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What makes an excellent forum?

Paulina  19 | 4558  
27 Apr 2019 /  #1
One of the forum members, Miloslaw, wrote in the Random Chat Thread that PolishForums owners and mods could turn this forum from being "just OK" to an "excellent" forum.

The Person Writing in Red (administrator or moderator) answered then: 'show us an example of an "excellent" forum.'
To be honest, I doubt it was a sincere demand, but let's humour this person for a moment, shall we, ladies and gentlemen? Let us give some examples of forums that we consider to be excellent or at least good (because PF isn't either, imo). Or let us write what we think makes an excellent or a good forum.

For my part, I'll give examples of internet forums I was an active member of or read them for some time and I think they're ranging from excellent to at least usable by normal people and useful.

1. dws.org.pl - a Polish historical forum about two world wars. Excellent source of information. I remember reading somewhere that even serious history researches use this forum as a source. It has it's own historical magazine with articles written by forum members signed by first name and surname. It's on topic. Discussions about politics and religion are forbidden. When this rule was introduced one of the forum members created a seperate forum for discussing politics for members of dws.org.pl (and I became one of the members) but it didn't become popular, it died a natural death and was taken over by bots.

In dws.org.pl forum's rules it is stressed that an academic model of discussion is expected - no personal abuse.

2. wizaz.pl forum - in theory a Polish forum about cosmetics and fashion, but in reality it's much more. Huge forum with 1 594 294 registered users and 17 773 active users, 57 173 374 messages, 701 535 threads and 7 406 blogs. It's so well known, popular and credible that cosmetics companies use forum users' recommendations in their commercials on Polish TV and on their products' packages. So, for example you can see something like this in a TV add: "recommended by 80% of wizaz.pl forum members". Or on a package: "Chosen as the Cosmetic Product of All Times by wizaz.pl forum members". Whenever I have to order some cosmetic product from the internet and the producer is too stupid, lazy or dishonest to put the full list of ingredients on their site I go to wizaz.pl forum, because most cosmetic products have been described and rated there by forum members. They have PHD doctors as experts on the forum and you can ask them questions too.

3. socnet.com - an American forum about special forces. Run by military people mainly for military people. They have rules there and they stick to them. They don't f*ck around with trolls. Can you imagine a p*phile polluting that forum and lying about forum members that they're p---stars having sex with women for money? lol Of course you can't.

One of the rules of the forum:
"I agree to not post answers to questions in areas where I have no expertise or experience."

4. fsuniverse.net and goldenskate.com - big international forums devoted to figure skating. I haven't read them for a long time but I don't recall any trolling or p**os allowed when I was using those forums. Admittedly, just like wizaz.pl, they're mainly populated by women, but still... Plus on topic discussions, of course. It's for people who are actually interested in the subject matter of the forum.

As you can see those are examples of very different forums. One could even say that some are for men and some are for women, so PF's misogynists can't accuse me that I'd like to turn their "precious" mordownia smelling of puke and pi$$ into a SPA smelling of roses only and all things pleasant.

Those are different forums, and yet they have more than one thing in common - they 're not only very good or even excellent, but they're also... popular, alive. So it seems you don't have to go down to a gutter level and base the traffic on your forum on prolific sociopaths and trolls...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Apr 2019 /  #2
I want to thank the Almighty and the PF owners for this forum the way it is and not like those described in Post 1.
When I want information, I go to Wikipedia. When I want a hug, I see my wife, my kids, and my granddaughters.
OP Paulina  19 | 4558  
27 Apr 2019 /  #3
I know, I know, Rich :) You're one of those "prolific sociopaths and trolls" that I mentioned. People like you love places like this one. Oh, yeah, and the p**os.

But I didn't mean that PF is supposed to be exactly like those forums I listed. Admin/mod asked for examples of excellent forums so I gave them to prove that there are better quality forums out there that are popular and that it's possible to make such a forum. I don't really have any hope that this forum will ever improve. They often aren't even implementing their own rules on here, let alone being inspired by some other forums... :)

Rich, and where do you go if you want to discuss Poland and Polish matters? Oh, wait, you aren't interested in those, I forgot... :)
pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Apr 2019 /  #4
When I want information, I go to Wikipedia.

