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Italian girl moving to Poland, where I can ask for a job?

3 Mar 2006 /  #1
Hi.. i am an italian girl and i would like to move to Warszawa (September or October)
Can you tell me any website or a place where i can ask/look for a job?
4 Mar 2006 /  #2
I guess you'll have a problem to find a good job -- unless you are good at something - maybe you could teach Italian? If you speak Polish, you'll be fine though.
5 Mar 2006 /  #3
Its not the best time to be looking for a job in poland right now, but the best luck to you.
10 Mar 2006 /  #4
jobpilot.pl worked very well for me:)
22 Mar 2006 /  #5
In my point of view, better will be leave Poland and settle down and stay in any different country but never ever in postcommunist East - European. Every citizen of that kind of places know what I mean.
22 Mar 2006 /  #6
never ever in postcommunist East - European

The only problem I know of is high unemployment, other then that Poland is not a typical post-communist country. It is way ahead of itself. You can't change the past, but the presence speaks for itself.

As far as I know part of Russia is considered to be part of Europe, and so Poland becomes a Central-European country, not Eastern.

I'm sure that there are many cases in which moving to Poland is a lucrative deal.
22 Mar 2006 /  #7
I'm sure that there are many cases in which moving to Poland is a lucrative deal.

Yeah, the only problem is money (as always :).
OP W-wa  
24 Mar 2006 /  #8
eh... i would really love to live in Poland for 1 year....... but i am thinking to move in another country then cause i can't live in another country without a work. I don't know what to do, but probably i should stop to dream to live there.

Quoting: Guest
I'm sure that there are many cases in which moving to Poland is a lucrative deal.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------

I want to move there cause i love that country. I am 19 y old and i don't have any lucrative deal. Sure i could get more money where i live now than there, but i still want to live there.
24 Mar 2006 /  #9
You can find work anywhere if you really want to. Knowing two languages well is a good start; just focus on what you really like and how to mix business with pleasure :)
OP W-wa  
24 Mar 2006 /  #10
It is not so easy as you say.. :) (in Poland)
24 Mar 2006 /  #11
W-wa, you're wrong -- it's actually easier in Poland to find a good job than in the US. The reason is simple - many Poles who have never been abroad don't value the job as people from the Western cultures. Just be good and commited and you'll succeed.
OP W-wa  
24 Mar 2006 /  #12
Well the USA is the place where i would love to live, but before, 1 year in Poland !! :)
I don't know which work i can do there (in PL) knowing polish just a little (above all writing and reading, i would need time to learn to listen and talk but not so much), italian is my mother language and i speak english too but not so well..
25 Mar 2006 /  #13
Why would you like to live for 1 year in Poland? I hope you don't want to have a baby with a Polish girl and then leave her.. :}
26 Mar 2006 /  #14

You should look up language schools and teach Italian.

Judging by your post your English is good, which should help.

You might be better off going to Krakow rather than Warszawa

Regards S.
26 Mar 2006 /  #15
Hi W-wa. If you are nice and good looking I could adopt you for a year :)

Seriously there are many Italian companies in Poland, so maybe there you could find something. Unemployment is a very serious problem in Poland, but rather in rural areas and small towns, not in Warsaw. You should try to find a find a job before you decide to live there.

BTW what is the reason of "I would really love to live in Poland" ? Are you half-Polish or something ?
OP W-wa  
27 Mar 2006 /  #16
Thanks S., someone told me about this, to teach italian, but i think i should have some diploma of teaching or something else..

Guest: Haha :P :]
Yeah you're right about italian companies, i didn't think about this.. i can try..

-BTW what is the reason of "I would really love to live in Poland" ? Are you half-Polish or something ?-

My God ! :) Every time i write about this, or someone read on my chat profile "polish" in my languages, they have to ask if i am polish..

On SkyPe i wrote 4 languages, and Polish is the hardest, so people think i am polish, they can't think i could learn it, it is hard, so i have to know it because i am polish. I CAN understand this. I know world is not full of persons in love for Poland and above all for polish language, but... i am one of those ! Ok ? :] I don't have a polish family but i feel polish anyway, can I? :]
27 Mar 2006 /  #17

State schools and private schools are different things. You should be able to teach Italian at a higher level, which means the class will already understand you.

