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Two job offers in Poland, which one should I take?

Nanaosei  2 | 5  
9 Mar 2014 /  #1
Hi everyone.

So I got two job offers in Poland and I have to choose one.

One is in Poznan with 4500PLZ and other bonus like private health care and sport package.
Another in Lodz with 5000PLZ but without those, but they do promise raise in the future.

I know in Poland public health care is covered, but I would like to know how big is the difference from private ones. are the public hospitals enough?

And which city is more expensive? will this salary be enough for me to make a living?
I m single and I m not planning to save much money, I can cook at home.
But I really do like to party, and I love beers. I would like to go out once a week to meet new people and make friends.

I really need some more informations for the decision.

Many thanks.
Snowflake  - | 71  
9 Mar 2014 /  #2
If you have legal work agreement the public healt care is included. It mean that 9% of your incomes is taken by your employer for public healtcare system. Its some kind of healt tax. Then you have hospital, medical diagnostic all doc and phisician available. But if you don't have any urgent situation, in situation when you're making apointments you get some remote dates.

Private healt package in Poland is only for make you this things easier and not including hospital healt care!
I have extra healt care card and I don't feel a big difference, i use that once when i need some extra medical tests while I was pregnant. Government takes from you 9% for regural healt care, and made you to pay extra twice only for make things faster...it's good to have but it's not necessary.
smurf  38 | 1940  
9 Mar 2014 /  #3
Do people like you read this forum? Always the same stupid questions, which have been asked over and over again. Use the search option buddy.

That's really helpful............. no wonder this forum is deader than disco when posters are son friendly and welcoming to new members.

OP, go to Poznan, Lodz is a boring dump, Poznana at least looks pretty and has a bit of culture about it, Lodz is just an industrial hole.
legate  - | 46  
9 Mar 2014 /  #4
choose Poznań,
it overtakes £ódź in most rankings and I think it's much better for a foreigner - many people speak English - foreigners, students, graduates, etc.
dimaqq  - | 4  
9 Mar 2014 /  #5
Basic healthcare package (as in private health insurance) is actually very cheap as it doesn't cover much, perhaps 130 PLN/employee/month. The devil is in the details. What is important however, is that the company tries to do something for the employees at least. This probably means they have an office manager, which means nicer working environment and a potential resource for you if you need something done, like dealing with bureaucrats :)

I'd choose Poznan, but then again I live here and only visited Lodz once. Out of ~20 in our office at least 2 chaps came to Poznan specifically to work for us, seems like a good trend! There's quite a bit here, really. I keep discovering new thing every week.

Wrt. going out, you can do that every day :) Poznan is full of students and ahem... symposia in the original sense, once you make some friends.

Rent is about 1400 for a decent flat, additional costs will run you about 100. You could go cheaper with flatmates, but that depends if you can handle that lifestyle. You could get something quite so very nice for 2500.

OP Nanaosei  2 | 5  
10 Mar 2014 /  #6
Thanks a lot for all the information.

4500PLZ salary after tax it will be around 3200PLZ?

And the rent will be 1400.. seems I wont have much money left for party.

I m a native Chinese speaker but I grow up in Africa when I was a kid. Studied and worked in Europe for more thank 5 years. So I speak good English too.

I m thinking of openning a private Chinese class in my free time. Do you think it will work? Would anyone be interested?
And if it works. how much should I charge for the lessons?

Many thanks
smurf  38 | 1940  
10 Mar 2014 /  #7
Tax rate depends on different things........are they hiring you as a consultant, i.e will you have to register as self-employed (tax rate is lower)

So for argument sake, let's say it's 20%
That's 3600 after tax is paid.
Minus your rent, leave you only 2200, that's pretty crap mate. I wouldn't bother coming to Poland for that.
Maybe lower your rent by trying to live with someone else?

The only good thing is that your CV in the future will say that you have foreign experience, but the money they are offering isn't good.

Re: Chinese lessons, you might get a few students, maybe a handful every week and that should pay for your groceries, best thing to do would be to put some ads up on websites and see if anyone is interested before you come. Check out if the university in Poznan offers a Chinese language course, you may get some of those students who could be interested in having more practice with a native-speaker.

Add them to: gumtree.pl, korkuj.pl and e-korepetycje.net/.

Best of luck making your decision :)
jon357  72 | 23482  
10 Mar 2014 /  #8
One is in Poznan with 4500PLZ and other bonus like private health care and sport package.
Another in Lodz with 5000PLZ but without those, but they do promise raise in the future.

I know in Poland public health care is covered, but I would like to know how big is the difference from private ones. are the public hospitals enough?

The public health system is overstretched and underfunded and if you take the job in Lodz then fall il, you'll find yourself out of pocket.

As far as the two cities compare, I prefer Lodz though many people prefer Poznan. Lodz is a cheaper city, Poznan is a more modern one.

The salary, by the way isn't great. You will find the money goes further in Lodz.
DominicB  - | 2706  
10 Mar 2014 /  #9
The salary, by the way isn't great.

That goes for both jobs. The salaries are too low to justify moving to Poland. There are certainly better opportunities elsewhere, and possibly better opportunities in Poland. If you can't find one at the moment, take advantage of the time to beef up your qualifications, and keep on looking.
OP Nanaosei  2 | 5  
11 Mar 2014 /  #10
thanks a lot guys.

I dont really care about the money much.
Actually I just want to go to more places and see more things.
I might stay and work in Poland for a while but sure not forever

The thing I want to know is. would this money be enough for a single guy like me to have a life there?
I mean I could share an apartment with someone else as long as I have my own room.
I can cook at home no problem.

The thing I care the most is. How much would it cost for a night to go out and have some beers in a cheap club or bar where students goes?And how much is a pack of cigarate? I do smoke. I hope its not that expensive like London.

Lets say I ll take the job in Lodz, I like the company more.

With 5000 PLZ maybe a little more, They did say there ll be some extra bonus as long as I do the job.
I did the the conculation. I ll get 3550PLZ. After the rent and everything lets say I ll have 2000PLZ per month for me on food and other things.

Would this be enough for me to have fun at least once per week?

DominicB  - | 2706  
11 Mar 2014 /  #11
How much would it cost for a night to go out and have some beers in a cheap club or bar where students goes?

A beer in a student bar costs about 5 to 7 PLN. Depends how much you drink, and how many drinks you buy. Can be a major expense.

And how much is a pack of cigarate?

12 to 15 PLN, depending on what you smoke. A one-pack a day habit will set you back 350 to 450 PLN a month, and is a major expense at the money you'll be earning.It would be a good idea to quit.

The thing I want to know is. would this money be enough for a single guy like me to have a life there?

As long as you stay single, and don't date, it adequate if all you want to do is "have fun" once a week. Definitely not the high-life, though.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
11 Mar 2014 /  #12
Poznań is considered more beautiful, richer than £ódź. The biggest differences are in salaries and rents. You can see it here:

£ódź is bigger and centrally located. Take a look at both cities in google street view.

Poznań went through big city renovation program, before hosting Euro 2012. Here you can see some promo videos:


£ódź on other hand wasn't hosting Euro and was much less renovated in last years. Big renovation program has just started there now.

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