Wrong! You won`t find all info in WIKI. I take part in gardening forums to enquire about keeping plants and growing veg and fruit. I also attend car forums to ask how to deal with repairs and parts of models I drive. After buying the summer house, I also joined construction forum to learn about maintanance and renovation.

I would never find the things I need in WIkipedia.

I don't really have any hope that this forum will ever improve.

Don`t lose hope. :) The worst case would be admins sick and tired of running the forum and only waiting for its natural death. Why? Initial enthusiasm sometimes fades away and you have to face harsh reality - things do not go exactly as you imagined and wanted them to.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Apr 2019 /  #5
I take part in gardening forums to enquire about keeping plants and growing veg and fruit.

I bet there is a forum how to change diapers or how to lean over the sink to throw up without staining your suit. BFD.

A forum that is worth coming to is where we share opinions so we can debate or argue. Like this one. And, especially, about politics.

If I were to make any changes here, it would be to remove some restrictions, not to add to them.
pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Apr 2019 /  #6
where we share opinions so we can debate or argue

And win, of course. In your case, it is an absolute ideal you never cease trying to attain. :):)

But this forum`s originating idea was to spread true info about Poland and Poles, not to debate things.
Ironside  51 | 13104  
27 Apr 2019 /  #7
One of the forum members

We have been here years ago. This forum changed somewhat. However basically the motto of PF is - if you don't like it don't let the door hit you in the back.

Nothing I or you or anybody can change. Its up to adm. He likesPF this way and that is that. No need to waste typing power.

2, A Conflict is not necessary a bad thing.
OP Paulina  19 | 4558  
27 Apr 2019 /  #8
Sharing opinions, Rich? You wrote that "forums are to vent, argue and win." I have an impression that for guys like you it's mainly about venting and trolling.

The main problem with you and your fellow Americans is, though, that this isn't a forum about US, US politics, Trump, the Clintons, liberals, American women or women in general even.

This forum is about POLAND and POLES and POLISH matters. There's an Off Topic section on this forum but clearly it isn't enough for your kind.

Don`t lose hope. :)

I did quite some time ago. "Burning out" isn't the problem. Admin is the problem. He always has been. This is why I think this forum will never change for the better. Admin likes it this way, the low quality of this forum doesn't bother him - that's the problem. And he's stubborn as a mule (a stereotypical Pole then, eh? ironically... lol). This is why I doubt I'll ever be a regular poster here ever again.

If I were to make any changes here, it would be to remove some restrictions, not to add to them.

Wouldn't it be better and more simple to just change the forum name into "US and American people" or "General Politics"? lol

@Iron, do you think there are no conflicts on those forums I listed? No sharing of opinions, no arguments, debates, etc.? lol I give up...

Yes, I know this is Admin's place and that he likes it this way. This is why I'm the one leaving, obviously.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Apr 2019 /  #9
And win, of course. In your case, it is an absolute ideal you never cease trying to attain. :):)

Did you ever try to debate to lose?

But this forum`s originating idea was to spread true info about Poland and Poles, not to debate things.

BS. By responding to my post, you are debating or arguing, not spreading true info about Poland and Poles, Irresistible, isn't it?
And, of course, true means we need the Truth Ministry with you in charge, don't we?
Ironside  51 | 13104  
27 Apr 2019 /  #10
Yes, I know this is Admin's place and that he likes it this way. This is why I'm the one leaving, obviously.

Oh stop it. You left already few times. Just post here when you feel like it and don't if you don't feel like it. Simple.
OP Paulina  19 | 4558  
27 Apr 2019 /  #11
@Rich, normal people don't try to win a debate by all means necessary. You're a demagogue and a sociopath. That's why getting into a debate with you is usually simply pointless and tiring. You often seem terribly stupid, ignorant and immature. That's why other posters often give up or don't engage with you at all - they ignore you (like I did many times).

People often come to forums not to win debates but to learn something, exchange info, broaden their horizons even. I've learned and understood a lot during my discussions with Russians or even just by reading Russian forums, for example. But I had the curiosity and the will to learn. You don't. You just come here to vent and troll. You're often useless as a poster and make the user experience worse for others.

Oh stop it. You left already few times.

I didn't write that I'll never come back. I wrote last time that maybe I'll visit from time to time and I do. I simply won't be a more regular poster here anymore.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Apr 2019 /  #12
This forum is about POLAND and POLES and POLISH matters.