All you have to do is e-mail some private schools, tell them what you can do and wait for a reply. They can either say yes or no. If you don't ask you will never know.

You could also give private lessons from home or visit clients. That's what students do [here] to make extra cash.

Regards S
OP W-wa  
27 Mar 2006 /  #18
Thank You S. !! :]
1 Apr 2006 /  #19
"I don't have a polish family but i feel polish anyway, can I? :]"

OK. You've got my permission.
1 Apr 2006 /  #20
comment for w-wa, I am too going to live in Poland, i will be going to Warsaw, same mission as you, so if you want to get in touch, lets, im not sure how it works on these forums to share email on the entire forum is probably not a good idea, but i have some websites that maybe i can share with everyone? If they are interested?
1 Jun 2006 /  #21
The greatest resource postcommunist Poland has are it's young people. Poland may be shedding it's communist ways slowly. While the rest of the world is embracing Socialism, and Liberalism.
1 Jun 2006 /  #22
I want to move there cause i love that country. I am 19 y old and i don't have any lucrative deal. Sure i could get more money where i live now than there, but i still want to live there.

The unemploument rate in Warsaw is around 5% so you aren`t going to have difficoulties in finding a job.
1 Jun 2006 /  #23
The greatest resource postcommunist Poland has are it's young people. Poland may be shedding it's communist ways slowly. While the rest of the world is embracing Socialism, and Liberalism.

Migh I remind you that most of the yought in the former Eastern block dosn`t even remember communism...
1 Jun 2006 /  #24
Don't do that! The higher and higher gas prices are gonna kill you!

Don't you have a clue? Have you seen the gas prices in Europe?

oh Boga...
bossie  1 | 123  
11 Jun 2006 /  #25
Hey W-Wa,

if I were you, I'd make a quick teaching course in whatever school (even little) and apply for a teaching job. Get yourself a book on teaching, learn some classroom techniques and apply. You can get a well- or reasonably-paid job in private or language schools, at universities (native speakers are a necessity there) or you can try to give private classes, just advertise yourself on the internet.

It would be a good idea to make friends with some Polish, through internet or over there, in Italy (there are many). Then they'll give you advice on job search websites, cities you may go to (Warsaw is not the only option and remember that in other places there is less competition) ect.

The best of luck!
12 Jun 2006 /  #26
Thank you bossie, i dont think to be able to teach... i understand about the course but... dont know... i dont think i could.. and i am only 20. Anyway i have polish friends of course, no one here in italy. And yes, i know there are many cities where i could go, but if i have choosen Warszawa it is cause i love THAT city :] I wouldn't like to live in Kraków for example.. I KNOW, most of you would disagree.

Bah, i really think i cant live there.... it's one of my dreams living there 1 year... but i dont think i can do this. Probably i have to change my plans... :[
14 Jun 2006 /  #27
just go for it girl. My plans is also to live in Poland, but in Kraków. I think that city would also be better for you, for me there is a better atmosphere there !
bossie  1 | 123  
14 Jun 2006 /  #28

I see you know exactly what you want, or at least where to go. Go for it then! The more determination you have, the more chances to acheve your goals.

Decide what you want to do for living during your stay there, find some accommodation, even temporary, and go! Just make sure you won't need any silly permits to work ect.

Good luck!

14 Jun 2006 /  #29
Wlazski, thank you, but i know what is better for me... Kraków is not for me.. it's a nice old city, but i love big and modern cities... So the most modern one of Poland is Warszawa i think, and i just love it :)

Bossie, Yeah, i know what i want and where i want to go, this is not the problem...
I thought about going there and then look for work, i mean, staying there like 2 months, and then, if i have no work, of course i have to go back.. cause i need work/money to live.

But i know, i dont have many possibilities to find that work, so i wonder why i should go there without be sure, spend all my money to live there some months without a work.. (money that i am trying to make now, working, just to go there) and then start to work again in my country to have again money to go elsewhere.. I think i need to be more sure before to move there..
15 Jun 2006 /  #30
Isn't it hard to get a place in Warszawa ?? I always heard that Warszawa is a closed city..

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