21 Jun 2007 / #1
This is my first post here so I'd like to say hello to everyone.
I've been living in the United States for 16 years, and recently I've been contemplating moving to Europe, being Polish-born I'm interested in living there for a while, I'm Fluent in Polish as well as English(Unless I told an American I spoke Polish he would have never guessed I was foreign born, as I have no accent) And Vice-versa for a Polish person. I have a Culinary-Art's degree from le-cordon bleu and Currently work as a Chef. I was wondering what sort of opportunities I would have of work in Poland? Honestly, I"m tired of working in kitchens and I'd like it to not involve them, but I'm willing to use my skills as a means to an end, if all else fails. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I Forgot to mention that I have a "Permanent Residency" Card in the United States, would I have any problems moving back after 2-3 years?
I've been living in the United States for 16 years, and recently I've been contemplating moving to Europe, being Polish-born I'm interested in living there for a while, I'm Fluent in Polish as well as English(Unless I told an American I spoke Polish he would have never guessed I was foreign born, as I have no accent) And Vice-versa for a Polish person. I have a Culinary-Art's degree from le-cordon bleu and Currently work as a Chef. I was wondering what sort of opportunities I would have of work in Poland? Honestly, I"m tired of working in kitchens and I'd like it to not involve them, but I'm willing to use my skills as a means to an end, if all else fails. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I Forgot to mention that I have a "Permanent Residency" Card in the United States, would I have any problems moving back after 2-3 years?