Oh, yeah?
Just look and see how many threads would be gone and this forum with them if your rule was enforced strictly. You should be thankful for our presence and for keeping the forum going. As the mods once said: Don't like to see road kill? Don't look. Or something to that effect.
pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Apr 2019 /  #13
Did you ever try to debate to lose?

No, it is seldom sb`s deliberate intention. But I stay relaxed when I lose a debate with a sensible guy who is able to convince me with reasonable logical arguments instead of manipulation or blatant lies. While you often lose temper when sth goes against your plans and then you resort to abuse and insults.

By responding to my post, you are debating or arguing, not spreading true info about Poland and Pole

I am doing both of them, especially when you spread false or manipulated info about Poland. :)
OP Paulina  19 | 4558  
27 Apr 2019 /  #14
Just look and see how many threads would be gone and this forum with them if your rule was enforced strictly.

How many threads would be gone, according to you, Rich? Feel free to count them for me (search the threads created on the main forum during the time I've been registered here - since 2008 :))

Btw, this isn't "my" rule :) It's the Admin's rule. And he made this forum to be about Poland and Poles, not me :)) I wouldn't mind if it wasn't about Poland and Poles at all. I can discuss other stuff too. It's just the forum name would be misleading to those who are actually interested in sth Polish :)
mafketis  38 | 11269  
27 Apr 2019 /  #15
The English only policy of the forum discourages Poles from posting (and constricts discussion in other ways as well).

The way that new threads are often attached to old (minimally related) threads with misleading names discourages people from starting new threads.

No guest posting should be allowed (maybe two or three levels of members?)

When people break the rules and/or are unable to discuss Polish issues the ban hammer should be brought out.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
27 Apr 2019 /  #16
"precious" mordownia smelling of puke and pi$$ into a SPA smelling of roses only and all things pleasant.

Good god woman you have some issues.
OP Paulina  19 | 4558  
27 Apr 2019 /  #17
Why would you think that, dolno? :D
It was johnny_reb who once compared PolishForums to a bar where men should be able to behave the way they want and a woman shouldn't tell them off or sth, when a woman, Atch, berated him for his behaviour. But often PF was more like a mordownia than a regular bar where locals can hang out, or even (shock and horror) a woman could visit once in a while without slipping on some "very manly" pi$$ or puke :)

This is what I alluded to in my comment.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Apr 2019 /  #18
How many threads would be gone, according to you, Rich?

As of today, those:


when you spread false or manipulated info about Poland. :)

Name it and I will correct it.

People often come to forums not to win debates but to learn something,

I already know everything that's worth knowing. My mission in life now is to go after the leftists and make them feel as sh*tty as possible as a payback for the damage and pain they have inflicted on the US, Europe and everywhere else.
OP Paulina  19 | 4558  
27 Apr 2019 /  #19
@Rich, I wrote "the threads created on the main forum" (Poland & Poles related). Not in Off Topic or Feedback sections. It's obvious that threads in Off Topic and Feedback sections don't have to have anything to do with Poland.

If that's your mission in life (thanks for being honest why you're here) then go to a leftist forum and don't spoil this forum for those who want to discuss Polish matters. And you apparently think not much is worth knowing considering how ignorant you are.
pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Apr 2019 /  #20
Name it and I will correct it.

There have been many cases when your imagination has carried you away too far from reality, past or present. Many landed in archived random, here is what was left:

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Apr 2019 /  #21
If that is your evidence of me spreading falsehoods, you have a bigger problem than you realize and you should stop teaching immediately.

Before you resign, read this:

A proof that A is false is in citing B which (1) is known beyond reasonable doubt to be true and (2) contradicts A.
Further, genius, you cannot prove that an event didn't happen by citing general information, like low crime rate, for example. Only specific information can be used to prove that something specific did not happen.

For example: if you are charged with raping a woman, your claims that you don't rape women is worthless. On the other hand, a record of you being in prison and under lock at the time of the alleged offense is priceless.

