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How much Poles earn compared to foreigners!

Ericlipis  4 | 26  
7 Nov 2008 /  #1
Dear Readers

I am currently an English teacher who lives and works (Legally) in Wroclaw Poland. I teach at some bigger companies which I will not mention by name! I happened to have a discussion with a group of mine the other day about how much people earn here in Poland. A (DOCTOR) who treats us and helps us feel better makes around 3,000 pln a month!! The average pay is around 2,000 pln a month! I would like to point out that at a few foreign companies here is how their employees from their countries are paid! A Japanese man for example will at his company be paid a salary of around 5000 pln a month plus they receive a company car, credit card (that the company pays not the individual.) These C.C's are used for such things as paying for (Bordellos, Casino's, Food and every day expenses from buying kids diapers to wives tampons!) Yet these companies refuse to pay their line workers more than 1,200 a month because they can not afford it? Come on People!! Can't afford it because they are busy paying for women to please their fellow country men? Busy to pay for an expensive night out at the casino for their fellow country men? Come on people this makes me sick to my stomach!Can anyone post some comments please as to what you are thinking?

davidpeake  14 | 451  
7 Nov 2008 /  #2

Welcome from another local Wroclaw guy. What is happening in Poland is no different to other big compaines around the world, its coming for the natives of the company to be paid quite well, while the workers get bugger all.

Asian companies are quite well known for this is the industry i work in, I have travelled many times to all the asian countries for work and this to them is normal, depending on your position within the company.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
7 Nov 2008 /  #3
hey eric,
look up the word "tact" (although ironic coming from me)
then please learn how to spell "forginers"
lastly, please work on your delivery so this becomes a compelling topic and not just an opportunity to look at what another "dumb english teacher" has written on this forum.

OP Ericlipis  4 | 26  
7 Nov 2008 /  #4
Look up the word "Ignorant" Please explain to me how you have the balls to call someone dumb! This is a post to actually get Poles fired up about earning more money not to try and insult the person writing the topic!
7 Nov 2008 /  #5
Although the perks seem quite good 5000 ZL a month for a professional expat who relocated here with a company is absolute crap money. 15000 a month is more like it.

Also entertaining visiting businessmen in this fashion is a Japanese norm.

I also agree that Poles are not paid what they are worth.
davidpeake  14 | 451  
7 Nov 2008 /  #6
15000 a month is more like it.

I agree, 15000 is more like the pay for a expat professional.
OP Ericlipis  4 | 26  
7 Nov 2008 /  #7
I am not 100% on how much they are paid but they are engineers. The Poles doing the same job are not treated remotely near, how they are treated! I would like to point out I just threw out a number too.
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Nov 2008 /  #8
Go and fek the Japanese.Teach them some polish penis.
Gab  - | 133  
7 Nov 2008 /  #9
Doctors in Poland are constantly underpaid (from the public sector) and so are nurses. It's an outrage. I have a few friends in Poland who are doctors and some of them have a gross salary around PLN 1700. They have to put extra hours to be able to survive and provide for their families.

The ones working for private clinics (sometimes it is their second job) are sitting pretty well though.

My dentist friends are making very good money.

Poland's health care system is on the verge of bankruptcy. I was making much more than my peers who were doctors, and my job wasn't saving the lives of others.

I agree, it's sickening. That's why a lot of good doctors and nurses left the country and moved to the British Isles, as a result of which there is a shortage of specialists in Poland. Quite ironic, ain't it?
gtd  3 | 639  
7 Nov 2008 /  #10
Doctors in Poland are constantly underpaid (from the public sector) and so are nurses.

Yet they still manage to do a better job than in the USA where everyone is paid VERY well. I'd trust a Polish doc more any day.
Gab  - | 133  
7 Nov 2008 /  #11
I agree :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Nov 2008 /  #12
A (DOCTOR) who treats us and helps us feel better makes around 3,000 pln a month!!

Nonsense, just like most of your posts on these forums.
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
23 Nov 2008 /  #13
Eric me ol mukka, youre obviously a newcomer to Poland as you seem to think these people were telling you the truth. And remember that whatever picture is painted, the Poles will always paint themselves as hard done by
Seanus  15 | 19668  
23 Nov 2008 /  #14
3000PLN in hand is not that good for doctors here. The hard done by attitude is prevalent, stemming from a skewed sense of pride. There are many such self-piteous types in Scotland too.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Nov 2008 /  #15
3000PLN in hand is not that good for doctors here.

Show me a doctor, who makes 3k... Generally doctors (I mean normal doctors, not people one year after the medical academy but not the top class specialists either) make here 6-10k a month, which compared to the average salary here is similar ratio as the salaries of doctors in the west.

And I'm surprised that anyone moved here from Japan to make 5k, is that at least Japanese minimal salary ?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
23 Nov 2008 /  #16
It depends if they are public or private doctors. Are you factoring in back-handed payments?

