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What's your favorite Polish beer?

Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
9 Oct 2007 /  #241
I`m still looking for the Black Boss

You might have to ask the liquor store to check with their distributer.
natalka  - | 46  
9 Oct 2007 /  #242
oh goodness.
for sure.
i miss polish beer :(

i love Żywiec.
(with cherry syrup ^_^)

hehe. and cherry vodka too ^_^
Kochana  - | 3  
11 Oct 2007 /  #243
Either Zywiec or łomza
Eurola  4 | 1898  
11 Oct 2007 /  #244
Zywiec rules!
natalka  - | 46  
12 Oct 2007 /  #246
Quoting: Eurola
Zywiec rules!

Tak Tak

Eurola  4 | 1898  
12 Oct 2007 /  #247
hey, natalka, you're another fan of Zywiec, aren't you? :)
natalka  - | 46  
12 Oct 2007 /  #248
hehe. ^_^

Tak! Many good memories from this lovely beer :)
Mmmm. Beer  
29 Oct 2007 /  #250
Just back from a month in Krakow. Okocim is definitely my favorite beer there. Trust me, I drank a lot of beer while there.
polcat  - | 4  
5 Nov 2007 /  #251
Looking for the name of a POLISH beer? Who's label on the bottle reacts to cold and turns blue like Coors??? I was informed that it was seen/sold at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa's festival in Sept. Any help would be appreciated.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1599  
5 Nov 2007 /  #252
Think that's Zywiec - certainly has a label (or part of) which reacts to the cold.
polcat  - | 4  
5 Nov 2007 /  #253
A customer is looking to purchase the beer that he had at the Shrine??
Thanks for your help PolskaDoll
wrona  - | 1  
6 Nov 2007 /  #254
Zywiec quality has gone downhill. Zywiec Porter is still good tho. Lezajsk, Staropolskie and warka I do like. Tyskie and EB? No thanks.
6 Nov 2007 /  #255
Vodka all the way!!!
Merry Wanderer  1 | 14  
6 Nov 2007 /  #256
Hooray for Zywiec :-D

Not only do I like the taste but I have very happy memories linked to it from my first time in Poland and a Polish woman I met over there. (and no it is not sex !)
sledz  23 | 2247  
30 Nov 2007 /  #257
I found 2 new Polish beers today Harnas and Piast has anyone tried these?

I have them on Ice and will drink test later:)
Piorun  - | 655  
30 Nov 2007 /  #258
I found 2 new Polish beers today Harnas and Piast has anyone tried these?

Harnas Piast both OK
Does anyone know what happened to Okocim Zagloba?
I haven’t seen it for a while in a store, so I asked manager. He said that it’s not produced anymore.
Is that true?
MrAmerica  - | 12  
1 Dec 2007 /  #259
I have them on Ice and will drink test later:)

Well????? how are they?
Merry Wanderer  1 | 14  
1 Dec 2007 /  #260
If you are in the UK you can usually find piwo po Polsku for around 99p ! :-D

Well atleast you can here in Preston.

Drink well and
"If you can't see you hand for the floor
then maybe it is time not to have any more."

Me, just this moment. ;-)
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
1 Dec 2007 /  #261
Reading this thread has put me in the mood for a few scoops later this evening :)
2 Dec 2007 /  #262
Zywiec without a doubt!!!!!!!!!!

John P.
255  - | 8  
2 Dec 2007 /  #263
What's so great about Zywiec?
Dice  15 | 452  
6 Dec 2007 /  #264
I buy some Polish beer once a while whenever I get a chance. I bought the EB beer once and I thought that it's going to be a Polish bitter (usually EB stands for Extra Bitter, ESB -Extra Special Bitter and so on). To my surprise it turned out to be a typical Polish lager (nothing wrong with that). Usually Polish beers are very similar to one another - rather heavy in taste, very hoppy, high alcohol. I never heard of Polish ale, wheat beer, etc with the exception of porter - Okocim makes a fine porter.

I think that Polish beer (and vodka) could sell well around the world but they need to market the brands, and I believe rename them. The current names are impossible to pronounce or remember to an English speaker. Okocim, Zubrowe, Wyborowa - no one can enunciate it. I thought that a good effort in this direction was the Belvedere and the Chopin Vodka.

PS. Whenever we go out to a Polish restaurant my wife always orders the "O.K. Beer" (Okocim) - the only one she can pronounce :)
6 Dec 2007 /  #265

My boyfriend always laughs when he sees them in the recycling bin. They are the only beers of his that I steal.

Also they still sell Okocim Zagloba in Greenpoint in New York City. I just saw it last weekend. Hopefully it's not just old stock ;)
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
6 Dec 2007 /  #266
am i the only one that thinks -ywiec is skunk beer?
Pilsner Urguel (czech no?)
Okocim Palone
Lech and Tyskie
Warka Strong
-all excellent beers. uhh zywiec-great pr but it's much better than the beer.

Okocim makes a fine porter.

really? i've never come across it, but thank you sir, i have a new mission for sunday.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Dec 2007 /  #267
Zywies is just ok. It has to be cold and finnished fast. I tend to agree with you Foreigner as far as skunkiness goes. Heinekin has the same effect on me.

I prefer Bosman out of all the PL beers and Black Boss as my favorite PL porter
6 Dec 2007 /  #268
de gustibus non es disputandum. The best beer I ever drank in Poland is Carlsberg and Corona
osiol  55 | 3921  
6 Dec 2007 /  #269
The best beer I ever drank in Poland is Carlsberg and Corona

But you had to duck to dodge an overhead knur.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
6 Dec 2007 /  #270
I prefer Bosman out of all the PL beers and Black Boss as my favorite PL porter

What region would i have the most success in finding these?

I refuse to go to any tesco so that's out, but i'm really keen on trying these that you mentioned.

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