Did you get it?
OP Paulina  19 | 4558  
27 Apr 2019 /  #22
@Rich, as for your falsehoods, you wrote many idiotic crap and even lies/misinformation (I even remember your fan johnny_reb caught you red-handed once) on this forum. Noone will go through threads now looking for it. But do you remember when you wrote for the first time, I think, that "women have lying in their genes" or sth like that? It was on the day when you claimed you're leaving the forum for good. I gave you then links to articles about many research proving that men lie more than women. Did you see it?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Apr 2019 /  #23
This forum is about POLAND and POLES and POLISH matters.

That is what you wrote. This forum mean this forum.
BTW, did you notice what happened in this thread? But for me, the evil troll, you would very likely get one or two posts with a "good job, Paulina". That would be it.

Yes, women lie like there is no tomorrow. They will do anything for attention, including bringing their own kids to near death. So, don't start me on that or you will lose. Trust me.
OP Paulina  19 | 4558  
27 Apr 2019 /  #24
Sorry, Rich, but I don't follow. You'll have to explain.

"This forum mean this forum" - what?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
27 Apr 2019 /  #25
I want to thank the Almighty and the PF owners for this forum the way it is and not like those described in Post 1

I am seldom in agreement with RM, but this time I think he is right. Just because one guy recklessly told Paulina that she is supposed to be:

Paulina is splitting hairs and then goes on to accusing the PF of being the most evil of all the forums in the world. Pathetic!

Please believe me, dear Paula, that Johnny Reb is an expert on forums like these and always knows how people should behave in them.
pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Apr 2019 /  #26
you have a bigger problem than you realize and you should stop teaching immediately.

You see, that`s what I was writing about: when chased and pinned into the corner, you lose temper and use irrational arguments which later usually turn into insults.

Only specific information can be used to prove that something specific did not happen.

The problem is that your "specific" information on Poland is so dubious and eventually far from truth that it can be easily refuted with unspecific general statements based on the historical context as we know it.

A proof that A is false is in citing B which (1) is known beyond reasonable doubt to be true and

No, your logic is distorted. You say sth and claim it was true, I call it untrue. Neither of us provides proofs. Who is right? The truth lies in the eye of the beholder, of course. It means you can say what you want and I have the ulitmate right to call it false. That`s how this forum works, isn`t it? :)
OP Paulina  19 | 4558  
27 Apr 2019 /  #27
Sorry, Ziemowit, but I've used and read many forums on the internet and among all those forums I've seen only two places where a convicted pea**e would be allowed to post his pe**hilc rants and where mods would let someone like that come back as a guest poster on regular basis after being banned under a few usernames already. One of them is PolishForums.

Don't lie that I accuse PF of being the most evil of all the forums in the world. I don't. But it's of poor quality, often run down by people who have no interest in Poland and trolls and only lately, with the return of some older forum members, did it start to look more like a forum about Poland, imho.

How am I splitting hairs? Many posters have been complaining about the quality of PF for years, including you, pathetic hypocrite.
And don't call me "dear Paula".

Yes, women lie like there is no tomorrow.

Even if, then men lie more than women :D Sorry.
pawian  226 | 27817  
27 Apr 2019 /  #28
Paulina is splitting hairs and then goes on to accusing the PF of being the most evil of all the forums in the world. Pathetic!

No, a decent person won`t allow various scum lie about him/her in such a nasty way. She is fully right - if that vile remark wasn`t deleted immediately and its maker banned permanently, it was a serious breach of rules of decent participation in the forum. And it wasn`t reckless but premeditated. How can one say sth like it recklessly?
OP Paulina  19 | 4558  
27 Apr 2019 /  #29
Of course it was premeditated. It's the second time he did it. And yet he's allowed to post here again and again.
Is there no such thing as a permanent ban on this forum? And if there is, what one has to do to deserve it? Kill a forum member? Rape a child in front of an internet camera and post a video of it on PF?

Sorry, guys, but I'm shocked by what people got accustomed to on this forum. For God's sake...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Apr 2019 /  #30
It means you can say what you want and I have the ulitmate right to call it false.

You are still not getting it. You can call it whatever you want. But you went one step further: you claimed that you a have basis to call what I said a lie. You have no such basis other than your gut feeling at best.

This is not how we prove that a statement is a lie. Saying that foreign tourists never had anything stolen then is so stupid I am shocked that I even dignified your post with a response. The only thing you could say is: I don't believe you.

And nothing else.

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