Japanese salaries are higher but their cost of living is MUCH higher than here.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Nov 2008 /  #17
It depends if they are public or private doctors.

Not so much anymore and people in the health care often work in both public and private sector.

Japanese salaries are higher but their cost of living is MUCH higher than here.

Maybe 10 years ago, now there's no country in the world with really much higher cost of living than in Poland.
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
23 Nov 2008 /  #18
now there's no country in the world with really much higher cost of living than in Poland.

You might want to rephrase that G before people laugh at you
Seanus  15 | 19668  
23 Nov 2008 /  #19
Have you ever lived in Japan? I'll give you a chance to rephrase what you said, as my friend recommended, to spare your blushes. Shall I start with the price of fruit?

Greg, some may work in both but the disparity is still large

Or are we gonna finally see some truth coming out? That the przeciętny (standard) Polak really earns around 2,500 PLN before tax.

Shall I book you a trip to Norway or Sweden, how about Denmark?

But I do welcome humour, so thank you for that :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Nov 2008 /  #20
Shall I start with the price of fruit?

If you add at least 30-40 other products and services from different groups then why not.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
23 Nov 2008 /  #21
How about a free WizzAir ticket to Malmo in February? Oh, but I won't be paying for the beer at around 35-40zł equivalent. I'll stick with my Żubr at 3.35PLN for 660ml's.

Greg, I lived in Japan and inflation has gone up since I lived there a few years ago. Poland is much cheaper, trust me. Just ask yourself, more expensive for who? W dupie był, gówno wiedział

My student, who is Polish, was SHOCKED at the cost of living in Denmark. You need to stop these comparisons to African countries and Baltic states.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
23 Nov 2008 /  #22
Sheep, have mercy for yourself. You are picking up selected products from other countries, where they are unusually expensive because of policy of governments over there, which shows how crappy your arguments are. Cost of living in Poland is lower than in western countries If you compare desperately trying to survive kind of people and their expenses. If you want to talk about middle class people and typical spendings in that group then the cost of living here is generally similar (some things are cheaper, many are more expensive) so spare us opinions of some Polish kids.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
23 Nov 2008 /  #23
How crappy my arguments are, Greg? Facts are facts. Regardless of what 'policies' are put into place, the goods ARE more expensive in many other countries. The cost of living IS higher in many other countries, period!!

Greg, now I know why you stick to 5-letter posts, because when you go beyond 'true!', 'yawn!' or 'aha!!', you are stuck.

Which was my point Greg, it depends who. Now, overall, OBJECTIVELY, countries like Japan and the Scandinavian countries have a higher cost of living. The Scandinavian countries have standard tax at 40% AND prices are higher.

Selected products Greg? Pretty much across the board really. OK, keep trying to visit that elusive 16th voivodship in Poland. It may confirm what others in the other 15 have told you. Not an international perspective.

I thought it was funny too. Oh, I forgot to add 'LOL' to your list of 'pass comments'.
14 Feb 2009 /  #24
I agree, 15000 is more like the pay for a expat professional.

15k zloty's a month? come on, I live and work in London (which is consider khe,khe the capital of the world) and I earn about 8500 zloty's /mth (after tax) and I am an IT specialist (2 yrs exp.). What are your qualifications?

Yes, I just revealed my current earning. LOL

Seanus  15 | 19668  
14 Feb 2009 /  #25
this title should explain a few things.

It depends
welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
14 Feb 2009 /  #26
My wife is the Director of the North of Poland for a German shippig company and she tells me that French and German companies dont trust Poles to be top Drectors. Her boss who is the director for Poland is German, the bord of Directors for Poland of TPSA are all French, The directors for Poland of the shipping companies are Danish, German etc. Thez have to pay these people more then they would pay a Pole to get them to stay here.
14 Feb 2009 /  #27
How about a free WizzAir ticket to Malmo in February? Oh, but I won't be paying for the beer at around 35-40zł equivalent. I'll stick with my Żubr at 3.35PLN for 660ml's.

Greg, I lived in Japan and inflation has gone up since I lived there a few years ago. Poland is much cheaper, trust me. Just ask yourself, more expensive for who? W dupie był, gówno wiedział

My student, who is Polish, was SHOCKED at the cost of living in Denmark. You need to stop these comparisons to African countries and Baltic states.

cost (p/w) of one bedroom flat in a decent (Hammersmith) area: gumtree.com/london/26/32381626.html

cost (p/w) of one bedroom flat in a North Wembley area: gumtree.com/london/06/29890706.html
Seanus  15 | 19668  
14 Feb 2009 /  #28
Exactly, 310 quid a week is shocking. That's 1240 a month, hell no. 500 is more than enough to pay, especially for a 1-bedroom place.

In conversion terms, I pay 150 pounds a month for my nice flat in Poland. More like 230 in real terms but still cheap.
time means  5 | 1309  
14 Feb 2009 /  #29

thats london for you,

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