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Any concrete offers for IT jobs in Lublin, Poland?

20 Feb 2016 /  #1
I live in Lublin since few months and I would like to find a job as IT. I know few programming languages (MySql/PhP, C/C++, Python, Java), I have good knowledge of Linux systems and other basic IT skills, speaking Italian/English/Greek. The only thing is that I still don't speak the Polish language. I have visited some job websites and applied for few job offers. I would appreciate if any of you have any job/collaboration proposals. Any idea?
20 Feb 2016 /  #2
Get yourself on a Cisco network engineering course, move to the UK, plenty of jobs available over £30k pa
20 Feb 2016 /  #3
Not true. I am Cisco Network Associate and he will not find a job at all without the experience.
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
20 Feb 2016 /  #4
I know few programming languages (MySql/PhP, C/C++, Python, Java)

Unfortunately recruiters here do not trust "I know........". If you have relevant experience in those languages then it shouldn't be a problem finding a job in Poland, not sure about Lublin though. Better still, if you have a portfolio of programs of your own or work you have done for others you can send it as an additional file to the jobs you apply for. In that way you'll snapped up within the shortest possible time.
20 Feb 2016 /  #5
Tictactoe " I am Cisco Network Associate"

But an employer of engineers you are not, otherwise you would have spotted the OP's C/C++ skill set which would give him an advantage at interview.
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
20 Feb 2016 /  #6
advantage at interview.

It takes experience to get a shortlist for interview here. Things have changed since the day you had your first entry level job ;)
20 Feb 2016 /  #7
Wroclaw1010 "It takes experience to get a shortlist for interview here" did you miss my comment when i suggested the op "move to the UK"

"Things have changed since the day you had your first entry level job", I have employed it specialists an run it companies for over 30 years, true i am a bit out of date I retired sold up 3 years ago.

Demonstrating his knowledge of C/C++ and Java is the key here.
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90  
20 Feb 2016 /  #8
did you miss my comment

No i didn't.......... I suppose job hunt in UK is not that different from Poland.

I understand that you were a recruiter which I must say was easier those days than now. They were honest CV's even 15 years ago but now they are very rare.

Demonstrating his knowledge of C/C++ and Java is the key here.

Trust me, most of the "I know this, I know that" are now used to decorate CVs these days. They don't really represent the skill set of the job seeker.
20 Feb 2016 /  #9
""I know this, I know that" are now used to decorate CVs these days" I was taking what the op said about his skills on trust, I gave him my honest opinion in return.

You don't have to use a recruiter , many jobs are advertised directly by employers to avoid paying recruitment fees which can be up to 25% of salary, I employed without using agencies for this very reason.

Don't forget that Polish professionals in the uk are highly valued for their work ethic and commitment.

If a young man comes to the uk from Poland he will have less family and social commitments, so will be more inclined to put in the overtime and commitment that a business requires.
Yosemite  2 | 88  
20 Feb 2016 /  #10
Don't forget that Polish professionals in the uk are highly valued for their work ethic and commitment.

Not any more, its the Romanians and the Bulgarians now. The Poles have become some what selective, and in my line of work i find them bringing their Polish work ethics to the work place more and more.

If a young man comes to the uk from Poland he will have less family and social commitments,

What you basically need as an employer is somebody who's tasted poverty or better yet trying to escape poverty, these guys work and work. Gotta love capitalism.
20 Feb 2016 /  #11
"Romanians and the Bulgarians now." I am a bit behind the times then
20 Feb 2016 /  #12
C++ is a programming language, like Java.

It has nothing at all do with subnets or OSPF routing. You told him foolishly to get a CCNA and explained that he won't get work without experience.

If he has a degree, certs and plenty experience he may get a job.
20 Feb 2016 /  #13
C++ is a programming language, like Java. yes correct used to buiild cisco api interfaces

" and explained that he won't get work without experience" no i didn't re- read the postings.

You told him foolishly to get a CCNA yes to learn the basics, any muppet can install a router.

The big money is in development, he has programming skills as i mentioned before. thats where the key is for him

RTFM below

1 Apr 2017 /  #14
Contact me... Richard@newshubmedia.Com I have positions for developers in Lublin Poland.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Classifieds / Any concrete offers for IT jobs in Lublin, Poland?Archived