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What's your favorite Polish beer?

Vincent  9 | 799  
23 Dec 2007 /  #301
It is better than Guinness or any other Irish stout

if you ever go to Ireland, have a couple of Guinness , then tell me if notice any difference between the Guinness there, and the Guinness sold to the rest of the world. No contest..:)
osiol  55 | 3921  
23 Dec 2007 /  #302
The Dublin water is different to thew London water - probably softer than the chalky London stuff. They brew Guinness in Nigeria as well I believe.

edit: More to the point, the Irish stouts that are famous around the world tend to be very smooth. There are others, including Black Boss from Poland that is heavy and rough enough to build roads out of.
Macduff  9 | 69  
23 Dec 2007 /  #303
Never mind your FAV polish beer its who serves this that counts (LOL) Merry X-mass to every one no matter what your FAV tipple is have a good one
Vincent  9 | 799  
23 Dec 2007 /  #304
the Irish stouts that are famous around the world tend to be very smooth

The Guinness in Ireland is really smooth like milk..takes 5 Min's to pour. Could not build roads with it ..but you could probably shave with it :)
Dice  15 | 452  
27 Dec 2007 /  #305
Here is an interesting beer from Poland I've found under the Christmas tree this year: OKOCIM PALONE.

OKOCIM PALONE is a dark lager, and not, as you may think, a porter. Therefore it carries the characteristics of both styles of beer: its sweet and full body for a lager, but not us sugary and heavy as a porter.

Aroma: chocolate, coffee, spice, caramel.
Tastes of coffee and fruit.
Color: dark brown.
Head: thin light.
Overall, a very solid beer.
pejko  1 | 5  
28 Dec 2007 /  #306
guinessin london has not been brewed for over 3 years,the best guinessis the extra foreign stout at 8% the other stuff is thin and watery.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
28 Dec 2007 /  #307
Simple answer, Zubr
13 Jan 2008 /  #308
Well check oou the new website for the polish club in South Boston paccsb.org
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
14 Jan 2008 /  #309
Czech Budweiser - that's a beer-lover's beer and hardly anything Poland makes stands up to it.

IMO Zywiec tastes better than CZ Budweiser :) I do like the dark Budweiser though. For Cz beer I perfer Radegast.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 Jan 2008 /  #310
As I've said, Zubr, but other great beers I've tried have been Czech Budweiser (Budvar) mentioned above, Kingfisher which is an Indian beer and Tsingtao, Chinese. Many Asian beers are good, all of a reasonable quality. I used to drink Suntory or Sapporo. I quite liked Moosehead when I tried it, a nice Canadian brew. Poland is right up there with the best. Zywiec in Zywiec went down a treat
hu_man  6 | 131  
15 Jan 2008 /  #311
At the moment im loving paulaner.
But every time i go home the first thing i buy is a bottle of cobra...lol...Im thinking about it now
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 Jan 2008 /  #312
Paulaner is German. I'm loving Paulaner, McDonalds English, LOL, I'm lovin it!!
hu_man  6 | 131  
15 Jan 2008 /  #313
is it just me or does paulner have a hint of banana in it's taste...
lol...its funny since i moved to poland i eat less mac d's
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
15 Jan 2008 /  #314
Seansus, try Żywe Beer or Fortuna. My two favourite Polish beers.

hu_man  6 | 131  
15 Jan 2008 /  #315
i'll have to keep an eye out for those... thats one of the things that i miss about england is the fact that i could have pretty much any beer from all around the world.. now i either have to pay some extortionate prices for an average forign beer or settle for the regular polish stuff..dont get me wrong the polish beer is all right but i like to experiement..
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
15 Jan 2008 /  #316
You should have no problems with finding them in your local piotr i paweł super market. If you like to experiment try also Koźlak, Książęce, Kasztelan or Frater.
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
15 Jan 2008 /  #317

Not my thing. I was in Deja vu and tried a dark Fortuna on tap and it tasted too much like cola.

.....and yes, piotr i Pawel has a huge variety. I love that place
hu_man  6 | 131  
15 Jan 2008 /  #318
Thanks for the info but could you tell me if there are any piotr i Pawel stores in katowice i've been here for about 6 month's now and i have never heard of that shop....
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
15 Jan 2008 /  #319
Certainly. It seems that you are in luck. There is only one Piotr i Paweł in Silesia and it is in Katowice on ul. Bażantów 2.

Not my thing. I was in Deja vu and tried a dark Fortuna on tap and it tasted too much like cola.

Yeah, it is sweet. It's a pity you didnt like it. I actually thought I could impress you with that beer, but I guess not. :)
hu_man  6 | 131  
15 Jan 2008 /  #320
i know Bażantów and its not silesia its the oposite direction ...
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
15 Jan 2008 /  #321
What I meant was 2 Bażantów Street. In Katowice of course.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
15 Jan 2008 /  #322
Thanks for the recommendation Matyjasz. Some of the cheaper beers in Poland are fully drinkable, the names of which escape me. I'll try and find them.
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
15 Jan 2008 /  #323
Yeah, it is sweet. It's a pity you didnt like it. I actually thought I could impress you with that beer, but I guess not. :)

I do like to try different things and it wasn't half bad, but I couldn't drink it all night long. I would appreciate one with dinner :)

safe to assume that Deja vu is the pub you frequent?
hu_man  6 | 131  
16 Jan 2008 /  #324
Does any one enjoy drinking oobot?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
17 Jan 2008 /  #325
Oobot? Never heard of it mate! Goolmans is really nice and crisp. It's brewed in Lublin I think
hu_man  6 | 131  
17 Jan 2008 /  #326
oobot... beer+shot or two of vodka = oobot
Seanus  15 | 19668  
17 Jan 2008 /  #327
Did Smirnoff not do sth like that all those years ago? Shandy is still great. The lemonade dilutes the beer but u end up drinking more in the long run as it's more drinkable, goes down faster and more easily. So, anybody heard of Goolman?
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
20 Jan 2008 /  #328
It's all good Z. :) It's been ages since I've been to Deja Vu. I drink my Fortuna in my local "commie" tavern. :))
Zgubiony  15 | 1276  
21 Jan 2008 /  #329
LOL the one with Lenin's head in the window? I thought that was more of a cafe, but I did see people drinking in there. I think it's across the st. from Morphine, correct?
sunka  2 | 6  
22 Mar 2008 /  #330
in polska last year,iwas drinking a dark colured larger,any body help with the name?and how can i make a hot beer,taste very nice.whats the herbs they put in with the beer?i had it in zackpany.

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