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What's your favorite Polish beer?

Seanus  15 | 19668  
22 Mar 2008 /  #331
It was probably Zywiec Porter
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
7 Jul 2008 /  #332
This thread should judst be titled "Beer Talk" :D

What are some of your favorite summer brews folks?

Bitter? Hoppy? friuty?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2008 /  #333
Sorry, this is not about Polish beer but we've had 13 pages already.

Asian beer? Of the Japanese beers, I liked Sapporo. It rolled back just nicely. Asahi Super Dry, whilst modelled on German beer (which I like), didn't cut it. It just wasn't refreshing. Suntory, yeah, very good but the whisky was the real revelation. Kirin was up there with Sapporo, especially ichiban. The name does tell u why. Kirin is giraffe in Japanese, useless trivia. I can't knock Japanese beer.

There was a restaurant in Hiroshima called Asian Kitchen which had most of the standard Asian beers. Chang and Singha were very tasty, although better in Thailand. Tiger from Singapore was one of my preferred beers but the one that I was really taken by was Kingfisher.

Zgubi, if u like crisp, u'll love that one. Amber nectar!! I can buy it in Makro or in some other retail outlets. Kingfisher is Indian btw.
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
7 Jul 2008 /  #334
What's the local beer in Gliwice, Tyskie?
puercoespin  - | 129  
7 Jul 2008 /  #335
just got Tyskie and Żywiec in this little town in north NJ..can't belive i found it:)

best polish beer ever...Piast Mocny..nice bitter taste and power :)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2008 /  #336
Gliwice doesn't really have one. Zywiec is near here, as is Tychy (Tyskie). Wrocław used to have EB but it disappeared. The Zywiec in Zywiec is heavenly. I prefer Tyskie but it's a close call.
puercoespin  - | 129  
7 Jul 2008 /  #337
Wrocław used to have EB but it disappeared

Wrocław has Piast brewery..
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2008 /  #338
I know. Piast are the sponsors of Gliwice but I see no beer of that name
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
7 Jul 2008 /  #339
We have a lot of export only PL beer in the US like Hevelius for ex.

just got Tyskie and Żywiec in this little town in north NJ..can't belive i found it:)

What town in NJ? Ther's tons of PL beer here by my house. I'm next to Garfield and Wallington.

In Poznan, Lech pils is money :) Can't really find it too many places outside Poz
puercoespin  - | 129  
7 Jul 2008 /  #340
This is more like local brewery..but if you get a chance taste Piast Mocny.. the best if you like bitter beer..
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2008 /  #341
Hevelius, could that be like Fosters? The Australians hate Fosters and export it en masse but I think it's alright.

Victoria Bitter (VB) is a top class Aussie beer. They excel in microbrews.
7 Jul 2008 /  #342
Perła mocny is a local brew here around Lubelski and I have stopped drinking it, as it is 9% and used to knock your socks off.

I remember one time I went out for a night with a group of students, and we were drinking it all night.
The next morning I was teaching with the same group who had been out with the night before, and when the next teacher came in for her lesson she said it spelt like a brewery.
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
7 Jul 2008 /  #343

My style :) Not many countries can keep up with PL and the US when it comes to strong brews.
puercoespin  - | 129  
7 Jul 2008 /  #344
What town in NJ? Ther's tons of PL beer here by my house. I'm next to Garfield and Wallington.

i know it but i live in Newton..moved here short time ago..and never have been to these polish communities..do you have Piast there?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2008 /  #345
Thanks ukpolska, I'd forgotten about that one. I don't like the mocny version. The standard one is quite enough.

It spelt like a brewery? Hmm..r u back on it again? :)

If u like strong Zgubi, u should try Okocim Mocne. Never b4 have I tasted such a drinkable strong beer.
7 Jul 2008 /  #346
It spelt like a brewery? Hmm..r u back on it again? :)

No I have been proofreading all day, and I think it's time to give up for the day, as you have pointed out :) Cheers my friend!!
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
7 Jul 2008 /  #347
If u like strong Zgubi, u should try Okocim Mocne. Never b4 have I tasted such a drinkable strong beer.

It's ok ;) I can get it here.

In NJ I can find:
Lech Premium
Black Boss
maybe a few other export only brews....not a bad selection though.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2008 /  #348
Proofreading, ouch!! I've done my fair share of that. Gliwice is a Uni city, like Lublin, so chances pop up from time to time. I can understand how the Poles think when they write so I know what they wanted to say. This makes it easier. I couldn't be an all-out translator but I do it casually.
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
7 Jul 2008 /  #349
Never b4 have I tasted such a drinkable strong beer.

I'd love to give you the experience :) I have an 18% that you can prob. put down easily...if you don't mind a stout :)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2008 /  #350
Lech Premium never really took off here. Maybe it wasn't marketed well enough.

UKpolska, on topic, have u ever heard of Goolman? Nobody here has heard of it but I really like it. It is brewed in Lublin apparently.
7 Jul 2008 /  #351
UKpolska, on topic, have u ever heard of Goolman?

Yeah I used to drink it. It has a alcoholic & sweet taste and a bit sickly if you drink too many of them. Brewed again by Perła in Lublin.
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
7 Jul 2008 /  #352
sweet taste and a bit sickly if you drink too many of them

I get this same feeling from Fortuna..yuk IMO.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
7 Jul 2008 /  #353
Fortuna? They produce good fruit juice here. Almost up there with Tymbark. Fortuna beer?
7 Jul 2008 /  #354
Fortuna beer, hmmmm, never heard of that one and just checked their website out. Seems they are going very PC with their "organic beer" and I love their slogan, "Be natural; drink naked. That’s organic isn’t it?" lol
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
7 Jul 2008 /  #355
Fortuna beer?

Yes sir. Maty knows about it. It almost tastes like cola...not my thing.
osiol  55 | 3921  
7 Jul 2008 /  #357
One that gets topped up again and again for me without having to get up out of my seat.

One of the very few pubs in town has bottles of Tyskie. Other than the rather fine dark Suffolk Strong, Tyskie seemed to be the best of their selection. It would have been better if they had had Okocim (a beer of which I need more experience). The barman even knew what I was asking for when I pronounced it properly.
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
7 Jul 2008 /  #358
The best was Hewelius. Stunning pint. Whatever happened to it though?

Same with EB. Not as good but I still have fond memories
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
7 Jul 2008 /  #359

Yes, please.

Was going to hit the gym this evening, but seeing as you're at the bar....
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
7 Jul 2008 /  #360
Yes sir. Maty knows about it. It almost tastes like cola...not my thing.

It is just a matter fo time Z. You will love it, I tell ya! :)


Oh, and I see that I didn't answer your post in January.

LOL the one with Lenin's head in the window? I thought that was more of a cafe, but I did see people drinking in there. I think it's across the st. from Morphine, correct?

Yes, you can drink in there, unfortunately they don't sell Fortuna. I was thinking about my local tavern in my home town. Proletaryat is still fun though.

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