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Are there any of you here that only work in English at your jobs in Poland?

Woodson  1 | 9  
16 Jul 2009 /  #1
Are there any of you here that actually only work in English at your jobs in Poland?
But not as a teacher

If so, what company do you work for?
mafketis  38 | 11288  
17 Jul 2009 /  #2
AFAICT the general rule is that monoglot English speakers are assigned to Poland by their companies. English speakers who arrive here on their own are not necessarily in demand unless they speak Polish as well. I don't know of any company has ever successfully implemented an English only policy for Polish employees (and I've known of a couple that tried and failed) and an English only speaker is generally going to be a burden rather than an asset.

FWIW I work as as a teacher but also need Polish to function in my workplace (which teaches a number of languages).
cjj  - | 281  
17 Jul 2009 /  #3
I do.
I work as a software team-leader for an IT company - English was a major communication language even before I turned up (all our project documentation is in English).

Archives - 2005-2009 / Work / Are there any of you here that only work in English at your jobs in Poland?Archived