How much would it cost for a night to go out and have some beers in a cheap club or bar where students goes?
A beer in a student bar costs about 5 to 7 PLN. Depends how much you drink, and how many drinks you buy. Can be a major expense.
And how much is a pack of cigarate?
12 to 15 PLN, depending on what you smoke. A one-pack a day habit will set you back 350 to 450 PLN a month, and is a major expense at the money you'll be earning.It would be a good idea to quit.
The thing I want to know is. would this money be enough for a single guy like me to have a life there?
As long as you stay single, and don't date, it adequate if all you want to do is "have fun" once a week. Definitely not the high-life, though.