On the contrary, they would be the source of futher foment ;)
I agree
want polls too. I asked for them once and the admin/mods said no.
But really it cant get worst than it already is.
if its so bad here why do you stay?
There are all walks of life, we will never agree with everyone, people say things without filters, when the mods catch
it they do what is needed.
The way I see it, if they make the decision to make a arse of themselfs so what? this isnt jail, its a forum, and people
have opinions we all have to try to respect each other, sometimes thats not a option, we get random idiots , but its a open
forum, i can tell you I was on another forum before I came to this one, and it was far worse, there was a favorite poster, he said
what ever the heck he wanted, it was moderated alright, the forum was boring and uneventful, the people were ok, but one post
out of line and they kicked you out, And it wasnt like this forum,
there are some who get away with stuff, I think the mods give alot of chances to those who do offend and try to get them to stop
but they dont listen, when they do get suspended then people are B*tching that they are gone and its boring in here.
of all the forums THIS POLISH FORUM comes up on top of all the forums, online I dont even need to save to my favs cause its the
TOP of the list online for forums to come to... so those who think its so bad, no one forces you to stay, if you try to keep a open
mind and understand that theres alot of work put into this forum from the beginning, and they do what is necessary to keep it calm
but its like at a soccer game or football game, once one guy tosses a chair all hell breaks loose, its hard to control the crowd!!