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Where to buy British mature Cheddar Cheese and salted butter in Poland?

InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
22 May 2012 /  #31
Mature cheddar cheese is entirely different to mild. Hard to describe the flavour but will do my best.
In strength order:
Mild (like gouda in some ways)
Medium (some extra slightly tart/sour flavour like a good plain yoghurt)
Mature (distinctive flavour on the sour side)
Extra Mature (Similar but a bit more sour)
Farnhouse (Very strong, sometimes gritty, and crumbly)
jon357  72 | 23490  
22 May 2012 /  #32
It's to do with the amount of tyramine. The Mlekovita one that I buy (perhaps they do a mild as well) is somewhere between medium and mature. Almost all Polish yellow cheese is very low in tyramine and white cheese has none.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
22 May 2012 /  #33
Jon, if you have it to hand, what colour is the pack? Thanks. I will then see if it's the one Auchan stocks. If not, Alma sometimes have it. I am pretty sure the one I tried was fine but mild. Tyramine? I didn't know that at all and looks like it's not all good

jon357  72 | 23490  
22 May 2012 /  #34
Tyramine's ok. Almost all cheese, whether farmhouse or factory has it - it's what gives the flavour. As far as I know it's the natural result of the cheese making process and isn't an additive.

I'll probably be getting some more cheddar tomorrow so I'll get back to you on the label.
pip  10 | 1658  
23 May 2012 /  #35
I posted these links on another thread....they probably got "moderated"



peterweg  37 | 2305  
23 May 2012 /  #36
Non of those delivery outside Warsaw do they?
pip  10 | 1658  
23 May 2012 /  #37
you will have to check on the website but I am pretty sure that Frisco delivers in all major cities. sorry, they don't- I just checked.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
23 May 2012 /  #38
Pip. I can get those mature cheeses for actually a bit less in Tesco here in Wro.

What I am looking for is mature cheddar cheese at the price I was paying up until a month ago, 200g for 9zl approx. Not a 40% price rise.
pip  10 | 1658  
23 May 2012 /  #39
sorry- I guess you are paying the additional for the "free delivery"?

In Warsaw the cheapest is either Tesco or Auchan. Everywhere else is more.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
23 May 2012 /  #40
Too bad they didn't nominate a Pulitzer Prize for fiction, you woulda won, hands down. If you just type in "Gross Br--" the Google auto-complete directs you immediately to "Gross British Food". I mean really, a gastronomical talking-down from the eaters of black pudding, tripe, and lamb's hearts. You guys have great BEEF, sure, but by the time you're done BOILING it, it's as bland as any of your sewage. Dressing down Polish cuisine as provincial and archaic from a Brit! Help me, Jebus!

you are just dealing in tired and offensive stereotypes. How could boiled beef taste like sewage? Don't be silly. Anyway British food has moved on from post wartime. What do you eat in Alabama? Roast squirrel?

Lets get back to the subject of the thread please.
pip  10 | 1658  
24 May 2012 /  #41
you are only allowed to talk about cheddar cheese and salted butter here. don't veer off.

I saw salted butter at tesco yesterday- it was a Polish brand but I can't remember the name- It seems to me it had green and gold packaging.
irishlodz  1 | 135  
24 May 2012 /  #42
Basically this question is in the category of: "Where in Poland can I buy rotten tomatoes, seasoned fish heads and the yellowish-green urine of the whale that together can be used for traditional soup that is so cherished in my homeland?"

Why would you even take the time to "contribute"? What is in Flaki again? Every culture has their own cuisine traditions.

To answer the question:
Alma sell 200g Kerrygold and Irishland cheddar, price 10.50 to 12.50PLN for the Mild (red) and Mature (white). My Alma also stocks it in a large block you can have sliced to the size of your choice. I have previously seen Cheddar by weight in Real too.

Kerrygold salted is readily available in most large supermarkets, Tesco and Real carry a salted and unsalted version (has a silver foil strip).

If not in store ask for it in-store or on their website. They operate their own chilled warehouse so everything is available to every store.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
24 May 2012 /  #43
Thank you, but not in Wrocław's Almas that I know of - although sometimes they do have mild cheddar. In any case, that price is well above what I consider reasonable, and far above Tesco's (fair) price.

Anyway, panic over now, just have to hope Tesco have more of the same for me if I am still here in a month or two.

