similar with the word podpuszczka then it is hopefully the vegetarian version of rennet. I think that animal rennet is needless in cheese or pesto etc etc and I object to it on several grounds.

My own local Biedronkeeeeeeee do not have this cheddar anyway, and it hasn't been seen here in yonks.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
28 Oct 2014 /  #255
Lidl will have again - besides Valley Spire which is now always on stock - two other kinds of Cheddar: Scottish matured coloured and one called "vintage cheddar".

This for their Deluxe week starting from next Monday. Although in my local Lidl they always seem to start this kind of stuff already on Sunday
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
9 Nov 2014 /  #256
Lidl have Scottish mature coloured Cheddar 8.99/250g, vintage Cheddar (ditto) & mature blue Stilton 19.99/454g packs in some stores whilst stocks last.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
10 Nov 2014 /  #257
Strange Inwo - I was just in the Gdynia Lidl and didn't see any Stilton. Damn!

Is it any good? Clearly not the real thing but beggars can't be choosers etc...
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
11 Nov 2014 /  #258
If you're passing Lidl on Wednesday anyway, try then.

Piotr & Pawel might at last be worth visiting because some branches are now selling Kerrygold mature cheddar cheese at 11.99 per 200g pack, and also for a little less they're also doing 150g packs of sliced mature. I recommend the Vintage. Look out for the special (narrow, tall) Kerrygold chiller cabinet if not found with the other cheese.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
16 Nov 2014 /  #259

Just bought 3 kinds of cheddar there yesterday (there were 4) and salted butter.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
16 Nov 2014 /  #260
Saw today in my local Lidl here in Warsaw-Bielany Stilton - not that I would buy the stuff - and various kinds of Cheddar...;
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
16 Nov 2014 /  #261
Just bought 3 kinds of cheddar there yesterday (there were 4) and salted butter.

Saw today in my local Lidl here in Warsaw-Bielany Stilton - not that I would buy the stuff - and various kinds of Cheddar...;

I wouldn't even bother going to my local Lidl because I know from experience these sell out on day 1 in these parts.

I wouldn't even bother going to my local Lidl because I know from experience these sell out on day 1 in these parts.

And there wasn't any left. Just Stilton.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
19 Nov 2014 /  #262
Every single type of cheese available here in Gdynia. Stocked up for Xmas.

Not as good as cheeses from the UK by a long chalk but anything is better than the alternatives on offer - has anyone tried the Italian efforts? Not cheap, so theoretically must be good....

And why do Poles still buy "Polish cheese"? It's akin to buying "British vodka".
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
19 Nov 2014 /  #263
Are you saying that Lidl has all the cheddars in their Deluxe range or the other brands they import? Here they have precisely nothing except the rather bland red pack cheddar they carry these days and the Stilton. Of course, even the bland cheddar is better than the own brand cheddars found in other stores which are rubbery tasteless lumps.

The Lidls here sell out of the cheddars very quickly, but they are mad busy branches most of the time. In fact, most of Wrocław seems very over-populated now, can't even get a seat on buses much of the day, etc. It seems the world and his wife (plus their dog!) has moved to Wroclaw in the hope of work, and unfortunately for me it seems many of them have a taste for Lidl's limited stock cheddar...
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
19 Nov 2014 /  #264
Are you saying that Lidl has all the cheddars in their Deluxe range or the other brands they import?

Yep, and stacks of too. I am saving the Stilton til Christmas. Does it actually taste like...er..... Stilton? I lived ten miles from where the real stuff is made for a few good years :)

Got Scottish mature x5/ farmhouse mature x 5, the coloured Scottish (con) x 5.

Of course Lidl "mature" is weak by real standards but they have their mark-ups and deny us the true stuff of course.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
19 Nov 2014 /  #265
Yep, and stacks of too.

We can only dream about that around here!

I honestly don't know why they don't order more for the branches here, but for some reason they don't.

As for the Stilton, I've never had any so can't say.
20 Nov 2014 /  #266
Try talking to the manager, they are usually nice enough people......if you ask as we did they will order a tray of stilton especially for you, or cheddar or whatever you desire. OK we are small town but there is nothing to stop a big town branch ordering, we always buy trays of cheddar, mint sauce, tartare sauce etc etc, so they know we will return and buy as soon as it is in. Don't be afraid to buy whole trays of the stuff, the cheddars all freeze well (one is a bit crumbly but great for pizza topping) Remember the Polish saying.....'it's not asking for food' which to me translates as 'it will sit there happily until you are ready to scoff it'.

Further to my last.......Biedronka (this area at least) sell Heinz tomato ketchup cheaper than the best Polish brands and many Biedronka's have Toblerone on offer at silly prices, Schweppes have also been trying to enter the local market with big bottles at silly prices as well......I think we now have some 300 litres or more of Indian Tonic water, Dr Pepper, dry ginger ale etc etc in our Piwnica. been buying it up all summer, they must be on a loss leader??? and it can't go on forever?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
20 Nov 2014 /  #268
The Lidls here sell out of the cheddars very quickly, but they are mad busy branches most of the time.

Well my local Lidl is 100 metres from the metro terminus in Młociny and is very popular and they don't run out of the stuff (still had it today)

For next week Lidl will (according to their weekly promotions gazette) offer Cheddar (the 3 kinds) even at a reduced price - 6,66 instead of 8,99 PLN.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
20 Nov 2014 /  #269
dry ginger ale etc etc in our Piwnica. been buying it up all summer, they must be on a loss leader??? and it can't go on forever?

Ginger ale in Biedronka? I've been looking for that in many shops, inc Auchan. No chance. I'll have to check. As for Heinz tomato ketchup, never seen them in Biedronka. Only in Tesco online and sometimes in store.

As for Lidl managers ordering things here especially, that did make me laugh. Maybe if I were a buxom blonde with pouty lips playing with my long golden locks. Otherwise highly unlikely the response would be anything different to the "nie masz" that I have heard in the past.

I think, Sobieski, Wroc has fewer Lidls than some other cities and that is why there is such a crush at the branches here and stuff sells out like locusts descending on a field of crops. I would be surprised if the cheese is there beyond day 1 come the 24th. There are a fair few foreign nationals here and I have seen them taking 20 or more special products to the checkout, especially marmalade and cheese.

(Kamaz, if you're local to Wro, please tell me which branch has such a great manager and I'll go there and order)
sobieski  106 | 2111  
20 Nov 2014 /  #270
I think, Sobieski, Wroc has fewer Lidls than some other cities and that is why there is such a crush at the branches here and stuff sells out like locusts

To my experience, next week's action always starts on Sunday - almost everytime I see the staff filling the shelves on Sunday afternoon. As for absolute madness nothing equals to the day when they sold Wittchen handbags some time ago :). Never knew women could be so rude to each other :)

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