I will just add, Tesco here also have just got in some Finest FairTrade tea bags. Not a bad price on that either but not quite as good as M&S tea bags.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
24 May 2012 /  #44
vegetarian e/m cheddars

What is vegetarian cheese? Is it produced by some plant I do not know ? :)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
24 May 2012 /  #45
Prolly cheese that comes from soybeans.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
24 May 2012 /  #46
What is vegetarian cheese? Is it produced by some plant I do not know ? :)

It's made with milk and non-animal rennet.

pip  10 | 1658  
24 May 2012 /  #47
yes- cathedral- I bought this yesterday...after all this talk of cheddar- I had a craving- I am trying to stay off dairy. damn cheddar.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
24 May 2012 /  #48
Usually only at Tesco (in Poland) but also Auchan and others in Germany and France. It's one of the UK's leading brands and it's good stuff and when it's in Tesco it's fairly priced, unlike their other brand of mature cheddar (pre-packed) which is over-priced in my view.
pip  10 | 1658  
24 May 2012 /  #49
I think I got it for about 8 or 9 pln (warsaw). It was the cheapest there and it tastes the best in my opinion. Reminds me of the Balderson cheddar in Canada. good sh*t.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
11 Jun 2012 /  #50
Good news for the mature cheddar cheese posse - Tesco in Bielany Wroclaw have plenty of the brand I like (C/ City) now in the aisle. Top shelf, right of the other speciality cheeses, on the end of the section of the chiller but not the end of the aisle of chillers. It is 200g for 8zl at the moment. They aso have mild, both pack types are similar, burgundy colour. If it's not there, try the deli counter where there are some prepacked foreign cheeses too.

Also there today: Tesco baked beans 2zl (1 tin left) and Tesco Fairtrade Finest black tea 11zl (about 4 packs left, hiding on the middle shelf in a silver box).

Also butter - Mlekovita 3zl on special offer.
Uknow_that_shit  - | 2  
11 Jun 2012 /  #51
Yep TESCO have Cathedral City Mild/Extra mature Cheddar cheese. I CANT LIVE WITHOUT REAL MELT IN THE MOUTH CHEDDAR CHEESE! They've also got apple crumble, and chocolate fudge cake, you just need to get to ikea were you can pick up Vanilla sauce (closest thing to custard I've found, budyn is not even close).

Dressing down Polish cuisine as provincial and archaic from a Brit! Help me, Jebus!

yeah yeah, this ranks close to me hearing that Polish people boil pizza.......

Educate yourself then you'll be able to comment on our GREAT British TRADITIONAL cuisine. You probably think that the English drink tea at 5, eat an English breakfast everyday and that pudding is only a sauce/dessert
cheese lover  
14 Jun 2012 /  #52
By the way, how in GB they call Polish style yellow cheese? When I was there, I could not find a proper yellow cheese, none tasted right, being unable to tell the shopkeeper what exactly I am looking for did not help.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
14 Jun 2012 /  #53
When I was there, I could not find a proper yellow cheese

You probably want to ask for processed cheese. Buy the cheapest cheese you can find and add loads of salt to give it some flavour (thats the taste of Cheese in Poland - salt)

jon357  72 | 23490  
14 Jun 2012 /  #54
By the way, how in GB they call Polish style yellow cheese?

Any cheap mild or processed cheese. In the UK market Most people prefer a stronger taste, however if it says mild on the label, comes from a factory and isn't expensive, it should be similar to the Polish stuff.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
14 Jun 2012 /  #55
Its not actually cheese, more of a textured dairy product with cheese like flavoring.
cheese lover  
14 Jun 2012 /  #56
Are these a serious answers? Because, judgeing by this wiki link, it is not processed cheese. I was looking for English version of "ser babuni"
peterweg  37 | 2305  
14 Jun 2012 /  #57
Buy it in a Polski Sklep, you can buy the 'genuine' thing with the right chemical mix you are looking for.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
14 Jun 2012 /  #58
I was looking for English version of "ser babuni"

well yeh as there's a Polski Sklep or ten in just about every town in the UK I don't get your complaint.
gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
14 Jun 2012 /  #59
Polish Shandy!! what's all that about?
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
14 Jun 2012 /  #60
Apart from Gouda (or Dutch Edam), I don't know of any cheese there that is similar to Polish cheese. You might want to try a very cheap English mild cheddar, or experiment with some of the mild cheeses that Sainsbury and some supermarkets have, Leerdammer etc.

Polish Shandy!! what's all that about?

I'm a secret lemonade drinker myself ;o)

Mature Cheddar Bulletin
For PF Eyes only

Tesco Magnolia Park Wroclaw does not have C/City - only the other brands which are more expensive and to my taste not as good.

Tesco Bielany Wroclaw may still have some C/City - see post above.

That ends this message.

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